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58.06% Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity) / Chapter 18: Ch - 17 Declaration of war

Chapter 18: Ch - 17 Declaration of war

Morning ~

In the throne room of Hastinapur, several people could be seen in thier respective places. Drithrastra was sitting on his throne that was made out of gold. The throne was very beautiful and was embedded with several precious gems. It was placed higher than compared to rest of the seats in the room.

Bhishm,Vidhur, Yudhishthir and Duryodhan were sitting on thier respective places. The rest of the brothers were also present. Karna and Raghav were also there and the royal ladies were on a higher floor, looking at the room seriously.

The environment of the room was very tense as today was the day when the king will choose the Crowned Prince. There were only two people who were eligible for the right of throne. First was Yudhishthir, he was the eldest and according to the laws, he should be the king. Second was Duryodhan, he was the son of the king and also the eldest son of the king. (Pandavas and Kauravs are cousins.)

There was one more candidate but he himself was unknown of this.

Raghav - ' Fate can cruel sometimes. '

Karna - "What are you thinking Raghav?"

Raghav - "Nothing much."

He replied with a smile. He could just tell him this but thought this was not the right time.

Vidhur (Prime minister) - "King, in accordance to law, Yudhishthir has the right of succession. He should be the king."

Bhishm - "I agree, He should be the king. He is the eldest of all."

Shakuni - " I disagree! Duryodhan is the son of the king. He have every right to be king. He is the son of the King and is the eldest of his brothers. "

Pandavas had more support because they are children of Gods. Duryodhan on the other hand had the support of his 100 brothers, his uncle Shakuni, his parents Drithrastra and Gandhari and Karna.

Now you may wonder, If his father support him, why don't he just give his position to Duryodhan? Well to answer that, it just politics. Drithrastra was not the real king. Because he is blind, his brother, Pandu became the king but one day he ventured out in the forest to hunt and accidentally killed a sage who were engaged in 'activities' in the form of deer. The Sage while dying, cursed Pandu that if he ever interacted with a women in sexual manner, he would burn to death. Feeling guilty, Pandu left his position as the king and went to forest to live. Pandavas are the children of Pandu.

Anyways, as the position of the king was empty, Bhishm declared Drithrastra as the king. So in reality, Drithrastra is not even the real king and thus, cannot do much in this situation.

While the discussion was going on, a person dressed as a sage rushed inside the throne room with anger on his face.

Everyone immediately recognised him and greeted him.

Everyone - "Pranipat Dronacharya."

Drona too greeted them but anger could easily be seen on his face.

Vidhur - "What brings you here Dronacharya? Why are you angry?"

Drona - "No one can become the crown prince before they give my gurudakshina*!"

{A/n - Gurudakshina is a very old and ancient concept belonging to the Indians. It is the tradition to repay one's 'guru' or the 'teacher' after the complete process of education is over."

Drithrastra - "Yes ofcourse! The children will give you whatever you want. Just ask!"

Drona - " I want the princes to defeat king of Panchal, Drupad. We both were trained by the same teacher. He promised me to give half of his kingdom when he becomes the king. Few years ago, when I was poor, I asked him to just give me two cows so that I could feed my son. He rejected and even humiliated me. I WANT REVENGE!"

Heading the words of Drona, everyone present were shocked. They didn't dare to utter a single words as everyone present knows the strength of Panchal and Drupad. Drupad was a Maharathi (Check the power level chapter to know about the ranks of worries) and was equally matched with Drona. He had 2 Akshauhini* army.

(A/n 1 Akshauhini is 218,700 soldiers so doing very intense maths, 2 Akshauhini is 437,400 )

Drithrastra - "But his army is really big, We barely match thier strength!"

Drona (angry)- "If you are not able to give me what I want, then I will train a student that will bring the downfall of both Panchal and Hastinapur."

Drona Shouted loudly with anger in his voice. Some were scared while others were worried. There are already enough enemies of the kingdom and they didn't need or want more.

Arjun - "No need for that! I will go and fight him."

Bheem - " I will also go."

Yudhishthir - "All five of us will go!"

Duryodhan - "Then me and My 100 brothers too will go."

Drithrastra sighed as the Princes already decided to go for the war.

Drithrastra - " Then after a week, you all will leave for the war. Karna, your coronation will happen tommorow. Do you have any problem with that?"

Karna - " I have no problems "

Drithrastra - "Raghav, Karna can you both participate in the war?"

Drona - "No! That son of a chariator cannot participate in the war. Raghav, You can participate in the war."

Raghav - "You dare underestimate my brother?"

He now has enough of this bullshit. These people just don't accept that someone, who is a son of a chariator, can be stronger than them.

Raghav (co) - "I will not participate as I have better things to do."

Drithrastra - " Ok then, it's decided. And with this, meeting is adjourned. "

Raghav sighed. He wanted to avoid this war. The reason for this war was not giving justice but getting revenge. But he didn't say anything because his focus was on something else.

[ Mission - Pests are annoying

Objective - Help Lucifer in controlling the rebellion of few demon clans.

Rewards - Wings upgrade to (?) pairs, ??? ]

Raghav - 'Come to think of it, I never really got the reward for my first mission. Why so, system?'

[ Host received the reward but host was unconscious. Host got 10,000,000 store points. ]

Raghav then realized that he forgot about store function that he unlocked. He quickly opened the store where he found several options.

[ Store -

• Talents

• Divinities

• Weapons

• Armours

• Medicine

• More ]

Seeing this he was quite surprised. He scrolled down and found several things be sold. There was copy of every Mythical item present there. The prices ofcourse, varied depending on the strength of the item.

After a few minutes of searching, he found something that took his interest.

[ Name - Race strengthening potion.

Rank - SSS

Info - Upgrades the power of the race. If a Devil consumes this, they will grow more horns. If an Angel consumes this, they will grow more wings. The number will depend on the luck of the person who consumes the potion.

Price - 10,000,000 ]

He could buy this and become more bad-@ss but he didn't as he was currently in the throne room.

Soon the meeting was dismissed and he immediately went out of the castle. He went near a the river Ganga. The river was not very far away but was far enough that no one will

Raghav - "Buy the potion , System!"

[ Ok, processing.....done. ]

A small bottle appeared on his hands. It was filled with a bright red liquid inside. He took the bottle close to his mouth with excitement.

He drank the liquid inside without leaving a drop.

Raghav - "Huh? I thought it will do somethi- '

Suddenly he felt immense pain all over his body. The speed of blood flowing inside him increased. Something started tearing his back and come out. Some kind of black substance was also all over his body.

[ Host is recommended to go inside the river Ganga. It is pure and divine water will help you. ]

Seeing this he crawled over to the side of the river.

Raghav - 'Tch, Just a bit more.'

He said and used all his strength. He soon touched the water but it was not enough. So, in the end, he decided to just dive inside the river. He was going deep inside the river.

Being inside the pure water of Ganga, he could feel his pain lessening. He could easily breath in water, thanks to his divinity. But the pain was enough to make him lose conciousness.

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