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92.59% The Weird World Saga / Chapter 25: Born With A Bloody Silver Spoon

Chapter 25: Born With A Bloody Silver Spoon

After a somewhat tumultuous few days where an incident had them shut down for two days and having recently been raided by the police the Monarch nightclub was having a special celebration. None of the regular patrons are aware of this however as this particular celebration is being held in a special VIP room reserved for the owner and his special guests. Special in that the guests are wealthy and/or famous socialites as well as vampires and being in a private room they made no attempts to hide this fact showing off their vampiric appearance.

The spacious room was tinted red due to the overhead lights, the loud music from the outside muffled as it is created a steady sound melody. At the center is a long table filled with an assortment of expensive alcohol or so one would think though the viscous red liquid poured from the bottles told a different story.

One vampire took a sip from his glass smacked his lips and spoke "I'm thinking 30-no 32 years old."

Another vampire drank what remained of the liquid in the glass leaving a red stain he laughed at his compatriot "Mr. Chong doesn't drink shit like that, he prefers 20 year olds!"

At the head of the table with his feet up on the table was none other than Chong Ji-Hae. His black dress shirt was unbuttoned revealing his abs, on his right is a beautiful vampire woman clinging to him and in his left hand he held a wine glass that was close to empty. He watched the happenings on around him with a jovial façade.

Finishing the rest of his 'wine' he held out his hand and issued a single command "more."

"Yes boss!" the employee voiced before pouring more 'wine' into his glass.

The young man's nervousness was very apparent to Ji-Hae even as he made a valiant effort to hide it. Unfortunately for him Ji-Hae was getting bored and so he abruptly pretended to laugh at a joke someone said ultimately shifting his glass and ended up splashing some wine on both himself and on his girl.

"Ah!" Ji-Hae exclaimed in mock surprise "aw you should be more careful man!" he exclaimed never losing his jovial attitude.

His girl's reaction as a bit more visceral as she got some wine spilled on his dress "what the fuck? Do you have any idea what this dress cost you asshole!?"

"A-ah I apologize" the man spoke as nervousness leaked through.

The woman however wasn't having any of it "not good enough" she turned to Ji-Hae "I think he deserves some punishment Ji-Hae~"

Ji-Hae couldn't help but give her a lopsided smirk 'I knew there was a reason I kept you around Da-Hee.'

To put it bluntly the woman was a sadist who managed to separate herself from the usual women who vied for his attention by literally and brutally offing the competition so she could, in her own words, have him all to herself. At the time her actions genuinely caught him off guard and he was intrigued enough to let it pass. It also helps that she was quite the beauty and knew her place despite clearly trying to manipulate him. Now that he found amusing and even went so far as to let her think she succeeded.

What can he say? He's bored and theatrics did well for distractions.

'Speaking of which…'

Setting the glass down Ji-Hae turned to the now very nervous employee "she's right you know. I can't let that fuck up slide when you ruined my girl's night."

The vampire gulped.

"Relax" Ji-Hae soothed "tell you what I'll let you decided how many hits you deserve for that transgression.

"T-Thank you boss" then he held up a hand "I will accept three hits-"

The moment the words left his mouth there was a loud crack of displaced air and the vampire's head is blown clear off his shoulders. His body turned to sand before it could even topple over.

"Three hits?" Ji-Hae scoffed with his clawed hand in the same position from how he flicked the vampire "couldn't even handle one" he finished with a disgusted expression.

As he resumed his lounging picking up the glass Da-Hee ordered his men "clean that shit up!"

As the other employees began to clean up the mess that was their coworker and Da-Hee sidled up closer for him to fondle Ji-Hae couldn't help but think. Despite being surrounded by wealthy VIPs partying and chatting with each other, bodyguards stationed around the room like silent statues, employees on standby ready to fulfill any request and a beautiful woman on his arm he would be spending the night with after everything is said and done he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied.

'How long do I have to wait?'

Chong Ji-Hae had always been special, an entity chosen by the heavens to accomplish great things. Such a statement would have labeled him arrogant, narcissistic and delusional but he could point to the evidence that is his life. All throughout his life things seemed to just fall into place no matter what. And yes he is aware that a great many of his privileges came as a result of his father however as a counter point the type of man that his father is wouldn't have tolerated even a tenth of Ji-Hae's behavior if he turned out to be a mediocre spoiled brat on a power trip.

Chong Ujin wasn't a man known to make a bad investment and that extended to his family…especially his family. With that in mind he invested a lot into Ji-Hae, protected him and in some ways even enabled his personality flaws. The reason for this as it turned out was because Chong Ji-Hae is a genius and his father knew that he would be able to exploit this fact.

And for a few years he did.

His father would spend a lot of time testing Ji-Hae by giving him a stake in his empire. Having him start small from a position of a subordinate to eventually managing his own branch with each subsequent success Ji-Hae would climb the corporate ladder and he did so almost effortlessly. See Ji-Hae's narcissism and delusion wasn't born out of a place of arrogance, not truly. He could certainly walk the walk he talked and has been doing so for a long time now.

It's not his fault that the rest of the world seemed hell bent on trivializing him. Despite his wealth and position Ji-hae was never someone who relied on others to solve his problems especially when directly confronted with what he viewed as insubordination. The kind that has people of a lower station attempting to crawl from their little holes in an attempt to usurp is position of power. It was never in any overt ways but the little things: an inflection in their tone, the way how their eyes looked down on him, the crease of their brows, the slight sneer on their lips and the little microaggressions to discriminate against him.

Unlike most he can spot that shit like a bird of prey and it always pissed him off that they thought he was so oblivious, so ignorant that he wouldn't notice. He just couldn't let those things slide and so more often than not Ji-Hae ended up administering what he deemed to be the appropriate punishments. The punishments themselves varied but no matter what he did or how far he took it Ji-Hae was never once caught flak for it with the law.

In any case those were trivialities for him at the time as the goal had been to usurp control of his father's empire. That goal changed however with the sudden introduction of vampires. He remembered his first encounter with a vampire one day while he was on the highway. He had no idea what exactly happened but a vampire had chosen his car to attack at seemingly random. The way how he easily dismantled the vehicle and killed his driver captivated him.

Rather than fear at his impending death he wanted the power of that vampire for himself. The vampire who was probably amused at his ramblings decided to oblige him and Ji-Hae drank his blood before going unconscious. That was Ji-Hae's last memory as a human as when next he woke he was vampire. His father despite being aware of his transformation as always did not seem particularly bothered. So long as he did not do anything that brought shame to their family (or rather him and his company) then he was free to do as he wished.

Not that Ji-Hae wasn't going to do so regardless but having his father's blessing nonetheless cast a weight off his shoulder that he wouldn't have to worry about being hunted or having to silence the old man. In any case Chong Ujin and really his entire life before as a human became a non-factor as he discarded them to plunge himself into the world of vampires.

Turns out even in the tumultuous times as the early years of vampire uprising there were already several established groups vying for control. Ji-Hae himself wanted to dominate but ironically enough his first brush with an established vampire gang came when they found him. Turns out the vampire that turned him was part of that gang and after telling his boss about who he was (whose son he was) they figured having the assets of the Chong family backing them would only help them rise to the top.

So they tried to press gang him into servitude with the boss of the gang making an appearance in order to intimidate him. Rather than be intimidated Ji-Hae took the challenge head on. No longer reliant on his family's wealth and connections to hide behind he instead used his newfound vampiric strength to put the vampires who sneered down at him in their rightful place, beneath his feet.

Chong Ji-Hae was fairly unrestrained in his efforts to dominate. Really he just went to every single gang in the area and established his dominance by beating their leader. Sometimes he didn't even have to find them, as they would come to him in an attempt to shut him down. It never worked as Ji-Hae bulldozed through whatever alliances made against him, feeble attempts at parleys and efforts to subvert him through sheer strength and focus.

Once that was done everything they built became his own and before he knew it he was leader of a gang of vampires numbering in the low hundreds. In just a scant few days, not even a week, he became the vampire boss of Gwangju but he wasn't quite satisfied with that. He wanted the whole country under his thumb but before he could make any overtures outside the city he was approached by him and it was the first time in Ji-Hae's life that he truly felt powerless before another.

"Mr. Chong!"

His musings were interrupted by one of his security detail who whispered something in his ears to which Ji-Hae smiled in anticipation.

"Well it's about damn time!" His exclamation drew stares from the assembled VIPs and he stood "now I'm sure you're all wondering why I've chosen to throw this little soiree" he ran his tongue around his fangs "it just so happens I've managed to procure some treats for the night."

Then he snapped his fingers and from a side door three employees brought three figures into the room. They had their hands bound and dark bags over their head as they made attempts to wrestle themselves out of the grasp of their vampire handlers to no avail. Once they were at the center of the room the three were forced to their knees in front of the ensemble.

"Now blood wine is all well and good but in my opinion there is nothing quite like the fresh stuff."

He snapped his fingers and the employees yanked the bags off the head of the three kneeling figures revealing two young men and a woman whom he knew to be the friends of Soyun the Pureblood. Ji-Hae could smell the alcohol coming off them as it carried a scent distinct from the ones he and the VIPs were partaking in. Despite all of them being at least a little inebriated before being knocked unconscious by the chloroform they were all lucid enough at this point to recognize the situation they were in once the hoods came off.

He could only chuckle at the reaction of the girl as she found herself being stared down by a dozen or so pair of red eyes as if she were a piece of meat. She let out a muffled scream from behind the gag wrapped around her mouth attempting to scramble away only to be easily held in place. Next to her the first man's darted frantically about the room and he paled considerably breaking out into a cold sweat as he found himself surrounded by leering vampires.

Then there was the third one who managed to separate himself from the other two. Not only did he seem older and taller but Ji-Hae could see the mixed heritage giving him a rather exotic look along with being very handsome despite how roughed up he was. He immediately made an impression on the women present as all feminine landed on him with a different kind of hunger in mind.

Not even Da-Hee was exempt from this.

"I want that one" his girl said her red eyes practically burning a hole through the younger half foreign student.

Ji-Hae chuckled to himself and went to speak when-


The booming muffled music that had been a constant thrum throughout the walls abruptly cut off as a loud crash sounded to his sensitive ears.

He wasn't the only to notice this as one of the VIPs started looking around "the heck was that?"

One of his security guards started talking into his earpiece before turning to Ji-Hae "Mr. Chong there is someone making a commotion outside."

"Huh?" scowled Da-Hee "then go deal with it!"

The vampire ignored her as he listened in to something being said before looking the silent Ji-Hae in the face.

"Sir, it's her."

"Who?" Da-Hee questioned before shrieking as Ji-Hae literally tossed her aside as he surged to his feet "h-hey-"

Whatever protest she was about to make trailed off into a choking sound. Every single vampire in the room stiffened as a flood of murderous intent exploded from Ji-Hae. The security guard who stood before him recoiled in abject fear as Ji-Hae regarded him with a manic smile, his deep red eyes practically gleaming.

"Really?" he practically sang while running his tongue over his fangs "I can't fucking wait to meet her."

~To Be Continued~

Streggae Streggae

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