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Character Profiles:

Full Name: Known by three names - Brey ??? (the original cursed body's name), Kael (his preferred name), and V (his alias at the Academy).

Alias(es): Kael, V, Brey

Real Age: 29 years old

Age (as Brey): 17 years old

Appearance: Initially took over an 'ugly' body but has managed to make his appearance average, falling somewhere between not ugly and not decent. He has simple brown hair and brown semi-hazel eyes. He stands at a height of 5'11".

Role: Protagonist, trapped in the novel he wrote as a child.

Backstory: In his original life, he was abused as a child and had a complicated relationship with his sister, who later committed suicide. The trauma may have led to mental illness. He finds himself in the body of Brey, with no clear memory of events following his sister's death.

Personality Traits: Intelligent to a perplexing degree, capable of outsmarting even the writer at times. Laid back but frequently complains. Despite having foreknowledge of the future, he adapts to the absence of the original main character and the system's vague guidance.


Breath Control (Skill): Low-ranked; enhances lung capacity by 10%, induces calm during heavy breathing, and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Affinity: Possesses a strange affinity for a dark red fire that burns weakly, which he feels uneasy about despite it being his elemental affinity.

Martial Arts: Trained by the esteemed Ilka, Kael has adapted seven different martial arts styles, incorporating elements of Ilka's techniques into each one.

Magic: Self-taught in magic 

Swordsmanship: Training with the character named Isadora to improve his sword skills.

Curse Details:

Kael's body is afflicted with a strong curse, presumably the result of sacrificial magic. It is not removable by conventional means.

Character Arc:

Kael is navigating the world he created as a young writer, dealing with the complexities of a body and life that are not his own. He's establishing a group of 'business partners' and learning to maneuver through the restrictions of his curse.

Notable Relationships

Kael's interactions are a complex web of necessity and reluctant bonds, some unwanted yet critical to his survival and goals within the academy. Here are the key figures in Kael's orbit:

Eira: A half-dwarf, half-human genius, Eira is the linchpin of Kael's financial endeavors and the mastermind behind his "toys." Kael sees her as a greedy goblin with an insatiable hunger for gold, but beneath the surface, there's mutual respect. She's indispensable to him, a partner in crime with a mind as sharp as the edge of a coin.

Ash: This quick-footed boy is a future powerhouse, and Kael, with a discerning eye for potential, is betting on him. Kael invests in Ash, training him and equipping him with techniques tailored to his abilities, seeing the boy not just as a valuable asset but as a part of his extended charge.

Desolara: A unique anomaly, Desolara carries within her a devil's core — an existence fraught with danger and darkness. Kael's connection with her is one of profound complexity; what began as a straightforward mission to help her master her inner turmoil has evolved into a poignant reminder of his own past. She invokes the memory of his sister — a parallel that brings both comfort and a lingering sorrow. Their bond is tinged with this duality, a mix of guardianship and pain, as he watches over her with a familiarity that is as disquieting as it is inevitable.

Seraphina: Ash's older sister, Seraphina, stands on the precipice of potential greatness. Kael's intervention in her life, ensuring her entry into the academy, places her in his circle of significant individuals. Her life, once deemed expendable, is now rife with the promise of power.

Zeke: The personification of chaos, Zeke's psyche may be unhinged, but his business acumen is as solid as the contracts he honors. Kael recognizes in Zeke a dangerous yet dependable ally, whose network within the underbelly of society proves invaluable.

Biana: Their relationship is one of convenience and unexpected turns. Initially, Kael sought a simple alliance, but Biana saw an opportunity in Kael's unattractiveness, using him as a shield against social interactions she finds bothersome. To Kael, Biana is a force to be reckoned with, a 'monster' in her own right.

Isadora: A future powerhouse, Isadora's strength and skill are undeniable. Kael's attempts to forge a connection led to an unforeseen addiction to coconuts, a comical yet binding link between them. In her, Kael sees a towering ally, a pivotal piece in the grand scheme of the academy.

Lysandra: This young dragon is Kael's unexpected ward, a source of exasperation yet an undeniable presence in his life. Their bond was forged not by choice but through the cunning manipulations of Darius, tricking them into a blood pact. Despite their stubborn denial, this involuntary tie has pulled them into an increasingly close orbit. They share a reluctant camaraderie, each a thorn in the other's side, yet slowly acknowledging the strength that lies in their unity — a fact neither of them is quite ready to openly accept.


Culinary Prowess: Kael's skills in the kitchen are unparalleled, his dishes a blend of Earth's cuisine and the exotic flavors of this new world. His cooking has earned him begrudging respect from the high and mighty, with even the most discerning noble palates — notably Isabella's — forced to concede to his culinary mastery.

Laziness vs. Diligence: While Kael outwardly wears the mantle of laziness, he is driven by necessity, displaying a work ethic that outpaces his peers. His relentless training regimen exceeds that of even the most dedicated — Isadora included — and his pursuit of new knowledge, such as the intricacies of rune craftsmanship, often comes at the expense of sleep.

Night Owl: Kael's hours are often spent in the quiet of night, where he dedicates himself to honing his abilities and expanding his arsenal of skills. The scarcity of sleep is a testament to his dedication, a silent rebellion against the very curse that seeks to define his existence.


Character Spotlight: Eira

Full Name: Eira [Last Name Redacted]

Preferred Name: Eira

Age: 26 Years Old

Height: 4'7" – a compact powerhouse

Appearance: Eira boasts a unique blend of her heritage, with hazel brown hair that carries a golden sheen, much like the treasures crafted by her ancestors. Her hairstyle, featuring bangs with two long strands framing her face, speaks to a playful yet practical nature. Despite her genius, she hides behind baggy clothes.

Role: The brain behind the bronze, Eira is the unfiltered, blunt genius whose inventions and "toys" are as formidable as her intellect. With an IQ soaring over 200, she's a force to be reckoned with in a world where brawn often overshadows brains.

Background: Eira's past is a lockbox she carries at all times, tight-lipped about her lineage and her reasons for shunning the dwarven country. Her history with Steve, a man of influence and ambition, leaves a shadow on her story

Personality: Speaking her mind without a filter, Eira's social and business communication may falter, but her intellect never does. She's as cautious as she is clever, with a trust as rare as a flawless diamond. Yet, in Kael, she's found an anomaly that challenges her walls, a partner whose knowledge and foresight prove too valuable to dismiss—and the influx of gold doesn't hurt.


Exceptional Strength: Eira's might is not just in her mind. Her half-dwarf heritage endows her with a raw strength that belies her size.

Inventor Extraordinaire: From traps to trinkets, Eira's workstation is a spider's web of ingenuity, each creation armed for protection or poised to astonish.

Fashionable Tech: Eira doesn't just make gadgets; she weaves her magic into them, ensuring they're as stylish as they are deadly—especially when tailored for herself or Kael.


Social Navigation: For all her smarts, Eira can't seem to decode the complexities of manipulation and deceit, often missing the forest for the trees—unless it concerns her own devices.

Distrustful Nature: Perhaps it's the dwarf in her or the secrets of her past, but Eira's trust is a fortress few can breach. Kael, however, with his peculiar ways and vast knowledge, is slowly becoming an exception.


Kael: A business partnership born out of necessity, blooming into a begrudging trust, Eira finds in Kael an unusual but fitting ally.

Zeke: If Kael is the mind she respects, Zeke is the chaos she detests. Despite their business ties, Eira's loathing for the man is as palpable as the tension when they're in the same room.


Dwarven Enigma: The dwarven country's gates remain closed to Eira, a part of her story shrouded in speculation.

Tinkerer's Delight: Eira's creations are not just weapons; they are works of art, each with a flair that makes them unmistakably hers.

Full Name: Zeke Hollowglen

Age: 25 Years Old

Height: 6'3" – A towering presence

Appearance: Zeke's pale skin is like a blank canvas for the shadows he wields, his lanky yet built frame a deceptive cover for the danger that lurks within. His dark green hair, as unruly as his nature, falls over piercing eyes of the same hue, eyes that have witnessed the abyss and now reflect its darkness.

Role: Zeke is a force of chaos in the story, a stage 6 mage with a penchant for the macabre. His expertise in both magic and dagger arts makes him a dual threat — as adept at casting shadows as he is at plunging daggers into hearts.

Background: Born in the now-nonexistent village of Marrowvale in Duke Alister's land, Zeke's past is stained with the blood of his kinsmen, all lost in a tragic event that remains veiled in mystery. His path from orphaned survivor to underworld power has been marked by violence and a relentless drive for strength. He met Darius when he attempted to steal from him. Darius saw potential in Zeke the child and attempted to raise him but Zeke refused to learn from Darius and instead used his resources to learn magic and travel making his own connections.

Personality: Cold, calculating, and with an edge of madness, Zeke is the embodiment of a survivor turned predator. His lack of emotion, save for a twisted pleasure in the kill, makes him a chilling adversary and an unpredictable ally.


Darkness Affinity: Zeke commands the rare element of darkness, a reflection of the void that has consumed his past.

Artifact Bearer: Always armed with two artifacts, Zeke wields these enigmatic tools with lethal proficiency.

Dagger Mastery: His love for torture isn't just a hobby; it's an art form. Zeke's skill with daggers is both a spectacle of fear and a dance of death.

Notable Relationships:

Kael: Intrigued by the enigma that is Kael, Zeke finds himself drawn to the man's mysterious past and unexpected knowledge. Their alliance is a game of cat-and-mouse, where respect is overshadowed by a mutual curiosity.


Lone Wolf: Zeke's disdain for skills and reliance on his innate abilities and artifacts make him a self-sufficient powerhouse.

Bloodlust Timer: Zeke's compulsion to kill operates on an internal clock, agitation rising with each tick where blood isn't spilled.

Full Name: Desolara Mortis

Preferred Name: Des

Age: 12 Years Old

Height: 5'1

Appearance: Des is a striking figure with her flowing wavy red hair and eyes the color of blood — a visual echo of the devil within her. Her youthful features are a stark contrast to the weight of her existence, and she carries the maturity of her burden in every step.

Role: Desolara is an anomaly in the world, a child merged with a devil, representing a calamity that could unravel at any moment. She stands at the precipice of destruction, her corruption ticking away like a time bomb.

Background: Marked by misfortune, Des's life has been a series of tragic events — from the loss of her family to the demise of any who dared to show her kindness. Her cursed existence has left her wandering the streets, a magnet for disaster and death.

Personality: Despite the looming threat of her inner demon, Des strives for normalcy, attempting to balance the maturity forced upon her with the innocence of her age. She harbors a strong desire to make Kael proud and harbors resentment towards Ash for what she perceives as his lackadaisical attitude.

Corruption and Warning: With a corruption level at 25%, Des is a walking hazard, unwittingly drawing demonic entities to her and increasing the chances of catastrophic rifts. The danger of her situation escalates with the knowledge that an 80% corruption rate could result in the devil fully claiming her.

Notable Relationships:

Kael: The first to offer Des not just help, but a semblance of family, Kael represents a beacon of hope in her dark world. His promise to care for her has given her something to cling to amidst the chaos of her existence.


Unstable Mana: Des's magical energy is as wild and untamed as the devil within, a force of sheer power that lacks direction and control, yet with Kael's guidance, there is hope for harnessing her potential.


Child at Heart: Despite the dire circumstances, Des retains the heart of a child, seeking approval and a place to belong.

Innocence amidst Chaos: Her natural demeanor belies the turmoil within, a reminder of the life she could have had if not for her cruel fate.

Full Name: Asher Dawnrider

Age: 12 Years Old

Height: 5'3

Appearance: With jet-black hair that matches the night sky of misadventures and light brown eyes twinkling with mischief, Ash embodies the spirit of a street-smart scamp. His youthful features often deceive onlookers, masking the cunning and agility of a seasoned thief.

Role: Ash is a child of the streets turned asset for Kael, a rogue with the rare boon of the wind's blessing. His innate swiftness sets him apart in a world where such natural gifts are the envy of many.

Background: Abandoned by parents who left him and his sister to fend for themselves, Ash turned to thievery, honing his skills to survive and protect what little family he had left. Despite the hardships, he carries a lightness that only the wind's favor can bestow.

Personality: A blend of cheekiness and lethargy defines Ash. He is the boy who would steal your coin and then lounge in the sun, a stark contrast to his diligent and upright sister. His tendency to rile up Des is part pleasure, part habit — a game to pass the time.

Blessing: Touched by one of the four great winds, Ash's blessing is a testament to his potential. Such a gift is not just a mark of distinction but a target for those who understand its worth.

Notable Relationships:

Seraphina: Ash's kind-hearted sister, who tries to steer him away from his wayward path, often using tough love to keep him in line.

Kael: The enigmatic figure who sees value in Ash, investing in his future in exchange for loyalty. For Ash, Kael is not just a benefactor but a figure reshaping his sister's life, something he values despite his attitude. 


Gift of Speed: Ash doesn't just move quickly; he is quickness itself, a human embodiment of the wind's elusive grace.


Laid-back Larcenist: Despite his agile nature, Ash embraces a philosophy of minimal effort, conserving his energy for moments of thrill or necessity.

Sibling Dynamic: The dichotomy between Ash's roguish antics and Seraphina's righteousness adds a layer of family drama. 

Full Name: Seraphina Dawnrider

Preferred Name: Sera

Age: 17 Years Old

Height: 5'9"

Appearance: Seraphina's untamed, wavy black hair mirrors her independent spirit, flowing freely down her back. Her skin, a canvas of smooth perfection, seems to capture and reflect the light, drawing attention to her piercing hazel eyes — windows to a soul that is fierce and unbroken.

Role: The diligent sister to a mischievous brother, Seraphina stands as a figure of strength and resilience. Her path is one of self-improvement and leadership, wielding magic and sword with equal finesse.

Background: Sharing Ash's history of abandonment, Seraphina has taken a different route, one paved with discipline and the pursuit of strength. She holds a deep love for her brother, her protective instincts often clashing with her disapproval of his thieving ways.

Personality: Seraphina is a maelstrom of determination and care, her nurturing nature juxtaposed with a warrior's resolve. She is unaware of the full extent of Ash's misdeeds, her belief in him untarnished by the shadows of his actions.

Notable Relationships:

Ash: Her beloved brother, Ash is both her heartache and her driving force. His well-being is her priority, even when his choices fray her patience.

Kael: Seen as a savior and ally, Kael's intervention in her fated demise has positioned him as a friend in her eyes, someone who has inadvertently given her a new lease on life.


Magic Swordsmanship: Seraphina's blend of magic and martial prowess makes her a versatile and formidable combatant.

Wind Affinity: Though not blessed by the great winds like her brother, Seraphina possesses a natural affinity for wind magic, fueling her ambition to surpass the esteemed Isadora.

Character Arc:

Defying Fate: Originally destined to die and become a catalyst for her brother's development, Seraphina now walks a new path as an anomaly in the story — a twist of fate that may have far-reaching consequences.


Aspiring Leader: Seraphina's leadership qualities shine through in her ability to inspire and guide others, a talent she hones with every passing day.

The Drive to Excel: Her goal to become stronger than Isadora is not just a dream; it's a vow to herself, pushing her to train tirelessly.

Full Name: Darius Longshadow Everheart

Age: Over 150 Years Old

Height: 6'6"

Appearance: Darius defies the ravages of time with a slim, well-built physique that speaks to his enduring strength. His appearance is that of a man who has mastered the art of longevity, his presence commanding attention and respect.

Role: As an auction house magnate with a network spanning continents, Darius is a titan of commerce and influence. His power and wealth are as vast as his years, making him a figure that even nations approach with caution.

Background: Darius's history is etched into the annals of the underground, his life stretching over a century and a half of intrigues, wealth accumulation, and power plays. His auction houses are not merely marketplaces but hubs of influence and intelligence.

Personality: A connoisseur of wealth and a lover of luxury, Darius is as much a showman as he is a shrewd businessman. His disdain for Lilith, the formidable mage, is as well-known as his penchant for fine alcohol. The last century's calm has left him craving excitement, a desire that may be satiated by the unfolding events.


Aura Mastery: Darius's control over his aura is near legendary, a testament to his status as a powerhouse whose might deters conflict.

Wealth and Influence: His command over the underground auction scene is unrivaled, his name synonymous with luxury and exclusivity.

Notable Relationships:

Lilith: Known to Darius as "the old witch," his hatred for the most powerful human mage is an open flame, burning with intensity and history.


Centurial Boredom: Having seen the ebb and flow of time, Darius finds himself longing for something remarkable to disrupt the monotony of the last hundred years.

Luxury's Patron: His love for opulence is reflected in everything he does, from the grandeur of his auction houses to the quality of spirits he consumes.

Full Name: Biana Rosalind

Age: 17 Years Old

Height: 5'8" – A presence that's hard to overlook, even in pajamas

Appearance: Biana's long, unruly brown hair is a testament to her disregard for convention, framing her face in a cascade of tangles that somehow accentuate her striking green eyes. Her preference for comfort over appearance is clear in her choice of attire — pajamas — which she wears with an unbothered confidence, bolstered by the fact that her figure needs no enhancement to be noticed.

Background: As the daughter of Duchess Rosalind, Biana grew up with every conceivable luxury at her fingertips. However, her life of privilege has done little to spur ambition; instead, she has cultivated a persona defined by her devotion to sleep and an aversion to effort.

Personality: Biana is the embodiment of apathy, a "sleeping queen" with no filter and even less concern for the opinions of others. Her candid nature is so profound that it borders on the negative, her dismissive attitude towards the academy and its rules a constant thorn in the side of authority. Despite her languid exterior, her intellect is a sharp blade sheathed in velvet — she's a monster of potential who chooses when to bare her fangs.

Notable Traits:

Runecraft Expertise: Biana's love for sleep has driven her to become an adept at engraving runes, enhancing her clothes and pillow to create the perfect slumber sanctuary.

Spatial Bag of Pillows: She carries an assortment of rune-imbued pillows in her spatial bag, ensuring that wherever she goes, the best of sleep follows.

Notable Relationships:

Kael: Initially seeing him as a shield against social interactions due to his unattractive appearance, Biana has grown to recognize a kindred spirit in Kael — another who understands the value of languor. Her admiration for his culinary skills has turned into an obsession, making his dishes the only ones she'll accept.

Oliver: Her twin, whose story is yet to be told, but whose existence is as integral to her life as her pillow.


Fear of the Duchess: The only force capable of disrupting Biana's lethargic utopia is her mother, the Duchess, whose formidable presence can compel Biana into a semblance of activity.

Selective Hostility: Her disdain for Lysandra is without reason, while her dislike of Isadora's silence is a peculiar irritation in Biana's otherwise indifferent world.

IQ Beyond Measure: Biana's intelligence surpasses that of Eira's. 

Full Name: Oliver Rosalind

Age: 17 Years Old

Height: 5'8" – An identical stature to his twin sister, marking their shared origins

Appearance: Oliver's hair is a shade darker than Biana's, a rich brown that seems almost imbued with the earth's essence. His hazel eyes, reflective of his multifaceted personality, shift in hue and intensity with his moods — especially when alchemy is involved.

Background: As the son of Duchess Rosalind, Oliver's upbringing mirrored Biana's luxurious life. Yet, where his sister found refuge in sleep, Oliver found his calling in the art of potion brewing — a discipline that consumes him to the point of obsession.

Personality: Oliver's dual nature is tied to his alchemical pursuits. Away from his potions, he is the epitome of calm and respectability. However, when immersed in his craft, he exhibits a fervor and madness that rival Biana's irritability when deprived of sleep. This intense focus often comes at the cost of his social abilities, making him as much an oddity as Biana in social situations.


Alchemy Prodigy: While not as intellectually formidable as Biana, Oliver's genius shines brightest in his alchemical concoctions, which are potent enough to level the playing field against stronger adversaries.

Potion-Induced Might: With the right mixture at his disposal, Oliver can become a force of nature, his strength magnified to match his strategic mind.

Notable Relationships:

Biana Rosalind: His twin sister, with whom he shares a complicated relationship of mutual disdain. Despite their clashes, there's an unspoken bond that only twins can understand.

Duchess Rosalind: His mother, whose influence has shaped both his and Biana's lives, including the creation of the potion that ensures Biana stays awake when necessary.


Twin Dynamics: The stark contrast between Oliver's disciplined approach to his passion and Biana's laissez-faire attitude creates a sibling rivalry that is both complex and deeply rooted.

Beloved Artifact: Oliver cherishes an artifact that is as much a part of his alchemical identity as his potions, though its nature and capabilities are yet to be revealed.

The Enigmatic Matriarch: Duchess Rosalind

Height: 5'9" – A poised and graceful figure who commands attention with her stature

Appearance: The Duchess's lustrous brown hair and striking eyes — one hazel, one vibrant green — are a testament to her captivating beauty. Her dual-colored gaze hints at the multifaceted nature of her character, reflecting a balance of power and poise.

Age: 43 Years Old

Influence: Controlling the potion market with an iron grip, Duchess Rosalind stands as a titan of commerce. Her ventures into high-end alcohols have only expanded her empire, giving her sway over a significant portion of the alcohol market as well.

Personality: Despite her formidable public persona, the Duchess shares her children's predilection for a more relaxed approach to life behind closed doors. This paradoxical nature makes her an unpredictable player in the noble hierarchy.

Abilities and Skills: [???]

Artifacts: [???]

Connections: [???]

Notable Traits:

Knowledge of Aura and Magic: The Duchess's understanding of both aura and magic suggests a depth of power that she wields with discreet mastery.

Neutrality: Known as the most neutral noble, she maintains a delicate balance in her dealings, ensuring her and her family's interests are preserved amidst the political machinations of the noble class.


Alcohol Connoisseur: Like her daughter, Duchess Rosalind has a refined taste for alcohol, which she has turned into a lucrative aspect of her business empire.

Enigma: Much about the Duchess remains shrouded in mystery, including the extent of her abilities and the true breadth of her influence.

The Silent Sword: Isadora Alister

Height: 5'11" – A stature that speaks of her noble lineage and warrior's discipline

Appearance: Isadora's appearance is as distinctive as her silence; her pure black hair and eyes serve as a dark mirror to her internal world of loss and determination. Her well-built form is the result of years of disciplined training, honed to perfection in her quest to become a weapon master.

Background: As the daughter of Duke Alister, Isadora's life took a turn for the tragic with the death of her mother. This event sealed her emotions away, leaving her with a steely resolve to ascend to the pinnacle of martial prowess.

Personality: Words are scarce with Isadora, and smiles are rarer still. Yet, there is a depth to her quietude, a reservoir of thoughts and feelings unexpressed. She commands respect without uttering a word, her very presence enough to still a room.


Swordsmanship Prodigy: Her blade is an extension of her will, each strike a testament to her years of relentless training.

Aspiring Weapon Master: Her ambition is not limited to the sword; she intends to master every weapon she can lay her hands on.

Notable Relationships:

Kael: The enigma who cooks as well as he navigates the complexities of the Academy. To Isadora, Kael is a puzzle — a person who offers friendship without expectation and food without comparison.

Biana: A necessary nuisance in her life, tolerated only because of Kael's influence and her unexpected addiction to the flavors he introduces her to.


Tropical Temptation: Despite her disciplined life, Isadora has one indulgence she cannot resist — tropical food, especially coconuts. This unlikely addiction has become her one concession to pleasure, a sweet reminder that even the most stoic have their weaknesses.

Legacy of the Blade: Her mother's sword is her most prized possession, a link to a past filled with love and loss, its story as enigmatic as her own.


It took a while to write this, but I plan to add more little by little. As you know I have too many characters to do it in one go.

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