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89.74% Douluo: The Blind One / Chapter 70: Chapter 70 Bo Saixi

Chapter 70: Chapter 70 Bo Saixi

"Yes, beat this weird, headless creature down," she exclaimed, staring at the unusual being.

The headless creature had the appearance of a tree stump, wielding a large staff. 

It was a sight she had never encountered before, and her confidence in Hun Tian's abilities grew stronger.

Drawing an arrow and launching it at the creature. To his surprise, the creature didn't attempt to dodge. Instead, the arrow, infused with his holy soul power, dissipated in the air.

"What...?" he exclaimed, a sudden realization hitting him. "Is this creature immune to holy power?"

If that were the case, it spelled trouble. In response, Hun Yu retrieved a finely crafted sword with an angel embedded on it – that was the Sword Renxue used. It had been stored in his device, indicating that it was meant for him to wield.

To enhance his defenses, he activated his fourth spirit ring ability – Celestial Armor, an armor made of pure holy energy that manifested on his chest, covering both front and back.

Bo Zhi, observing the sword and its angelic carving, couldn't help but associate it with Spirit Hall.

Hun Yu charged towards the creature, determined to take it down. However, just like before, the creature showed no intention of dodging, seemingly unaware of the concept. 

As Hun Yu swung the Sword, a visible cut appeared on the creature's body.

In retaliation, the creature raised its staff and swung it at Hun Yu. Dodging the attack proved easy for him, as the creature's slow speed worked to his advantage.

For Hun Yu, this creature seemed kind of weak as he raised his sword and delivered the final strike, directly cutting the creature in two. 

As its body fell, one part in the northside direction and the other in the east, he sheathed his sword back into the storage device and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Standing there, a red, unknown-looking mist was released from the body of the dead creature and rushed towards Bo Zhi.

Bo Zhi was not paying attention to the incoming threat, but Hun Yu did. 

Sensing that the mist-like gas was heading towards Bo Zhi, he rushed. While it would be no problem for him to withstand attacks like these, Bo Zhi, being a normal person without soul power, would face instant death upon contact.

As he rushed, the mist's speed was not slow either. Bo Zhi looked confused, wondering why Hun Tian was rushing towards her. 

But as she turned her gaze to the side, she saw a red-colored mist coming towards her. Though not very big, it was clearly visible. 

Before she could react, the mist was already in front of her. Just as it was about to engulf her, Hun Yu appeared and pushed her back.

 She fell directly onto the ground as the mist, whose target was Bo Zhi, attacked Hun Yu. It entered his body through ears, nose, and even through the skin. 

He felt an itching sensation on his hands and back, and after coughing a few times, he slowly stood up.

Bo Zhi rushed towards him, supporting him to stand up. "Are you alright?" concern evident in her voice, along with a hint of guilt for causing trouble to Hun Yu.

For the first time in her life, she felt like a burden to someone. 

Bo Zhi's real name is Bo Saixi, high priestess of the Sea God Island, a Limit Douluo, and a descendant of Poseidon. In this mysterious place, she cannot call upon her martial spirit, rendering her soul power unusable. What could she be other than a burden?

She slowly helped Hun Tian to sit, and he coughed a few more times. 

"Water," he said, his throat seeming dry. He could only ask Bo Zhi to get him some water.

Hearing Hun Tian's request, Bo Zhi quickly stood up. "I'll be back in a moment. Don't move or go anywhere," she said, turning around and rushing barefoot towards a nearby river.

Hun Yu sat in a meditative position, channeling his soul power to contain the enchanting red mist that had infiltrated his body.

On the other side, Bo Saixi had reached the river after minutes of an exhilarating run. 

However, in her haste, she had forgotten to bring something to store the water. Panic set in, and she nervously bit her nail, pondering her predicament. 

Attempting to cup the water in her hands proved futile, as it always slipped away within seconds. 

Faced with no other options, she bent down and gathered some water in her mouth, a fleeting moment that felt oddly intimate.

Rushing back to where Hun Tian lay, she found him on the ground. 

Her heartbeat raced as she approached and checked on him. Relief washed over her when she realized he was merely unconscious. Sighing softly, a blush painted her cheeks as she couldn't help but gaze at Hun Tian's lips.

With a resolve that surprised even herself, she bent down and opened Hun Yu's mouth. 

In a tender exchange, their lips connected, and Bo Saixi transferred the collected water into Hun Yu, who unconsciously swallowed it. 

During this unexpected moment, she silently prayed, "Please don't wake up, please don't wake up," fearing the potential embarrassment.

Convinced that this amount of water might not satiate his thirst, she stood up again and headed back towards the river, repeating the process with a mix of hesitation.


Bo Saixi sat beside Hun Yu, patiently awaiting his awakening. Hugging her knees with her head buried in them, she found herself lost in thought.

"My first kiss was given to this young man," she uttered, her voice as delicate as a mosquito's wings. 

Lost in her own world, she continued, "Umm... well, it can be considered a kind of paying back..."

As she immersed herself in her musings, Hun Yu slowly regained consciousness, the first sensation being a wave of fatigue. 

Bo Saixi turned her attention to him, standing up to assist him. "Are you alright?" she asked in a hushed tone, guilt evident in her voice. 

It was because of her that Hun Tian had been affected by that strange red mist. Unbeknownst to her, she had unwittingly developed a soft spot for Hun Yu. 

No matter how old a woman is, a woman's heart remains ever-seeking of love.

"Hmm," he responded, assuring her, "I am fine." Sensing that the red mist inside his body had been temporarily suppressed by his soul power, he opened his mouth and moved his tongue. There was a sweet taste lingering, yet he couldn't recall having eaten anything sweet.

"Weird, why is there a sweetish taste in my mouth? I don't remember eating anything sweet," he remarked to Bo Saixi. 

However, her face hinted at a blush as she replied, "Must be because of something you had eaten before."

"Hmm... well," he uttered, his hand instinctively reaching for his throbbing head as a wave of pain washed over him. 

Fatigue weighed heavily on his shoulders, and the persistent ache in his head disrupted his senses. 

The world around him seemed to blur, a hazy backdrop to the discomfort he felt.

"Ahurrrh!" he groaned, pushing himself upright, determination flickering in his eyes. 

"Let's go," he declared, his voice resolute, as he forged ahead in the direction of the rising sun. 

The golden hues of the dawn cast long shadows across the landscape, providing an ethereal backdrop to the unfolding drama.

Bo Saixi, perceptive to the distress etched on Hun Yu's face, offered a supporting arm. 

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