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74.71% Adventurer's Guild is not a dating platform! (Translate) / Chapter 198: Cut it into pieces, Divide Everyone Into Two

Chapter 198: Cut it into pieces, Divide Everyone Into Two

  When Ryota arrives at the team base, he finds someone already inside.

  This was not surprising to him.

  Each team member can create a "door" that leads to a base in their own world.

  Since his side was where the base was located, he could enter directly through the base gate, so he had not set up his own "gate" for the time being. As for the other members, for convenience they usually install a door that they often open.

  For example, Misaki and Hayasaka chose their own room door as the shuttle "door".

  It is very convenient to come to the base.

  What surprised Ryota was that apart from Kiritsugu and Misaki, there were other people at the base.

  He looked at Manaka, Mine, Seitenshi, Shinobu, and Riku and Schwi.

  All team members are almost assembled.

  Is there a special event today?

  "Huh... looks like I'm not too late."

  At this time, somewhat breathless mutters sounded behind Ryota.

  He turned around and saw Hayasaka in the Shuchi'in student uniform.

  "Hayasaka, you don't want to change clothes?"

  While Ryota asked doubtfully, he patted Hayasaka on the back and used his soul force to steady her body.

  He had been helping Kei do this for the past few days, and he had almost formed a conditioned reflex.

  "Time is too short," Hayasaka reached out and patted her chest, as if to relieve her breath, "If I go back to changing clothes, it would be bad if I postpone the meeting."

  "I remember that the distance from your current home to Suchi'in Academy is about the same as from here to Suchi'in Academy, right? Why don't you go back and change your clothes, then come back through the 'door' you set up in the bedroom?"

  Ryota approached the proposal and said generally.

  "Shiro-chan doesn't understand girls at all..." Hayasaka shook her head, "Girls change clothes very slowly."

  "Kei is really fast."

  "How do you know?"

  "...We went shopping together before." Ryota hastily made an excuse.

  Kei changed clothes very quickly, at his request, the school uniform, pajamas, private clothes, stockings... etc., changed very quickly, without interrupting or delaying the flirting mentality at all.

  Of course, such words could not be uttered. Very dangerous, he almost told the truth.

  "But, I'm slow, Shiro-chan, if you don't believe me…"

  Fortunately, Hayasaka doubted him, raised the corner of her mouth and said: "You really can see it, you can go straight to my room from here."


  Suddenly, a figure slid between the two of them, and pushed Ryota into the interior of the base.

  It's Misaki.

  Seeing Misaki approaching, Ryota became a little nervous.

  The reason for being nervous was naturally because he was afraid that some of the images in his memory would be revealed.

  Although his body structure is very different from that of an ordinary human, Misaki's superpowers may not be effective. However, Misaki can also use mental strength as an entry point to activate her own abilities.

  With Misaki's current mental strength, she can barely read Ryota's mind.

  In the past, he didn't mind being read because he had no secrets.

  For now...

  Luckily, Misaki didn't have any abnormal reactions.

  Pushing him forward, Misaki turned her head and said to Hayasaka: "Hayasaka, it's better to pay attention to etiquette, integrity and shame. Otherwise, people will misunderstand that you are an ordinary woman."

  "Misaki misunderstood. Showing affection and being casual are two different concepts."

  Hayasaka suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Ryota's right arm: "You said yes, right? Shirou-chan."

  After all, she and Ryota both have "wrestling" behavior. Her liking was obvious, and it was meaningless to hide it out of embarrassment.

  She decided to be generous and show it. However, this action surprised Misaki.

  After hesitating for a few seconds, she suddenly gritted her teeth and hugged Ryota's left arm: "Okay, I admit that I was wrong, but when showing affection, it is clear that my side is deeper!"

  Misaki pulled Ryota hard and let him lean towards her.

  "Hehe... Misaki sure knows how to joke."

  Hayasaka faced each other, refusing to give up, and pulled Ryota back: "How can someone from the outside world, referred to as 'outsiders', have a deeper level than me? That's no way to joke."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I was the first person to meet Shiro-chan, and you are an outsider."

  "The first meeting meant nothing. This kind of thing is the end result. It's too early for middle school students."

  "A high school student figure isn't quite as good as a junior high school student, pfft...why isn't this convincing?"

  The two start arguing.

  Ryota was caught in the middle, being pulled back and forth by them, staggering, and couldn't help feeling a bit of a headache.

  Sure enough, the harem is not easy to open...

  The other side.

  Riku within the base showed some envy after seeing this scene.

  Next second...

  "Hiss... it hurts!"

  He immediately shouted, squatting down and pressing his feet, and looked helplessly at the person beside him.

  Beside him stood the Ex-Machina girl, Schwi.

  "Schwi... can you tell me why you stepped on me?"

  "Schwi doesn't know."

  "You do not know? You Ex-Machina, stomping your feet like this…"

  "Schwi, have been holding back."

  Schwi said with a blank face: "Seeing Riku's eyes just now, I was a little irritated, so I wanted to do this."

  "...Sorry I was wrong."

  Riku apologized quickly and honestly.

  At the same time, he looked at Ryota again. How unfair the heavens are!


"By the way, why are you all here?"

  After a lot of tossing, everyone finally gathered, Ryota looked at his team members and asked.

  Hayasaka has skillfully mixed drinks for everyone.

  Ryota is a bit confused because she still does this kind of thing even though she is no longer a maid.

  Of course, doubts are doubts, but the recognition "Hayasaka Ai is really reliable" in his heart has increased greatly.

  He slightly suspected that this was some kind of refined routine from Hayasaka.

  "Came here to see the status of the base," Riku replied: "After all, we've joined a team, so we still have to make time for this."

  "Hah? I thought so too." Mine echoed, "Since I just saw you guys talking about meeting up in groups, I thought I'd come and take a look if I had the time, but apparently there were a lot of people!"

  She couldn't help but glance at some of the people she didn't know.

  "Allow me to introduce you."

  Ryota stood up and introduced everyone in turn, starting with Riku.

  Now everyone knows each other.

  "Inaho and Misa aren't here... Forget it, there will be more opportunities to get to know each other in the future."

  Ryota didn't think about this problem anymore, and said to the crowd: "Everyone, let me tell you about our recent team arrangement."

  "Wait," Mine wondered, "Why are there still arrangements? Isn't it just adding it and you're done?"

  "...Mine, we are now an organization, right? We can't just chat and drink tea when we get together? Can you see how the 'Night Raid' you got into is?"

  Ryota gave Mine a white look, and continued: "As the captain, I naturally have arrangements. In the first place, my goal of forming this team was to take risks and score points with familiar guild members. I think you all have things you want to achieve, so points are in high demand, right?"

  Everyone nods.

Manaka is not necessary. But it wasn't like she didn't know how to read the mood, so of course she wouldn't come up with an argument at this point.

  She was looking forward to Ryota's arrangement, and what pleasure would that bring?

TranslatorFanfict TranslatorFanfict

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