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50% Legacies: Born again with System / Chapter 2: Where am I?

Chapter 2: Where am I?

[The host must evaluate every aspect of the system after the first successful boot.]

[Say 'Status']

"Status" said an exasperated Alex.


Name - Alexander Fleming

Title - N/A

Health - (150/200) (+5/min)

Mana - (100/100)* (+2,5/min)

Level - 1 (0/500)

Race - ???

STR - 6

VIT - 5

DEX - 4

INT - 20

WIS - 18

PER - 9

LUC - 5 ]

[Physical attributes]

[Strength - depicts your physiological and psychological power (strength of will)

Vitality - depicts your overall health and resilience

Dexterity - depicts agility, balance, coordination and reflexes]

[Mental attributes]

[Intelligence - depicts deductive reasoning, cognition, knowledge, memory, logic and rationality

Wisdom - depicts self-awareness, common sense, restraint and insight

Perception - depicts ability to perceive their surroundings and detect hidden objects or enemies]


[Gamer's Mind] - Lv. Max - Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through, allows you to keep a peaceful state of mind, and makes you immune to all mental illnesses and intrusions.

[Gamer's Body] - Lv. Max - Gives the user a body that allows them to interact with the real world as if it were a game, and after sleeping in a bed, it restores HP and MP and cures all status effects.

[Genius] - describes someone who possesses exceptional intellectual, creative, or artistic abilities. Gives the user +10 INT points.]



'There is so much information that I need to look at it individually and decide how I want to proceed.' thought Alex. Let's begin with my mana: I wonder why there is a star behind the number.

[The star indicates that you currently lack the necessary magical knowledge to access your mana.]

Exasperated, Alex said, "Wow, you can read my thoughts; could I just talk to you with my thoughts?"

[Yes, I can hear your thoughts. I'm in your mind.]

That concludes this.

'Why are there three question marks next to my race?'

[You cannot determine what you are because you lack sufficient knowledge of your new heritage and powers.]

'That makes sense'

Now onto the more pressing matters: where am I? I am in some kind of dreary alleyway.

The alleyway is dimly lit and often shrouded in mist or fog, creating a mysterious and eerie atmosphere. The walls are made of brick and are covered in graffiti and posters, giving the alleyway a rough and gritty feel. Trash cans and dumpsters line the sides of the alley, adding to the clutter and disarray.


You increased your stat in perception by one point as a result of having keen awareness of your surroundings.]

I checked my pockets for any kind of item and found a wallet. It contained a driver's license bearing my name but also an address that was clearly not mine because, according to this ID, I live in Mystic Falls. The issue date is September 15, 2025. and according to its state, it is at least half a year old, so I can assume that I find myself in early 2026.


You increased your intelligence by one point due to your mastery of deductive reasoning.]

I get up and head out of the alley, nearly falling over when I tripped.

It was hard for me to believe I was in Mystic Falls as I stumbled out of the alley and covered my eyes from the intense sunlight.

It was a location I had only ever seen in TV shows, but it was now there in front of me, tangible and real.

Buildings and places of business that I had previously only seen on television were now in front of me, complete with authentic textures and smells, as I walked down the street.

Even though the people around me were strangers, they seemed to be alive and bubbling with personality, each with a special tale to share.

The town's sounds were louder and more intense than I recalled from the TV shows, with people chatting and car horns honking.

I couldn't help but feel excited and in awe despite the overwhelming sensation of it all.

I'd always wanted to go to Mystic Falls, and now my wish had come true.

I became aware that the setting of my favorite TV show was no longer just a make-believe locale as I strolled through the town, taking in every nuance, but rather a vibrant, livable community, full of the pleasures and challenges of daily life.

However, as I made my way deeper into the town, I started to feel out of place.

I felt outsider-like despite the fact that everyone around me appeared to belong.

At that point, I decided to pretend that I had lost my memory and had no memory of who I was or where I had come from.

I reasoned that it was the ideal strategy for blending in and appearing to be just another lost soul in this intriguing and enigmatic town.

I'd have to figure out a way to persuade people that I had actually forgotten everything.

But as I gave my strategy more consideration, I understood that I wouldn't need to tell a lie after all.

I couldn't have had the memories of this body because I hadn't really been living in the world.

I don't have to lie and claim that I don't remember anything about my life, at least.

Instead, I decided to embrace the situation and take advantage of the opportunity to start a new life in Mystic Falls.

I could start over, make new friends, and explore a place I'd only seen on TV.

It was an opportunity for me to step outside of my comfort zone and discover a world I never imagined I'd have the opportunity to explore.

I started walking around town, taking in the sights and sounds of Mystic Falls.

I went to the town square and saw the famous clock tower, as well as the Mystic Grill, where the characters from my favorite TV show frequently gathered.

I need formulate my plan of amnesia. I should go to the police station and tell them I woke up in an alley and have no idea who I am or what I should do next.

I ask a girl with auburn hair and blue eyes for directions to the police station; she gives me directions and inquires about my wellbeing.

I assure her that everything is fine and that there is no need to be concerned. I follow her instructions, find myself before the police station, and resolve myself to go in.

Standing by the reception, I wait for my turn. When it is finally my turn, I go to speak with her. "Hello, I have a problem. I woke up in an alley and can't remember who I am."

The receptionist, clearly perplexed, called the sheriff and asked me to wait. I waited a few minutes before a man in his 30s to 40s came out of the sheriff's office and approached us.

"Hello, my name is Matt Donovan, and I am the town sheriff," he says. "How can I assist you?"

"Good day, Sheriff Donovan. I awoke in an alley near the Mystic Grill with no recollection of anything before that point. I found this ID in my pocket and am certain it is mine, but the name and address are meaningless to me." Alex stated.

The sheriff, clearly taken aback by my suggestion, said, "Are you all right? Do you have any pain, perhaps on your head?"

"No, I'm not in pain; in fact, I'm feeling quite well."

Sheriff Donovan is shocked because you should not feel better after memory loss.

"Could you please give me this ID?" "Another question: how did you get here without remembering anything?" Sheriff Donovan was questioned.

"I got directions from a girl I met on the street," Alex explained.

"Did you get her name so she could confirm your story?"

"No, I didn't ask for her name, but I can describe her to you; her hair was auburn colored, and she had blue eyes. She was dressed in a black shirt, a brown leather jacket, and blue jeans." said Alex while thinking that she was quite beautiful.

Alex handed him the ID and waited while the sheriff looked through his database for any information on Alex. Ten minutes later, he returns with a folder full of information about him and his family. He gives Alex the folder to read.

To say Alex was baffled after reading it all would be an understatement. The former owner of this body was apparently the son of a wealthy family who relocated to Mystic Falls last year. But that wasn't all; his parents died 6 months ago in a car accident, which wasn't his fault; Alex's father was driving and lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a tree. The former occupant of Alex's body had changed since then. But that doesn't matter anymore because now and for the rest of his life, Alex is in control of this body.

"I believe you should head to the hospital." "I called, and they're waiting for you," said the sheriff as he handed me a piece of paper with directions to the hospital in Mystic Falls. Alex thanked the sheriff for the instructions and help and made his way to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, he makes his way to the receptionist and says, "Hey, I am here because Sheriff Donovan made an appointment for me." The receptionist looked up and took the phone and called someone.

A few minutes later a doctor came and accompanied me to her office.

"Mr. Fleming, I heard that you lost your memories and that you are here for the required checkup, is that right?" asked the doctor, whose name was Jones according to her name tag.

"That is correct, so could we please hurry this up, because i am quite spent for the day."

"Of course," Dr. Jones replied. After running all of the necessary tests, the hospital was unable to determine the cause of Alex's memory loss, and he was discharged.

Arriving at his home, Alex was quite shocked that this small mansion belonged to him and he could do what he wanted with it. But first he finds his bedroom, closes the door behind him, and lays down. After a few minutes, Alex's consciousness drifted into the realm of Morpheus, and he slept for the first time in this new world.

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