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48.43% Fate/Disturbance / Chapter 31: A Reputable Enforcer

Chapter 31: A Reputable Enforcer

Sitting on the matted floor as was tradition, dressed in her usual business suit, Bazett fiddled with her almost-pale fingers, scrutinising the cup of tea laid on the table before her as if it were the answer to all her current problems. The sunlight from open windows against her skin was barely noticed and the furnished wooden walls and furniture of the Emiya Residence didn't interest her.

She was an Enforcer, taught and trained to hunt down undesirables by one of the most powerful governing bodies of the magical world and yet, that wasn't amounting to much in this latest 'endeavour' of hers.

Lancer, her summoned servant, had been taken from her and her command seals were gone. It was only his code of honour and the hospitality of the teenager he'd left her with that left her time to look back on all events, realise how foolish she'd been.

Bazett clicked her tongue, annoyed with herself.

The first damned thing she'd done was approach Kirei and if not for Aston that would have been her end. The rest was all him acting within his power and granted freedom, the next goddamned thing she'd done saw her stripped of her servant and her command seals! SOMEONE she'd resolved herself to help had only been helping HER so far!

Her annoyance and frustration didn't go unnoticed by the only other person there, Artoria, who was in a dilemma of her own and as such, there wasn't much conversation between the two women. If not for their dilemmas then the seeming disapproval they had for one another.

Taking in a deep breath, Bazett pushed her thoughts aside, forcing herself into a more pragmatic mindset befitting an Enforcer from the Mage's Association. Being emotional had only gotten her into wreck after wreck, so she needed to do whatever it took to see her desires through.

Her gaze momentarily lingered on the back of her palm, where her three command seals had before the night a day prior.

Command seals, highly advanced forms of magecraft that could, at least in theory, force even the mightiest of heroes to obey a normal human but they weren't entirely necessary. Servants were the highest class of familiars and familiars, were maintained through contracts.

Bazett's thoughtful gaze landed on a seemingly aloof Artoria, looking as if she was lost in her own memories and that, it gave her a bit of an idea, "If I were to tell you Aston was being forced into something against his will, would you help?" Probably not, considering her his-

"Why is that something to be called into question?" The quick response and lack of hesitation coupled with her bright green eyes staring right into her own made Bazett pause for a moment, unable to formulate an immediate response to the British King of Legend.

Artoria connected the dots and, perhaps motivated by the events of the prior night, drew assumptions of her own, clenching the edges of her blue skirt with gritted teeth. The magus hadn't shared anything despite Shirou's questioning.

It was truly pitiful.

He'd sought her out because he was in trouble hadn't he?

It was rather strange to be truthful, for something like that to frustrate her so.

Bazett's next words made her thoughts come to a complete halt.

"Even if it means going against your own Master?"

Artoria found herself faltering at that, she was a knight and knights had their code of honour. To go against the one you've pledged fealty to was the complete opposite of what all of them aspired to be.

"Thought so." Bazett's unsurprised gaze didn't help either, "That's as far as it goes." She shrugged, reaching into her pockets for her gloves, there were other ways to fight because unlike the traditional magus, she had indeed prioritised power over academic recognition.

It did come as a pleasant surprise when Artoria only closed her eyes and reopened them, carrying a certain 'chill' that would make the ordinary man shiver, "So long as it is assured that no harm comes to the boy." Aston deserved that much, "I presume you intend to contract myself?"

As annoying as it was to admit, Shirou couldn't even supply her with the bare minimum she needed to exhibit any real fraction of her prowess. It was curious that he tried to fight in her stead, weak as he was, but it wasn't something she was a real stranger to. Aston had done the same and much more, committed atrocities where she was to.

Even with Excalibur, Avalon and then Rhongomyniad in hand, her knight always desired to see her safe and unharmed, protected her even when weakened or injured. It was only right then that she do the same for him. Her resolve was only strengthened by all the new emotions that had taken to nestling in her heart.

"None will, I swear." Bazett slightly smiled, using the table as support to push herself up to her feet.

Shirou Emiya was no fool, that was plain to see but his selflessness was exploitable.

There was no lack in the number of ways to take the contract, from kidnapping an acquaintance to simply appealing to the very truthful that many more would be saved were Artoria to be under Bazett, she could even 'promise' to do what he sought to do and end the Grail Wars once and for all.

With that in mind, the Enforcer made her way out of the Emiya Residence and to Homurahara Academy where Shirou had gone.

Artoria stared at the magus' back, being motivated by emotions was a very foreign thing to the her now but, it wasn't so bad. Duty truly was the death of love, was it not?

* * *

Aston walked through the streets of the Miyama District with the gait of a relaxed foreigner touring the sights, at least that was what all those that happened to come across him thought and it did make sense.

Miyama Town, the district of Fuyuki practically made for the rich.

With expensive mansions built in both traditional and western styles, accompanied by large compounds and littered with the sort of houses one would find in high society.

Strangely, he fit right in, the scar running down his face oddly adding to his 'air' but then again, it wasn't quite strange considering his background as a famed knight of the Round Table, an order reporting directly to a King of Britain.

Aston found himself drawn to the place both his current Master and his King resided in but that wasn't the complete truth, his guts told him something was off here and he'd learnt to trust them.

All his instincts went alert when he approached a certain western-style manse.

It was prim and proper but felt gloomy and depressive, as if some great 'atrocity' had been committed there. The irony of his own thoughts made the knight chuckle, "Should I just barge in savagely?" No, that was unlike him.

Soon enough, Aston had his answer.

Scratching his stomach, the Knight of Atrocity right up walked to the dark wooden door and knocked on it several times, putting on the most cordial smile he could, "Guests are still a thing, I hope." Aston spoke to himself.

When no answer came even after a minute of waiting, the servant knocked again and this time, it worked, "Coming!" The flustered voice of a young girl came from behind, accompanied by the sound of shoes against wood.

"Well met child." Aston gave a small bow, getting a confused one in return and rose to his full height again, scrutinising the form of the girl who'd answered the door. She wore a simple white dress and her purple hair came down to her shoulders, adorned with a red ribbon. Her gaze seemed homely yet sad but that wasn't all there was to it.

Aston pursed his lips.

He was no magus so he didn't truly know but, Aston felt it wasn't normal even for magi to have large worms nestling inside their flesh.

"Um.. who?" Her tone was almost awkward, somewhat suspicious which was normal, the lancer was a complete stranger to her.

Placing a hand over his chest, Aston spoke with a smile that didn't quite reach his ears, "Ah, Aston. I sought a meeting with the Master of the House, the matter is urgent so if you could, do hurry." He came up with something on the spot, well-versed in speechcraft.

"I will.." The girl paused for a moment, staring at him before stepping aside to make way for him, "Inform Grandfather." She wasn't versed in the dealings of magi, nor how they operated but his demeanour did it's intended job.

Aston gave a small nod, walking inside with his right hand clenched, he truly did love his sixth-sense like instincts.

It was the Grandfather who was the magus eh?

His honour and oaths demanded he not let such things go unpunished when they were before him.

As a man motivated by desire, how could he when he desired to see justice done here?

It appeared aligning himself with the witch till an opportunity presented itself had been the correct decision.


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You can find up to 7 chapters ahead of this one at

A bit behind cause of no internet for past few days (fuck you politics) but rest assured, I'm trying to fill it back up as soon as possible.

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