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100% STAR WARS : Brotherhood / Chapter 12: An impossible test.

Chapter 12: An impossible test.

Raiden sat cross legged, floating in the air as he meditated on the past. A year now since he'd left Mandalor. A year since he'd seen her. He used to think of her constantly but as time went on she was in his mind less, but he still missed her. Not that he knew her for very long. He thought to his arm, the Lightsaber in side and the blaster strapped to his leg. Then he was drawn from his meditation.


"Hey Saruman." Raiden said to the droid that disrupted him.

Raiden floated down slowly to his feet before checking himself. He fixed his dark blue, almost black robes, flexed his metal arm and felt the Shoto Saber inside, brushed a hand against his blaster then checked his belt. The familiar weight of his Crossguard Saber was present, strapped horizontally on the back of his belt, difficult to reach by design as Raiden never wished to wield it again but should always remember its lessons.

Then he reached his Lightsaber, a Saberstaff. Raiden had trained much with a staff on Dathomir and had become used to wielding a larger weapon, and he preferred to have the ability to wield it as a normal Lightsaber. He inspected the hilt. Smooth dark grey polycarbonate, underlined with white material and ringed with golden phrik. Deep inside the Saber was a Kyber Crystal found inside the caves if Illum.

"BEEP-BOOP!!!" The bipedal droid shouted obscenities in binary, urging his master to hurry.

"Where the force did you hear words like that?" Raiden asked the mischievous droid

"Beep-Bop-Boop-Beep" the droid answered his master

"Your old master? Well Master Dooku certainly didn't say anything like that, neither would Master Greyhame, you better not be lying to me Saruman." Raiden said to the BD unit droid that once belonged to Master Dooku, before he gifted it to his good friend Master Greyhame

"Boop-Bop!" The droid sassed back

"Or I'll scrap you for parts BD-15!!!" With a hand gesture Raiden lifted the small droid into the air.

"BEEP-BOOP-BEEP!!!" The little droid roared at Raiden with all the menace and terror as an Ewok.

"Fine I'll put you down, we have no time to be playing around we must get to my test." Raiden said letting the poor droid down and taking off towards the training area.

As Raiden made his way to the training room he thought about his droid companion. The BD-15 unit was built for exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy and all the harsh terrain that's found in the wide universe. This droid, Saruman as he was called by his previous master, was no different. He once belonged to Master Dooku when he became a Jedi Knight but as Dooku began going on fewer and fewer missions over the years he gifted the droid to his good friend Master Greyhame.

With Master Greyhame, Saruman went in many adventures across the galaxy and it was Master Greyhame that gave the droid his name. Saruman was a modified BD unit primarily focused on engineering. If you needed something fixed quickly BD-15 was on it. He was small which offered advantages and disadvantages. He could fit into small spaces and also ride on Raidens shoulder but couldn't do large engineering jobs.

"Come on Saruman, we're nearly there."


It had been two years since Raiden escaped Dothomir, however he hadn't left unscathed. He had spent these last two years in the Jedi Temple healing both mentally and physically. He had also been training. From Master Kit Fisto he learnt Form I. Many Jedi say the form is too basic, lacking both offensive and defensive capabilities. Fisto says it is them that lack offensive and defensive capabilities.

He also had many other Masters over these two years, he learnt all forms of Lightsaber Combat from many different Council Members. In addition to learning Form II, Makashi from Master Dooku he also learnt about negotiations and politics from the old Jedi Master and they spent many long hours debating philosophy and about the Jedi's role in the Republic.

Years from now Raiden would look back and think about those times. About the look in Dooku's eyes when he spoke about the stare of the Republic. The state of the Jedi. Raiden would remember and he would understand what lead to Dooku's fall. But at the current time Raiden was but a boy. Eleven years of age and still somewhat blinded by the light of youth, though admittedly a lot less than his peers.

Today was the day that he would be tested. The Council would decide whether Raiden was fit in mind and body to go on missions for the order, or if he was to remain for another year. Raiden entered the chamber to find four Masters waiting. Jedi Grandmaster Yoda, Jedi Master Windu, Jedi Master Dooku and Jedi Master Greyhame.

"Hrrmmm. Welcome Padawan Skywalker." The Elderly Greed Jedi said in greeting.

"Masters, I am ready for my test." Raiden replied

"We will see" Master Windu responded with his usual stony features.

Dooku said nothing instead placing a reassuring hand on Raidens shoulder before turning with a flourish and walking to the side of the ring along with the other Masters. Master Greyhame however made his way to the centre of the ring, facing his young student. Raiden mirrored the old Master and stood facing him as his hand inched to his belt.

"Raiden." The snake-like figure called out to his younger opponent.

"Yes Master Greyhame." Raiden tensed at his Masters words as he pulled his Lightsaber from his belt with the force but Ariadne didn't ignite it.

"You are about to find out why I am considered one of the finest duellists in the order." His old voice spoke with power and wisdom as his clawed hands clenched around his weapon.

Clasped in Greyhame's four hands was his long staff and at its peak was a large kyber crystal of many colours. The old masters eyes closed and the staff began to raise, twisting and turning as it separated into four Lightsaber hilts and the kyber crystal at the top levitated and settled in a metal clasp that sat in his robes directly above his heart.

"Land one hit on Master Greyhame to pass this test you must." Came the voice of the Grand Master but Riadens eyes never left Greyhame

"Don't worry I'll go easy on you." Came the humour filled voice of Master Greyhame as he ignited one Lightsaber.

As the green blade sprang from Greyhames Lightsaber Raiden ignited his own as he fell into the form I stance. His feet stood shoulder width apart, his purple bladed Lightsaber angled slightly forward and held in both hands in from of him. For a moment no one moved as all was still.


Sparks erupted from where the two blades met. Both Master and Apprentice moved so quickly that no one observing could tell who moved first, bar Master Yoda who saw the tensing in Greyhames form before he struck.

After the clash of blades there was another moment but this lasted only a second before the green blade struck again. The slash met a purple flurry but both were moving slow, much slower than they were capable of. It was clear Greyhame was only testing the young boy but he had finished and it was time to get serious.

"Enough playing Skywalker!" Was the only warning before it became impossible tell what was happening.

Raiden spun, blocking a slash from behind, he fell to his knee and used the momentum of the spin to slash at Greyhames midsection. Using his tail like a springboard Greyhame launched himself into the air falling down with a Lightsaber strike which was blocked by a kneeling Raiden. With a calming breath Riadens right hand fell to his holster and grasped his blaster. Time seemed to slow as he drew the weapon and pulled the trigger.




Three light green blasts flew towards the old Master yet none made contact as yet another blade ignited. Two blue blades erupted from the same hilt as Greyhame spun the saber staff sending all three blasts of course. Then Greyhame struck out with his tail causing his Lightsaber hilt to fall from his grasp.

Raiden then dropped his blaster as he believed that the protection his beskar arm would offer was more important than having his blaster. Now Raiden had to content with three blades and he was without his own. Raising to his feet he met ever blade with his beskar hand or with tutaminis, drawing power from the blades.

Using tutaminis Raiden drew power from the blade with every contact made and then he released all the built up power forcing his opponent to stagger. This gave him the time he needed to call his Lightsaber back to his hand and allowed him to pull his Shoto saber from his beskar arm.

Raiden was an onslaught of blades. Purple and black twirling and clashing against the green and the blue. Saber lock after saber lock. Dodge after dodge. Slash after slash. Nothing made contact. Raidens offence was impressive, far beyond anyone his age. A prodigy of the blade. Yet it wasn't enough. Nothing could defeat him.

Then another Lightsaber ignited. A short green Shoto Saber. Raiden felt exhaustion gripp his heart and his lungs burned and his legs faltered. He could not carry on. But he had to. Fatigue had caught up to him but he was still Raiden Skywalker and still the most promising Jedi since Reven himself.

Raiden stood a few feet away from his opponent and he took deep breaths as his brown hair stuck to his forehead by sweat. The green Shoto saber was thrown directly at him but Raidens black saber met it and both crashed to the ground. Raiden ignited his second blade edge and soared at his opponent, twisting through the air like a purple storm.

Raidens attacks were blocked and now he stood behind Greyhame. Slash, stab, swipe. All met the blade of his opponent. Greyhame called his Shoto saber back to his hand as Raiden almost gained the upper hand. Raiden used his saber staff to force his opponents guard upward. Both green sabers were forced upward and Raiden delivered a swift kick to his opponents arm sending his saber staff falling to the ground. Calling his Shoto saber to his hand Raiden felt elated. This was it. He had done it.


A yellow cross guard saber slammed into Riadens Shoto saber, sending to off course before crashing against his saber staff leaving Raiden without a saber. With a force leap Raiden created distance between himself and Greyhame. Raiden looked to Master Greyhame. The only saber he held in his hand was the cross guard saber the others he had levitating around him.

Raiden was desperate. His blaster would be no help. Both his sabers orbited Greyhame. He was about to lose. Until he felt a familiar weight on his belt. He has swore to never use it. But why. It was only a tool. Why should he fear it. Reaching back he pulled it from his belt. A crude yet graceful hilt of black metal and twisted bronze. At the base was a crude metal spike and a sharp blade at at the emitter.

Green plasma came from the hilt with a roar and a crackle echoed as two smaller blades shot from the vents. With a calming breath Raiden let all the frustration and anger leave him as he gave himself to the force and let it guide his actions. The Shoto sabers came first, green and black crashing against Riadens Crossguard saber.

Then came the saber staffs. Raiden grabbed the purple from the air as he began to move towards Master Greyhame, throwing it back and intercepting the blue as Raiden began to sprint. Now in range the clash began. Once the blades met. Twice. A third time. The forth time the yellow was met with a beskar hand that wrenched the saber free and Raidens hand force pulled something from Greyhame while he was distracted.

Greyhame pulled out his last trick and with a twirl he sent his green saber at Raiden who threw his own Crossguard saber to meet it. Raiden heard the sound of savers igniting and he knew what was happening so he again gave himself to the force and pulled something from his pocket that shocked all the Masters. In his hand was Greyhames Kyber Crystal.

All his Lighsabers extinguished and soared past doing no harm. Raiden then used Greyhames shock to wrestle control of his own lightsabers from him. Now with the Lightsabers in his control he directed them at Greyhame. Despite his old age his serpentine physique gave him great dexterity and so he dodged all the sabers but as he landed he felt a sting in his chest.

"Won, you have." Came the voice of Yoda

"Yes, very impressive Young Padawan." Windu said in his stern voice and Dooku gave only a nod of approval.

"Yes, next time I won't go easy on you." Greyhame commented as he used the force to assemble all the Lightsaber hilts into a staff.

"Go now Padawan Skywalker, we will brief you on your mission shortly, now go rest." Master Windu said with kind eyes and Raiden took their advice and left for his room.

A few hours after his test was complete Dooku came to his room. His eyes were kind and his face stern as usual yet there was something else. A sadness in his eyes. But Dooku hid it well. Raiden invited him in and they both sat at a small desk.

"Raiden I will be accompanying you for the first part of this mission." He informed the young man

"Only the first parts Master?" Raiden questioned.

"Yes, you are going to Mandalor to help guard the Duke and his family along side Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan." He told him and Raiden was filled with joy at the thought of seeing Bo again then his mood soured when he thought about her needing protection.

"War is brewing on Mandalor Raiden and you must be careful." Dooku warned.

"I will Master, but why are you accompanying me?" Raiden asked not that he was upset by the company.

"To see Qui-Gon one last time." Dooku said sorrowfully

"But you'll be here when he comes back, won't you?" Worry now filled Raidens tone.

"No, I'm not sure I will." Dooku answered with a sad smile

"I have becomes disillusioned with the Republic and the Order, I will return to my home planet and take up my family title as Count." Dooku said the the young man who raised from his seat and hugged his old mentor.

"There now, I'll see you again someday, have to doubt." Dooku responded after holding him for a moment.

"We will, I can feel it in the force." Raiden responded

And he could feel it in the force. They would meet again. On the opposite sides of a war.

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