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93.43% Bleach: Another Story / Chapter 185: Stagnating Evolution

Chapter 185: Stagnating Evolution

"Gerard Valkyrie. You have no chance of winning. Miracles cannot make you win against The Almighty." Ichigo smirked at him.

" Miracles are god given. Are you a God?" Gerard asked him.

" Not yet, Gerard! But with your help, I will become one! " Ichigo declared. Gerard laughed.

" I think I'd rather die!" Gerard shouted. Ichigo narrowed his eyes.

" Fine then! I guess you will be the test subject of my abilities!" Ichigo shouted back. He raised his left hand before shooting out nerves from his fingers.

The nerves extended to Gerard's gigantic arm. Gerard's arm started warping uncontrollably. Gerard growled angrily., he cut his hand off his Hoffnung.

The arm was reduced to a pond sized puddle of blood on the ground. Gerard growled as his arm regenerated instantly.

Ichigo didn't stop his relentless attacks. He appeared standing in front of Gerard's feet. He picked them up easily and threw him up at the sky.

Gerard immediately sprouted a large pair of gold-colored wings, which also forms an aura of energy around Hoffnung.

Gerard stopped flying and floated in the sky. Ichigo who had unsheathed his blade previously when he revealed Mimihagi to Pernida, unsheathed them again.

"I normally never use this against anyone. But against you, I'll have to. " Ichigo's body glowed brightly. He glared at Gerard who was looking on in shock.



Ichigo fired out a large, cross-shaped blast of energy who didn't even had time to dodge. His body was split into pieces.

Gerard's giant body was falling down when suddenly his blood formed a red Quincy Zeichen in the air.

His split up body fused together once more, resulting in Gerard activating his Quincy: Vollständig, Aschetonig. In this form, Gerard gains a Norse Reishi helmet, a star extending over the edges of his shield, and thick patterns covering his arms and legs as the star on the hilt of Hoffnung turns white. His wings were gone.

He pointed Hoffnung at him. He fired a golden energy blast at him. Ichigo looked on with a stoic face expression.


The energy blast which was powerful enough to level entire city blocks, hit Ichigo straight up.

The smoke was blasted away, revealing Ichigo who was in a stance. There was a bright blue energy orb charging up at the tips of his horns.

Ichigo raised one of his glowing claymores.



A massive violet slashing attack zoomed towards Gerard. It cut him in half and still continued on its way.


The attack which was powerful enough to wound a Soul King-empowered Yhwach in another alternate universe but was 1000x more powerful in this universe we're, exploded in the air.

Everyone was able to feel the explosion. The ground rocked violently. It was more potent than a Magnitude 9 earthquake.

The ground had large fissures everywhere. The buildings were erased into rubble from the shockwaves created by the explosion. Gerard? Gerard was on the ground which pieces of him lying around everywhere. He too was affected by the shockwave of the explosion.

Ichigo looked at him emotionlessly. " Give up, Gerard Valkyrie! I do not want to consume you! I only want the Soul King's heart that resides in you! " Ichigo told him loudly.

" Warriors do not simply give up, they fight till the death...." Gerard whispered. Ichigo narrowed his eyes. Gerard looked up with a grin.

" So I'm sorry for not surrendering. Because I must remain true to my code of honor. Fight me.... Kurosaki Ichigo." Gerard explained. Ichigo nodded.

" You are a very respectable and honorable warrior, Gerard Valkyrie. And that is why I will honor your wish. " Ichigo raised his blades. Gerard closed his eyes as he recreated his entire body, but unlike his initial form, he now has a face resembling a knight's helmet and two spikes on his shoulders.

He seems to be devoid of clothing, and has golden energy patterns on his shoulders and waist.

"WRROOOAAAARRRRR!!!!!!" Gerard roared full of battle intent. Ichigo smirked. Gerard swiped his right hand at him.

Ichigo raised his left blade to block it, but he was sent flying back by the attack. Ichigo smirked.

" RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! "Gerard roared again and tried to slam his glowing left hand down onto Ichigo.

Ichigo grinned at him. He raised up his blades high.


Ichigo grunted as his hand slammed into him. He was floating, but the ground below him had a massive crater in it.

"Now Mimi!!!" Ichigo shouted.

A black tint suddenly covered Gerard entirely. The mouth of Ichigo's right palm opened wide.

It began sucking Gerard. Gerard offered no resistance, he was sucked into the mouth. The mouth grinned and licked his lips.

All that was left of Gerard was his body which returned to it's original human sized state.

Gerard slammed into the ground, cratering it. Ichigo entered his inner world immediately.

He was met by Zangetsu who grinned at him.

"Ya did it, King. You did it." Zangetsu told him and patted his back energetically. Ichigo smiled at him.

He looked at what was in front of him. It was Mimihagi and Pernida who was on a large stone made pedestal.

Suddenly, a new pedestal appeared beside the two brothers. It was a beating heart. It was large heart that was as big as Mimihagi.

It has a large pupil-less eye in the center of it. That eye looked like Gerard's eyes. It was beating, like a heart would. The heart laid it's eyes at Ichigo.

"Do you have a name?" Ichigo asked him. The heart closed its only eye.

"I have no name. But I would like to be called Gerard Valkyrie, if you can make it possible." The heart explained. Ichigo nodded and smiled.

" Of course I can, Gerard." Ichigo replied.

"Thank you. I will begin fusing with you now. Please wait patiently." Gerard told him. Ichigo was surprised that Gerard was accepting the cause but he shrugged. Perhaps Mimihagi and Pernida had talked to him before he entered his inner world.

Ichigo returned back to the real world. Only a few seconds have passed. He walked towards Gerard who was facing the sky and coughing out blood violently.

Gerard looked at him.

"Gerard Valkyrie. You fought well and honorably. I will have to kill you now. " Ichigo muttered and raised the claymore on his right hand.

Gerard chuckled. " Thank you..... Kurosaki Ichigo. Perhaps we could meet again someday.... " Gerard muttered. Ichigo smiled.

" Valhalla is waiting, Gerard. Your journey begins here. See you on the other side. " Ichigo bid jim farewell. Gerard smiled and closed his eyes, feeling in peace.


Ichigo stabbed Gerard through the chest, effectively killing him. He pulled out the blade and clean it off the blood with one swipe at the air.

He found Hoffnung and a shield. Both were Gerard's weapons. He put them on Gerard's chest, making him hold it with both of his hands on the weapons.

He raised his right hand. A blue flame was generated on his palm. He set the dead Gerard on fire, cremating him and his weapons.

Ichigo stared at the burning flames with a stoic face. He grabbed his walkie talkie and put it near his face.

"If you see a blue flame burning something, don't try to put it out." Ichigo muttered. He got no reply. He put away the walkie talkie and kept staring at the flames.

[Fusion Process With Gerard Valkyrie: 100%]

Ichigo had a bright golden glow covering the area where his heart was. He felt strong heartbeats immediately after.

A pupil-less eye open on top of where his heart was located. It looked around. 'Can you remove the clothes. It's limiting my vision. ' Gerard's stern voice rang in his mind. Ichigo did just that, he took off his white shihakushō, showing the eye fully.

He took his haori and let it draped over his back.

[Skills gained!

The Miracle: Lvl Max

The power to manifest 'miracles' upon oneself by giving form to the thoughts, feelings, and desires of oneself and those around them. The more improbable a specific event is, the more likely The Miracle can make said event actually occur.]

[Probability Manipulation: Lvl Max

Whenever you are up against nigh-impossible odds (e.g. in battle), The Miracle allows you to succeed anyway regardless of his normal chances.]

[Damage Empowerment: Lvl Max

By focusing on people's 'fear' of being unable to destroy him, you can covert any physical damage wrought upon you, lethal included, into increases of his size and might (including strength, durability, and speed).

If you lose a limb, it will automatically reform in a flash of light with visible veins, yet stronger than before.]

[Hope Infusing: Lvl Max

Using The Miracle, you can manifest the 'hopes' of his allies into your Zanpakutō s. By doing this, your Zanpakutōs becomes nigh-unbreakable and reflects any damage it does take back onto the attacker.]

[Wings: Lvl Max

If you need to fly, you can sprout a large pair of gold-colored wings, which also forms an aura of energy around your claymores.]

Ichigo was smirking widely. "Thank you, Gerard." Ichigo whispered. He then felt something which made him look up.

"It's going to start. I have to go there now...

To be continued...

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