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85.1% Last Rune Bearer / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: War Games prelude

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: War Games prelude

Balzorath sat at the head of the table, his gaze sweeping over the assembled company leaders. "We need to come up with a solid plan if we're going to win this war game," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Any ideas?"

Gorgoth, leader of the Swift Company, spoke up first. "I suggest we split up into teams and attack from multiple angles," he said. "That way, we can keep the Eternal Wardens off balance and take them by surprise."

Azulor, leader of the Mighty Company, nodded in agreement. "I think that's a good plan," he said. "But we need to make sure we're protecting our own base at the same time. We can't leave it undefended."

Xarath, leader of the Shadow Company, leaned forward. "I suggest we use our stealth abilities to infiltrate their base and take the VIP by surprise," he said. "We can use our shadow magic to hide ourselves and slip in undetected."

Kethrax, leader of the Radiant Company, raised a hand. "I think we should focus on defense," he said. "If we can build up strong defenses around our own base, we can hold off the Eternal Wardens while our teammates go on the offensive."

Balzorath listened to each suggestion carefully, nodding thoughtfully as he considered their options. "I think we can incorporate all of these ideas into our plan," he said finally. "We'll split up into teams and attack from multiple angles, using our stealth abilities to infiltrate their base while also building up strong defenses around our own base. This way, we'll be prepared for whatever they throw at us."

The company leaders all nodded in agreement, and Balzorath dismissed them to begin formulating their individual strategies. As they filed out of the room, Balzorath leaned back in his chair, feeling confident that they had a solid plan in place.

As the Rune Wardens finish their discussion the discussion is picking up for the Eternal Wardens.

Zarek stood in the center of the meeting room, surrounded by his company leaders and the rest of the Eternal Wardens. He cleared his throat to gain their attention, then began to speak.

"Alright, listen up everyone. We've got a war game to plan for, and we need to be ready for anything. Remember, this is both an attack and a defense simulation, so we need to have plans for both scenarios."

Shadeclaw, the leader of the Shadowstalkers, spoke up. "I think we should focus on stealth and infiltration. We can sneak into their base and take out their defenses from the inside."

Blazeheart, the leader of the Hellfire Mages, nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. We can create a diversion with our magic and draw their attention away from the infiltration team."

Rimefang, the leader of the Frost Riders, chimed in. "But we also need to be ready for a frontal assault. We can use our mounts to charge their defenses and create chaos."

Skyheart, the leader of the Stormweavers, added his own suggestion. "And we need to make sure our VIP is well-protected. I suggest we have a team of mages creating barriers around them to prevent any attacks."

Darkshot, the leader of the Black Arrows, nodded in agreement. "And we should have archers posted around the perimeter to take out any enemy targets that get too close."

Zarek listened to their suggestions and nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, those are all good ideas. Let's start putting together teams and assign roles. We have a lot of work to do, but I know we can do this. Let's show the Rune Wardens what we're made of."

Arin and Nethranor then showed both companies the location for the War Games

The battlefield was set in a wooded valley, with tall trees that stretched towards the sky, as far as the eye could see. The valley was intersected by several rivers that flowed gently, their calm surface reflecting the sunlight that peeked through the canopy of leaves above. The sound of the flowing water was soothing, and a refreshing breeze that carried the scent of the forest wafted through the air.

On one side of the valley, there was a clearing where the base of the Rune Wardens had been set up. The base was built on the side of a hill, with a towering watchtower at its center that provided a panoramic view of the valley below. The walls of the base were made of stone and reinforced with wooden logs, giving it a formidable appearance. Inside, the base was bustling with activity, with Rune Wardens running drills and setting up defensive positions.

On the other side of the valley, there was a similar clearing where the Eternal Wardens had set up their base. Their base was also built on a hill, and it was evident that they had taken great care to make it blend in with the surroundings. The walls were made of wood, and they had been painted with green and brown camouflage patterns. The watchtower was smaller but still provided a good view of the valley, and there were several bunkers and trenches that had been dug out for defensive purposes.

In between the two bases, the valley was thickly forested, with trees that were ancient and tall. The forest floor was covered in a soft bed of leaves and moss, and it was easy to lose oneself in the shadows and the sounds of rustling leaves. The rivers flowed through the forest, providing natural barriers that would need to be crossed to reach the other side.

The battlefield was both beautiful and treacherous, with the natural terrain providing ample opportunities for both offense and defense. It was the perfect place for the two battalions to test their mettle against each other.

Balzorath stood at the entrance of their base in the valley, taking in the surroundings. The terrain was rugged and varied, with tall trees and rocky outcrops dotting the landscape. The base itself was built into the side of a small hill, with a commanding view of the valley below.

He turned to his company leaders, Gorgoth, Vaxor, Kethrax, Azulor, and Xarath, and began to formulate a plan. They needed to set up their defenses carefully to protect the VIP, Luke, while also preparing to launch a successful attack on the opposing team's base.

Gorgath suggested they use the natural cover of the trees to their advantage, setting up ambush points and creating obstacles to slow down the enemy's advance. Vaxor proposed creating hidden traps, using their earth magic to dig pitfalls and snares.

Kethrax suggested that they focus on building a strong perimeter around their base, with Azulor and Xarath leading their companies to fortify the walls and create a series of checkpoints to stop any intruders.

Balzorath nodded at each of their suggestions, impressed by their creativity and strategic thinking. He knew that with their combined efforts, they could emerge victorious in the war games and show the Eternal Wardens the strength of the Rune Wardens.

As they began to work, Balzorath felt a surge of pride in his battalion. They were fierce, dedicated, and determined to protect their VIP at all costs. With a final nod to his company leaders, he turned and made his way to the command center, ready to lead his battalion to victory.

Zarek walked alongside the Eternal Wardens Company leaders as they made their way towards their base for the upcoming war games. As they walked, Zarek reminded the leaders that they needed to work together and stick to the plans they had discussed in their previous meeting.

Shadeclaw of the Shadowstalkers immediately split off with her company to set up stealthy ambushes in the surrounding trees. Blazeheart of the Hellfire Mages began placing explosive runes along the perimeter of their base for added protection. Skyheart of the Stormweavers began erecting magical shields around their base to protect against any incoming attacks.

Darkshot of the Black Arrows and Rimefang of the Frost Riders scouted out the surrounding area, looking for any possible ambush points or weak spots in the enemy base. Zarek himself oversaw the construction of their defenses, making sure everything was being done efficiently and effectively.

As the sun began to set, the Eternal Wardens had finished setting up their base and were ready for the upcoming war games. Zarek reminded them once again to stay focused and work together, for they were all in this together.

Arin's voice boomed across the valley, echoing off the trees and cliffs. The Rune Wardens and Eternal Wardens both paused in their preparations as they heard his announcement.

"Attention all Rune Wardens and Eternal Wardens," Arin's voice said. "The war games will commence in five minutes at dusk. The games will last for three days or until one team captures the other team's VIP. Good luck to all."

As soon as the announcement ended, both battalions sprang into action. The Rune Wardens rushed to finish their preparations, making sure that their defenses were in place and their weapons were ready. The Eternal Wardens, on the other hand, set up their base camp quickly and efficiently, each company taking responsibility for a different part of the base.

Zarek stood in the center of the camp, looking around at the preparations. The Eternal Wardens were a new battalion, but they were eager and motivated. He knew that they were up against a formidable opponent in the Rune Wardens, but he was confident that they could hold their own.

"Alright, everyone," Zarek said, his voice carrying across the camp. "We've got a tough challenge ahead of us, but I know we're up to it. Remember, we're not just defending our VIP, we're also trying to capture theirs. Keep your eyes and ears open, and stay alert. And most importantly, work together. We may be a new battalion, but we've got the skills and the determination to win this."

As Zarek finished speaking, the sun began to sink below the horizon, casting the valley into shadow. The war games had begun.

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