Gasps filled the yard as the mystery knight was knocked from his horse on the first pass, an almost unbelievable feeling taking hold of the crowd. Everybody was on their feet as they watched her son approach the end of the yard and turn around, the herald's horn signalling the end of the bout not long after it'd began.
The applause came shortly after when everybody realised what had happened, the crowd cheering for their crown prince. The stand that they were sat in and the dornish section were the loudest, clapping for their kin. The dim clouds of the late afternoon eclipsed the light of the sun as she looked on proudly at her son, waving back at the crowd. The loudest applause came from her son's wife and daughter, something that Elia couldn't help but smile at seeing her granddaughter clap her little arms together whilst giggling.
She looked down at her daughter to catch her reaction, she knew it would be interesting with who was involved in the bout. Rhaenys was clapping politely as her brother trotted around the yard, soaking up all of the attention. But her eyes, her eyes were on the downed knight in the middle of the yard. And when she looked at the knight herself, she realised why.
"He's not moving." She heard Rhaella say to nobody in particular. To Elia, she sound panicked.
The distant rumble of thunder could be heard from above, the overcast promised rain and it would seem it had held off just long enough for the last event of the day to conclude.
"Grandmother's right, he isn't moving." He heard her daughter say as she stopped clapping. She looked around the stand and eventually locked eyes with Elia. Fear was the only thing behind Rhaenys' eyes.
Across from her, she noticed Lord Stark moving through the northern stand and to the fence close to the yard, the look on his face mirrored her daughters. It would seem that the Warden of the North had worked out who the mystery knight was as well.
A huge rumble of thunder sounded from above, a lot of the people in attendance slowing in their applause to look up at the darkening clouds.
"He'll be helped Elia, don't look so worried. I think we need to get this crowning ceremony done and out of the way before the heavens open, don't you?" Rhaegar said from where he was stood next to her. She turned and saw a little smile on his face, no doubt proud at their son's victory.
She nodded as mumbling overcame the crown in attendance, the reason for it was currently sprinting down the yard as fast as her little legs could carry her.
"Isn't that Lord Stark's daughter?" She heard Margaery say to Rhaenys as the little girl eventually arrived at her brother's unresponsive body. Seeing little Arya Stark shake her brother's shoulders made something lurch inside her heart.
"Why has nobody come out to help him?" She heard Dany seethe, an even louder rumble of thunder met everybody's ears.
"Arya! Get away from him!" She heard Lady Stark cry from across the yard, the girl in question ignoring her mother as she carried on shaking her brother's shoulders.
Far in the distance, a small black speck emerged from the cover of the overcast, vapours trails following it in it's wake.
Nothing but a bird, her mind mumbled. Her gut telling her otherwise.
The herald's horn blew and the man in question walked on to the yard, announcing the winner of the bout before handing the floor over to his King.
"Thank you." Rhaegar said as the herald nodded in reverence before leaving. She didn't miss the way Rhaenys, Dany and Rhaella turned around and glared at her husband.
Oblivious to Elia, the black speck in the sky grew in size.
Rhaegar smiled as their son was handed a crown of white roses, the arrangement being placed on the end of his lance by a steward.
"A hand, for the winner of this momentous joust, and my son, Prince Aegon Targ..." Rhaegar announced before being interrupted by an even louder crack of thunder than the last.
He chuckled as it subsided, the rest of the crowd included, them all feeling a little weary of the vicinity of the thunder. It sounded like it was right on top of them.
"It would seem like the gods grow restless for the crowning." Her husband japed, a few courteous chuckles emerging from the people. Inside the yard, Arya Stark was still trying to rouse her brother.
"Regardless, over to you, the victor!" Rhaegar said as he motioned for their son to proceed with the crowning.
Aegon trotted down the main stand where the royal family was sat, everybody knew who he was going to crown, even thought there was a small voice in her head worrying he would do something silly. Her fears were for nought though as he stopped his horse in front of his wife and daughter and lifted his lance towards them.
Margaery smiled as she took the crown of white roses off the lance and placed it on top of her head, that smile growing as she look on at her husband.
"With this crown I pronounce you my Queen of love and beauty." Her son said with a charming smile. Alysanne started clapping and giggling to everybody's amusement. That all changed when she carried on giggling before pointing up at the sky.
"Birdy!" Little Alys shouted, and it was the last thing anybody heard before a soul shaking roar erupted from the heavens.
He covered his ears, closed his eyes and clutched his head as the horrible sound echoed around the yard, he could faintly hear his granddaughter crying. He opened his eyes as soon as the horrific sound subsided, and it was like his world had just been turned upside down.
Along with the yard.
Masses of attendants were scattering from the stands, screaming and shouting as they fled, a few of them pointing at what had caused such a reaction.
Rhaegar would run with them, like Ser Arthur was urging to do. But he couldn't, he felt glued to the ground as he looked on at what was landing in the middle of the yard, taking out a couple of stands that were thankfully scarce of people, all of which had wisely fled.
It was terrifyingly beautiful.
The wings battering gusts of air against the ground as it landed were extraordinary, a canopy of crystal and flesh. The same crystal like deposits were all over this creature, making up a good majority of it's being. And what an impressive being it was, practically the same size as the royal fleet's flagship.
"We need to go your grace!" Arthur shouted as he pulled at his arm. In front of him, the rest of his family was being escorted out of the stands, none of them able to take their eyes off the impossible creature in front of them.
"Get off of me this instant." He heard his mother yell as Ser Oswell removed his hand from her arm. His mother moved over to the fence and shouted in the direction of the creature.
"Jon! You have to get up!" She yelled, a frenzied look on her face as Ser Oswell grabbed her before she could climb the fence. In the yard, the creature made a growling sound, making the ground underneath them vibrate.
Aegon had already moved to the outer edge of the yard, he kept a good hold on his spooked horse's reigns. He looked like he wanted to do something stupid as he eyed the creature in front of him in awe before looking underneath it at the two figures that were in the worst place possible.
Little Arya Stark was sat next to her brother's unmoving body looking up at the creature that was stood over them. At that moment, he felt for Lord Stark, he was sure to be experiencing more loss in his life.
Or he would've been if the creature was attacking them. To Rhaegar and a few other people who were muttering around him, this beast looked to be defensive where it stood. It's long neck and large head scanned the stands that were left intact, like it was daring somebody to attack.
"Aegon don't!" He heard his wife shout as their son moved closer to the creature. He could see what his son wanted to do, but it was a suicide mission trying to help Lord Stark's children at the moment.
"Stay back!" He yelled at Egg, his son listening to his instructions as he moved his horse back, said horse looking relieved at doing so.
Everybody braced as the creature moved it's massive limbs, everybody gasping as it weirdly nudged Lord Stark's daughter gently out of the way before placing one of it's huge feet on top of Jon.
"Jon!" He heard multiple people yell as the claws of the beast gripped the limp body of the bastard of Winterfell. The beast ignored Arya Stark's futile attempts at helping her brother, boldly thumping away at the creature's claw before it was lifting off into the air with a few flaps of it's colossal wings. Everybody seemed to hold their breath in shock as debris flew across the yard before the beast was airborne, Jon Snow firmly clutched in one of it's four claws.
Everybody stood there in a state of disbelief as they watched the creature fly away, everybody bar Arya Stark, who was being restrained by her father who had made it to his daughter as soon as the beast had become airborne.
"It's got Jon! We need to help him!" He heard Arya Stark cry before being hugged by her father. It broke his heart knowing that their chances were very slim.
"What course of action do you advise, your grace?" He heard Arthur say to him as he watched his daughter and sister embrace, leaning into each other's shoulders. His mother lashed out and slapped Ser Oswell across the face, pointing at him before climbing over the fence and into the yard. The few people that hadn't ran earlier witnessed the Queen mother order Lord Stark and his family back to the castle, a mixture of emotions on her face as she did so.
"Everybody is to convene in the great hall at once, get the word out Ser Arthur." He ordered, his friend nodding before calling over a servant.
Him and his family were quickly ushered back into the safety of the castle, though if history had anything to say about it, Harrenhal wasn't the safest of places when dealing with a dragon.
Because that's what it was, a dragon. He'd read countless passages in books and scrolls to know the basic biology of such a creature. The realisation that a dragon roamed the skies of Westeros both awed and terrified him.
The rumours were right.
Lord Tywin had sent a raven a month or so ago, letting the council know that sailors around Lannisport had spotted something, but him and the rest of his small council had swept it to the side like it was a waste of time.
He may see the old lion smile for once when he is proven right.
The journey back up to the castle was quiet, everybody clearly shocked at what had just transpired. Elia was currently walking with Rhae and Dany, an arm around their daughter's shoulders. The sight of Jon Snow or anyone being lifted into the sky by such a monstrous creature would cause some individuals to act out in shock and distress.
And it was clear with the face that his daughter was displaying, and somewhat his sister as well, that this had affected them greatly.
Did his sister share the same feelings as his daughter over this man?
He sighed and shook his head as they finally reached the courtyard of the castle.
Suppose it didn't really matter now. He thought with regret. The chances of the boy's survival being rather slim.
"Everybody up to Rhaegar's solar." He heard his mother say as she walked side to side with Viserys, his brother had been retrieved from the dornish stands as soon as Arthur had put the word out.
"Is there a reason why mother?" He asked as the family stopped in the entrance hall, all looking at the Dowager Queen's emotion filled appearance.
Resigned, his mother shook her head and looked at him. The pain and anger behind her violet eyes was jarring to see.
"Just do it Rhaegar, this needs to end, now." She said to him, determined in tone.
"What needs to end? The lords of the realm will be waiting for us in the great hall pretty soon, all desperate to know what in the world is going on." He replied. "Can it not wait until after?" He continued as he eyed the determined look on his mother.
"No, it cannot. The lords can wait for the King." Was all that she said before walking in the direction of his solar, quickly turning around and speaking to Ser Barristan.
"Fetch Lord Stark, Ser Barristan. He'll already know why he's being summoned." She ordered before carrying on towards his solar. Ser Barristan went of to complete his task.
He felt more like his younger self than the King he was in that very moment.
He looked at the rest of the family, all seemingly waiting to see what he was going to do. With a shrug of his shoulders, he followed his mother's path, the rest of his family following suit.
His mother didn't wait for him to enter the solar first, letting herself in and heading straight for his decanter of Arbour Gold. The whole family had a slight look of concern as they watched her finish an entire goblet before refilling it again. His mother wasn't known for partaking in the "devil's nectar" as Lord Varys would sometimes put it, so seeing her not even blink in her rapid consumption was bizarre behaviour to anyone who knew her.
"What is this about mother?" He heard his sister say as he made his way around the desk before taking his seat. He noticed Elia and the girls taking a seat together on the burgundy coloured sofa at the side of the room, Alysanne had quietened down in her mother's arms after what must have been a traumatic thing to go through as a young child. His brother and son were standing in the corner of the room, Aegon looking anxious his arms crossed and Viserys with an unusual look on his face.
He almost looked...concerned?
His mother, who was still stood next to the small cabinet that housed his wine, looked towards the door before looking at her daughter.
"All will be explained when Lord Stark is present." She answered before walking around the desk and standing in front of him.
"Stand." She said, a look that denied any arguments.
He slowly stood up, still looking at her in confusion "This is all very odd mother." He said as he grinned. It betrayed the concerned feeling he was feeling.
His confusion grew when she reached around his hip and pulled the valyrian steel dagger that he always had on his person from it's sheath before walking back to the side of the room with it.
Now he was confused and annoyed.
"Care to explain or will it all be revealed when Lord Stark is present?" He asked sarcastically as he eyed his mother. She looked back at him like she was fed up with his behaviour.
A knock on the door saved them from any argument, he didn't miss the deep breath his mother took as he acknowledged the knock.
Ser Barristan entered the room followed closely by Lord Stark and to his surprise, his youngest daughter. The two of them looked both sad and sceptical as they entered the room, though a little fire was present behind the young girls eyes as she looked at his mother.
"Lord Stark." He greeted as he walked around the desk. He held his hand out and the man hesitantly shook it before looking at his mother. "We are so sorry for what has happened to your son. Rest assured, we'll have our best men out looking for him as soon as the meeting with the rest of the lords has concluded." He said as he looked down at Lady Arya with a small smile, one that was wasted when he noticed she was still looking at his mother.
"Thank you, your grace." Lord Stark replied. The man looked more and more tired every second that passed.
He nodded in response before looking at his mother, who was looking at Lord Stark rather oddly.
"Now that Lord Stark is here, why don't you enlighten us as to what all of this is about." He said to his mother before moving to lean against the edge of his desk.
His mother sniffed as she placed her goblet of wine of the side cabinet, the look of sheer loathing she fired in Lord Stark's direction was jarring, so much so that he had to look around the rest of the room to see if everybody else was seeing it. Mixed looks of confusion and concern made up most of the room, Ser Arthur, the only Kingsguard present at the moment, looked stoic.
"He's here to talk about Jon Snow." She said as she folded her arms across her chest. He noticed out the corner of his eye, the way his daughter and sister glanced up when that was said.
"As I said a few moments ago, the issue of Lord Stark's son will be brought up after the meeting with the rest of the lords." He said as he looked back at his mother "If that is what this is about, then I think the best course of action is to get this meeting with these lords over and done with. The quicker it is over with, the quicker we can dispatch a group in search of Lord Stark's son." He said as he stood up from the desk he was leaning against.
"That's not what this is about my son, isn't that right Lord Stark?" His mother said from where she was stood. The way her chest lifted her folded arms up and down betrayed the cold mask that she'd put on, it was clear to anybody who knew her that she was fuming.
What in the world was going on? What had caused such a reaction from her?
His mother wasn't one to show emotions to anyone but her family, so it was odd to see this sort of behaviour in front of one of his lords.
Lord Stark closed his eyes and nodded his head, to his right, his daughter was looking paler by the second, and almost on the verge of tears.
Made sense with what had just occurred to her brother.
A couple of screams were heard from the window, making everybody in the room glance at it in worry. Rhaegar moved across the room and looked to see what it was, Ser Arthur advising him against it as he did so.
It was too late though as Rhaegar peeped through the window, instantly noticing the fleeing smallfolk and the cause of such a reaction.
It's back.
"What is it your grace?" Ser Arthur asked as he moved from the door and stood next to him. A loud, toe-curling roar answering his question.
The entire family was back on their feet as soon as the roar was heard, little Alysanne began to whimper but was quietened down as Margaery rocked her in her arms.
"We need to move your grace, the cellar may be the safest place in the castle. If we're quick we..." Ser Arthur exclaimed before quieting down as his King held his hand out.
His eyes were wide, with mixed emotions running through him as he saw the dragon land just outside the castle, he felt it land with the impact it made with the ground. What shocked him the most though was seeing it lower it's wing to the ground, giving the figure on it's back a safe dismount.
"Jon Snow has returned." Was all he said as he watched in a daze, the youth walk into the courtyard and towards the castle, as people stared at him with a mixture of awe and fear.
He was jostled as his mother moved next to him to see for herself, just in time to see the dragon take off again and the young man enter the main entrance to the castle.
The reaction in the room to his declaration was explosive.
Rhaenys and Daenerys were straight to their feet, looking at him and his mother almost daring them to lie about such a thing. Lord Stark was sighing with relief which was very understandable considering the situation, his daughter almost mirroring her father's actions.
Ser Arthur poked his head out the door before shutting it and looking at him with a nod, an order already taken without even opening his mouth.
He nodded to his friend, relieved to know that the Kingsguard were already on their way to retrieving the young man.
The noise in the room grew and grew as everybody talked over each other, his mother was speaking to him about sending someone to go fetch the boy, almost volunteering herself for the task.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he needed silence if he was going to sort through these wandering thoughts that were running through his head. The silence came when a voice was heard through the other side of the door.
"...the fuck off me. I'm not your prisoner." Everybody heard somebody say before the door rattled on it's hinges.
Ser Arthur was the first to the door but his mother wasn't too far behind, just in time for the door to be opened revealing Ser Oswell being pushed away by the man of the hour.
"Jon!" His mother said as the door widened, revealing the commotion to the room. He didn't miss the way Aegon moved across the room to stand next to his wife and child.
"Jon!" Another cry came as Lord Stark's daughter darted across the room, colliding into the side of her brother. Jon eventually turned away from the Kingsguard, his scowl morphing into a smile as he held his arm around his sister. He looked up from his little sister, an odd look on his face as his eyes fell on the Dowager Queen.
If anyone were to ask him what kind of smile Jon gave his mother, he would call it sad, especially when he noticed his father in the middle of the room.
This should be a happy occasion, shouldn't it?
"Give the man some space would you, he probably doesn't know what is happening." He said as Jon eventually looked at him after he'd scanned the room, a hesitant look on his face.
His mother moved away from the boy, shooting Lord Stark an odd look as she walked back to the side of the room. Lord Stark's daughter did no such thing though, as she clutched to the side of her brother.
A deep breath in the silence that took over the room grounded him and prepared him for what was to come next.
"I think I speak for everybody here when I ask this question Jon Snow, how in the world are you standing there after what we've all just witnessed?" He asked as he looked at the young man. The pieces of armour were still intact on the lad, all but the entirety of his right arm and shoulder, his helm was also discarded, allowing his mane of raven curls to run free.
Handsome lad. That hair of his all Stark...very similar to…
"I was brought back." The young man answered simply as he looked at him dead in the eyes.
"By the dragon?" Daenerys asked, a look of relief on her face.
Jon nodded as he looked at her "By Kireina, yes." He answered, making all eyes in the room land on him.
"Kireina?" Elia asked slowly, a sceptical look on her face as she looked at the young lad. Jon nodded at her question. "The dragon? The dragon is called Kireina?" She further asked to which she received a nod again in answer. Arya Stark looked up at her brother gobsmacked.
In the corner of the room, a quiet scoff was heard, his brother shaking his head in disbelief with an incredulous look on his face.
"Naming it now are we? You'll be claiming it in the name of House Stark next, won't you?" Viserys said with a chuckle.
"Viserys." His mother growled, a warning if he'd ever heard one.
"What? Do you expect any of us to believe this tripe this idiot is coming out with?" Viserys answered back. His brother hadn't worded it in a way he would choose, but it still rang true.
Were they expected to believe this?
Snow closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them to look back at Viserys, his hand raised up in front of him, each finger spread out. Arthur's hand was firmly on the hilt of his sword, Viserys was many things, but he was still a member of the royal family, and it was his duty to protect them.
Viserys and Jon locked eyes before the fingers on Jon's hand started to countdown. As soon as the last finger on his hand closed, a mighty roar echoed in the distance, shocking everybody in the room.
Rhaegar stood there in utter disbelief, the roar was on cue with the boy's countdown. There was no way it was a coincidence, definitely more to it, like the boy had an affinity with the beast.
He looked at the lad as he turned back around from Viserys, his brother looking as stunned as he was, as stunned as the rest of the room was. His eyes locking with the unrelenting steel of the man in front of him, eyes just like his aunt's, the eyes of the Starks.
From the many books and scrolls he'd read years ago on prophecies and magic, the Starks had a history of skinchangers, the ability to jump into the mind of a creature and essentially take over if they wished.
If this was all true, House Stark just became the most powerful and feared house in Westeros.
He looked around the room, noticing the same expression on everybody's face, shock with a hint of fear, fully understand the consequences of what they'd just learnt. Little Alysanne whimpered in her mother's arms again due to the loud noise of the roar, her mother looking at Aegon with slight concern.
His son had a different look on his face, he could almost see the wheels turning in his mind as he looked between him and Jon.
"So that's who Kireina is?" Lord Stark said to his son. He shook his head as he looked at the ground. "Why didn't you tell any of us the truth?" He further spoke. Rhaegar couldn't help but notice the way the Warden of the North cringed as he finished speaking.
Before Jon could answer with what looked like a rather angry reply if his face was anything to go on, the girl pressed into the side of the young man intervened.
"Can you ride it?" She asked. There was still an odd look on her face as she asked but he could spot childlike wonder when it was in front of him.
Jon pulled his steely gaze away from his father, softening as he looked at his sister. "She. Kireina is a she." He replied.
"How do you know?" Elia asked from her seat next to her daughter and sister-in-law. Both girls unsurprisingly looking at the lad with mixed emotions.
Jon looked at his Queen "I can't describe it that well but the best way to put it is that she sounds feminine when we communicate through our bond. I asked her once but she didn't have an answer, I just assumed she didn't know." He answered like it was the most normal thing in the world to say. Behind Jon, he noticed Viserys huff and shake his head in disbelief.
"Your bond?" Rhaenys asked. Unlike Viserys, there was a look on her face that looked like she wanted to believe him.
Jon nodded as he looked at her, a small grin growing on his face "The bond that binds us together. She can sometime feel what I'm feeling, I can sometimes feel what she's feeling though in very rare instances. We can communicate through thought, that's how I told her to roar just then." He replied. To the side of the room, he notices his son shaking his head in the same manner as Viserys did. Either they didn't believe him, or they were coming to grips with the situation.
House Stark just became the powerhouse of the country, all they lacked were crowns.
...crowns they could claim if they really wanted to.
His eyes connected with Elia's, her face made it clear that she was thinking the exact same thing as he was.
"Yeah but you didn't answer my question," Lord Stark's daughter asked as she looked up at her brother "...can you ride her?" She asked. The whole room wanted...no...needed to know if he had full control of this dragon, this war machine, this King maker.
A nod from him was all that was needed to confirm their fears.
Jon Snow just became the most eligible bachelor in the country, the circumstances of his birth were an afterthought when a dragon was involved.
It made Elia's proposition earlier all that more attractive...and necessary. The only dragon in Westeros, and it wasn't tied to House Targaryen, the realm would whisper.
He just hoped his daughter realised the necessity of such a union, though with the looks she was sneaking at the young man, the chances of her having a problem were slowly diminishing.
Movement made him snap back from his thoughts, just in time to catch Arya Stark shove her brother a little before scowling up at him.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a dragon? God's Jon...a dragon! How can you keep that a secret?" She asked. For the first time, Jon didn't look softly at his sister, a stern look on his face as he glanced away from her and around the room before his gaze eventually settled back on her.
"This," He said as he nodded around the room. Everybody looked confused as they looked at each other "...the attention, the fear, the hunger. I see it in everybody's eyes in this room, they either want me or fear me." He said as he looked back around the room. Elia looked down at her lap when his gaze passed over her, Rhaenys and Daenerys having similar reactions.
His gaze feel back on his sister "It would have stayed a secret too if certain things hadn't occurred." He said as he shook his head "Due to my own stupidity, I ended up getting hurt, and Kireina knew it. It's the reason she turned up, inadvertently revealing herself to the world."
It honestly felt like a dream to Rhaegar, some of the things he'd seen or heard today had been surreal. The shocks and surprises just kept coming and coming today.
His mother stepped forward and in front of the young man, nobody knew what was going to be said, but he knew nobody expected her to clip the boy around the ear before bringing him into a hug. He looked around the room to see everybody's reaction, them all showing just how confused he was feeling.
"Stupid boy." He heard her say as she disengaged from their embrace. Jon in that moment looked like a ten year old Aegon when he'd caught him playing around with a steel sword without any supervision.
He looked like a child being told off by a parent.
He couldn't for the life of him gauge the type of relationship these two had. Maybe it was time for him to find out, whether his mother liked it or not.
He cleared his throat as he looked at his mother, the mask was well and truly on as she looked back at him, chin held high. She then turned and looked at Lord Stark who had moved to the side of the room, he too turned to look at the man and instantly noticed the man's mask slipping, a slight sheen to the his brow.
That's it…
"Enough! Enough of these little looks, the sneaking around, the secrets." He said as his raised voice made a few of the room's inhabitants look at him in surprise. He didn't shout very often but his ire was building, he could tell when he was being played with and his mother was definitely playing games.
"We don't leave this room until I find out what this is all about." He said as he pointed in between his mother, who was stood in front of a resigned looking young man, and Lord Stark, who was looking paler by the second.
The stoic Lord of Winterfell letting his mask slip to show this type of behaviour implied that something was wrong, very very wrong.
Lord Stark's daughter moved across the room to her father, dragging a reluctant looking Jon Snow with her. His mother shot Jon an odd look before turning back to him.
"Yes," She said as she walked back to the side of the room where she was stood before, his valyrian steel dagger was picked back up from where it was laid. It was an odd thing seeing his mother wield a knife like that, even with the knowledge he had that she carried one on her person at all times now.
Something he couldn't blame her for considering her past…
"...you're right. It's time." She said as she looked across the room at Jon. He turned and noticed the lad had his eyes closed, his sister gripping him like she wanted to crush the steel vambrace around his arm. Lord Stark closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening his eyes and looking at his mother before nodding.
"Don't nod like you have a choice in this Lord Stark." His mother snapped, her tone making the room look at her startled. Snapping at her family when they'd done something they shouldn't have in the privacy of their home was rare, snapping at the Warden of the North like that made Rhaegar nervous.
"Mother, what's happened?" Daenerys asked as she looked on worried, eyes darting between her mother and the collective group of Starks across the room.
His mother folded her arms, that fiery look still on her face as she nodded in the Stark's direction "Lord Stark will explain it all, won't you Lord Eddard?" She said. Everybody turned and looked at the northern lord who had closed his eyes against his mother's temper. Lady Arya had found her way to her father's side, clutching his arm has hard as she'd gripped her brother's. Speaking of Jon Snow, the young man had a look of clear annoyance on his face, and it was aimed right at his mother.
"Aye, you have the right of it." Lord Stark said as he looked around the room before his eyes settled on Jon, his son turning around to look at him, staring into each other's eyes as if they were having a non-verbal conversation. They both must have come to an agreement because Jon nodded before his father did the same.
Lord Stark closed his eyes and sighed, Rhaegar grew anxious, something was about to happen. He sneaked a look in Arthur's direction to make sure he was still there, a reassurance for him.
"Just pull the arrow out." Jon said to his father "We'll deal with consequences after." He continued. Lord Stark nodded at him, a sad smile growing on his face.
He almost jumped when he felt his mother move to his side and wrap her arm around his own, a hand slipping into his and clutching it tight. He looked at her and noticed that she had an odd look on her face, she was trying to smile at him but it wasn't happening for her. She looked away from him as Lord Stark opened his mouth again, his eyes turning back to the man.
"Jon isn't my son," He said, looking like he was struggling with his sentence "...he's my sister's." He almost muttered as he looked at his mother before reluctantly looking into his eyes.
Nothing happened, nobody moved, nobody spoke, they just looked at Lord Stark in disbelief, eyes bouncing back and forth between the apparent uncle and nephe…
How had he not realised what had just been said?
He looked down at nothing, his mind racing, hastily filling in the blanks that he didn't want filling.
If they were filled, it made it all true. And his heart wouldn't be able to recover if this wasn't real.
Not my son, he's my sister's.
Lord Stark only ever had one sister…
Lyanna's son…
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his emotions were starting to flare up, and the last thing he needed right now was to become emotional. There was an explanation to all of this, Lord Stark was there for such a reason.
Lyanna's son.
He opened his eyes and looked at Lord Stark, specifically Lord Stark. He couldn't look at Jon Snow right now, it was impossible to not search his face for her.
And if he found anything, it made this all real.
His mother gripped his hand as he looked at the Warden of the North "I'm sure there's an explanation to all of this Lord Stark. I mean, I think we are the last people you would lie..."
He shook his head, his eyes fused shut. He couldn't pretend, regardless of how loud his mind was screaming at him to stay calm. The emotions were winning as his pulse grew in tempo, the heat of his rapidly moving blood warmed his entire being.
Lyanna's son.
His eyes stayed shut, desperately trying and failing to calm himself, at this point, the chances of him doing something regretful were growing by the millisecond. The thumping of his heartbeat in his ears was loud, but not loud enough to cover the sound of his wife being held back by their son as she threw vitriol in Lord Stark's direction.
Held back by their son…
Which son? His mind whispered, like it was trying to make him snap.
His eyes still closed, he felt his mother's hand leave his own, calming words muttered in Elia's direction as she went to help his fiery dornish wife. As soon as the hand released from his arm, it felt like the chain had come off, the cage door left unwisely left open, the dragon awoken from it's slumber.
Lyanna's son.
His eyes snapped open, the edge of his vision dim and out of focus, aimed right at it's target.
Lyanna's son.
Your son.
Yes. His mind replied.
It made no sense, Lord Stark wouldn't do that, why would Lord Stark do that?
He owes you nothing. Jon Snow is his nephew, why wouldn't he take him back north with him?
He owed him everything, he took his son.
That's all he thought as he moved forward.
Elia was a strong woman, she found out. It wasn't the thing she should be thinking right now given the situation but she couldn't help but thank her grandson as he held on to his mother.
It was a simple word but it was enough to remind her of what was happening in that room at the moment.
The secret was out, and there was barely a moment of explanation as all hell broke loose. And Elia was the first to snap, that dornish temper emerging, one that she knew her daughter-in-law normally had a good hold of.
She'd reacted a lot sooner than her son, that's for sure.
Her eyes widened at the thought of her son, she'd tried her best to ease the impact of the bombardment of secrets and truths that were going to come his way, and confiscated his personal dagger from him knowing that having that at hand would really cause problems.
Her eyes turned back to her son, she noticed him moving forward towards the Starks. The dagger that she'd taken from him was thankfully still laid on the cabinet behind him, she'd forgotten to grab it as she came to help Egg, clearly her son had forgotten about it too as he approached Lord Stark, fists held tight enough to turn his knuckles white.
He's gonna hit him. She realised as she watched him storm across the room, a look on his face she'd not seen in years, not since the Greyjoy rebellion.
"Rhaegar stop." She said in a futile attempt to prevent what was going to happen. And it was a futile attempt as her son snapped his right arm out, aimed right at the Lord of Winterfell.
Her breath stifled as the fist connected with flesh and bone, but unfortunately for her and most of the people in the room, it didn't hit it's target. It instead hit the cheek of Jon Snow, who had stepped in between his father and uncle.
"Jon!" She shouted across the room as she let go of Elia, the woman seemed to have stopped her struggle against her son. Rhaegar stepped back from where he was stood and looked shocked at what he'd just done. Ser Arthur had moved across the room swiftly to stand behind his King, hand firmly on the hilt of his sword and a glare aimed at both Lord Stark and Jon Snow.
She knew that his King was his priority but this was getting ridiculous.
"Step down Ser Arthur, I won't have steel drawn in my presence, especially when there's children." She ordered as she moved across the room and stood in front of Jon. Rhaegar had caught him well with that strike, the top of his cheek right under his left eye split open, a small trickle of blood making it's way into his beard. She framed his face with her hands to take a closer look, his eyes wouldn't look at her though, they were too trained in on Rhaegar, a look of annoyance and slight anger behind those eyes.
Please don't do anything stupid.
"Don't you dare." She whispered to him as she pulled her handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbed the flow of blood from his face. He looked down at her and frowned, eventually closing his eyes and sighing.
"Are you okay Jon?" She heard Jon's little sister, cousin, asked him as she looked up at him in concern. It gave Rhaella a chance to look at Lord Stark, his shoulders were slumped with a look of guilt on his face.
He knew this was mainly his fault, a little of the blame falling on her son.
She felt Jon nod at the question, breaking the connection her hands had on his face. She turned and looked to see how Rhaegar was fairing, he still looked angry, so much so that Ser Arthur had placed a steady hand on his shoulder. Any other Kingsguard wouldn't be able to get away with placing their hand on the King but because this was Arthur, Rhaegar's best friend, nobody blinked an eyelid.
That anger her son held had something else present as well, his eyes switching between Lord Stark and Jon. His brow creased up as his eyes fell on Jon's face, fighting off the look of regret to save face, Lord Stark needed to know how enraged he was.
She looked around the room, noticing everybody watching with baited breath to see what was going to happen next. Unfortunately for them, nothing was going to get said or done while there was an audience, so she made a snap decision.
"Right, everybody out. Wait in your rooms, we'll get you when we are done." She said as she looked around the room. From the look on everybody's, nobody wanted to leave and miss what was said.
"Rhaella..." Elia said before she was interrupted.
"You're obviously staying my dear, everybody else, leave." She said with no room for arguments, arguments she could see nearly every single one of them wanted to have with her.
"Aegon," She said as her grandson looked at her "...will you make sure that everybody makes it safely to their rooms? I'm trusting the crown prince with this responsibility." She asked, receiving a reluctant nod in reply.
"Good." She said as they all slowly made their way out of the room, every single one of them glancing backwards before leaving.
The door closed with a click, the only people left in the room were her, the King and Queen, Ser Arthur and the three Starks.
Two Starks.
Jon isn't a Stark.
She looked down at Lord Stark's daughter and was looked back at resolutely, if it weren't for the situation they were in, she'd chuckle at the girls boldness.
And because of the situation they were in, it wasn't suitable for her to be here either.
"Ser Arthur," She said, the Dayne knight looked at her from her son's side. "Would you so kindly escort Lady Arya back to her family please." She said, not ask.
"I'm not going anywhere!" The girls snapped back as she stood in front of her father like a protective she-wolf. Because that's what she was in this situation, protection, a buffer between her father and the King. She didn't know if it was done on purpose or if the girl had come on her own accord but clearly somebody thought that her son would be calmer when a young girl was thrown in the middle.
"It's fine Arya," Jon spoke as he looked down at the girl. The cut under his eye started to slowly dribble blood so she handed him her handkerchief. He gave her a confused look before realising what it was for, a small smile in thanks as he wiped his cheek.
"No it's not, some...something is going to happen." She replied back as her eyes bounced between Jon and her father. Rhaella couldn't help but notice the way the girl manipulated the size of her eyes.
Daenerys did that at her age.
"Go Arya, I'll see you after, okay?" Jon said as he slowly moved her towards the door. Ser Arthur looked at his King and received a nod, getting the permission he needed to carry out her order.
"You promise?" She heard the girl say as they made it to the door.
"I swear it." Was all Jon said as she was ushered out of the room, Ser Arthur following suit.
The room was thick with silence as she watched her grandson comb a hand through his dark hair. He stared at the floor where he stood before moving across the room and pouring himself a large goblet of wine.
"Sit!" She heard her son growl, her head turning just in time to see Lord Stark nod and take the seat in front of the desk her son was pointing at. Elia was still stood in place watching Jon drink his wine, it was like she was searching for something.
She knew what she was searching for, searching for the traces of Lyanna.
Rhaegar moved around the desk and braced his weight against it, leaning over it and in Lord Stark's direction. The look on his face was still present as he took a deep breath before sitting down.
Silence took over the room again as she moved over to the side of the room where Jon was stood nursing his goblet. She grabbed it out of his hand and put it on the cabinet away from it, slightly shaking her head at him as he looked at her.
"That won't solve anything." She whispered to him. The fact that he didn't try to argue with her showed just how much was on his mind.
Rhaegar had his chin supported under his hand as he leaned his elbow on the desk and looked out of the window. Rhaella had seen that face before, her son was in full processing mode. Elia had moved back to the sofa she'd been sat on earlier, still looking at Jon like he was a watering hole in the middle of a desert. She noticed Jon trying to avoid eye contact with the Queen, probably uncomfortable with the staring.
Speaking of somebody being uncomfortable, Lord Stark sat in his chair, leaned forward with his eyes trained on the wood of the desk in front of him.
"Start talking Lord Stark, you don't leave this room until I know everything." Her son said in a cold tone as he carried on staring out of the window. Ever since he'd punched Jon, he'd not once look at him again. Rhaella knew when her son was ashamed of his actions, avoiding eye contact was always the first thing she noticed.
Lord Stark started talking, every little secret and truth that came out made her more and more agitated by the second, and she'd heard all of this before. She couldn't imagine what was going through her son and Elia's heads right now. She kept looking to see Rhaegar's reaction to every little detail that he was being told, surprised to see him still resolutely looking out the window, not once looking in Lord Stark's direction. Elia was more reactive to the truths that were being shared, eyes closed, her head lowered and shaking left to right with every word Lord Stark uttered.
She grabbed Jon's arm in the hopes of comforting him as his uncle dug his grave deeper and deeper with every word, releasing him instantly when he audibly winced. She looked at him in confusion, he just shook his head and took a deep breath in return.
"Do you realise what you have done Lord Stark?" Rhaegar finally said as he turned to the Lord of Winterfell. Lord Stark sat up in his chair and locked eyes with the King resolutely.
"I did what was best for my family. In honour of my wife's house words, "Family, Duty, Honour", I stand behind my choice. I will never regret protecting my family over my duty or my honour." Lord Stark replied back with conviction.
It was enough to make her son snap.
"YOU STOLE MY SON!" Rhaegar snapped as he stood from his chair, rage permeated around him. The moments spent looking out the window trying to calm himself were seemingly for nought.
Lord Stark rose from his seat in return, a defensive stance as he replied to the King of the Seven Kingdoms.
"I returned my sister's son back where he belonged, in the north. Not in the south where Starks are lynched and burnt!" Lord Stark replied as he raised his voice, that cold anger the Starks were known for finally rearing it's head.
She sighed deeply and closed her eyes momentarily at the mention of what that monster did in the past to Lord Stark's family.
"Ohhh, now I see what this is," Her son said as he paced back and forth behind his desk, nodding his head like he'd come to some sort of revelation "...payback." He said as he looked back at Lord Stark "Payback for what my father did. Your twisted way of punishing me, punishing US!" He answered back, pointing back and forth between him and Elia. The Queen still had her eyes closed, still shaking her head, still in disbelief at what was being said.
"Payback!? You think this was about getting one up on you? On your family?" Lord Stark answered back incredulously "This was about MY family. That fucking war that your piece of shit father started cost House Stark nearly everything, cost me everything!" He said as he shook his head "And what did it cost House Targaryen eh? What was the cost of plunging the realm into war? Nothing, that's what. If anything, you profited, one less madman to deal with and a more stable head of the family taking over the crown." He almost snapped.
"Tread carefully Lord Stark." Rhaegar growled "I won't have my family name tarnished by the likes of you."
There was a quiet knock on the door before it opened up, revealing the head of Ser Jaime, an ashen look on his face as he looked around the room, eyes locking with Jon momentarily before looking at his King.
"Is everything alright your grace?" He asked as he looked back at Jon, waiting for her son's reply.
"Everything is fine Ser Jaime, return to your post." Rhaegar replied without looking at the knight. Ser Jaime nodded in return, giving Jon one last look before shutting the door behind him.
He knows.
With the raised voices, there was no way he couldn't know at this point.
The news is going to spread like wildfire.
"Everything isn't alright though, is it?" She said, her son looked at her, allowing his gaze to shift to Jon briefly before landing on her.
Longing. That's what was behind those indigo eyes of his, she could see how much he wanted to speak, embrace and love his long lost son.
"No, it's not. I will have your head for this Lord Stark." Rhaegar replied as he looked back at Lord Stark with disgust.
"No you won't." A new voice to the conversation said. Jon stood up straight from where he was leant against the wall. She knew this was coming, the conversation she'd had with him a few days leaned towards him trying to stop his uncle from being executed.
She understood why he would want to save Lord Stark's head, the father to his loved siblings, the father he thought he had for seventeen years. He didn't want to be the reason his little sister had her father's head chopped off.
But he must know that her son couldn't just turn a blind eye to this severe injustice.
Treason is treason.
"Jon..." She said as she placed a hand on his arm. To her shock, he shrugged it off and looked at her coldly.
"No." He said as he moved towards the desk and stood in between the two other men in the room. She couldn't help but notice that he was the tallest of the three but only just, her son a couple of inches shorter.
No wonder some people whispered about him being Brandon Stark's son.
"No?" Her son slowly replied, a raised eyebrow on his face.
"No." Jon repeated as he looked from Lord Stark to Rhaegar. "I won't let you kill my family." He said as he looked on coldly.
"He's not trying to kill your family Jon, he's trying to punish a man for his treason." Elia spoke up as she looked at Jon, trying to get him to understand.
Jon turned to Elia, his look softening as he looked at the Queen "He plans to kill my uncle, my uncle is part of my family. I can't let him do that." He replied back to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms with conviction. Elia sighed and shook her head as she looked at her husband for help.
"Lord Stark has committed treason against the crown, as the King of the Seven Kingdoms, and since Lord Stark has admitted to his treason in this very room, I have the authority to pass the sentence. The punishment for treason is death." Her son said in his authoritative tone. He shook his head and closed his eyes before looking back at Jon "I'm sorry Jon, this is my decision. Know that I'm not doing this to hurt you, it's the last thing I want to do. What I really want to do is get to know you and welcome you into your family."
"By killing my uncle." Jon replied, resolutely looking at the King of Westeros. She shook her head, the boy was foolhardy and stubborn.
Rhaegar sighed "I'm sorry Jon, there's no other way." He said as he looked on at his son with regret.
Jon nodded and turned to his uncle, a mixture of emotions on his face "And I'm sorry too," He said before turning to his father again "...but it just isn't going to happen. Whether you like it or not, the fact that I have an actual dragon gives me some semblance of power. I will use that power to protect my family." He said defiantly.
That sounded like a threat.
Which meant this was going too far.
"First of all, you can stop talking like that. You think I'll have my family warring with each other, you've got another thing coming." She said as she raised her voice, the three men in the room looking at her, all with different looks on their faces.
"Second of all, It's clear to me that the only way this is going to get settled is with compromise." She continued.
"Compromise!? You do realise what he has done?" Rhaegar said as he pointed at Lord Stark.
"Of course I do, we all do, so does Jon," She said as she looked at her grandson, daring him to argue back with her "...but if we don't settle this right now, it will become something none of us want, especially with the less than subtle promise of war." She said as she looked at Jon sternly. He had the decency to look somewhat regretful of his outburst.
Rhaegar looked at her like she'd gone mad. She knew that he wanted blood, she could fully understand that, but if Jon was adamant about what he said, they could very easily end up starting a war over this, a war over an executed Stark and a stolen Prince.
She couldn't and wouldn't allow her family be torn apart by the very members stood in this room.
She nodded to Jon, it was his idea that he came up with when he suggested it to her a few days ago. She disagreed with it in all senses, fully expecting Lord Stark to be punished for his actions. She believed that humouring her grandson's plan was the only thing that kept him talking to her.
"Explain this plan, the one you told me about a few days ago." She said. Her son looked at her in disbelief, whether it was the fact that there was a plan or that she'd known about his son's existence for so long without telling him.
Jon cleared his throat and looked from his uncle before looking his father in the eyes "A story." He said.
Rhaegar pulled his eyes away from her and looked at Jon, he motioned for him to continue "A story?" He said "I'm gonna need a bit more than just a story, I can't do much with that." He answered.
Jon ran his hand through his hair "We can spin a story for the public..."
"You want us to lie? Why would we do that Jon?" Elia said from her seat. The way her knuckle turned pale, she could see how hard her daughter-in-law was gripping the arm of her seat.
"For me." He said in a soft voice "So I don't have to watch my uncle be executed." He continued.
"Jon..." Elia started but was cut off by him.
"What? Can you really blame me for trying to prevent a death in my family? Am I really a bad person for trying?" He asked, gone was the cold exterior, now more akin to a melancholy child realising what the world was all about.
Her son sighed and eyed his own son, she could tell he really wanted to grant Jon his wishes, it would instantly put him in the boy's good books, something she could tell both King and Queen were really hoping for right now.
But she knew her son couldn't compromise on this decision.
"No Jon, you're not a bad person. From what I've seen, you're far from it." Her son said before his eyes moved across to Lord Stark, who had kept quiet the whole conversation "But..." He said before sighing and shaking his head "...listen. Maybe...maybe execution isn't necessary."
Everybody looked at the King with mixed emotions, her and Elia looked at Rhaegar with disbelief and Jon and his uncle looked at the King with suspicion.
"What do you mean?" Elia said as she looked at her husband, shock still on her face.
Rhaegar linked his fingers together in front of him on the desk and looked Lord Stark in eyes, the King's royal mask back in place "My son believes that your actions were in goodwill for his welfare, I do not." He said as Lord Stark's head turned and looked at Jon, her grandson stood there listening on.
"I don't want to ever be compared to my sire, in personality or rule. Therefore, in gesture of goodwill to my long lost son, I grant his wish for you to keep your head." He said to the surprise of everybody in the room.
Jon looked at his uncle in relief, Elia looked at her husband almost betrayed, and Rhaella looked at her son with a mixture of confusion and pride, proud that he was able to temper that anger enough so it didn't fuel any hasty decisions.
He'll never be his father.
The King raised his hand to quell any sort of questions that may come his way, he looked at Lord Stark again "You won't be executed for this crime Lord Stark. But you will be sentenced to join the Night's Watch."
"What!?" Jon snapped but her son carried on speaking.
"There you will take your vows, forfeiting any lands and titles, you will take no wife and father no more children." He said. Lord Stark had his head lowered as he spoke.
"You can't do this!" Jon said again.
He can, he's the King.
"The title of Lord of Winterfell will be passed down to your heir, Lord Robb Stark. In the coming months I will require him to journey down to King's Landing where he will swear his allegiance to the crown, where on completion, he will become my new Warden of the North. I hope he has been taught well in the art of leadership." Her son declared.
The room went quiet as soon as he was done, the only thing to be heard was her grandson breathing through his nose, a look of undisguised anger on his face. Elia for her part, sat back in her seat, a look of resignation on her face, at peace with the decision it would seem.
"This isn't a compromise, you'll still be taking him away from my siblings!" Jon growled. He needed to be careful, Jon may have a dragon, but Rhaegar was still King, and talking to a King like that was not suggested.
"Cousins, they're your cousins. Your real siblings have been living in King's Landing most of their life." Rhaegar corrected.
"My point still stands." Jon replied.
"And so does mine. I want Lord Stark executed as punishment for his treason, you want him pardoned so you don't have to feel guilty when he loses his head. A compromise is Lord Stark still being punished while still respecting your wishes of no execution, the Night's Watch is that compromise." He explained, almost as if he was explaining it to a child.
Her son had to be careful, she'd seen Jon's quick temper, treating him like a lesser person was a sure fire way of triggering it.
"He's not on trial, you can't just order him to take the black, it won't stand." Jon replied, but it seemed like he was fighting a losing battle. She feared the consequences of this meeting.
"I can assure you if he was on trial, he would have been sentenced to death as soon as his story had finished. You're welcome to call for a trial but I'm actively trying to prevent bloodshed, the very thing you asked for." Her son explained. The anger was gone from him, now he was in his element, the mood he took on when speaking to nobles.
Jon looked at his uncle, the cogs turning behind his mind before looking back resolutely at the King "He demands trial by combat." Came those cursed words.
"Jon..." Lord Stark said, a resigned tone if she'd ever heard one.
"Shut up." He replied as he stared down his father.
She shook her head and looked down, the desperation was coming out now. It tore her heart apart seeing her grandson defend his uncle with such steadfast loyalty, even after everything that had happened.
Rhaegar sighed and looked at his son, there was admiration behind those eyes of his as he watched him defend his uncle unwaveringly "I'm sorry Jon, but Lord Stark has admitted to his crime, his guilt was confirmed by the accused himself. The option of trial by combat is nullified in the eyes of the gods." He explained.
"Fuck the gods! Those shits haven't done anything for anyone." Jon snapped as he shook his head. He turned and locked eyes with her for a split second before looking back at his father.
"I'll beg. You think I'm too prideful to do such a thing. I'll get on my knees right where I stand." Jon said, the fight slowly fading from him.
"You'll do no such thing. I won't have my grandson on his hands and knees for a criminal." She said as Jon looked at her before shaking his head.
"You can't send him to the Night's Watch," He said again as he leaned over the desk to get eye to eye with his father "...he's not raped anybody or killed somebody he shouldn't have." He said as he turned and looked at his uncle "Have you?" He asked, fully expecting him to shake his head. Lord Stark seemed reluctant to answer.
"Have you?" Jon asked again.
Lord Stark eyed the Queen momentarily before taking a deep breath and looking at the King.
Now what?
"Prince Lewyn Martell was an unfortunate casualty during my mission to save my sister, I'm sorry." Lord Stark admitted as he closed his eyes and lowered his head.
She couldn't believe there was more to this mess.
Jon sighed and closed his eyes, he seemed to deflate as soon as his uncle had finished his confession.
"I WANT HIS HEAD!" Elia cried as she stood up from her seat, fists balled and a murderous gaze aimed at Lord Stark. Rhaella moved quick, enough to grab hold of her daughter-in-laws shoulders to prevent her from doing something stupid.
"Is this true Lord Stark?" Rhaegar asked, the northerner nodding in confirmation. Jon stood up, moved towards the window and stared out of it, shaking his head. His patience seemingly at it's end with his uncle.
Rhaegar nodded, a longing look at his son's back before looking back at Lord Stark "The punishment still stands, you will take the black." He declared.
"Rhaegar..." Elia said within Rhaella's clutch.
"The Crown will also require a ward. One of your children will journey down to King's Landing with us when we depart, do you understand?" He asked. Lord Stark looked back at Jon before nodding at his King.
"It's not enough." Elia said to her husband as she sagged in her arms.
"It's over my Queen. Lord Stark will renounce his titles and join the Night's Watch and my son will journey back with us to King's Landing, along with one of his cousins. My word is final." He declared, no room for arguments.
Jon looked over his shoulder when he was mentioned, a mix of emotions on his face when he heard he'd be going home with them.
"Lord Stark will be escorted by Ser Jaime to say his goodbye's to his family before he's escorted up to Castle Black by a dozen of our household guard. The news will be announced to the Lord's and Ladies waiting for us in the great hall, both the existence of my son and Lord Stark's crimes, both pieces of news will be sent by raven to your son back in Winterfell. Some will see it as weakness letting you live, but they'll be assured that this was a gesture of good faith towards my son's wishes. They will also be reminded of the existence of my son's dragon, the complete opposite of what I would describe as weakness." He finished as he looked at his son's back with pride.
It felt like this whole mess was finally coming to it's conclusion, she really hoped it was. All she wanted to do now is go home with her family, all her family, Jon very much included in that.
"Ser Jaime!" Her son shouted, the Kingsguard knight opening the door and entering the room. The look on his face was of somebody who couldn't believe what he'd just heard.
"Your grace." He said as he bowed, eyes sneaking a look at the back of her grandson.
"Escort Lord Stark to his family, they should be in the great hall. When you get there, escort them to the library, there Lord Stark can use the privacy to explain what is happening." He said as the Lannister knight nodded at his instructions "Make sure they don't leave the library until one of your brother's arrives and relieves you of your duty." Her son instructed to which the knight bowed in answer.
"C'mon Lord Stark..." Ser Jaime said as Jon's uncle stood from his chair and headed for the door, one last look behind him at his nephew.
Jon started walking to the door as well "I'm going with him." He said, not once looking to see what his father said.
"You're not..." Rhaegar said but Jon was already out of the door before he could finish his sentence. He huffed and shook his head before speaking up.
"Keep an eye on him Ser Jaime, make sure nothing happens to him." He ordered.
"Don't worry your grace, I'll protect him with my life, you have my word." He said as he nodded and bowed before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
Ser Jaime definitely knew who Jon was now.
She turned and looked at her son, Elia had left her grasp and moved around the desk. Rhaegar had his face in his hands but must have detected her presence.
"I'm so sorry my love. I didn't know what else to do, I execute his uncle and we never get to accept Lya's son into our family. He'd hate me too much." He said as his wife placed a hand on his back.
She sighed "I'm not going to pretend that I don't hate what you did, but I will accept you did it so we could bring our son home." She said as she rested her chin on his shoulder.
He chuckled to himself as he pulled his hands away from his face "He's a stubborn one isn't he? I know I can be stubborn sometimes but nothing like that." He finished as he shook his head, a small smile on his face. She couldn't help but smile herself.
"Remind you of someone?" Elia said as she smiled at her husband.
He nodded as he looked up at his queen "Imagine if she was with us still, the two of them together would have been impossible to work with." He smiled.
She scoffed, both the King and Queen looking up at her "She still is with us my son, she lives on in that boy who's just walked out of that door." She explained, almost crying herself as she saw the moisture build in her son's eyes.
"Now on to more pressing matters." She said a few moments later. Elia quirked an eyebrow at her as Rhaegar wiped his eyes on the back of his hands.
"Which are?" The Queen said.
"A bloody dragon roaming our skies." She said none too seriously, both monarchs chuckling at her humoured declaration.
Dragons had returned…
And they were now back together.
The Fledgling
He scrambled through the halls of the manse, the marble under his feet was shaded from the blistering sunlight, keeping it cool. The coolness almost made him moan in pleasure, the day had been a particularly hot one, and a hard one to get through.
He rushed towards his destination, a quiet room at the back of the building, passing several stoic Unsullied soldiers that lined the hallways. In his arms were several linens that had been requested.
Please don't kill me, I'm just doing as I was told.
He rounded the corner, the doorway to the room guarded by two Unsullied. The door was bolted shut, there was still blood on the handle from where his master had previously entered.
He kept his head down as he slowly walked to the door, the Unsullied didn't even bother to look down at him as he grabbed hold of the handle and twisted, the strong smell of iron instantly hitting his nostrils as he hesitantly entered.
He bolted up right as a hammer was held at his face, the head and the majority of the handle dripping in blood. He looked up, his heart beating out of his chest as he looked fearfully into the eyes of the worst man he'd ever met.
"People knock for a reason, the next time you anger me, you'll feel the matter fall out of your skull." The deep voice warned as he pulled the hammer away from his face.
He nodded vigorously as he looked to the ground in reverence, the fact that he'd even been given a second chance was a miracle. He jumped as the hammer that had been pointed at his face was casually tossed into the corner of the dark room, the loud clash of the bloody tool hitting the marble almost made him whimper.
Two thick hands were thrust in front of him, caked in grime and blood "Clean." Was the order given to him and he snapped to attention, wrapping the powerful limbs in a linen and wiping them as clean as he could.
Don't clean the blood from under his nails, he likes to remember. He reminded himself as he rubbed the hands of the cruel man.
Don't even think that, idiot. He might hear it.
The man thankfully pulled his hands away, just in time to miss the way his hands started shaking, the anxiety building in him as he looked up and around the room.
The Chamber.
That's what the man liked to call it.
"Urghh..." He heard, a tired voice in the back of the room.
"Quit your whining. You're lucky I didn't leave the hammer in your head." The cruel man said as he walked to the side of the room and poured himself a cup on water. He drank a full cup before refilling it, the contents of it hurled at the face of the man chained up in a chair across from him.
"No. You don't get to plead with me now, you forfeited that ability when you decided to share my secrets." The cruel man interrupted.
"I'm...It's to help….to help you." The chained man replied, blood running down his brow, fingers mangled on each of his hands.
"SILENCE!" The cruel man yelled as he grabbed the chained man by the throat, a small whimper left his mouth as tears began to slowly run down his bloody cheeks. He didn't want to watch this.
But unfortunately he had to, he had to know.
He had to know…
"I think it's time." The cruel man said as he released the prisoner from his clutch.
He slowly backed up into the corner of the room, the collision with the wall making him jump.
"Please...don't..." The chained man begged.
"Have a bit of self respect and die like a man." The cruel man said as he grabbed the greatsword that was leaning against the wall. He held it in both hands like it didn't weigh anything.
"No..." The chained man whimpered "I promised her..."
"I know you did, and for that I thank you." The cruel man replied as he took stance in front of the prisoner.
"Don't do this…I...love you, please..."
"And I loved you, goodbye father." The cruel man softly replied before lifting the huge sword over his head and cleaving his apparent father straight down the middle, from head to belly. The wooden chair collapsed under the strike, leaving a pile of flesh, guts, and rotten wood.
He threw up.
He recovered quick enough to clutch the hand that was lifting him up against the wall, the linens in his hand forgotten.
"I know who you are," The cruel man spat as he looked at him. He clutched at the huge arms of the man to ease the pressure on his neck.
Fear ran cold down his spine when he realised what had just been said.
"LOOK AT IT!" The cruel man screamed as he pointed at the sickening remains of his own father "…tell your little friend what you've seen. I will be very interested to see what they have to say." He said before releasing him. He dropped to his hands and knees, his left hand pressed into a puddle of his own vomit, the right clutching his aching throat.
He looked up at the cruel man, this monster who just murdered his own father without even blinking. They connected eyes and the look he was given was enough for him to cower away from his gaze.
He stood on shaky legs and realised that he was being dismissed, he didn't know whether to be grateful or terrified of the repercussions.
He scurried towards the closed door, desperate to be out of this place, the further away the better. Qarth was a port city, it wouldn't take him much to acquire passage to the free cities. From there, he could relay what had happened.
"Oh, and before you go..." The cruel man said from behind him. He turned as quick as he could, desperate to get this over and done with.
It wasn't quick enough to avoid the hammer that smashed and embedded itself into the front of his skull, the world already blackening around him.
The last thing he saw as he laid unmoving on the floor was the contents of his skull slowly dripping on to the cool floor.
The threat from earlier truly forgotten as he departed the living.
End of Act 3
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