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26.31% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 5: The End of Asgard

Chapter 5: The End of Asgard

On the way to the Throne room, Sakura had found Loki and followed him inside giggling to herself. By now only the citizens of Asgard were unaware of Odin's disappearance, so he was free to roam without illusions. He stopped and had turned to face her looking at some device she had found. He rolled his eyes before he spoke.

"Where did you get that?"

"I wanted to see what you did in New York, and of course to see the Earth I was born too. On this electronic device, I have the footage of you at the big building where Thor usually visits frequently."

"What? You went to Earth without my permission. You could have been killed or taken."

"But you see I wasn't..." Sakura laughed.

"What footage are you talking about?"

"Here." She said laughing.

She handed Loki the device playing a clip of within the building all those years ago. He widened his eyes at the sight of his horrific mistake yelling at the Hulk. His body was bashed into the solid floor over and over again. Loki flinched each time throwing the device on the ground and smashing it.

"Oh, but you missed the best part. You could hear yourself moaning in pain at the end."

"Not funny." He said walking away from her, "Don't go back there without my permission."

"Fine," Sakura said sticking her tongue out at him.

"You are just asking for it," Loki said smiling as he turned around.

"I'm not doing anything."

"I will fuck your brains out tonight, and lock you in our room to fuck you the next night as punishment."

"I don't see how that's punishment." Sakura giggled following him.

He sat at the throne watching Sakura walk up the long set of stairs behind him. He laughed raising his hand to her to stop where she stood. Loki proceeded to stand back up holding his Father's spear and pointing his finger down making a circular motion.

"Are you joking?" Sakura sighed.

"Come on I haven't gotten the chance to see your new armor. I love how similar it looks to mine, but fit for a beautiful Queen."

"Your lying to me. I know you've seen it you would like for me to turn in a circle for you. Weirdo!" Sakura laughed.

"What would you like in return?" Loki asked.

"I would like to be able to teach Asgardian willing to learn Sorcery and have the Healers Including myself to teach more who are willing to help the injured. We need more Healers here and on the battlefield, and we don't have that many who are taught in the way of your mother's skills. I want her skills to live on forever."

"That's very kind of you. I'll consider your request."

"Really? Say yes. It's not hard."

"Turn in a circle, but slowly."

Sakura sighed rolling her eyes. She turned in a circle slowly to his pleasing then sexually walked up the stairs to wrap her arms around his neck. He kissed her gently trying to reach under her skirt. She pushed his arm back down and looked to the guards.

"Patience is key, my King."

"I've been King for a few years now. When will the day come you will have my children?"

"When the world is not in chaos around us then I will consider it," Sakura said as she had sat on his lap.

"I've been busy what the other realms do is not my concern."

"Loki you are King. Everything the Nine realms do is your concern. You're like a cat with your nine lives and never facing danger unless you have too. You can't run away like a coward every time you are at a disadvantage."

"I'm going to sit here and pretend you never said that."

"If you want a child so bad I'll give it to you. Right here. Right now." Sakura said crawling over his body, "You are my King after all. I'll please you in ways you've never thought possible."

Speechless his heartbeat sped up and his manhood lifted in excitement. He held her tightly over his body as she nibbled and moved her tongue around his neck. Loki's hand slowly went up her skirt to feel the warm wet pleasure he'd been waiting for years. A warrior quickly rushed in unexpectedly causing them to panic. Sakura stood up from the throne as did Loki clearing his throat out of embarrassment.

"I wish I didn't see that." The warrior said as he moved his eyes down towards Loki's bulge, "Or that..."

"Then don't look at it," Loki complained covering it with his hands.

"What do you want?" Sakura asked as she walked directly in front of Loki to cover him.

"A prisoner escaped."

"How is that possible those barriers are impenetrable?" Sakura asked.

"Our guards did not thoroughly check his body for weapons. It turns out he had a small knife on him, and now he's loose in the Palace somewhere."

"I'll take care of this myself," Sakura said marching out agitated.

"Your wife is the most frightening Queen I have ever met."

"You have no idea," Loki responded.

The guards bowed to the Queen as she approached holding her long gold spear. In front of the crowd, she noticed the prisoner. Screaming and shouting as he was chained to the column. Struggling to escape he watched the Queen smiling and walking in his direction. Loki had appeared behind her watching from a distance to see what she would do in this situation without him.

"So you caught him," Sakura said yanking the prisoners head up to see his face.

"Yes my Queen he put up a fight, but we managed to catch him on our own."

"How many of our people has he killed?"

"Four guards and a warrior, My Queen."

"Let's see if you survive the first three." Sakura smiled slicing his body as he screamed, "Did you think you could escape unscathed."

"Witch!" The Prisoner said.

"Tsk.Tsk.Tsk. You shouldn't have had said that." Sakura said with a deadly smile.

The warriors stepped back to avoid injuring themselves during her attack. Sakura had swung her sword cutting his head off his body and breaking the column behind it. The head fell to her feet, and the blood from his body gushed out directly in front of her. Disgusted she turned around and walked off finally noticing Loki had been watching her every move.

"Clean this mess up," Sakura demanded.

"Yes, my Queen." The warriors said.

"And make sure this never happens again, or it will be your head I cut off next!" She said as she pointed to the guards.

"Yes, My Queen!" The guards shouted panicking.

"Do you love following me everywhere I go?" Sakura laughed.

"I find it very appealing to see you kill a man for disobeying our laws," Loki said.

"We do have to set a good example. I have an idea." The queen smiled.

Outside of the Palace, they built a large statue in Loki's honor. A red curtain covered the marble figure for the grand ceremony with all of the citizens present. Loki transformed back to Odin and stood beside Sakura proudly in front of all of Asgard.

"Asgardians! In my grief of my son who was killed protecting our lands from the Dark Elves. I have asked our builders to create a statue in memory of my beautiful boy and Sakura's husband of course. Now a widow she continues to protect our realms to prevent further tragedy among our people."

The crowd was in awe of this tragic tale. Odin handed Sakura the heavy steel scissors. She cut down two ropes holding up the bright red curtains falling to reveal this massive memorial. The two nodded to one another as Odin took another step forward.

"In my son's honor, a play of his life will be presented this afternoon. Everyone is welcomed to watch our performance for the royal family."

So much of the crowd had been in tears for the King. She was nodding in agreement to stand by his side in these difficult times. As the Queen of Asgard for four years, she robed herself in black and green for the event. Watching the play from start finish, Sakura noticed a blonde muscular figure out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to see Thor had returned frowning at what Asgard had become since he had left. He turned his head to face Sakura, and Sakura turned her face to Loki in disguise quivering at the sight of him. Loki had stood up to clap as did the rest of the crowd.

"Bravo!" Loki said.

"Father... Sakura..." Thor said staring at the two of them.

"Welcome home Thor," Sakura whispered.

"Oh shit." Loki said under his breath, "My son Thor has returned. Greetings my boy."

"An interesting Play what is it called?" Thor asked walking in holding the crown of Ragnarok.

"The tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him."

"Indeed they should. I like the statue. A lot better looking than when he was alive a little less greasy. You know what this is?"

"The crown of Surtur." Odin smiled.

"Do me a favor lock this up in the vault so it doesn't turn to a giant monster and destroy the planet," Thor said handing it off to a guard.

"So it's back to Midgard for you?" Odin said handing his glass of wine to Sakura.

"You know I've been having a recurring dream lately. Every now and then I see Asgard fall into ruins."

"That's just a silly dream. Imagination."

"Possibly. Then I decided to go out and investigate, and I see the nine realms in chaos. Enemies of Asgard are all plotting our demise while you, Odin, protector of those nine realms, sitting here in your bathrobes eating grapes. Might I add next to Sakura who we agreed to keep locked away in a padded room for the rest of her mortal life?"

"I've learned to accept-" Sakura said before she was interrupted.

"Well yes, we must respect our neighbor's feelings."

"Yes of course. Waiting to be massacred." Thor said throwing his hammer by Odin's face and catching it as it returned to him.

"Yes, I've been quite busy. Board meetings. Council meetings."

"You're really going to make me do it are you?"

"Do what?"

At that moment Thor tossed his hammer far off to the distance. He wrapped his hands around the back of his father's neck pulling him in front of him. Panicking Sakura quickly put down the wine glass lifting her hands to them.

"Thor this is madness! Stop this childish game your father has been ill." Sakura shouted.

"Get out of the way, Sakura. This doesn't concern you. You know nothing will stop my hammer as it returns to my hand. Not even your face."

"You've gone mad. You'll be executed for this!" Odin said as the hammer was flying closer to face.

"Well, then I'll see you on the other side... brother."

"Alright, I yield!" Loki shouted pulling himself out of the way.

The hammer landed back in Thor's hand while Loki quickly transformed back to his usual self. He cracked a smile raising his hands up in the air. Sakura sighed rolling her eyes at the both of them. Asgards' new gatekeeper, Skurge, pushed past the crowd out of breath.

"Behold! Thor has returned! Odin's son-"Skurge said pointing to Thor.

"No!" Loki said snapping his fingers and turning to face him frowning, "You had one job! Just the one! And you couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering. My wife and I became Queen and King. You ruined everything."

"Where's father? Did you kill him?"

Using his hammer he pushed Loki back on his comfy cozy lounge chair. Thor laid the hammer on his chest forcing him to spit out answers as Loki mumbled away avoiding the question.

"Alright, I know exactly where he is. I suppose I can't ask you now if Sakura and I can keep the throne." Loki smiled.

"Let's go!" Thor shouted picking him up by the collar and pushing him away.

"Don't be so rough with him!" Sakura complained.

"I will be alright, my Queen. Await my return by sundown."

"Don't do anything stupid. That applies to both of you." Sakura said rolling her eyes.

Down the rainbow bridge, Thor shoved his younger brother. A loud hum from the Bifrost shook the ground they stood upon as the two left for Midgard in search of their old Father. A young girl with ginger hair and a long green dress held up a single rose to Sakura and smiled. She did not speak, nor made any other movements as her behind her bowed to Sakura.

"My daughter and I would like to thank you, my Queen. I would like to remind you the citizens here don't appreciate trickery for the sake of a good laugh."

"My apologies. Loki didn't want anyone to know so word did not get out of his return." Sakura smiled gently accepting the rose, "Did you like the performance?"

"Did you fight the Dark Elves?" asked the little girl.

"Hush child." The mother said patting her over the head.

"No worries. Yes, I did. I threw them out of Asgard with our strong and mighty army."

The little girl giggled and ran off to be with her father wearing armor. Great warriors stood behind Sakura leading her back inside of the Palace to watch over the balcony for the return of Loki and Thor. She watched over her people thinking of the innocent lives who love her despite not personally knowing her. Sakura carefully looked out for the people of Asgard hoping no invasion would occur on her watch. Warriors stood on guard to protect the people as they awaited Odin's return. Hours passed and not a sign of anyone returning from Midgard until maybe after another many hours had gone by. The Bifrost had opened, but it was not Loki and his family. A young woman in dark Asgardian fabric. A few minutes after calling her soldiers a crowd of Einherjar approached her patiently waiting for her to notice them. Behind her, Skurge followed her down the path fearful of his life.

"Hogun!" Sakura called out.

"Yes, my Queen."

"We have an uninvited guest heading our way. Block her path and find out what she wants. I'll be in the Throne room if you need me."

"What happened to Odin? Thor? Loki?"

"I don't know, but whatever happened it doesn't look like they will be returning anytime soon..."

"I will bring more Einherjar," Hogun said as he had left her.

"I wonder... Frigga mentioned the first-born daughter..." Sakura said to herself as she headed to the Throne room.

Warriors rushed past her to the entrance of the Palace. Only a few remained who stand to guard the Golden Throne. She sat down crossing her legs and leaning back. Watching the guards in front of her stay perfectly still. An awkward silence was brought upon her. A young soldier walked through the doors horrifically bleeding above his collarbone. Sakura sighed loudly rubbing her forehead.

"She's in the Palace..." The soldier whimpered.

"Why is it that we have to do everything? You and the rest of the Einherjar are so weak! The Valkyrie is stronger than you!" Sakura complained, "Who is in the Palace?"

"She said her name was Hela, Odin's firstborn daughter, and heir to the Throne. She doesn't know you stand as Queen."

"So the Goddess of Death has returned. I had no idea she was still alive. Frigga told me the stories and how she killed many lives to rule over the nine realms. Hela is bloodthirsty for war and destruction. She doesn't care who has to die to get what she wants. We have to stop her."

"Stop her how? You're the only one left!"

The room had gone silent. A chill had gone down Sakura's spine as she imagined the fall of Asgard. A quake shook the Palace, but Sakura refused to leave the Throne. She watched the warrior collapsed to the floor unable to breath attempting to stand back up.

"If she's back that means Odin is dead. Meaning I'm the only royal in all of Asgard as of right now. Only I can protect the Throne. Only I can save citizens of Asgard. Guards! Search for former Golden Gatekeeper and leave the city at once!"

"Where would we go?" The Guard asked.

"Away from here."

"And you plan to stay and fight for Asgard on your own?"

"What choice do I have...?"

The guards looked down then at one another. In a rush, the two hurried out the door passing the soldier bleeding out in the doorway. He coughed up blood trying to gurgle up some words.

"I always thought maybe you were as bad as Loki, but you have a heart like Frigga."

"Loki has a heart too. His family broke his heart over and over again, so he grew to be cold and heartless some of the time. He's not bad."

"I'm proud to call you my Queen-" He said as a black rigid knife struck through his chest."

Hela walked through the doorway followed by Skurge who has his head down like a frightened puppy. Her heavy black eyeshadow and beautifully defined cheekbones shined under the natural light from the windows. She stared up at Sakura walking closer to the Throne like a cat catching its prey.

"Are you Odin's daughter?" Hela smiled, "I've always wanted a sister."

"My name is Sakura, Queen of Asgard, and Odin's daughter-in-law. I married his second son, Loki. Strange how the universe works. We do look very similar."

"Too bad. I killed all three of them, and now I'm here to take my rightful place on the Throne. You have such a pretty little face, but now I have to kill you." Hela said pulling back her hair as it formed this spikey crown.

"Yes that is too bad, but I assure you they are not dead. Unfortunately many have tried and those two idiots keep coming back somehow." Sakura said standing up from her Throne.

"Then I will start by killing you first!"

From her arms, Hela pulled out her Necroswords smiling aggressively. Sakura jumped off the Throne holding out her daggers. They clashed weapons pushing one another back. A floating sword was hovering over Hela's head aiming between Sakura's eyes. She pushed Hela back throwing herself back to avoid the hit. An illusion was cast of multiple clones of Sakura surrounding Hela, but that was no match to her skill. Hela brought up a large number of swords throwing them down at every clone. Sakura shielded herself behind a pillar.

"I have to use telekinesis if I will ever be able to hold her off a little longer. I won't be able to win this... I don't think I can." Sakura complained to herself.

Outside the window, a colorful ship had flown down to the Bifrost. War had already begun down there and nobody has given up yet. Young men and women are fighting with every little strength they have left. On both sides the army of their undead is killing them faster then they can help themselves. A few figures left the ship and attacked the undead protecting those who are fighting for their lives.

"I knew they were alive..." Sakura smiled.

Before leaving the safety of the pillars Sakura cast an illusion of her leaving the pillars and moving farther away from her real body. Before she spoke Sakura carefully moved closer to her angrily glaring at her.

You knew the citizens of Asgard would try to leave. They won't survive..."

"They will only get in the way."

"Those are my people!

"They were your people. Now their wolf meat."

Her swords cut the illusion away as Sakura from behind pulled out her knife. She flung herself over Hela shouting in all her might. In full defense, Hela pulled Sakura over her and pushed her out the window. Throwing themselves to the battlefield Loki and Thor watched them.

"Thor!" Loki said panicking.

"I know," Thor replied tossing a bloody sword at Hela.

Hela pulled her shoulder back to avoid the attack and looked behind her. After she pulled back Thor slammed his body against her throwing her back as far as the Palace. A separate fight above over the balcony had begun while countless bodies of the undead piled up over the bridge. Sakura noticed the massive ship that had been docked and opened for the civilians. She helped the women and children move aboard first then the men. A little girl with a head wound grabbed her tight thin outfit crying.

"Help us." The little girl asked.

"I'm so sorry my Queen. She lost her family in the attack." Said an aged man pulling her away from Sakura.

"I remember you. The girl who approached me at the performance. I'm so glad you're safe. Please take good care of her." Sakura said as she wiped her tears away

"Yes, my Queen." said the man pushing the girl ever so lightly.

She turned her head to the battlefield to see Loki's worried look on his face. He pulled her down from the ship fighting off the undead soldiers. Together they defended the ship as Thor fought the Goddess of Death. Finally, a majority of these boney creatures have fallen, and the fight was coming to an end.

"It appears I have underestimated you. My mother and I taught you well."

"I'd die for you Loki. So don't you dare die before me, because I might just take your place."

"I don't plan on it." Loki replied calmly, "Asgardians live for a long time, but immortality is left only for the sorcerers. Immortality doesn't even last forever. What if I told you there was a way to kill us permanently... So that we can't resurrect ourselves."

"I-" Sakura was interrupted by a flash of lightning striking the palace.

Both had turned to see what the commotion was about. Only to realize Thor had learned some new tricks himself. Loki and Sakura watched as Thor smashed his fists down on the rainbow bridge. Blood dripped down from his missing eyeball as his brother.

"You're missing an eyeball."

"And you are missing a wife." Thor laughed.

"What?" Loki replied turning his entire body around to the ship.

In the distance, Sakura was assisting the weak civilians inside the ship and helped those who emotionally was having a hard time leaving their homeland. She smiled cheerfully to them assuring that everything will be okay. Hugging the children and kindly helped the wounded.

"She's not half bad for a Queen. I find it strange someone like her would marry something like you. So horribly cruel and mischievous."

"Brother I-"

"I'm not finished. I never wanted the Throne. I want to be able to live on Earth with the Avengers and protect the world from people like you. Loki you want the Throne so bad you'll kill to have it. Sakura is a worthy Queen of Asgard and she is not my bride she is yours."

"What are you saying?"

"You and I will share the Throne. When I am not sitting up there you'll take my place until I return. Sakura will always be the Queen, but she will be your Queen, not mine."

"I will only agree to this because I'm done fighting you, brother. All I want is for Sakura to be happy. I want her to have me. I don't ever want to leave her side again.

"You've changed, Loki."

"And you as well, brother."

Spears stabbed the bridge at their feet, and not too soon after Hela floated right back down from the Palace to face them. Painfully holding herself together she wouldn't stop until she had won Asgard. Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed pushing back the citizens to the ship. Stepping over bodies including Skurge who had died attempting to face Hela alone. Displeased Hela angrily approached the Prince's hissing at them. Sakura pushed the boy aside to face her alone.

"You're still alive..."

"I can't be killed that easily."

"I can see that."

"Have you gone mad if neither one of us can beat her what makes you think you can?" Loki questioned pulling her back."

"Loki's right. I have a plan."

"What do you suggest we do?" Sakura asked stepping back.

"Loki go retrieve the crown. He's the only one who can kill her."

"That's a bold move brother, even for me." Loki smiled as he secretively left the battlefield to release him.

"You'll be fulfilling the prophecy."

"I know."

"Care to explain to me how you managed to find a surviving Valkyrie? And how you managed to bring that big green monster here. He nearly killed Loki."

"Did Loki not tell you?"

"I only saw a video of what happened in New York, but continue on."

"In the process of returning to Asgard, she jumped right in with us and pulled us out like being pulled out of a moving vehicle driving over ninety miles per hour. We were yanked to a different planet where I met my good friend Hulk and the Valkyrie. I ended up finding Loki gaining the trust of the people who lived there but we managed to escape."

"I see."

"Enough. You can't beat me. Give up and I'll maybe spare your lives." Hela smiled.

"Your right Hela we can't beat you." Loki said appearing beside Sakura, "but he can..."

Directly behind Hela in the Palace a mighty humanoid monster wearing fire as skin rampaging over what is left of Asgard. Shocked Hela defended herself for as long as she could as everyone hurried to the ship. The giant green muscular figure jumped higher than the Asgardian Palace to fight this beast before him.

"For God's sake, Hulk, for once in your life do not smash!" Thor complained.

"Big Monster!" Hulk complained.

"Let's go!" The Valkyrie girl said.

The massive door closed behind Hulk as the ship flew to space leaving behind everything that was once home. Fire embedded the planet as Ragnarok became stronger. He grew in size while the planet caved in to become a small burning star to look back upon. Everyone on the ship watched as the home they were born in thousands of years ago perish to a small flame.

"Where will we go now?" Sakura asked holding Loki's arm.

"We will go wherever Thor wants to go. Earth."

"I see. I will be returning to my home planet. I don't care where we go." Sakura said holding his hand, "I should check on Thor. His wound is pretty serious."


After the planet was gone from sight Sakura left to Thor who had been playing with his wound in the mirror. Using two fingers she pulled his head to forcefully make him face her. Lifting his head and moving him around to see the full extent of his injuries. She pulled her hand out hovering it over his eyes as a light yellow glow appeared.

"Thank you. I'm truly thankful to you. While Loki was playing King you kept the peace within Asgard. I've heard some stories around the people here."

"Stop talking so I can finish healing your wounds."

Her healing abilities closed up his wounds. To hide his scar he picked up a golden eye patch from underneath his cloak. Sakura smiled helping him attach it to his face hoping that someday she can fully repair it for him.

"Loki and I agreed to share the Throne. So you will keep your title as Queen however depending on where we land our titles may no longer matter. We might have to live peacefully among the innocent."

"Don't say that to Loki he may not like that." Sakura giggled.

Appearing from the doorway Loki quietly strolled inside the small room staring at the two of them together as if he was interrupting something. Sakura moved out of the way kissing Loki on the cheek goodbye and rushing to heal anyone else's wounds on board the ship.  Within one large room filled with a mix of Asgard and Sakaar gladiators. She healed the wounded and waited for Thor to approach the balcony to sit on his chair facing the window. Sakura stood beside Loki and the rest who stood beside Thor gazing upon the frightening endless space. A long conversation concluded the final decision on where to land the ship was set. No one disagreed and accepted a normal human life besides the mortals on earth.

A few hours passed by and Thor left for a smaller view of the galaxy. He stood patiently hoping to have some quiet time to himself for a while until Loki and Sakura interrupted him. The awkward silence led to small talk.

"Do you ever wonder what's out there beyond the nothing...?" Loki asked.

"No that's terrifying. You are just begging for me to have a panic attack, aren't you?" Sakura questioned.

"Apologies, my Queen." Loki smiled nudging her on the shoulder, "Honestly, is it even a good idea for us to go back to earth?"

"It will take time for our people to adjust including ourselves especially," Sakura answered.

"I agree. We will be fine, Loki." Thor answered.

"I'll rephrase. Do we think it's okay for me to go back to earth?"

"Simple. Don't cause any trouble and you'll be fine." Sakura smiled.

A large shadow hovered above them followed by a massive black ship lowering down to face them. The three widened their eyes watching the ship move closer to them. In an attempt to communicate with the Asgardian vessel out of fear no one answered. Sakura tightly gripped Loki's shoulder.

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