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Chapter 26: CH 22: Battle Of New York P2

Ali :"*Sitting on a couch* Hey, Tasha."

Natasha :"*Sitting next to him while looking at her phone* What is it, detka (baby)?"

Ali :"What do you call a black Ultimate?"

Natasha :"Confused* I don't know?"

Ali :"*Smirking* Doomnig-"


Natasha :"I've seen worse."

Ali/Bruce :"Sorry..."

Natasha :"No, we could use a little worse."

"Oh I'm planning to show you a lot more than just "a little" worse." Ali chuckled before speaking into his earpiece :"Ali to Iron Deficiency, are you doing alright? If not, we have a doctor who has a magical green medicine."

Tony :"Then tell him to suit up. I think it would be better if you suited up some more too, kid, cause I'm bringing the party to you."

Tony flew into view from far away, but he wasn't alone, because a Chitauri Leviathan followed right behind him as it hit the building a little, causing a good chunk of it to get destroyed. Thor snarled as he gripped his hammer, Mjölnir, even tighter as Natasha stuttered with a confused face :"I-I don't see how that's a party..."

Ali huffed in annoyance as he spread his arms with a disappointed look :"Tell me about it, how do you call that a party? That's just disappointing! And I'mma take care of that disappointment."

As he took a step forward towards the approaching Iron Man and the Chitauri Leviathan, Natasha grabbed his arm with a confused face :"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm getting mad~." Ali smirked smugly as a look of realization appeared on Natasha and everyone else's face. He pulled down his trench coat's zipper before taking it off and giving it to Natasha :"There's a chance that my Storage Bracelets will get harmed this time, so keep this in yours for now please."

Natasha grabbed the black trench coat as Ali started walking while he slowly transformed. He could do it in less than a split of a second, but he did it for dramatic effects!

Just like on the Helicarrier and his flesh turned gray, his hair turned white as bones came out of several places on his body while the ever so nonchalant aura around him disappeared.

As Iron Man flew over them while the Chitauri Leviathan slithered on the ground, destroying the streets and a shit ton of cars as it got closer and closer, Ali's transformation was complete!

Ali, now The Ultimate, clenched his fist as it greeted his teeth with a deadly glare and brought his fist back before giving a mighty roar :"DOOM!!!!!" And punched the Chitauri Leviathan so hard that its entire giant body exploded!

"ROOOAAARRR!!!" As the Chitauri soldiers screamed and screeched at the gray monstrosity, The Ultimate returned their snarls with a terrifying roar that caused every single glass in the nearby streets to shatter completely!

You would think that kind of roar would be extremely painful and harmful to the Avengers near him, but shockingly even to them, they couldn't feel any discomfort.

They were confused, but their questions were answered by a voice :"I think even more muscle will be a lot better for this situation, don't you think so, Mes (multiple me)?" <Audiokinesis was used, in case you were confused>

"Hell to the yeah, baby!" The excited voices of several people who had the same voices sounded, causing the Avengers to look around and see the other Alis flying down next to them.

"I don't think we should waste time, so let's just get to it already!" An Ali shouted with a demonic smile that he and the other Alis shared before they all transformed, except two of them.

"ROOOAAARRR!!!" The 8 The Ultimate <fuck me...> roared at the same time as one of the two Alis who hadn't transformed leaned towards the other Ali who hadn't transformed, a nervous expression on both of their faces :"I know that their me, but this is honestly terrifying..."

"Tell me about it... I honestly want to run away to another Multiverse entirely..." The other Ali gulped as he whispered back and the first Ali nodded :"Yeah, you think another one of our soul pieces will let us crash at his place for a while...?"

<I can't blame them, just the thought of multiple Doomsdays in a single universe is literally making me sweat... How do you expect me to not be scared when I know what kind of bullshits Doomsday has done?

The first time I saw Doomsday in that Superman cartoon, I thought that he's just a monster that Superman will take care of in a little bit. But when I saw Doomsday giving Superman the beating of his life, I was honestly shooken...

Honestly, the only reason why any being other than an Omnipotent being can defeat Doomsday is because of authors. And the only way an Omnipotent being can kill him is because of either completely erasing his existence, if that is possible, or just make it so he didn't exist, as if he wasn't born. Those are only ways...>

They both flinched and hugged each other when all of The Ultimates suddenly looked at both of them :"I think the best course of action here would be to transform... I don't like this, this is just nightmare fuel..."

They both immediately transformed and the cursed image of TEN Doomsdays in the same place was created... Fuck me... <It's so bad that even the camera man is scared...>

"I guess I can't just stay back, can I?" Bruce said before his flesh turned green and he got bigger and bigger, causing his clothes to rip before he roared. However, compared to the roars heard a little while ago... Yeah... All The Ultimates turned to him and looked at him with not rage or anger, just pure confusion. They all literally had a "The fuck you doing, child?" look on their faces.

The Ultimates were so confused, they even looked at each other for answers, but they just shrugged at each other with confused looks. <Now I wanna see a scene of multiple Doomsdays looking at each other in just pure confusion... That seems oddly wholesome for some reason>

Deciding to ignore it, all of them got into positions, both The Ultimates and the Avengers as they got ready for action.

Iron Man flew on top of them, Hulk roared again, Hawkeye prepared his bow and arrows, Thor swung his hammer slightly, Captain America prepared his shield, Black Widow prepared her battle armor and guns, and The Ultimates growled in rage and hunger.

<I just realized something...

Black Widow: B

Iron Man: I

Thor: T

Captain America: C

Hawkeye and Hulk: H

Together they are ✨BITCH✨!!!!! 🤣🤣>

As Loki looked down at them, slightly nervous because of The Ultimates, he let out with a small glare :"Send the rest." And following his order, not just a shit ton of Chitauri soldiers, but multiple Chitauri Leviathans came out of the giant ass portal.

"Guys..." Natasha called out, causing everybody else to look up at the unfortunate sight as Iron Man spoke up :"Call it, Captain."

Steve :"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Can you give me a lift?" Clint looked at Tony who nodded and grabbed him from behind :"Right. Better clench up, Legolas." And then they flew away.

Steve :"Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up."

Thor didn't answer as he just twirled his hammer by the rope or whatever connected to the handle, thrusted it up and then flew away before Steve looked at Natasha :"You and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. Ultimates and Hulk..."

Every single monstrosity whipped their head towards him, causing him to gulp a little as he pointed up :"Smash." Causing a toothy grin to appear on the faces of all of them before they all leaped towards different directions.

A bunch of Chitauri were unfortunate to fly towards an Ultimate who grabbed the entire vehicle and squashed it into a ball before throwing it at a few incoming Chitauri vehicles, causing all of them to explode.

A few other Chitauri soldiers on their pods thought that attacking him was a good idea, but they immediately regretted shooting him when a fucking bus came flying towards them!

As the first Ultimate grabbed onto a building, he looked down to see that it was another Ultimate who had thrown the bus and killed the Chitauri dumbasses. The first Ultimate smirked as it gave the second Ultimate a thumbs up :"Doom!" And the second Ultimate gave him a thumbs up of his own :"Doom!"

"Doom!" Another Ultimate called out, but it seemed like he was scolding them... When the first Ultimate looked at him, the third Ultimate pointed at a flying Chitauri Leviathan :"Doom!"

"Doom!" And the first Ultimate gave him a thumbs up before they both jumped towards the flying Chitauri Leviathan. As they nearest it, the first Ultimate grabbed the Chitauri Leviathan's head while the third Ultimate grabbed its jaw, and with the force that they had jumped and how tightly they grabbed the Chitauri Leviathan's upper and lower mouth, the Chitauri Leviathan was actually ripped in half horizontally!

The first and third Ultimates let go of the dead Chitauri Leviathan as they crashed into a building and went inside. As they both looked at their handiwork, they smirked at each other as they high-fived :"Doom."

<Now I want a bunch of Doomsdays just "Doom"ing at each other...>


"Stark, you got a lot of strays sniffing your tail." Hawkeye said as he stood on the edge of a skyscraper and shot an arrow while Iron Man flew with a bunch of Chitauri soldiers on their pods :"I'm just trying to... keep them off the streets."

"Well, they can't bank worth a damn." Hawkeye said as he shot an exploding arrow at a flying Chitauri pod with a few Chitauri on it without even looking :"So find a tight corner."

"I will roger that." Iron Man said before he started maneuvering through the buildings. But just as he turned towards a street and the Chitauri followed him, there was suddenly a roar as an Ultimate who was in the middle of a jump appeared in his vision!

But luckily for Tony who nearly had a heart attack, the Ultimate didn't seem to be after him, because he jumped towards the Chitauri following Iron Man and killed them all in a split second.

The Ultimate may look like a mindless giant with only strength, but he doesn't lack speed at all. He has gone up against people like Superman and Flash, you know? Even at the slowest, they are at least light speed level in the comics.

"Well, you nearly gave me a heart attack, but I guess I won't mind it since you helped me..." Tony murmured to himself before he flew away and started killing some Chitauri.


A Chitauri tried to stab Natasha with his spear, but Natasha dodged before performing a roundhouse kick on the Chitauri's head with the small saws on the greaves of Gilgamesh out, results in the Chitauri's face being cut in half before exploding because of Natasha's powerful kick.

When she heard a sound from behind, she immediately got into a stance, ready to kick some more ass. However, the slightly panting heroine let her guard down when she saw that it was just Captain America. As she panted, she shook her head as she looked at the giant ass portal :"Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

Steve :"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it."

Natasha :"Well, maybe it's not about guns."

Steve :"If you want to get up there, you're going to need a ride."

Natasha :"I got a ride."

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