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The Bounts Who Died

"Remember, Orihime. We have to do this quickly, we need to take out as many Bounts as possible and rescue Uryū. We'll also take two of the Bounts back." Ichigo explained. They were currently running up the stairs and to the room where Uryū is being held hostage.

"Like those viking raiders?" Orihime asked him. Ichigo nodded.

"Yes, exactly like those viking raiders." Ichigo agreed. They arrived in front of a giant wooden double door. Behind it, Uryū and the group of Bounts.

Ichigo looked at Orihime. "Are you ready?" Ichigo asked the orange haired beauty. Orihime nodded.

"Ready as I can ever be, Ichigo." Orihime answered seriously. Ichigo nodded and raised his hand.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Housekeeping!!" Ichigo shouted and raised his right foot.


Ichigo kicked down the double door. The double door broke down easily and blasted towards the group of Bounts.

It caused a giant ruckus in the room. Orihime immediately went into action and punched an old man straight in the face.

That man's name was Sawatari and he resembles an old man but he is actually far younger than his outward appearance would suggest because he has been consuming living souls for ages, causing him to age.

Sawatari's neck twisted violently. Orihime showed no mercy in pulling back her punches. He dropped to the ground and died on the spot.

Ichigo appeared in front of two young men. Their names were Hō and Ban.

They have raven-black hair, fair skin, and narrow maroon eyes. Both wear an orange shirt underneath a mostly-zipped-up brown sweater emblazoned on each side of the chest area with an inward-facing darker brown half-circle terminating in a thick black line with a black dot in the middle of the brown section, as well as baggy dark gray shorts with rolled-up legs.

Ichigo grabbed Hō and threw him away. He slammed into a wall. He then looked at Ban and grabbed his head.


Ichigo pulled his head off his neck. It was as easy as the ABCs. He threw Ban's head away and it stopped in front of Hō. Hō had a horrified face.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" He screamed in pure horror. Ichigo arrived in front of him and grabbed his neck.


The screaming stopped and Hō slumped over not responding. Ichigo had cracked his neck.

"Hoe..." Ichigo grumbled and let him drop to the ground. He turned to look at the rest of the Bounts.

"Where would you like me to clean up first?" Ichigo asked them while grinning like a pyschopath.


A young, slim-built man with icy blue eyes, screamed in anger. This man is Cain, he is another Bount. He glared at Orihime, rage clear in his eyes.

He rushed towards the oranged haired beauty. Orihime looked at him and assumed a battle stance.

He arrived in front of her and attacked her with his right fist. Orihime remained calm.

"Shiten Kōshun, I reject!" Orihime chanted. She summoned Hinagiku, Lily, Baigon, and Tsubaki.

Lily and Baigon appeared in front of Orihime and created a rectangular shield to block Cain's attack.


Cain's chest was engulfed by an orange beam. When the beam dispersed, it revealed that his chest had a massive hole.

Cain dropped onto his knees and proceeded to faceplant on the ground, dying on the spot.

The rectangular shield disappeared and the hairpins returned to Orihime's hands. They slowly walked towards the remaining Bounts.

Jin Kariya, the leader of the remaining Bounts stood up from his throne-like chair.

Kariya is a tall, fair-skinned man with a lithe but muscular body.

He has crimson eyes with thick black eyebrows that sharply arch upward as they progress outward from his brow with pointed tips that extend off of his face, a flat mouth, and a thin vertical scar on the left side of his chin that widens near the bottom, as well as white hair that is both shaggy and neatly cropped short as it flares upward and outward, with a horn-like tip sticking out on either side of his head.

He looked unaffected by his comrades deaths, matter of fact he didn't even care at all.

All he cared about was killing the two humans that dared to thwart his grand plan. Ichigo looked at Orihime.

"Get Uryū and get away from this place. Leave the rest to me." Ichigo commanded. Orihime nodded. But before she could get to Uryū, a tall, muscular, and stockily built man with orange-brown skin stood in front of her. That man was Gō Koga, a Bount.

Ichigo arrived in front of Orihime "Go. I'll deal with him." Ichigo muttered. Orihime nodded and used Shunpo and arrived beside Uryū.

He picked him up while wrapping his right arm around her shoulders. She wrapped her left arm around his waist and proceeded to support him while they exited the room.

'He's one of the good ones. I'm not killing him. ' Ichigo decided immediately when he glanced at Koga. Just as Koga was about to summon his doll to fight Ichigo, Ichigo put an end to that Immediately by appearing behind him and knocking him out with a hard chop to the neck.

Koga fell to the ground. Kariya narrowed his eyes. 'Why didn't he kill him? ' He asked himself while observing Ichigo's movements.

Ichigo used Sonído and disappeared from their view. Suddenly, Yoshino and another Bount woman fell down to the ground unconscious. Ichigo picked them and Koga up and disappeared once more. He appeared outside of the room and set them down gently.

He appeared in front of Kariya who was seething profusely. "Game over, Kariya. You're not gonna invade Soul Society anytime soon." Ichigo told him. Kariya widened his eyes in shock.

"What... How do you know of my plan?" Kariya asked him. Ichigo smirked.

"It's simple really. Your now ex-wife is a very great informant." Ichigo grinned broadly at him. He unstrapped his claymores.

"Who are you! " Kariya demanded an answer. Ichigo stared at him while gripping his claymores tightly.

" Kurosaki Ichigo, 4th seat of the 1st Division of the Gotei 13. It's a pleasure to kill you, Jin Kariya. " Ichigo introduced himself like a gentleman. Kariya stepped back. He was sweating bullets.

'What kind of monster is he!? Why do I feel so scared!' Kariya gripped his fists tightly. He summoned Messer, his doll.

It took the form of a large, metallic pata sword hilt encasing Kariya's right hand and partially resembling the Bount emblem. Kariya assumed a battle stance and appeared in front of Ichigo.

A sword fight ensued with Ichigo dominating Kariya easily. Kariya's blade suddenly turned into a pointed blade of wind.

They clashed their swords, creating a giant shockwave that shook the whole mansion.

Ichigo pushed Kariya's wind blade back.

Kariya created a giant barrier of wind surrounding him. Ichigo jumped away.

Kariya then fired a strong and slim condensed blast of wind at Ichigo. Ichigo stared at it not moving an inch from his spot.


The blast of wind blew up engulfing the room in a cloud of smoke. The smoke was immediately cleared out with one swipe by an uninjured Ichigo. He stared at Kariya whose eyes were widening in shock.

"My turn." Ichigo muttered and stabbed his blades through the wooden floor. He took a deep breath in.


Ichigo blew out a giant sea of orange flames at Kariya. The room immediately caught on fire, the windows broke and the house caught on fire.

Kariya stared at the flames which were quickly rushing towards him. He tried to break down the wall behind him to escape the room but it was already too late.

Kariya was engulfed in a giant sea of flames, never to be seen again. At this point the fire already caused the whole mansion to catch on fire.

The ceiling fell down and was about to slammed into Ichigo. Ichigo picked up his blades and jumped away in time.

He quickly picked up the unconscious Yoshino, Koga and the other Bount whose name was Yoshi (I'm serious) and escaped the mansion with Sonído.

He arrived beside Orihime who was staring at the flaming house. "Orihime. It's time to go, it's gonna blow!" Ichigo snapped her out of it. Orihime nodded and they quickly got away from the scene with a couple of Sonídos and Shunpos.


The mansion which was already covered in flames blew up, destroying everything. When the smoke created by the explosion disappeared, it revealed the mansion that was in ashes.

Ichigo and Orihime arrived in front of the Urahara Shop. "Housekeeping!!" Ichigo shouted while carrying three bodies on him. Urahara immediately opened the sliding door and stepped to the side, letting Ichigo and Orihime in.

Yoruichi who had a mountain of large bowls around her and was in the middle of eating a giant bowl of rice noodles, stared at the two in curiosity.

She looked at Kisuke who shrugged, it seems that they weren't informed about the raid. Once Ichigo set down the unconscious bodies he was carrying. He helped Orihime get Uryū to a futon.

"Sleep you Quincy bastard." Ichigo ordered before exiting the room Uryū was sleeping in.

After that, he and Orihime gathered around Urahara and Yoruichi. Yoruichi looked at Ichigo with a confused look on her face.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on right now?"

To be continued....

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