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22.22% Hazbinverse: Impish Tendencies / Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 0 - Prologue

Written By Curiostyx

<Narator's Pov>

In the middle of nowhere, a vintage-style cabin with numerous crop fields in the back and herds of hell sheep wandering around stood proudly beside a blood-red river. It was the home of the Gregory family... at least what remained of said family, which was only a decrepit old Imp and his Demonic Cat.

But then, the Imp heard something that frankly befuddled him... A knock on the door! It had been ages since he had visitors... Who could it be?

Immediately, The Imp straightened his posture, he messed around with his clothes whilst looking at the mirror, desperately trying to look at least halfway decent. It was quite a monumental task considering his current status, but he somehow succeeded! Old Greg finally got that glint in his eyes again!

Without wasting any time, Greg rushed to the door and opened it... Only to be disappointed when there weren't any guests... ] =C

But his old heart was yet again surprised when he looked down.

"Is... Is that a basket?" It was a basket one typically would put fruits in, but this one was instead covered in some kind of blanket.

"Satan All-Mighty... didn't know people still sent me mail" The Imp muttered as he picked the basket up and recklessly chucked it inside.

"Hopefully it ain't fragile..." The Imp muttered.

He closed the door and then strutted up to the basket.

"Now let's see what we have here..." Greg said as he opened the basket.

Inside the basket was...

"Evil Piss... An Impling baby? Younguns these days really don't appreciate family..." Greg muttered bitterly as he picked up the little Imp in his arms.

"Let's see... White Hair, Yellow Eyes, Pointy Tail, No Wings... Typical... Wait, are these Antlers?" Imps very much resembled the modern depiction of demons, From the tail to the horns to even the pitchforks, Though most Imps didn't have the stereotypical wings, albeit some lucky ones actually did! So it was quite odd to see an Imp with a pair of underdeveloped antlers. Though the old Imp just chalked it up to some random mutation... It happens from time to time.

The so-called antlers were entirely yellow with black markings, which was quite unusual since male Imps usually had black horns with white stripes.

The other odd thing about the little Impling was that he wasn't crying nor sleeping or any other infantile actions... He was just silently observing the older Imp who picked him up

"Hmm... What should I call you?" Old Greg had already decided to just adopt this little Imp, He really did have nothing else to do other than farming, so perhaps introducing a child into the household hand can spice things up?

Greg then noticed a letter in the basket.


To the unlucky bloke who ran into the little one.

The Little One's name is Aiden. You can give him whatever surname you want, But his name will always be Aiden, for that is his birthright

He's a naughty one, hard to raise but I am sure he will have a great future ahead of him. Make sure to discipline him if he misbehaves, and teach him the proper faith of Satan.

Make sure he's well-fed and healthy, He can eat pretty much anything so you don't necessarily have to give him milk.

Raise him well, Raise him good, but at the end of the day, Make sure he can get girls (Or boys) when he grows ups.

Knowledge is of the utmost importance, Teach the little one about the world and he will prove all those who look down upon him wrong.

Spoil him! Buy all the toys he wants! Get him all of the delicious food! But when the time comes... Teach him about the importance of money.

Have nice naps with him... If you have insomnia, Sleepy Pillz are a good solution...

The Book is for the little one, Do not touch it with your grubby hands

-Love and Lust, Aiden's Parents.


"Huh... Wait, Book?" There it was in the basket, A dusty Grimoire the size of an Imp.

The book's title was "Bibliotheca". The cover of the book depicted a giant 3-headed Demon devouring the moon, and an army of Angels led by an Archangel holding a glowing red-hot spear impaling the earth.

Greg felt that the warning not to touch the book was quite reasonable since he had witnessed many Imps die an excruciatingly painful death after trying to mess with things out of their league, like magic for example, so he ignored it for now and returned his attention to the little Impling.

"So Aiden, Huh?" The Imp said.

The Impling cooed in response, Then held his tummy in as his stomach growled in starvation.

"Hungry, eh? Well, the letter said you can eat anything... so let's experiment, why don't we?" Grandpa Gregory said excitedly as he gently sat the infant on a table before rushing to the kitchen.

He grabbed a Beelze-brand milk carton from the fridge and then heated it up with his Impfire. On the side of the carton, there was a missing person poster with a photo of a little Imp boy with the name "Blitzo"

He strolled back into the living room and found Aiden munching on the couch and eating a piece of it.

"Oi, Oi! don't eat my stuff! Furniture is expensive ya know!" Grandpa Gregory said as he pulled the baby off the couch. He was about to cry but then Greg immediately put the carton near his mouth. The baby did not hesitate to suck.

"Mrao..." A cat meowed as it saw the baby Imp.

"Hey, Scruffy... This is your new brother!" Greg said excitedly as he showed off the infant to the old feline.

The cat turned his head away and proceed to take a nap. Scruffy did not seem to care much.

"Huuu... Not the reaction I wan-" But before Greg could finish speaking, The baby ate the carton whole and then proceeded to burp smoke.

"What a crazy appetite you got there... Wait, what's this smell..." He muttered as he then looked at his hands.

He then realized that his hands were wet and further realized it was wet because of a certain Imp's piss.

"Oh, what the heaven am I going to do with you..." He muttered.


Hope ya like what you see.

Inspiring Quote of The Day: Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, And Today is a gift, that's why it's called "The Present"

Word Count: 1095

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