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Chapter 21: Ch. 11 Part 1

Xiao Ling was flustered and embarrassed with that being his first kiss both of his previous life and this life.... so he didn't know how to respond making him out of it as tears pooled in his eyes threatening to fall

" little wife.... are you upset because of what I just did? " YanZhi was so shocked to see tears in his eyes and asked worriedly blaming himself.... Xiao Ling shook his head in denial

" no..... I.. it's just that this was my first kiss so I didn't know how to respond which made me frustrated, I didn't mean to worry Xiang Gong " he explained in a dejected tone making YanZhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry

" ..... little wife we'll take it slow and build a very strong relationship where you won't be at loss of action, okay? for now let's check things out in here " YanZhi comforted him

They walked into the E grade mine as YanZhi checked it out " little wife this is also a low tier material but it's of a higher level than the first one " YanZhi told him before heading to the D grade mine.... " hmm, this is a bit higher than the two, it's a middle tier material " YanZhi gave Xiao Ling his evaluation of the crystals.

" little wife can I have one each..... I want to craft a weapon for you " YanZhi asked

" Xiang Gong doesn't have to ask my permission for this as what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine.... you can take as many as you want " YanZhi felt delighted hearing such words from Xiao Ling " by the way Xiang Gong, What kind of weapon do you plan on crafting for me? " he asked

" a sword like mine... it's for you to be able to use for flight. I actually don't need a sword to take off in the sky.... I use it because of you, so I thought to get you yours and teach you how to infuse qi to use it. " YanZhi explained

" okay sure.... can Xiang Gong craft some daggers for me? both long daggers and short daggers " Xiao Ling requested

" that's a small problem... I'll craft everything you want me to, just say it and you'll get it " they continued on with exploring conversing... YanZhi stopped walking and squatted when he saw some dungeon plants

" little wife, are there many of this plants here? " he asked in a serious tone

" I think so... these are plants mostly found in dungeons. You can see a lot in dungeons but I don't know whether there are a lot here... why do you ask? "

" these are herbs for refining pills and can used in crafting as well.... these ones are low grade level one and level two herbs... No wonder this place felt familiar, it's space carved from the higher plane, cultivators carve such space to make their own personal garden. Herbs can be found in them along with spiritual beasts " YanZhi explained as he plucked the herbs along with the roots using his qi.

Xiao Ling gave him a skeptically look but chose not to voice out his inner thoughts.

" so this is also a space but crafted into a dungeon... is that what Xiang Gong means? " Xiao Ling asked like a child who's curious.... YanZhi could tell he was pretending and that wasn't the real question Xiao Ling wanted to ask but YanZhi also chose to succumb to his games

" yes... it's a space crafted into a dungeon. Well carved space can be crafted into a lot of things by higher plane cultivators.... I don't know how to explain everything to you now but I'll tell you this, the whole world is bigger and wider than you think and there are different types of beings in the world which you've never seen or imagine they exist " he warned

" well tell me about it... I've seen plenty of things " Xiao Ling muttered silently which YanZhi heard but pretended not to.

After plucking all the herbs closer to them and decided to exit the dungeon and continue exploring another time.... YanZhi walked out with a lot of level one and level two low grade herbs along with lots of F grade, E grade and D grade crystals. Xiao Ling cultivated for an hour absorbing and refining qi into his body, he washed off the black substances from his body before they head back home to rest for the night.

They woke up very the next morning and Xiao Ling walked into the kitchen to warm up water for them to clean up.... they cleaned themselves up with warm water and brushed with willow twigs before Xiao Ling started making them breakfast. He used the rest of the pork belly left to make porridge and made pancake batter with eggs and some chopped green onions then fried them..... he served theirs and left Yue's in the wok to keep warm.

After a hearty and satisfying breakfast YanZhi and Xiao Ling took the other jar of wine, the rest of the snacks and some tea leaves which they bought planning to visit the village head... they walked out of the house to meet Yue patiently waiting outside for them.

" Master, Mistress " she cupped her hands and greeted as soon as they walked out and YanZhi nodded.....

" Yue why didn't you come in for breakfast when you arrived? " Xiao Ling asked as YanZhi passed her the things to hold as he intended on taking her along, he wanted her to start getting familiar with living with the mortals and introduce her to the village her since she'll be seen a lot in the village.

" Mistress I just arrived when I head your footsteps towards the door so I decided to wait outside for you " she answered regretfully

Xiao Ling frowned when they started walking as a Shadow flashed from their eyes intending to hide from their line of sight

" Xiang Gong, Is It alright to leave that tail which we've had for two days now alone?..... it's been following us everywhere " Xiao Ling said irritated

" you don't need to bother yourself with it.... it was sent by master Zhang and not everything he sees is real some are illusions which I created. And he can't follow us everywhere if I don't allow him, there's a barrier around my sanctuary which only allows those I permit in.... so no need to feel bothered about it and do whatever you want freely because I will always shield you. " YanZhi said to him confidentially which made Xiao Ling felt resentful of how care free YanZhi was.

" Uncle Lu " YanZhi called out and they cupped their hands to greet the village head as they saw him about to enter the house when they got to his place....

" YanZhi and his wife what brings you here this morning... and who's the young lady with you? " the village head asked and led them into the house

" ah uncle Lu this is Yue.... she's one of my disciples who came along with me when I returned to the village " YanZhi told the village head what he intended to let known. The village head was utterly surprised when YanZhi called Yue his disciple saying there were more.... only martial artists, cultivators and doctors take in disciples.

" YanZhi is a master in martial arts? " the village head asked astonished which YanZhi was expecting since there was no way the village head would think that he was a cultivator nor a doctor since he (YZ) didn't have the temperament of a doctor and this dynasty only 1 out of 10 are cultivators, but he wasn't intending to hide the fact that he was a cultivator. It's just he doesn't have it in mind and heart to teach the art of cultivation lest he cultivate a bunch of betrayers again!

" yes uncle Lu, I studied martial arts under a master when I was traveling.... so I took some disciples " the village head's entire family were present at that moment so they were all shocked hearing that YanZhi was a martial arts master..... every year a martial arts competition is held and those who rank first, second and third are granted higher official ranks by the King so YanZhi being a martial arts master made him a lower official and a potential higher ranking official. The Village head couldn't help but think that big stone village had two potential officials from the Jun family, but they were all only treating Xiangzhi well trying to scurry favors with him for when he becomes an official while ignoring YanZhi's suffering. The village head felt how short sighted he was... well that was because he didn't know YanZhi was a martial artist.

" do you have a martial arts school? " the village head asked as he gave them seats.... his wife, his two sons, daughter, ger and daughter-inlaw all stopped what they were doing in wanting to hear more, no one wanted to miss such a good news.

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PS. this Author is too pitiful and poor😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank me for my hard work.

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