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40.9% Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry) / Chapter 18: Goodbye Happy View Of Life

Chapter 18: Goodbye Happy View Of Life

-Kyoto Forest-

"That went well"

"NO IT DIDN'T!" Raku yelled at Victor who was walking along with Rem and Aizawa the three of them didn't even have a single scratch but Raku on the other hand was covered in dirt dust and blood from the stray devil's they hunted now all they needed to do was kill one last one and the beast the system mentioned, Only Raku had a hard time due to the fact he was just a normal highschooler Aizawa had lost count of how many times he had to save him while Rem kept trying to cheer up Raku but alas that didn't do anything as Victor was clrealy using him as bait for the Strays as everytime one appeared it was always when Raku was alone.

"Kid I haven't slept in 38 hours can you just use your gun while I nap..."Aizawa didn't even wait for reply as he immediately got in his sleeping bag which to Raku's point of view magically appeared.

'Hurry this up'

A voice came in Victor's mind specifically the voice of one little ophis who after seeing that the Devil Bringer was fully form was currently napping due to the fact that it was the closest thing to a void she could find minus the fact she could sometimes hear Victor's thoughts, so technically she was now a sacred gear as her Presence In the Devil Bringer is giving Victor quite a few buffs but unlike actual sacred gears she could freely go out of the Devil Bringer any time she wanted

'Aren't you supposed to be asleep?' Victor asked Ophis who didn't bother replying and instead stayed silent and took a nap inside

"W-What is that smell?" Rem spoke out as she pinched her nose while Victor finally caught the sent and for him it was possibly the worse he had ever smelled, meanwhile Raku and Aizawa we're confused before Aizawa finally remembered that Victor was a Demon and Rem was an Oni which probably meant they had better sense's then both of them who we're just human

"What smell?" Raku asked yet he didn't get a reply as Victor raised his hand shushing Raku up as he focused on a sound specifically a sound of someone crying, Rem being cautious brought out her Morningstar since they we're in a forest she had the space to use it while Aizawa readied his bow and Raku rashly prepared his Gun. Victor made a gesture to make them follow him and soon enough after a bit of walking the sound of crying was louder and clearer and the scent could now be smelled by Aizawa who gagged a bit before getting his composure while Raku was literally covering his mouth so he wouldn't vomit, There it was the source of it all a woman that was wearing a Yukata that was melting at her skin in fact her whole body seemed like it was melting to Raku she seemed in pain and despite the smell he approached her while Aizawa was about to pull him back before Victor stopped him

"Let him do it" Victor whispered to him and Rem who still prepared her Morningstar

"W-Who's there!" The young woman yelled as she finally saw Raku and she was immediately terrified and Raku who got a closer look at her face saw that it was all melted but he didn't hesitate and still approached her

"Are you alright?" Raku worriedly asked as he waited a reply from the woman who only crawled back a bit further, Raku showed himself holstering the gun back at his belt holster showing the woman he meant no harm

"A-Are you alone??" The melting woman asked worriedly to which she got a reply from Raku who nodded to make her feel less scared

"T-Their monsters! They made me join their peerage and when I escaped they did this to me!" The woman outreached her arms as she fully showed her figure that was heavily disfigured and melting Raku took pity on her and slowly approached but suddenly the once scared and crying woman leaped towards Raku to what seemed to him was an instant but not for Aizawa who shot his arrow at the now confirmed stray's head killing it, While Raku was covered in the blood of the stray and fell on his butt

"H-Huh??" He was confused a second earlier the woman seemed to be in pain but now she was lying on the ground with an arrow through her head he looked towards Aizawa in fear

"Y-You killed her!"

"Raku she was about to kill you, you couldn't see it but she leaped towards you in a speed you couldn't catch up with" Rem told Raku as she looked at him with pity since Raku in her's eyes was too innocent she turned towards Aizawa who shot the arrow and Raku and saw that despite killing something that would have killed the boy she still saw pity in his eyes it was the same with the stray's earlier as every time Aizawa killed or shot at them she would always see pity in his eyes.

"Raku earlier you didn't hesitate to attack the other strays since they we're men but as soon as you saw a female in a forest of strays that obviously looked like one you reached out trying to help her, I know you mean well but you have to learn that just because they look pitiful and innocent doesn't they are"

Victor grabbed Raku by the arm and pulled him up from the ground while Aizawa picked up his arrow not bothering on cleaning the blood off as if it meant something, but Raku was still shaken since he understood Victor's word's he always had a soft spot and weakness for women but now he knew that he had to get rid of it.

[You have all killed 10 strays!, The beast will appear in 2 hours please standby]


The beast is a mash of the corrupted souls of all the foreign soul who we're reincarnated in this world driven by rage and hate as they died failing before they could reach their goals


Each beast has all the abilities of the souls it possesses please be cautious

Soul Count: 12

Reading the screen that appeared Victor sighed as he looked towards everyone who had different expressions

"Don't feel sorry for the soul's they wouldn't be corrupted for a reason, Raku take this cash and wait for me and Aizawa at the café we saw earlier I wanna have a talk with him but before that Rem could you use your water magic to clean the blood off Raku?" Victor tossed a roll of Yen towards Raku who barely caught it while Rem guided Raku away from Victor and Aizawa who we're now looking at each other

"It was probably true" Victor told Aizawa who had a face guilt on his face, by what Victor meant was the fact that stray claimed she was forced to join a Devil's peerage Aizawa felt guilty as a Hero he had killed more than he had ever killed in the single day he was with the Group Chat.

"The Peerage system of Devil's are basically the whole chessboard each piece giving a buff the king piece being the ruler's which was always a High-Class Devil, and only actual few peerage members we're willing members some we're either forced to join or threatened and Stray's are those who disobeyed and ran or either killed their King. And immediately the chess piece in them will begin to mutate them turning them to these monster's that crave for flesh" Hearing Victor's further explanation about the Stray's caused the guilt In Aizawa to grow further despite not showing it

"Look I know your a Hero in your world but your a grown ass man you don't have to think about our enemies not being guilty, I got a closer look at the Stray's Yukata an it was covered in dry blood stains so she likely killed someone earlier today" Victor grabbed Aizawa's shoulder and felt that he was shaking a bit Victor understood that Aizawa was in shock and was doubting himself he knew what it felt like as the first time he killed someone it took him a few days to get over it but he knew Aizawa was 30 and if he was gonna stay at the group chat he had to accept he has to kill almost all the enemies they would encounter.

"I'll see you at the Café you old man"

Victor slowly walked away leaving Aizawa to look at the bloody tip of his arrow before looking at the corpse of the stray

"The fuck should I do Oboro...."

[Devils May Die]

The Oni's version of the Re;Zero Rem came from actually considered Twins as a blessing instead of a bad omen but it didn't stop people for realizing Ram was the gifted on out of her and Rem

[Devils May DIe]

Somewhere in a Café in Kyoto Rem was currently stuffing herself with sweets while Raku was looking at his cupcake with dead stare Victor was chomping down on a Velvet Cake while Aizawa who had just arrived was waiting for his ice coffee

"This truly is Tasty!" Rem had eaten her 8th Cupcake she she enjoyed all the things on the Menu while Victor didn't even care about how much he would have to pay since he still had a few millions after the job from Riser, But as they we're all just chilling in the Café a girl with long Black hair came at their table and was no directly standing Infront of Victor

"THANK YOU!!!" The girl bowed deeply at Victor who was confused for a second on why a stranger would do something like this until he got a closer look at her and finally remembered, she was one of the many Yokai's he had save from Diodora's factory he was glad she was alright but now he would probably hit her for doing something this bizarre in public

"L-Look you don't have to thank me-" But before he could say anything his hand's we're held together by the girl

"No! you saved me and my friend's lives! I have to repay you I'll start by paying for everything you've ordered!"

"A-Are you sure my friend here ate like 10 Orders-"


'God why am I always stuck with the weirdo's'

'𝘼𝙧𝙚𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡?'

'Oh shut it you snake'

And so just earlier on Victor made a huge impact toward's Aizawa but now the sleepy old man himself was wondering if Victor was either stupid on purpose or not


And that's the final chapter for the day it's more of a reality check for Raku since if you've watched Nisekoi you know how biased he is Toward's women, on the other hand I've changed the Fanfic's Pic to DMC4 Nero Visions of V by Tomio Ogata so you all have a better image of what he looks like in anime form!. but for now ill see you all in the next chapters! and don't forget to leave a review in the fanfics page I don't care about the power stones just knowing I'm doing things right is already enough for me!

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