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50% Black Clover : Arc of Embodiment / Chapter 2: The Prince

Chapter 2: The Prince

The royal palace- Spade kingdom

in the Infirmary of the Royal Palace, there are healing mages going in and out in rapid succession carrying supplies with a smile on their faces, 

today is a very special day in the Spade kingdom, after months of clouds covering the sky and blocking the sunlight,

there is finally a ray of light that broke through the darkness and shone upon the kingdom and the royal palace like a ray of new hope, welcoming change and prosperity to those who gaze upon it, 

today the queen of the Spade kingdom went into labor and delivered the fantastic news that twin heirs are born in the royal family, 

like the sun and the moon, 

the younger prince Yuno with the Shine and grace of the noble Sun,

and The older Prince Arthur, aloof and elegant like the night's moon.

Both are a Blessing to the Grinberryall Royal Family.


"King Loyce, Please slow down you will fall" a knight in plated armor with the mark of the spade on his chest shouted to the man running In front of him, the man was wearing royal purple robes with a crown on his head, he was the king of the spade kingdom, 

"How could I stop, Nathon, I am so happy I could fly, finally I have not one but two heirs, and I cannot wait to see them, if it weren't for that scary demon witch healer shouting at me "Don't stress us and leave" in her demonic voice I would have never even left, My sweet children I a coming " the king shouted with a big grin on his face and runner along even faster

"My king " the guard shouted and followed his king as he ran through the entire castle, finally they arrived in front of the large gates of the infirmary and opened them with a bang.

the king brazenly entered the infirmary making a ruckus along the way, he loudly shouted the queen's name in excitement and joy, 

"Ceil, my dear, where are you" 

in his excitement the king forgot something, there should always be quiet in the royal infirmary, this rule was set by the royal nurse so that there would be no distraction while treating the patients, even the patients no matter how injured should never make noise in the infirmary, the one who broke this rule will suffer in the hands of the royal nurse/healer, 

the king was going to experience the same thing, 

from one corner of the infirmary, a sinister aura started to spread all across the room, this aura froze one on their spot petrifying them in statues filled with fear, the king and his guards froze on the spot with fear and the horror of their realization, the king slowly tried to rotate his neck to look at the source of this aura but before he was able to, a green blur tackled him, a towering woman with green hair in a nurse attire.

the woman picked up the king by the collar of his robe, she looked him in the eyes and stared dagger at him, the king became speechless and scared he couldn't say a word in front of the nurse because of the shear terror he was under, after a minute of staring, the women took a deep breath and placed the king down

and with a respectable manner greeted the king, "It's an Honour your magister, What do I owe this Please to, you creating a ruckus in the royal infirmary"

"It's an honor to meet you too Rose," the king said in a trembling voice, in his excitement, he forgot about this devil of a healer, Rose is a very powerful healer, born with unique magic with only healing spells at her disposal, with her shear determination of not to become a sitting duck on the battlefield and not to stay just as a supporting character in the background, she trained hard and became the physically strongest person in the Spade kingdom with the creative ways of using her healing magic in her mussel training she has gathered enough physical might to challenge the division leaders of the mage defense force equivalent to the clover kingdoms magic knight squad captain and even beating Dante Zagrotis the user of body magic.

she has many achievements under her belt and is widely known for her cruel methods of war, healing and beating soldiers again and again to the point of submission, she has earned her name as the goddess of blood on the battlefield, 

Rose has no hobbies other than training and treating patients, the only thing she enjoys other than that is the peace and quiet in the infirmary, and the one who destroys it receives a heavy punishment if it were any other day the king should have suffered punishment as well, but the healer forgave him for today as it is a joyous occasion for her and the kingdom.

rose exhaled a deep breath and just lightly gave a warning to the king, she congratulated him and pointed him in the direction of the nursery where the rest of the family was. 

the king is now a little bit relaxed, moved along the infirmary swiftly, and finally reached his wife.

the king was overjoyed to see the seen in front of him, in front of him is his beautiful wife sitting while holding closely their two lovely babies. 

the king after seeing his wife first asked a question with concern and love "Ceil my beautiful wife are you alright "

his wife the queen chuckled and replied "I am fine my king, the birth went successfully, both the babies are well and healthy and with the help of Lady Rose's power I have recovered well"

after he heard her answer he sighed a sigh of relief, and then he finally focused on his children, 

both were boys the king had been given this good news before and by looking at them he could tell they were healthy, the prince on the left was the younger prince Yuno with black hair and green eyes, and the older prince on the right was Arthur with Silver hairs and Silver eyes, both princes were very calm and were exploring the room with there eyes.

because of mana the kids born in this world are much stronger and grow faster, there is a visible growth difference between people born in royal families and the commoner families, the children of royals grow faster with the help of mana aiding them.

the king looked at his children lovingly and showered them with affection with his gaze, he looked at both the princes lovingly and carefully and took in all the details about them, the king's eyes stayed a moment longer on the older prince as he noticed the hair and eye color of the prince and then he chuckled in melancholy, 

seeing the older prince made the king remember his father, a man with a great and fiery temperament as the sun, a powerful wielder of sun magic, a man who most people would consider a cruel king but was actually a kind socially awkward hothead who didn't know how to express himself, he too possessed the same shade of silver in his hair and eyes as the young prince.

the king still fondly remembers the memories of his father acting all angry and creating a ginormous sun above the royal capital using all his magic power, shouting mean words to the kingdom and telling the people its punishment. but, all he wanted was for his kingdom's citizens to experience the heat of the sun in this cold country, 

the very reason that the Ginberrall is the royal family is because of their sun magic, it's the magic that has been passed down in our bloodline since the start and is a blessing to the land of the Spade kingdom which is covered in snow all year round. it gave them warmth and hope for a normal life, 

the king emotional from his memories made a decision, he looked in the queen's eyes lovingly and asked her, 

"Dear have you decided on any names for the children"

''My king let go with what we previously discussed, Yuno and Edward if they are boys" the queen replied with a smile

the king with no idea how to approach this subject asked the queen in a nervous voice

"My queen I would like to name the oldest after my father, his silver hair and eye color matched his and I feel like it would be his blessing upon the child to receive this name"

the queen chuckled seeing the king all flustered she already guessed what was going on in the king's head and calmly replied "I see no problem with it, my king I also think it will be father-in-law's blessing for this child to receive his name. from today the older prince will be known as Arthur and the younger Prince as Yuno"

the king sighed a sigh of relief and his face expressed overjoy, he smiled and looked at his family lovingly, he suddenly remembered something important and retrieved something from his robe, he placed the thing on the younger prince as a gift, the queen curiously asked what that thing was and received a answer from the king.

"This my dear is a magic stone, I acquired it a long ago while traveling in the strong magic region, it has protected me from then and now it shall protect the young prince Yuno " As the prince said that he placed his both hands on his neck and retrieved a neckless he was wearing, the neckless had a gold chain and a beautiful blue pearl at the center, he took that neckless and placed it on the older prince,

"And this one is a family heirloom, it belonged to my father and now it belongs to the Older prince Arthur"

the king again smiled and kissed the Queen's forehead wishing her good health and recovery, the king returned to his duties and organized a feast in the Capital in the happiness of the prince's birth,

there was a week-long festival in the kingdom of Spade on this joyous news every house in the country celebrated the birth of the new princes. 

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