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E2138-16: Odd Grind

The frigid and barren borderland between Niflheim and Midgard was a perilous and hostile environment that only the bravest adventurers dared to traverse. A group of human players was among those who sought to discover the treasures that lay hidden in this icy wasteland. As they trekked through the snow-covered terrain, one member of the group voiced their doubts.

"Is it really allowed to PK a heteromorphic player without any consequences?" the player asked, with a hint of uncertainty in their voice.

Another player, who was more experienced and knowledgeable in the game's rules, responded confidently, "Yes, it's perfectly legal. Heteromorphic players are not considered human avatars, so they are technically counted as monsters. Besides, we can obtain their items and gain valuable experience points by doing so."

The inquiring player seemed to be satisfied with this answer and nodded in agreement. "Alright, then it sounds like a good deal to me."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the distance, sprinting towards them at full speed. One member of the group shouted a warning, "Watch out!" To their surprise, the figure was a human player who, upon reaching the group, shouted gleefully, "Bye guys, hope you enjoyed the gifts."

Confused, one of the players asked, "What gift?" But the running player was already gone, leaving the group to ponder this strange encounter. However, their thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of a rumble, causing them to turn their attention towards the source. To their horror, they saw a pack of snow wolves headed straight towards them, leaving them with no time to escape.

Despite their fear and panic, the group had no choice but to confront the incoming threat and fight for their survival. The horde of wolves was too powerful, however, and one by one, the human players fell until they were all defeated, their hopes of riches and glory dashed by the unforgiving landscape and one mysterious player.

Yuki was the culprit behind the stampede of snow wolves that had decimated the group of human players who had been carelessly advancing towards the frigid lands of Niflheim. As he emerged from his hiding place, Yuki sighed to himself, "I had hoped they were better than this. Now, I'll have to face the remaining six wolves on my own."

Yuki was the mastermind behind the downfall of the human players. He reveled in the thought of tricking the players who sought to hunt heteromorphic players, who used monster avatars, only to be ambushed by actual monsters. The sight of their inevitable defeat brought a twisted sense of enjoyment to Yuki.

But, Yuki's motivations weren't solely based on sadistic pleasure. He had a goal in mind, and engaging in such acts was simply a means to an end for him. Nevertheless, the thrill of the hunt, the rush of adrenaline, and the satisfaction of outwitting his prey, were all incentives that added to the allure of his actions.

Stepping out of the shadows, Yuki faced the remaining wolves with a confident smirk on his face. He was ready for the challenge ahead, and relished the thought of overcoming it. Yuki was an experienced player, who had honed his skills over countless battles. He was a formidable opponent, and the wolves knew it.

The wolves approached cautiously, sensing the danger that Yuki posed. They were not mindless beasts, but were controlled by AI algorithms, designed to make them as realistic as possible. They were the perfect adversaries for players like Yuki, who sought a true test of their abilities.

The crunching of snow underfoot echoed through the desolate, snow-covered landscape as Yuki stepped forward, the stiff-boned sword clenched tightly in his hand. The remaining six wolves, their fur matted and stained with blood, bared their fangs at the sight of their new opponent.

The first wolf lunged forward, its powerful jaws wide open. Yuki's sword glinted in the faint sunlight filtering through the clouds as he dodged the wolf's attack and brought the weapon down with a swift, precise strike. The wolf howled in pain as the sword sliced through its flesh, but its cries were quickly silenced as Yuki's magic imbued the blade with a burst of energy that disintegrated the monster.

The five remaining wolves circled Yuki, their eyes glowing with a fierce, unnatural light. They seemed to be coordinating their attack, and Yuki braced herself for the coming onslaught.

The second wolf attacked first, its ice claws extended in a deadly slash. Yuki countered with a quick thrust of his sword, the magically imbued blade breaking through the wolf's defenses and sinking deep into its heart. The wolf's body crumpled to the ground and disintegrated into the air.

The other wolves quickly followed, their jaws snapping and claws slashing as they tried to bring down their human opponent. But Yuki was too quick, his sword flickering like lightning as he parried their attacks and cut them down one by one.

When the last wolf fell to the ground, Yuki breathed a sigh of relief. He looked down at his sword, the blade still shimmering with the remains of his spells. The fight was over, but the thrill of battle still ran through his veins.

Yuki rummaged through the aftermath of the battle, sifting through the spoils of war and the remains of the fallen human players. As he walked, he glanced at his inventory screen, meticulously organizing the tangled mess of items. Suddenly, his eyes fell on an item called [Human Flesh].

Without hesitation, Yuki consumed it, despite the game system's warning that it was not recommended for players with human avatars because of the risk of punishment.

But Yuki was no ordinary player. Over the course of his time in Yggdrasil, he had avoided eating food meant for humans, opting instead for a more unconventional and mysterious way to become strong.

This involved denying his humanity and continuing to consume unorthodox items in the game despite the consequences. The thrill of taking risks and pushing boundaries was what made Yuki's gaming experience truly unique.

As he savored the [Human Flesh], Yuki felt a rush of power coursing through his veins. The forbidden food was like a drug, intoxicating and alluring. The more he ate, the stronger he became. It was a dangerous game he was playing, but the thrill of it all was what kept Yuki hooked on this path of denying his own race.

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