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Chapter 3: No Longer Strangers

I took the door from her and let her walk in before me. She nodded like a small "thanks" and walked in.

"Sense you guys are staying the night you may set your stuff down in the living room and get comfy. I'll start getting some food ready," her voice was much softer now and she gestured toward the living room. The door we walked in was in the kitchen; and the kitchen was open to the living room. The place was extremely clean. Every place we've been in sense Z-day has been trashed and normally bloody. She pulled her hood down showing extremely short hair. The sides and back looked shaved and the top had barely enough hair to fit into the small hair tie. She pulled her goggles and mask off as well. Besides her eyes there was a small white spot on the back off her jaw closer to her neck. She was quite pretty actually with a soft jaw and petite lips. I moved in the living room when she was done speaking and pulled my backpack off. I set it down on the couch. I noticed there was a large space between the couch and the wall. I stood up straighter and saw a bag tucked in there. I turned and observed the room. Eugene, Zane, and Lawrence also set their bags down. Eugene was speaking quietly to Zane and he nodded. Looking further in the room I saw another pack tucked behind a shelf that was full of books and papers I walked across the room to look through them. I noticed her watching us; she looked annoyed. I didn't mean to, but I made eye contact with her. I figured while I had her attention to raise an eyebrow. She huffed a sigh and paused going through her bag. "You guys are extremely loud," her tone was annoyed but quiet like she didn't want everyone to here. That made me furrow my brows in confusion. We hadn't even said anything yet. I didn't question further though and turned my attention back to the book case.

"Um, I don't mean to be a bother," Eugene spoke up, his voice as always sounded annoyed and sarcastic, "but is there a way to wash this death off?" He was looking at her and she stopped and looked up at him. Like she was trying to decide if he was serious or not. She sighed again before answering.

"Yes, I will show you," she had pulled some stuff out of her bag and placed them on the counter. She walked into the living room and passed us to go into a hallway I hadn't seen before. She stopped before heading in, "well come on," she shifted her gaze between all of us. She wants to show us all? I turned towards her and followed everyone else down the hall. There we passed multiple open doors. Each room was spotlessly clean. And each had bags in corners or tucked under the bed just barley in sight. She's got quite the supply. Wonder if it's just because she's... My thoughts were cut short as we came to the end of the hall. She opened the door and walked into a large bathroom. There was a large bag half out the window. Probably to collect water, smart. "So this is the bathroom the water in here is collected through that," she gestured at the bag, "and some I bring some from the river..." she gestured at some jugs in the corner, "okay my point is don't drink it. I have clean water though if you do want some," she paused thinking, "um, try not to waste too much though put the clog over the drain in the tub and wash your self and clothes with this," she grabbed a folded hand towel and waved it a little. She glanced over us all and nodded like, 'that's its folks' and walked through and passed us. As she passed; Lawrence asked her a loaded question.

"It looks like your alone so, why do you need all this stuff?" I could tell he didn't mean it in any real way he was simply curious but, it sure as hell didn't sound like that. She had already passed me but at that she stopped cold. She reached up and pulled her hair out of the tie and turned to face him in one swift movement. Her hair swooped down and covered her blue(left) eye. Her eyes seemed cold, but she smiled a little.

"You know the bathroom might be a bit crowded for all 4 of you. There's another spot you can clean up over by the kitchen. Why don't you come with me, I'll show... Um sorry what was your name again?" Her eyes still seemed cold to me, but her voice was soft, and she smiled.

"Oh right, I'm Lawrence," he smiled and extended his hand. Wow, I didn't know he so thick headed. She just turned around and spoke.

"Sorry I don't do that, my name's Eve," Lawrence seemed taken aback by everything she just said but he followed her back down the hall. Eugene and Zane started cleaning themselves up. I thought Lawrence might need some back up. With his question and the way her eyes went cold, he's definitely gonna need back up. I followed them quietly back into the living room while she went back to being in the kitchen. There was an island, and she pulled a kitchen knife out while she spoke. "Just in the mud room there," she gestured with her free hand. Lawrence smiled and went to the door. She pulled a couple apples out of her bag. When she heard the door handle, she turned and watched with a small almost evil smile. At that I got worried and stepped into the kitchen. She saw me and turned to look at me and winked.

There was a screech and a bang. Lawrence yelled out and jumped back slamming the door closed and himself into the island. She dropped her smile and head and continued with what she was doing. Lawrence seemed freaked and he whirled to stare at her accusingly. She spoke her voice was like ice. "I'm sure you've noticed that normal resources have been drying up," she looked up at him and gripped the knife in her hand, "All this in here is mine," her voice was stern, the whole room got cold and even from this distance I got goosebumps on my arms. Damn and she's not even looking at me. He looked stunned and speechless.

"Don't worry, " my voice brought both their eyes. Her eyes landed on me and it felt like a ton of bricks, "We're not thieves" I kept my voice clam and smooth. Her face instantly relaxed. I knew she was just being careful. It seems like she's been alone a long time, and obvious trust issues. Zane and Eugene walked in as I spoke.

"Hey, I hope you're not saying that about dinner, she already offered it," Zane blurted out sounding upset. She actually smiled and it was real as it went up to her eyes. Her smile was quite beautiful.

"Don't worry we weren't," she went back to what she was doing like nothing happened. Zane and Eugene went into the kitchen and offered their help. I think she took it and made them cut up the 2 apples.

Me and Lawrence went back to the bathroom to clean up. I could tell Lawrence was confused still about what just happen and it was almost enough to make me laugh.

"She was just lettin us know where she stands, " I pulled my shirt off to clean it and looked at him. He was silently scrubbing his shirt. I continued, "I mean we would too if some strange group came into our house and then instantly asked about our supplies," I looked at him again. He met my eyes.

"Okay I get that, but I didn't mean it like that I just meant she seems extremely prepared... I, I just didn't think..." he trailed off looking away.

"Apology accepted," we both jumped and turned to see she was standing in the door. Her eyes trailed down my chest, she seemed to realize what she was doing, and her eyes jumped back up to mine and she stood up straighter "foods ready," her face didn't flush but she seemed flustered. She turned around and immediately left. Her flustered-ness made me smile. Lawrence noticed and poked my face.

"Did you just smile?" His voice sounded excited and he quickly continued, "Have you got a crush? Whoa! We just meant her chill out man," he laughed as I turned to look at him, he's still just a childish nerd sometimes. He normally only did this around me. Probably because we knew each other before. I rolled my eyes.

"How can you make gossip where there is none. God you're such a dweeb," I teased him and ringed out the soaked hand towel above his head. I chuckled as he jumped from the cold water and hit me on the shoulder. He took it from me and threw it into the sink behind him.

"You're asking for a fight," he joked.

"You're on shorty," he was only a few inches shorter then me but it killed him. I smiled at his reaction and pulled my shirt back on. "Hurry up man," I went to leave but paused, "oh and you missed a spot," I spread my hand open and gestured to his whole face. He just scrunched his face up and shook it at me. I gave him a small smile before walking away.

Back in the living room Zane and Eugene were arguing over something. Eve was watching with a small, amused smile but, the rest of her body language said she wasn't listening. She was turned away from them with her arms crossed. I started listening. They were arguing over who gets the can of corn. She looked at me and her smiled faded and she shifted a little then spoke up.

"Ya know I do have more than one can of corn, right?" They both looked at her a little shocked she turned towards them and chuffed a little covering her laugh. Turning to the dishwasher behind her; she grabbed like 6 cans of corn and laid them out on the table. She actually smiles at their reaction which was wide eyed and childlike. I was now standing at the island next to Zane who was sitting on a stool. They took the can opener and started to dig in I noticed most of the apple pieces were already gone. She noticed me looking and spoke, "Don't worry there's more, and since they ate most of it they'll cut it up for you," she raised a brow at Zane and I noticed that she didn't actually look at me when she said that.

"Don't act like I'm doing him a favor," Zane spoke again with an annoyed tone but a small smile was apparent on his face. She raised her eyebrow again.

"Hey, I hope you're not saying that about dinner, you already offered it," she had copied exactly what he said earlier and gave a small cocky smile. Wow she really fits in with us. He chuffed covering his laugh and put his hand out wiggling his fingers a little. Her small cocky smile turns to a small real one as she handed him another apple. Zane started cutting the apple as Lawrence walked in.

"So what for food?" Lawrence asked walking up to the opposite side of the island as me.

"Well these 2 seem to be having apples and corn, but there's a few other choices," she gestured to the island it had a multitude of cans on it and a small pile of silverware in the middle. He rubbed his hands together a little before he reached for something. He stood up right after he grabbed what he wanted. He looked at her for a minute. Like he was deciding something. She noticed his eyes and raised hers to meet his. He smiled a little then turned towards the group. Eve raised her brow and pulled away from the island leaning now on the counter behind her. She crossed her arm in front of her chest as Lawrence talked.

"So what do you guys think about today?" Lawrence ask the group. Her brows furrowed a little like she didn't know what was going on. She didn't say anything, only dropped her eyes to the table. She leaned forward again and picked a can of green beans. She reached across the island and took the can opener from Zane's side as he spoke.

"Well I think we shouldn't have gone in that paper office. That's what started all our issues," Zane sounded annoyed and stared at Eugene.

"I didn't really mean to okay? I know it was my fault," Eugene stared down at his hands, "I almost got us killed, I know," his eyes watered, "I'm..." Eve spoke up cutting him off.

"You didn't though," Eugene flinched and he looked up at her, "people make mistakes but nothing happened so no need for apologies or guilt," she gave him a little smile. Her brow furrowed then she asked. "Do you mind me asking just out of curiosity what you did though?" Eugene sighed.

"I went into one of the offices and there was a guy, or I thought it was a guy from behind and I tried to talk to it. No response so I reached out and pulled on their shoulder to see if it was a person... it wasn't," he was looking at his hands his normal attitude gone. She was perching her lips like she was trying to hide a smile. The hell, it's not funny?! He continued, "as soon as I got him to turn a bit he just started screaming. It scared the hell out of me, so I let go and ran but he still kept screaming, " at that he was cut off because she started actually laughing. She took a deep breath before speaking. Better to be to explain yourself... it's not funny

"Sorry, it just, now I understand. Scott is the loudest droolie around so, yeah it makes sense why you had such a big fruity horde now," we all looked at her totally confused. Drooly, Scott, fruity horde the hell are you talking about? She saw our confusion and spoke again, "I don't really want to be a part of your therapy session so I can explain later if you want," she paused her eyes scanned the island. Then they landed on me, "are you going to eat? Because I would like to start putting stuff away now," she just looked at me. I was still confused by what she had said but I just reached out and took whatever can my hand bumped. She gave a little nod and started taking the rest of the stuff. Lawrence spoke up now.

"It's not therapy we do this every night just to try and make better plans on the future based on everyone's thoughts and opinions," he was looking at her back while she stuffed some cans in the dishwasher behind her. She turned knowing that comment was directed at her. She raised an eyebrow before speaking.

"That seems pointless, " her brows said confusion while the tone of her voice was contempt. Lawrence chuckled and went to speak but Zane cut him off.

"You couldn't possibly understand being by yourself," He stood from his stool and was glaring at her like she had just slapped him. I went to say something to try and calm him down but Eve stopped me.

"Your right," she expression was completely blank but it seemed to turn icy at her next few words, "I don't care about other options," she paused for a slight moment in thought, "I only care if they can share facts or truth," at that she took the rest of the cans off the island everyone was stunned by her words. We have been in a group sense day 1 and we all knew that to live in a group sharing like this was important to living together. She probably never had that, I had to remind myself before speaking; she's probably been by herself this whole time. Of course, she thought like that. I turned to her about to speak. She was putting the rest of the cans in the freezer part of the fridge.

"What would you consider facts or truth?" I asked. She turned and looked me in the eyes.

"Exactly what I just said to Eugene. The fact being that Scott is the loudest drooler around.  The truth being he did nothing wrong and there was no need for apologies or guilt," she paused thinking, "I'll be right back. Stay here," she turned and walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. I was still confused by the weird terms she used but I think understood what she meant.

"Where does she think we're gonna go?" Eugene mumbled his same sarcastic tone dripping with every word. I turned back and looked at him like, seriously? That's what you're thinking right now? Lawrence spoke up before I could.

"I think she just didn't want us to follow her" He chuckled a little. I opened my can, and we all ate quietly waiting for her return.

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