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100% A wizard101 system / Chapter 62: The final battle... The end 8

Chapter 62: The final battle... The end 8

"the hell," Sora said while looking at Irene, how dare she even think about turning him into a woman to do such sins? but after a moment, he froze, was she not dead? why was she alive?

looking around and seeing the countless body parts of many people he knew and didn't know, he couldn't help but freeze slightly. holding his hands, memories slowly filled his head of what happened, but some of it was blurred.

Him fighting against fate, being fused to let shadow magic take control of him, appearing in the past, being sealed away, and slowly being taken over by shadows. the next thing he knew he was in a strange world with Irene and others out to save him.

"What's happening?" Sora asked with a frown while looking at Irene who simply pointed at Sora forward and enchanted memories into him, allowing Sora to know everything that happened.

"We have no time to talk, we need your help," Irene said softly, Sora nodded slightly, and with a sigh, his armor appear on his body. Sora looked at his palm for a moment, he was at level 500 thanks to the many people he had killed while within the shadow state, and adding the armor he was at level 650. the armor grew with him, so even though he couldn't use it when he was Shadow Sora, it was still growing with him.

"I might not be his match even with all of this, as expected of my grandchild, more overpowered than his grandpa," Sora said with a sigh, making everyone on the battlefield throw daggers at him, Sora smiled slightly while Yuiitsu's sword.

"a trillion years is a bit too long for a sword to go without being used... Are you ready?" Sora asked softly, the sword glowed slightly, seemly answering Sora. Sora smiled slightly before for as far as the eye could see, magic circles began appearing. everyone froze at this sight, August who was recovering from his mental state also looked up and instantly frown upon seeing the sight,

Sora closed his eyes slightly, remembering the past with Lilith passing through his eyes, the many children they had. the soul indeed, but they were still his children, with their thoughts, feelings, goals, and emotions, but they were all gone because of him.

"I'm sorry..." Sora said softly, Lilith was his first wife, for so long she was with him and stayed by his side. He of course loved her, and her death was all because of him, then again it's not like he would have done anything.

"Sora what are you doing?" Irene yelled seeing Sora using shadow magic, but Sora ignored her while stepping forward. from the shadows, many summonses stepped out, armies within their right.

"The only reason the shadow controlled me in the first place was that I let them. what could they do to me now?" Sora asked softly as his shadow came to life, swallowing his body and forming armor. everyone was stunned for a moment before they looked toward August

"Grandpa, you sure you don't want to join the shadows?" August asked with a cold smile, Sora smiled slightly

"Why would I join something below me? That's like asking a grown man to enter a doll house, can the shadow hold me?" Sora asked mockingly making August's face turn cold, the other August all flew towards him, seeing this, Sora quickly had his summons attack.

The Glow bugs quickly fused their powers and shot a lightning beam toward August, seeing this August quickly had the army he created to block the attack for him and buy time. the other summons attack, but although they destroyed August's layer of defense, he bought enough time for himself to become with all of the other August, allowing his strength to increase to a new height.

'Level 750.' Sora frowned slightly seeing this, just when he was about to complain, he saw Irene floating towards him.

"it seems like you could use some help..." Irene asked softly, Sora looked at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"This is my fight, I caused enough trouble," Sora said softly,

"after all of this is over I will disappear. remember, I've died. before I disappear, I want to go knowing we are friends again." She said softly, Sora looked at her with some difficulty before looking away.

"I'm sorry..." Sora said softly, Irene didn't say anything and simply held his hand.

"you have nothing to say sorry about... it seems like fate was playing against us," Irene said softly, Sora could only node

"Now give me that power of the shadows, I don't think my current magic is enough," Irene said softly, Sora nodded slightly. Irene was strong-willed, maybe more than himself, how else was capable of fighting against the mental effects of dragon slayer magic? plus she had years worth of training,

Shadow magic exploded from Sora's body, swallowing Irene. Sora pushed Irene back while she went on to try and control the shadow, meanwhile, he stepped forward with all of his summonses and shot toward August who was feeling his power.

The armor cast many blades, charms, and shields upon Sora, he didn't even need to split his attention into such things as the armor did it for him. Sora cut down with his sword, August's pupils suddenly shrink while looking at that sword, space and time, law and logic, they were meaningless before such a sword.

August's body was cut into pieces as if he was in a blinder. Just as Sora was about to swing at August again, a shadow spear shot toward Sora's head, Sora tried dodge, but the spear ended up hitting him in the shoulder.

though his defense, resistance, and shields, a huge hole appeared on Sora's shoulder, making Sora frown slightly while looking towards where the attack came from. there he saw August looking at him with a mocking smile. looking toward where he attacked, he saw he only attacked a clone,

"do you think because I didn't attack your true body your main body is safe... Unreasonable Slash." Sora yelled before he cut the clone's body once more destroying its body, August seeing this was confused, but as cuts slowly ran all over his body, he froze in shock.

"Before my Yuiitsu Sword, all logic, rules, and common sense are thrown out of the window. Grandson, you would do well to know your place before the demon lord." Sora said coldly while he pulled out a cigar, and calmly smoked it.

August's injuries quickly recovered, and with a darkened face, he shot towards Sora, face filled with killing intent. Sora ignored him and just smoked while looking at the hole in his shoulder which was not healing.

Just when August was about to attack, Sora suddenly disappeared, replaced with a huge ant-like monster carrying a huge ball on its back. August's attack was about to hit the monster, but from the huge ball on the thing's back, a huge beam shot out, shooting August back with part of his body destroyed.

from above August, a squirrel on top of dragonflies could be seen flying over August, from the dragon falls, honey-shaped things dropped and landed on August, and explosions went off one after the other, each explosion shaking the universe,

Everyone who was watching was in shock at such a show of power, but the shadow was not done. a group of butterflies surrounded August, and from them a bunch of beams filled with power landed on August, damaging his lifeforce,

but that was not all as from the sky once more, a group of his Khrulhu appeared and began to suck the life right out of August, making him age before everyone's sight, and again that was not everything.

August who was still flying back through all of this slammed into an ice wall... no, it was not an ice wall, but an ice web. A group of huge ice spiders that looked like huge monsters surrounded August, attack swallowing August in ice, and with a clap, the ice compared to such a point it exploded, causing August's body to also be badly damaged,

Lightning filled the sky, and a group of glow bugs appeared, but they didn't appear, Sora flew from the sky, with the Hammer of Thor in his Hands, and the glow bugs shot their lightning into the hammer increasing the Hammer's power.

Sora swung the Hammer down, August was hit hard and burnt hard by the lightning and was sent shooting far off, moving so fast that space and time just disappeared, allowing those watching to see the world outside of creations,

'All that and his health went down by 20%, I don't know if I have 3 more attacks.' Sora thought with a deep frown while looking at August who just floated in the void as if out for the count. it was clear he was only playing with him.

'although he is only at level 750, it's much higher as he mastered shadow magic... I'm only getting used to it.' Sora thought while looking back at the summons before sighing,

"you all should return, I will use the summons I mastered," Sora said calmly, the summons nodded slightly before disappearing. meanwhile, Mavis was watching on with her breath held, that was her son. She wanted to run off to do something, anything, but she was held back by Erza and the others, who were secretly hoping this was over.

"That was the first time I used those summons, they are cool right," Sora asked while resting the hammer on his shoulder and calmly smoking his cigar

"... you seem to know I was facing?" August asked as he slowly sat up, but seeing no shocked look in Sora's eyes, he was disappointed.

"I knew they wouldn't do much, then again I also guessed you were just going to take them. you seem to be waiting for Irene over there." Sora said calmly, making August frown slightly,

"you seem to think she is like you," August asked with a mocking smile,

"Never underestimate the love a mother has to protect her children, just look towards your mother, even now she is worried for you," Sora said calmly, August's mocking smile disappear as he looked towards Mavis, but he reached out, wanted to kill her, but his arm slowly fell off from his body,

"Don't touch my daughter," Sora said calmly while holding The Yuiitsu Sword, August's eyes were cold, as his armor reconnected itself to his body. and with a flash, he shot towards Sora a blinding speed,

but from the above, an ice hammer slammed down, slamming into August, But August punched forward, causing the ice hammer to crack. but that was not the only attack, a dragon flame shot toward him, while a lightning bolt shot toward him,

August was hit by the flames and lightning bolt and sent stumbling backward, with an annoyed look he looked at the Frost Giant, Fire Dragon, And Storm Lord which had suddenly appeared,

'He summoned them so fast...' August thought in slight suck, it was like Sora only needed a thought to summon these guys, and they had the strength of around 720, which made them extremely powerful, and enough to push him back when working together.

"You look down upon me, you didn't think this was my best?" Sora asked calmly, August's pupils suddenly shrink as out of nowhere, an army of 7 mana summons all appeared, but they all only cost 2 mana,

"Well, I can play that game. unlike you, I can do it endlessly." August laughed as he rewrote reality, creating a bunch of copies of the monsters Sora created, but stronger, and even more.

"This is some Bull..." Sora couldn't even finish as he was swallowed by an endless amount of attacks and sent shooting backward like a shooting star. Sora coughed up a mouthful of blood, through gritted teeth, he tried to stop himself from flying back, but he suddenly looked up.

He saw a bunch of squirrels on top of dragonflies flying over him, Sora didn't have time to think, just as they dropped their bombs towards him, Sora disappeared at the last moment, switching places with August who was caught off guard and took the attack,

coughing up some blood, August angrily looked around for Sora, but he suddenly lowered his head as Sora appeared next to him with a sword aimed towards him. August moved, his fist slamming into Sora's stomach, in slow motion, Sora's pupils disappeared while he opened his mouth to cough up a mouthful of blood.


Shooting back with such speed and power, Sora hit the edge of the universe and was almost about to shoot out of the universe, but he managed to hold himself back from doing Sora.

"Damn... if I could take back a few nuts," Sora said weakly while holding his stomach, looking up, he saw August appearing above him with a cold and mocking smile.

"... you are looking down upon me again," Sora said softly, confusing August for a moment, but he suddenly raised his hands out, just in time to block himself as a huge Leviathan tail shot him shooting far away, allowing Sora to have some time to breathe.

"... what was that song? I think it went lie... I want to be your boyfriend, I see that, something something. damn, that's going to be in my head for some time." Sora said softly while pulling out a potion and drinking it quickly, he was down to only 100,000 HP, a bit too low for his liking.

"Well, how do I turn things around?" Sora said softly while in deep thought, but he had no way to turn things around. anything he could lash at August, August can use shadow magic to lash back at him stronger. Sora currently has August's copy magic copied and blocked, which is why he couldn't copy Sora's spells, but it was clear August didn't care.

Shadow magic allowed a person to pretty much rewrite reality, that was like August taking the panicle from the author and writing down whatever he wants. Sora had resistance towards Shadow magic, so August couldn't just remove him from existence so easily.

"I should wait for Irene." Sora thought before he disappeared, just in time to dodge an incoming attack. meanwhile, back to Irene.

"Mom, are you alright?" Ezra called out to the black ball which swallowed Irene, how could she just stand aside and not be worried for her mother? the black ball suddenly began to shake at Erza's voice, making Erza uneasy.

Erza quickly held her hand out just in time to defend herself as the black ball exploded, looking up Erza saw Irene holding her head slightly. seeing Irene like this, her heart dropped slightly,

"Mom?" Erza called out softly, making Irene slowly turn to look towards her with a weak smile, if Erza didn't call out, although she was sure she could have gained control, it would have taken far longer. days or even weeks, who knows if Sora could hold off for so long.

"I'm alright, it was just harder than I expected," Irene said before feeling the power following through her, with was amazed at how powerful shadow magic was, and by combining it with her enchantment magic, she could bypass the need to master shadow magic and instead use enchantment magic to do anything... like chanting reality.

With a flash she disappeared to support Sora, currently, Sora was flying away from August while breathing heavily. Sora was part of his face, with his left arm missing,

"Am I looking down upon you still?" August yelled while flying after Sora,

"of course, you flying above me. try flying down to eye level or something." Sora said calmly, annoying August who had an unbreakable wall appear in front of Sora, just in time to block Sora's way.

"your time has come and gone. instead of fearing this power, you should have accepted." August said with a cold smile as he grabbed Sora's neck. but just as he was about to rip Sora's neck out, he frown as Sora slowly transformed into a puppet.

"It's called Moon magic." from above, Sora shot down, his hammer of Thor slamming into August, and sending August shooting far away. Sora didn't follow, and instead slammed his hammer toward the puppet, and just as the hammer was about to hit the puppet, August switched places with the puppet and was hit hard with the hammer once more.

"You ask if you were looking down upon me your grandfather... is the answer not clear?" Sora asked with a cold snort, but just as he was about to shoot forward, the shadow armor around him disappeared. August came out of his shadow which had returned to normal, and with a quick movement, August's hand slammed into Sora's chest and pulled out Sora's heart, and crushed it.

"You were looking down upon me," August said coldly while looking at Sora who was trying to heal himself, but a new heart was not growing.

"It took time, but from the start to now, I was not forced on by time or anything. but I was busy removing your recovery capability. right now, you are a normal human without a heart, I'm sure Lilith and your other children would be waiting for you in hell... oh wait, they were destroyed to the point nothing remains, and so would you and everyone else." August laughed while looking at Sora who was slowly dying.


August was suddenly sent flying backward, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and quickly disappeared into the universe. Sora coughed up some blood while in his demon form,

"How stupid, A heart can be replaced with anything. I simply need to create something that pumps blood." Sora said coldly, while in his open chest, one could see his energy had formed a fake heart that was beating.

"As I said, you're looking down upon me your grandfather," Sora said coldly, and with a flash, Irene appear next to his side, and was instantly stunned upon seeing his condition,

"It's just a stretch," Sora said calmly while smoking his cigar,

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