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36.58% Becoming the Strongest in Black Clover / Chapter 15: 15- Round Two

Chapter 15: 15- Round Two

I have a pat-reon! or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have advanced chapters posted already. I put out one chapter for each of my fanfics during weekdays. And two more chapters each fanfic on weekends. Three chapters per week! I made it very cheap so check it out!


Noah landed on the ground a dozen meters away or so. Noah looked at them with his sharp piercing eyes, "It seems you think if you increase the number of weaklings, it will be enough to take me down, huh? Very well then, let's dance!"

Noah dashed at them. The front two weren't even fast enough to keep up with him. The two saw a black-purplish streak fly past them, and then their vision turned black and their unconscious bodies slumped to the ground. Noah looked at the remaining two.

"Fana, what do you know about his abilities" - Rhya whispered

"I don't know anything about his abilities. He was supposed to use some black liquid like substance, and he can harden it. But, like you saw, he can use this purple/black fire" - Fana

"I'll know more once I copy his magic" - Rhya

"Be careful. One thing that I know is that he never runs out of mana" - Fana whispered

"Are the two of you done planning?" - Noah, who was standing in front of the two knocked out men

"Don't get cocky HUMAN!" - Fana flew at him at breakneck speed. She swiped her claws at him

Noah raised his sword and blocked Fana's attack. With a spin around he sent a kick to her face.

Fana jumped back and Rhya appeared behind him through a black portal. Once the portal disappeared, Rhya sent light magic attacks.

Noah jumped forward, grabbed Fana by the neck, he turned around and used her body as a shield.

Rhya was able to redirect his attacks last minute. Fana punched Noah in the face to escape from his grasp.

Using his second hand, Noah blocked her attack.

{Spirit Magic: Ignis Vortex} An intense flame vortex shot up from around Fana

Noah was holding onto her, she was inside the vortex, but Noah was outside, the only part of Noah inside the vortex is his hand. His arm was going through the flame vortex. He absorbed the mana that came near his body.

Noah kept absorbing the mana. When he's full he would redirect the mana to his grimoire. His grimoire can store all of the access mana and replenish his reserves in case he's running empty.

A Salamander claw attack came from behind Noah.

"If I can beat the original, what makes you think that your cheap imitation can do me any damage?" - Noah turned around to look at the male elf atop the copy salamander

Rhya flinched when those eyes stared at him. But Rhya had to distract him. He hoped Fana would attack him so that he can get the chance to touch his grimoire

Noah saw Rhya's eye land on his grimoire. *Smirk*

Noah summoned an edex orb in his hand, with a flick the orb spun at a very fast pace and shot like a stream towards Rhya

Rhya dodged the attack, but just as the attack got past Rhya, the ball stopped and shot back at Rhya from behind.

Rhya didn't react in time. He was hit in the back, and was sent flying towards Noah.

Rhya gritted his teeth from the pain, but he knew this is a good chance, "NOW FANA!"

The head of a fire bird came out of the vortex, and bit at Noah. Noah Pushed Fana back and put some space between them.

Rhya was descending towards Noah. Noah turned around and looked at Rhya. Noah aimed his hand at Rhya to hit him with another attack. Fana had extended the fire bird to reach Noah.

Noah had to attack one side and block the other. Contrary to what the two elves thought. Noah didn't split his attention, instead he clasped his hands together. A transparent black bubble formed around him.

Noah pushed his hands in opposite directions, and the bubble expanded in an instant.

Rhya was pushed back with great force. Fana's fire bird was obliterated from the force of the black bubble.

The two elves composed themselves, and regrouped at one side of the field.

"It seems he's way stronger than we first thought" - Rhya commented to Fana without taking his eyes off of Noah

Fana was heavily panting, "My spirit dive is almost out of time. We need to end this in the next few minutes"

"You seem to need a moment to catch your breath. I'll give you some time. It's boring fighting weaklings, let alone tired weaklings. Oh, you might as well heal those two" - Noah pointed at the two knocked out men.

Rhya and Fana weren't certain how to respond to that.

"Oh right, you're running low on mana. Fine I'll do it for you" - Noah sent a small stream of ferrofluid mana into the two knocked out men, a few dozen feet away.

{Ferrofluid Magic: Impura Salus} A few seconds later and the two men were back to full health.

"What are you doing" - Rhya's lazy look was long gone, and replaced with a face of anxiety.

"I'm trying to make this more interesting for me. You two make decent sparing dummies, but I thought of adding the two more worthless ones into the mix. This is my first time using this mode you see" - Noah shrug like this was obvious

"The two more worthless ones? That means we're worthless in your eyes? How dare a lowly human like you to say such thing" - Fana mumbled like she was on the brink of going mad

"Great deduction skills Fana. But here is the thing. If a lowly human like me can fight the two of you this easily, what does that make you?" - Noah smirked at the now four people

"How dare you"

"You'll regret this"

The two lackeys shouted at him, they were just about to rush him again, but Rhya told them to stand down. He wanted to give Fana and himself a moment to catch their breath. He didn't want those two idiots to start round two just yet.

"You seem to be aiming for my grimoire. I take it you have copy magic? And the requirement to copy any magic is to touch the grimoire, am I right?" - Noah looked at Rhya

Rhya's eyes widened at hearing that

"It seems you really are a genius" - Rhya said with a sigh

"Here" - Noah garbed his grimoire, that was floating next to him, and tossed it towards Rhya and the rest of the group. The grimoire floated until it reached them

The two lackeys jumped between the elves and the grimoire

"Stay back lady Fana, sir Rhya. This can be a trap" - The chain magic guy said

"What is the meaning of this?" - Rhya was anxious, angry and scared

"I just want to see what your plan is. Go on, copy my magic. You know that the way I'll defeat you won't be some trick, so might as well take every advantage you can have" - Noah

Rhya stepped forward and touched the grimoire.


Rhya heard the sound of a bell ring once, then he was standing in space. It was all dark around him. under his feet, he can feel and see a black liquid reaching up to his ankles.


Rhya heard the sound of a beast breathing behind him. Turning around Rhya saw massive sharp purple eyes staring back at him


Next thing Rhya was standing next to Fana just like he was a moment ago

While Rhya was trying to figure out what the hell happened to him, Noah was having a different conversation

[What is wrong with you? Why did you scream?] - Noah

[NOAH! He got inside here? How did he get inside here? I was scared, I thought no one can get inside where am at] - Draco screamed

[Don't be a coward. Look at his face. I think you scared him] - Noah

Noah ignored whatever excuse Draco was spouting, and he looked at the group, "What a shame, it seems you can't copy every type of magic out there, now what?" - Noah asked in a mocking tone

Noah's grimoire floated back towards him. There was a moment of silence. The two lackeys wanted to attack, but they waited for the order. On the other hand Fana was waiting on Rhya to get back to his senses before attacking again. Rhya looked out of it for a moment, and now he's catching his breath.

Rhya took a moment to shake off the fear he felt, "How long do you have in this mode?" - Rhya whispered to Fana

"Five minutes at most" - Fana whispered back

"We will use the humans as bait this time" - Rhya whispered to her again

Noah was still unbothered by them. He stood still, not moving at all. He's waiting for them to start

Rhya started summoning lightning based magic, while Fana started summoning a bunch of four pointed diamond stars, and the fire around her flickered.

"It seems like you're finally ready. Let's go to round two"


More chapters are out my pat-reon.!

If you enjoyed my story, please leave a review, and hit me with some power stones. Feel free to leave any suggestions. Also don't forget to check out my other fanfic: Lightning Human in MHA!

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