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51.59% A World Unwritten / Chapter 176: Masks and Realizations

Chapter 176: Masks and Realizations

With swift movements, I arrive at the scene. The academy's security personnel are rushing everywhere, shouting orders and pointing fingers. I can immediately sense the residue of Lysandra's power, and I sigh in exasperation. This damn idiot must've done something.

As I descend, I spot Lysandra, her pristine suit marred by holes and scorch marks, and her mask, which I painstakingly designed, is now visibly cracked. Memories of Eira's lecture on the expense of making these costumes flash through my mind. Oh, Eira is going to have a field day.

I land beside her. "Yo, you sure took your time," Lysandra greets me with that familiar mischievous lilt in her voice. I can't help but roll my eyes at her nonchalant tone, especially given the chaos surrounding us. Still, I'm more concerned with the beaten figure she's holding up by his collar – Kaleidos.

Her grip on him loosens, allowing him to drop like a sack of potatoes onto the ground. I shoot her a disapproving look, "Lysandra... why?" My question hangs in the air, the weight of my disappointment palpable.

She shrugs, indignant. "He tried to kill me multiple times, even after he said he'd work with us."

I glance at Kaleidos, who's now slowly stirring. The sight of his bruised face and battered body makes me wonder just how far Lysandra went with her little 'interrogation'. But then he starts to speak, a weak, strained voice breaking through his battered lips. "He...he... I was just showing her my capabilities," he chuckles, though it's clear he's trying to mask his pain with humor.

I let out a weary sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I genuinely don't have the energy or time to argue with Lysandra right now. As much as her methods irk me, she did manage to catch Kaleidos. "Let's head back to the shop," I say, trying to shift the focus. "I haven't been there in a while, and I'm sure Des and Ash would be pleased to see me."

Lysandra yawns loudly, stretching out her arms with an exaggerated motion. "Huh? Why not let me stay here? Look at all this festival food. It's practically begging to be devoured!" she argues, her eyes darting around to the numerous food stalls surrounding the academy grounds.

I massage my temples, feeling a headache brewing. "Nothing is free here, Lysandra. We payed for all of it when we enrolled."

She pouts, but there's a hint of mischief in her eyes. It's that look that worries me. Leaving Lysandra unsupervised is asking for chaos. "If you're so keen on staying, take off the suit. You'll attract too much attention wearing that."

She huffs but complies, slowly unzipping the suit and revealing the standard academy uniform underneath.

I can't help but feel a touch of irritation. "You know, since you've gone and revealed this design to the world," I say sarcastically.

Digging into my pocket, I produce my TSI and connect it to my suit. Let's see... I can easily change the design and color of my suit using this. I opt for a dark red and black scheme instead of the traditional black and white. I browse through the mask designs and decide on a new shape and color, instantly customizing my appearance.

As the colors morph and shift across my suit, Lysandra looks on with a mix of jealousy and admiration. "Why can't mine do that?"

I stretch out my hand, palm up. "Hand over the suit. Clearly, you can't use that feature with the mask in such a condition."

She hands over the damaged suit with a sheepish grin, watching intently as I work my magic.

Amidst our banter, I nearly forget about Kaleidos. I glance over to find him observing Lysandra with wide eyes. The realization is written all over his face. Despite his rough exterior, he's clearly taken aback to see that he was bested by a girl almost half a decade younger than him. There's a mixture of embarrassment and disbelief. If the situation weren't so tense, I might've found it amusing.

Lysandra seems to catch on too, her grin widening. "Surprised? Don't underestimate someone based on their age you pathetic excuse for a human," she teases.

Kaleidos's face turns a shade redder, but he remains silent. Whether it's out of embarrassment or just the sheer pain from his injuries, I can't tell. Either way, this day has already been longer than I would've liked.


Vaulting gracefully from building to building, the academy grounds sprawled out below us, resplendent in festival colors and lights. The buzz of conversations and laughter is muffled from this height, creating a tranquil ambiance despite the hurried nature of our movement.

I smirk inwardly. Being taken for part of the academy's security has its perks; it certainly makes these little rooftop escapades a lot easier. The moonlight illuminates the buildings, casting stark, dramatic shadows that make the jumps easier to calculate.

My eyes sweep across the scene until they rest on a balcony, where Professor Ayla stands, a glass of wine in her hand. Her ethereal beauty, a characteristic of her elven lineage, is more pronounced in the dim light. But every time I see her with that drink, I can't help but think: That damn elf and her wine addiction.

Lysandra, following my gaze, smirks as she spots the Professor. But she barely has time to make a retort when I say, "Since you wanted to be here so badly, this is your stop." Without warning, I give her a light shove, sending her tumbling towards the balcony below.

As Lysandra's silhouette disappears from my sight, I hear Professor Ayla's frustrated sigh, carried by the wind. Their relationship, if one can call it that, is frosty at best. I've always wondered about that. Why is it that Lysandra can't seem to get along with anyone? Is there anyone in this academy she hasn't rubbed the wrong way?

The capital city is a vibrant hive of activity, its streets alive with the excitement of the triple moon eclipse. The rare celestial event has brought out not just the denizens of the Academy but the entire city to celebrate. The atmosphere is electric, a tangible buzz in the air, making even mundane tasks feel extraordinary.

Kaleidos and I weave through the crowd, his haggard appearance attracting a few curious glances. 

"Why... where are you taking me?" Kaleidos grumbles, annoyance evident in his voice, clearly displeased with our silent walk.

I can't help but roll my eyes. "Patience isn't your strong suit, is it?" I sigh, swiftly pushing him into an alleyway, ensuring we're out of prying eyes.

Before I answer, memories of our recent interactions flood my mind. He's unpredictable, even dangerous. Yet, I see potential. Maybe... adding him to the group would be a strategic move, I muse. But there's another task I need him for, one that requires crossing borders.

"You need to make an oath before I take you anywhere," I declare, voice firm.

Kaleidos raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback. "An oath? Seriously? Why not just sign a magic contract? They're way safer," he protests.

Despite the clear wariness in his eyes, I remain unyielding. "Don't complicate things. Just repeat after me: 'I will not harm you or anyone you value intentionally, directly, or indirectly, as long as you and the ones you value don't hurt me with bad intentions.' Simple."

He hesitates, and for a moment, I think he's going to lash out. Instead, he protests, "You know oaths are banned, right?" The desperate undertone in his voice is unmistakable, and he shifts as if preparing to strike.

My patience, already thin, snaps. "Don't be an idiot," I sigh. "You couldn't even handle Lysandra. What makes you think you have a chance against me?"

Caught off guard by my retort, Kaleidos' posture relaxes, a sheepish grin appearing on his face. "F-fine," he mumbles, placing two fingers near his heart. A shimmer of mana escapes him, indicating his sincerity. "I swear I will not harm you or anyone you value intentionally, directly, and indirectly as long as you and the ones you value don't hurt me with bad intentions. I invoke the god Lyx as my witness. If I break this oath, may I suffer eternal damnation in the pits of hell."

As the last word leaves his lips, a shadowy energy envelops him, lingering for a heartbeat before dissipating into the night. The weight of his promise, sealed with an oath, hangs in the air, a testament to the gravity of our agreement. I could've threatened him into becoming my slave but what good would that do? I don't want him to resent me. He is going to agree to work with me because the benefits outweigh the losses and this guy is a businessman. 

The stretch feels good, a chance to rid the tension from my bones and muscles. With a swift movement, I pull off the mask that has been concealing my identity, feeling the refreshing evening air on my face.

Kaleidos's eyes widen, and I can practically feel the shock emanating from him. "W-what?" he stammers, "You're that crazy kid I met in the forest!"

A smirk forms on my lips, seeing his reaction is precisely what I expected. He takes a step back, confusion painting his every feature. "How do you know who I am? Back in the forest, you couldn't recognize me."

Shrugging out of my suit, I opt for a more casual set of clothes, pulling a comfortable shirt over my head. Heh, I knew this would be his reaction, I muse silently. "I noticed the second you found a loophole and broke our contract back then," I respond, coolly. "Regardless, let's start moving."

His arrogance from earlier seems to have melted away, replaced with bewilderment. As we begin to walk, I can't help but sense his defeated aura. There's a palpable air of... resentment, maybe? I never pegged him for someone easily surprised. He's a bit odd, I think, acting older than his years. Almost like an old man who's been thrashed by children.

Curiosity nags at me, and I finally voice it. "Your physique, it changes your body on a molecular level. It's amazing since you can theoretically use all types of magic affinities, at least once."

Kaleidos smirks, clearly taking the bait, "I know right? I'm incredible."

Ignoring his boasting, I continue. "And despite that, you still have shity circulation methods, terrible martial arts techniques, horrible magic arts, and weak spells."

There's silence, a tense stillness in the air. He doesn't utter a word, but the surprise and slight hurt on his face speaks volumes. Hahaha, looks like I hit where it hurts.

Walking through the dimly lit streets, the only sound is the distant echo of the ongoing festival. Kaleidos's stunned silence is almost satisfying, given how verbose he typically is. Yet, I sense a bubbling frustration beneath his calm.

He finally breaks the silence, clicking his tongue in irritation. "So what is it? Why do you need me when, by your own words, I suck at everything?"

I smirk to myself, feeling the surprise of his unexpected self-awareness. Oh, he actually accepts it. That's progress. I half-expected him to spout some lame excuse, he's more mature than the damn nobles.

Without turning to face him, I continue walking, choosing my words carefully. "Because of your ever-changing physique, you're like a child in a candy store—overwhelmed and excited, eager to try every new technique that comes your way." I pause for effect, letting the weight of my next words hang in the air. "Which is, quite frankly... how do I say this... a retarded choice."

I can feel his gaze boring into my back, but I don't turn around yet. "You want to get strong, right?" The rhetorical question hangs between us. "I have influence, I have information. You've seen it, even with someone as respected as Professor Ayla. Helping you wouldn't be difficult."

Finally, I pivot on my heel to face him, examining the myriad of emotions flitting across his face. But my eyes are firm, unwavering. "The real question is, are you willing to work for it?"


Fun Question: How long until the midterms begin?

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