Reynard's heart was filled with pain and hurt. He wishes he could tell her the reason why he didn't show up in her life all these years. If only Rena had done this little task properly then he would be having a happy reunion with his little Esme right now.
“I don't want a man like him anywhere around us!
“I hate him and I will never accept him! Esme shouted and ran to her room, leaving everyone stunned.
“What just happened?"
Rena's eyes were fixed on Reynard, expecting a reaction but none came. His eyes were still closed, his legs crossed. The room was eerily quiet, No one spoke all eyes were fixed on Reynard but the man in question just remained Calm and quiet.
Prepare our room, we will be staying the night. Dennis announced, he was still mad at Rena for what she did. All of this is her fault! If she did the job she was chosen for and was honest with little Esme about everything then this wouldn't be happening.