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*Outside the tower*

As Aamon cleared every floor of the tower single handedly and Beat the 20th floor boss everyone thought that would be it, but he proved them wrong he kept climbing the tower and cleared the 30th floor becoming the first ever Awakened to clear that floor.

The teachers in the monitoring room were flabbergasted,this was without a doubt a record that won't be broken by anyone at least for hundreds of years

They quickly rushed to report this to the principal, because this deed was bound to cause earth shaking changes as it gets out.

besides nobody knew how to reward him.

many from God factions

And immortal factions were going to react to this,and not to mention those from the Golden Line of 4 kingdoms and Diamond ranked families that thier lineage went back to thousands of years back.

a single individual less than 20 years old cleared half of the tower of trials alone.

Something that even the legendary head of Lancesters couldn't do and failed at it.

The first ones to receive this news were obviously the Lancesters Family and Ares guild

*Ares guild top floor*

Two men were sitting in front of each other, both of em had silver hair, one of them a stern middle aged man that a heavy air of seriousness surrounded him,it was William Lancester the head of the Lancester family as well as guild master of Ares guild.

In front of him a old man with a burly build wearing a tight white shirt and black pants, he was sitting leisurely, his legs were stretched on the table and an arrogant smile was plastered on his face as he was watching a video on a small tablet

Finally William broke the silence

"What do you think about him?"

The old man in front put the tablet down as his grinned from ear to ear

Suddenly he loughed out loud as he spanked his knees

"Hahahahahaha!!!!. William you stupid bastard you raised him more then well you created a peerless monster!!"

The old man loughed as he said these words making a vain pop on William's forehead

"Please behave yourself father were in the guild not at home."

The old man after he finished an heartily lough said as he brushed off the tears gathered in his eyes

"Look at this little bastard, you think your tough huh,want this old man teach you a lesson or two like good old days that we used to train."

William hopelessly sighed as he was powerless against this person, because even with his rank as a half step Demigod (S+), he couldn't feel an ounce of Divine energy from his father.

this being said his powerful enough without divine powers to the point that even the many Demigods outside or in his guild aren't his match at all in fighting

He dropped his head slightly as he said

"Im sorry, I overstepped father."

The old man raised his chin up high as arrogant as possible while he loughed out loud

"Ok, your birthday is just around the corner I'll be hanging around till that time, so I can see him there!."






In the academy city principal office

A woman was sitting behind a huge desk on a very tall building

She was resting her head on her arm as a video being played in front of him on tablet, her eyes were slowly filling with interest as she watched more and more of it

Her red hair was tied in a decorative manner as she wore a black one piece dress like she just came out of a formal meeting, her body had all the curves that one could ask for, Dark eyes and beautiful long legs that can make any man drool

"So this is his grand child,gotta give it to him not only his son was a monster now his grand child is like this, sigh~

"How envious, if that blockhead of a daughter I have only had a bit of my beauty I could have seen my grand children by now.

Well, at least my student can shine a little bit if she sticks close to him."





Other then these forces there was many others that paid attention to Aamon,they knew this is going to be the birth of another monster from Lancesters, on the condition that he survives,till his adult hood



The vicinity of the tower


Emily didn't know when his brother came back from his probation, although she frequently visited his apartment to check,but there was no sign of him.

she didn't have a chance to catch up with him. This made her really frustrated,and the thought of him getting close to a Vixen

(referring to other women)

Made her gnash her teeth together from extreme anger and put her in a foul mood.

But as soon as she gets the wind of him coming back

Her group that she cursed with all her might and fiber of her being went head first into the tower

Thus making her unable to catch a glimpse of her brother to ease her frustration.

Her group wasn't that exceptional besides a single person,

Steven Ashfield, the second prince of Ashfield royalty ruling

the fertile middle continent, their kingdom was much smaller compared to Kreoris empire, but nonetheless, their king,or the God guardian of middle continent as they call him, is an immortal Ranked Magician


(it literally means immortal his undying, an actual God *SSS*Rank)


Something that the empire didn't have,

Thus solidifying their position as the absolute rulers of the middle continent

(Back to present)

Emily did all she could to climb the tower and make Aamon see her in the monitors, but ultimately failed at

20th floor getting bit by a venomous spider,and passed out,her team soon surrendered after her

Steven Ashfield included.

After she got treatment and got out of the healers tent, she went to see him and ask the reason for his disappearance

she walked faster and faster towards the central square before his brother went into tower

Her heart punded loudly against her chest, while

Her face got a taint of blush as she thought about Aamon.

'Did he miss me because I haven't seen him in days, or is he angry at me?'


She was fantasizing some unspeakable things along the way, and finally when she reached the square, all of it turned into an exploding volcano of anger and frustration,she felt her head is going to burst from her high blood pressure.

As she saw her number one enemy on her most hated list,Olivia's name at the same team as Aamon,and worst then that,she saw how Olivia fought like a sick person making her stomp her delicate feet with such great force that it smashed the tiles under her, sending a small Shockwave around her.

After that, when she saw how her brother abandoned Olivia,a surge of pleasure ran through her spine

As she enjoyed every moment of it

'I'll have to buy this clip!'

Was her first thought afterward.

Then she saw as Aamon cleared every floor of the tower all by himself, even the 20th floor as he cut down the

spider queen.

'My cool brother~'

Afterward, clearing the 30th floor and creating a huge commotion in the central square, she ran towards the healers tent to see him, but she was a step late as many like her

(mostly girls)were surrounding the tent, and academy staff wouldn't let anyone go in until she saw a familiar face.





Healers tent

Kyle watched Aamon's every action he saw how he fought the 30th floor Duo and defeated them, he saw his triumph, even nearly dying from getting his heart stabbed.

This ignited a tiny spark in his heart.

'I want to be like him,no...I want to surpass him.'

Kyle knew that this was a near impossible wish, but he had a secret backup, his system, so he wasn't worried about how to improve.

what he needed most was various resources needed for breakthrough, expensive medicine, and such.

'Sigh~ I still have a long way to go.'

Suddenly he heard many screams of girls and even some boys mixed in it coming from outside

"Young master!! Look at me!!

"I love you!! My idol!!

"Kyaaaaa!! He appeared!!

A bright column of light appeared in the entrance of the huge tent.

A silver haired youth appeared. His long silver hair was a bit disheveled, but his straight posture and sharp futures gave him a noble,untouchable aura

aldough he fought for hours none stop his body was still standing if you exempt a small hole near his heart and a cut on his arm he was mostly fine, he was holding a napkin as he was cleaning the blood splashed on his face and hands

Not only Kyle but everyone in the huge tent was staring at him intently,with various emotions mixed in them

Kyle felt Aamon looking at him for a moment that made his heart skip a beat

Before realizing it was Ellis and Sophia that were waving at him

'That surprised me!'

Suddenly, the leader of the healers unit dispatched from church came out of his room(a separate tent, I mean)

A dignified man holding a book

Cardinal Reuben Hudson he was wearing a white robe with 3 beautiful golden lines embroidered on his shoulder, showing his status as a high-ranking healer and a cardinal of the church of light

"May the God of light bless you, young master Aamon. I'm cardinal Hudson in charge of healers here. it's my pleasure to meet you."

Aamon smiled slightly and said

"It's an honor to meet the massager of light. It would have been nice to meet under better circumstances, Cardinal."

Cardinal loughed as he shaked Aamon's hand

"Hahaha! That was a long time ago. im surprised young master still remembers it.Please follow me inside. My best healers are waiting to treat you ."

He invited Aamon in, with a friendly manner.

Various flashes of envy and jealousy appeared within the shivering gazez of the students as cardinal respectfully took Aamon inside to heal him


Aamon was resting in a private tent separated by a thick grey fabric

2 healers were constantly channeling their holy powers to his wounds.

but his strong physic was posing a problem,it was taking longer than expected.

The Stab wound was dangerously close to his heart, so it had to be treated immediately, or it would be dangerous.

As the wounds closed, they bowed thier head and left

Aamon left alone he thought about the person he saw in the tent

'So,that was the main character

Kyle smith,his mana, was impressive for someone at his age.'

Suddenly, remembering something, he felt the sharp pain and annoying feeling coming back to him

'I'm not clean.'

In the past 4 hours that he was inside the tower, he was constantly moving

And besides that the dried up blood from his own wounds and the diffrent monster bloods were splashed on his clothes here and there,making his germophobic habits run wild in his head,like a needle being pressed on the back of his head




The thick fabric made a flapping sound as he saw his teacher Clara walk in with a notebook in her hand,and her usual cold face

Before Aamon could say his greetings, a head popped up behind her

"Hello~brother, how have you been, Did you miss me?"

His sister Emily said as she was smiling

"Oh Emily, it's bin a while."

Emily walked out from behind Clara

"Dont give me that.

Where have you bin!

You know how worried I was!"

She flooded Aamon with a bunch of questions

"Sigh~ I'll give you a treat later, so stop being nosy."

Like a cat that was being rewarded, she sat besides sitting Aamon and forgot everything as she placed her head on his shoulder and wrapped her hands around him with a satisfied smile

"Sigh~, Mrs Clara, to what do I owe the pleasure? It's rare for head teacher to personally come here."

Aamon asked with interest, although he had a faint idea.

Clara looked like she was bothered by something, but she brushed it off and said

"Congratulations, student. I'm here on behalf of the High Lord principal

Barbara Johnson, the lord, sends her regards, and in light of your brilliant achievement for setting a new record for Academy, she has decided to give you the following rewards

—20 million credits

—15 bottles of high-grade elixirs each Mana,strength and stamina

—The right to choose a technique book from the second level of the Royal treasury

—And...A special product,a slave martial artist from the middle continent... note that this is just a sign of appreciation for your achievements

She hopes that you would climb higher and higher.

"The rewards will be given after the test is over,on the teachers high platform,but the special product as per the principals order will be sent to your dormitory,that is all,if you have any complaints regarding the rewards you may say it to me."

Aamon smiled and said

"No, thank you for your concern. Please send my regards to the high lord principal."

Clara had a disappointed expression as she left the tent like she was offended by something

'Good,the plan is a success. I finally got my hands on you.'

Aamon smiled playfully as he thought about the rewards


author note

hay guys, for the new character, I've decided it to be a boy, but I wanna know what you guys think. Tell me here, please, because I wanna finalize the next chapter.

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