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35.83% Instant Death [DxD] / Chapter 43: Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Chapter 43

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After that happened, Xander wiped his sweatless forehead as he whistled. "Phew, how is it? Did you engraved it in your mind?" Xander asked while looking at Tomoe who just stood there, Xander tilted his head and went to Tomoe's side, he saw that she was unconscious while standing making him chuckle.

"My skill is probably too high for her to comprehend now, Sigh" Xander took a last one look at this plane and just shook his head. Draconic Deus universe is now becoming more dangerous because the 'Watcher' was killed by a nut man. Xander teleported Tomoe back to Sona's side as he called her and said that he would be back in a minute.

Of course Xander knew that it would become even more dangerous but he knew a solution to the problem. Xander covered the whole plane with his 'End' Aura, nobody would dare to come here even the Great Old Ones would be scared to come closer to Xander's Aura. Xander nodded his head satisfied with his work, he was about to leave when he saw two portal appearing in this plane. "Why are you two here..?" Xander said while looking at Ophis and Great Red who are getting closer to him.

They stared at him for a while, "I see... you were scared of that thing right?... You could only come here now that its dead" Xander understood the situation immediately. Great Red growled as Ophis went to his head and started punching him, and it was effective Great Red's scale started breaking, though Great Red's body glitched and returned to its former state.

Great Red was annoyed by Ophis as he shook its head making Ophis fell and flew so fast breaking few sound barriers. A few seconds later Ophis returned with no damage on her, "Baka Red, this place is mine" Ophis said while staring at Great Red's place who merely snorted.

That snort brought shockwaves that would have destroyed a whole town, but it didn't have any effect against the two of them. "Did you two came here to compete for this plane?" Xander asked while looking at the two of them fighting like a child, but their attacks doesn't look like a child's work at all.

They turned their heads towards Xander and shook their heads. Ophis pointed at something making Xander confuse, he thought about it and understood what it was. "You want to absorb the remains of that thing? Are you sure you can handle it?" Xander asked as he knew just how powerful that thing is compared to the two, they were just ants before that thing.

They just nodded their heads, they were ready for this challenge. They already knew about the beings that are stronger than them, even though they were born at the beginning of the time, that beginning was just a phenomenon that the 'thing' made in this world.

The beginning of this universe was just a vague thing for those beings that can play with reality on their mere whims. That's why, Great Red and Ophis wanted to become more stronger to protect this universe from the beings above the higher plane. Xander nodded his head and let them eat it the being so that one of them could replace that thing from its job as an observer of this plane.

Ophis and Great Red started to compete as they absorb the remains of the thing, in the middle of their feast they suddenly heard some words that made them shiver. "Oh, do remember to control the power you will gain from this, or else I could only kill you" they nodded their heads and started to slow down, they were scared that they might go berserk just from how potent the powers they were gaining.

Xander raised an eyebrow as he saw their powers growing. Ophis's fake Infinite concept started to become real, it was halfway becoming real after the huge feast they took. Great Red's 'Dream' also started to become stronger, he even almost lost control of it, but immediately regained it when he sensed Xander's killing intent, ready to hit him. They stopped when they were already gained ¾ of the real power of their concept.

They knew that only one could hold the 'True' concept so they stopped when they were about to reach it. They might be old in DxD's logic but outside of this plane of existence, they were just fetus. They couldn't hope to fight against those beings that's roaming in the void. If they really tried to form the 'True' Infinite or Dream, they would immediately be chased by the being that holds the real one.

(A/N: This is just my bullshit)

There are still a lot of the thing's remains so Xander tucked it in his Storage. That being's body was huge as it occupies this whole plane, Great Red and Ophis took half of it so there are still half remaining. Great Red's change in powers made a huge impact in the Draconic Deus world as people can now sense that they are inside of the dream, a lot of 'Dreamers' also got the ability to make the things in their dream into reality.

Xander realized that when using clairvoyance so he immediately went to Great Red's head who was raising his chin at Ophis. They ate the same quantity so the growth in power was also the same, Great Red was stronger than before so the result was the same. Xander slapped Great Red's head, as it grunted in pain.

"Hey! Control your power! The world is changing!" Xander said as Great Red immediately stared at the air, Xander and Ophis saw the world being surrounded in 'Dream' concept as the changes were arranged back to what it was. People perceived what they just witnessed as a 'Dream' and they lost memories of it. It also happened in the supernatural world, only Sona, her peerage, and Sona's parents didn't lose any memory about the event as they were protected by Xander's barrier all the time.

The barrier would only protect against concept attacks like this so it would never appear in a simple duel. Even Shiva wasn't excluded by the changes, Great Red's power became so strong that no one in the DxD world could be his opponent, except for Ophis that is. Even the sealed 'Beast' wouldn't be able to damage Great Red.

Xander nodded his head as he released a body of Tovkezeera from his storage at threw it at Great Red. Great Red used magic to make the body float because it was much bigger than him. Xander touched Great Red's body as it expanded until it reached 500 meters wide.

The Tovzekeera was a 300 meter big monster so Great Red's original body couldn't hope to eat it. Great Red started eating the body as it squirmed in pleasure, Ophis saw that as she poked Xander's body. Xander also touched Ophis as she grew large enough to be compared to Great Red. Ophis has no dragon form as she was a human-shaped dragon, though that doesn't mean she couldn't transform to become one.

Ophis held the tail of the whale as she started pulling it from Great Red's mouth, they started tugging for the whale making Xander sigh. "Why couldn't you two just get along" Xander said as the two stopped for a second, they turned their heads to Xander before starting to fight for the whale again.

Xander took another whale on his Storage and pitched it at Ophis face, it connected as Ophis flew a millions of light years away, making the first ever scene of a loli being slapped by a fish. Ophis floated as she took the whale and started munching at it, after the first bite she smiled a little indicating that she loved the food. (Loli slap)

Xander stared at the two who started to behave while gnawing at their own food. Xander took a barrel of Dragon's spring and enlargen it making it bigger than the two. The two stopped for a moment before they used magic to pitch them some of the beverage that Xander released.

They drunk some and immediately got addicted to it, they just loved the fresh feeling of the drink. "You should learn how to make this, In the other world, Dragons used magic and sang to make this liquor, this alcohol content is probably just juice to you but I don't know what would happen if you two were the one to make it" Xander suggested to them as he was interested in the taste of that drink. The two just nodded their heads as they continued eating.

Xander tapped Great Red's head sending the knowledge of the magic, its called [Liquor Spring (Soul Well)] magic. Great Red immediately learned it and he started to hum, until it turned into a melody. Xander nodded his head at the melody, Dragons really does have a nice voice. A few moments later, a large waterfall suddenly appeared making Xander smile, the smell of this liquor is so good that Xander started salivating on it.

Xander took many barrels from his Storage and started pouring the liquor. Ophis also turned her head towards the water fall as scooped some liquor on it and immediately drank. "Fuah" Ophis said as she smiled at this tasty beverage. Xander turned himself into the same size as the two as they started having a feast.

They kept eating and drinking for a month before Xander finally stood up, he was now pumped up, and ready to train Sona's peerage. Xander wasn't worried about the time that he spent in this plane, this plane exist beyond time and space, so even if Xander return now there might not be a second that passed in the mortal plane.

"Oi you two, are you sure you're going to keep playing here?" Xander asked as he saw the two still wasn't stopping from eating. Ophis used her powers to make the stock of food Infinite, so they weren't having any problems right now. They turned their heads towards Xander and shook it. Xander smiled at them as he finally saw them being harmony with each other.


Xander returned to the realm of Underworld where he saw Sona holding the unconscious Tomoe. "Xander, what happened to her?" Sona asked concerned because she can see that Tomoe is still shaking, her whole body is also wet. "Ah, about that... She probably got overwhelmed by the enlightenment" Xander said while scratching the back of his head. Sona started thinking what kind of enlightenment did she obtain that it result to her being in this state.

"Since she is still unconscious, let's start with your training Sona, and don't try to heal her, her mind is currently trying to comprehend what I just showed her so its better for her to be unconscious. Just clean her body" Xander said as Sona used her water magic to clean Tomoe's body and just absorb every moisture making her clothes dry.

Sona then turned her attention towards Xander as she nodded her head with a convicted expression on her face. "I'm ready Xander, please give me your advice" Xander nodded his head at that, he patted her head and said. "Don't be so stiff, Sona. Just relax" Sona nodded her head as Xander started explaining.

"The ability I will teach you is from a secretary of a big empire somewhere. He is know as the Winter General. He focused on one aspect only and that is 'Freezing', his ice ability is so strong that it could even make Serafall shiver in coldness" Xander said while Sona just nodded her head, wondering where this Empire is located. "I want you to learn this ability and practice it enough for you to 'Freeze' things like those being you fought in peace conference" Xander said while Sona recalled how stupidly strong that thing is.

"Can I really do something like that? 'Freeze' a being that even Lord Sirzechs couldn't harm?" Sona asked while Xander just shook his head. "Don't worry! You'll eventually reach the same place as that thing" Xander said as he created an ice ball that made the whole peerage shiver, even Sona couldn't stop shaking at the sheer coldness of the ice.

"This is his ice, I want you to familiarize with it so that it would become easier for you to learn it" Xander started tossing the ice ball in the air as Sona slowly tried to touch it. The moment she touched the ball, her entire arm froze immediately, making her understood just how dangerous this magic is.

Xander's 'Teaching' skill started to kick in as Sona slowly adapted to the coldness and started to observe the properties of the ice. She also started forming her own ice while Xander just guided her. They kept doing that for a few minutes until Sona finally made a small ice with the same properties with Xander's ice. Its freezing ability is still far away from Xander's one but she was eventually growing every second making Xander thought that she might learn the ability before Tomoe could even wake up.

Hours later Tomoe finally woke up as she saw everyone sitting on a picnic towel and eating some sandwich that Xander made. She stood up and went beside them, she took a sandwich and started eating without saying anything. "Are you fine now, Tomoe?" Xander asked as he literally brought her to a place where nothing should really exist.

"..Yes, I'm getting better now, Lord Xander. I think I am ready to train again" Tomoe was quiet for a moment before eventually replying to Xander's question. Her mind got stronger from that one encounter with the being, she didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse that she met that horrific being.

Xander stood up and went to some empty place, he would occasionally heard and explosion far away from this place, showing just how eager Momo in practicing her Explosion magic. "You probably saw a glimpse of the technique that I showed you right?" Xander asked which made Tomoe nod her head, she didn't know that a technique could be that perfect. She in a state of trance when she reminisce about that technique, she started imagining herself doing the technique. "This technique is rather hard to do since the procees of it is only achievable by skilled swordsman" Xander said making Tomoe nod her head.

"Lord Xander, how does this technique really work" she asked as she saw how intricate the technique was. "Hmm, the technique is actually bending the laws of physics to multiply its existence. It starts with a flash from this world, followed by two absolutely simultaneous, over-lapping flashes that disregard the concept of time and space, producing a slash attack that arrives from three different directions by momentarily using the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon of Kaleidoscope magic to transcend speed, dexterity, feints, and many other elements" Xander explained making Tomoe's head, ache. There are many words that she couldn't understand like Kaleidoscope magic or Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon.

Xander then took the stance again making Tomoe panic. "P-Please wait! Are you sure you're going to use that technique here? Wouldn't the world be destroyed?" Tomoe said worriedly while Xander just chuckled at her. "Don't worry, I'm not going to use it at that level, I'll hold back to just let you see how it works" Xander said making Tomoe calm as she seriously stared at Xander without blinking afraid of missing something. "Hiken! Tsubame Gaeshi!" Xander said as Tomoe saw consecutive slashes that made the area infront of Xander separate. Tomoe saw what happened as she engraved it in her mind. Usually something illogical technique like that can't be understood by someone just by watching it. But Xander's 'Teaching' skill is rather broken forcing the girl's mind to understand what just happened taking a huge toll to it.

After doing that, Tomoe finally understood some things about the technique as she assumed the same stance as Xander did. Xander saw many flaws in her stance but still commendable since she immediately got it in her first try. She took a large breathe before releasing the technique. "Tsubame Gaeshi!" She swung the blade as they saw one slash appearing in the air. "Eh?" Tomoe said as she saw her technique failed. She heard a clapping sound and turned her head towards Xander who was clapping her hand. "That was good for your first try" Xander commended her effort for that swing.

"Now please just keep doing that until the feeling eventually entered your body" Xander said as he watched Tomoe doing the stance again and did the technique. Xander can see the improvement of Tomoe in her every swing so he just shut his mouth and would only say something if she is doing something wrong. Upon seeing that Tomoe was quite getting used already, Xander went to the other girls and checked their progress, he was satisfied with it so he ended the practice session for the day as they went home with a smile on each of their faces.


Author here~ please tell me if I the progress of the story is okay and don't forget to throw some stones. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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