I smiled, glad that Evellyn was willing to help me on that mission, but we weren't done yet.
She still had some things that she wanted to tell me, so she got up, getting closer to me, taking my hand, and taking me to the rail, so we could see the whole of the school grounds.
"Do you remember what I asked you?" She didn't look at me this time.
"Yeah, if I knew why you kissed me that night."
She didn't take a deep breath, neither did she paused before answering. She said it with as much nonchalance as if one yawns when they're sleepy.
Her words almost sounded automatic.
"I kissed you because you needed it, but not in a romantic way. That kiss connected my ability to your soul, and allowed you to truly awaken when you needed it the most."
Since she was being so direct and nonchalant, I thought I didn't need to beat around the bush too.
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