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98.82% Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic / Chapter 81: chapter 81

Chapter 81: chapter 81

--MC POV--

"I can hear some voices" said Lydia.

We now were waiting for the night for the next move of the kitsune and since we had no way to know where he was currently we had divided ourself in groups.

Allison had gone home to stay with her family, while Derek was with Malia and Laura. They were probably having a family conversation and I'm sure I was included in these talks, but I preferred to not intrude myself in their conversation or I fear things may degenerate.

Erika was with Stiles, Scott and Kira, while Boyd and Isaac are probably somewhere together.

As for Ethan I'm sure he is somewhere with Danny and I think I know what they are doing.

So those who are with me currently are Malia, Lydia and Ann, who decided to stay with us.

"What exactly?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure. It is a mix of too many words, I can hear some Japanese and some English, but they are all speaking at the same time" replied Lydia.

"Oh, you are a banshee. I knew one once" said Ann.

"Really?" Asked Lydia.

The only other banshee we ever heard about was the one that stunned Derek and resurrected Peter.

We didn't even meet her.

"Yeah, they are a weird bunch. Without offence. Sometimes she would pick up the phone and reply to calls that never happened." Said Ann.

"It is worth a try" said Lydia as she took her phone up and slowly put it against her ear.

At the beginning she was acting normal, but at some point, she made a strange expression and suddenly said "coupe de foudre".

Ann got shocked hearing what Lydia said, affected by these words.

"Is it French?" I asked, recognizing the accent.

"Yes, it means love at first sight. It was a word that appeared in the story my mother told me of when she stayed with my father… How was his voice?" asked Ann toward Lydia.

"It was like a calm whisper, but it carried many emotions at the same time" replied Lydia, not asking the reason behind the question.

"Yes, that is how it should be… I believe the Nogitsune is at the abandoned Oak creek Camp. That's where everything happened" said Ann, regaining some seriousness after uttering softly the first part.

"I'll call the others".

--3rdperson POV—

Soon many people approached the abandoned camp and in front of the door they found an Asiatic middle aged woman, with some soldier made of shadow behind her.

"Should have expected for you to be here" said Ann, looking at her mother.

"I've seen some people inside, who I believe are under his control and they are armed and prepared to deal with supernatural creatures" said the nearly nine hundred years old kitsune.

"Hunters?" asked Ann.


"Why would hunters help a void kitsune?" asked Chris Argent.

"I don't think they are truly aware of what they are doing, This Nogitsune is older than my mother and has already accumulated a lot of energy, I too don't really have an idea of the true extent of his powers" said Ann.

"Do you have an idea of how they look?" asked Chris.

"They are Mexican" replied Noshiko.

"They must be the Calavera. One of them approached me some days ago to tell me something regarding a family matter. So, they were in near here. Do we have a way to free them? They are honourable people, who always followed the code" said Chris.

"Not that I know. I can try, but they will be shooting us so it won't be easy" replied Ann.

"Just do what you can, please?" asked Chris.

"Are we ready?" asked Thomas and after they all nodded he started concentrating on his transformation and in a few second he completely turned into a lion.

Thanks to his training he had been able to accelerate the process and now it wasn't impossible anymore to turn in the middle of a battle, if he was given enough time.

The door was soon forced open and as expected many shoots of guns were fired.

Fortunately no one stood in front of the door and the bullets were wasted.

In another side of the wall, Thomas had made a hole using his strength and charged at the nearest hunter, biting his assault riffle and throwing it away with his teeth.

Ann then went in front of the man and after looking at him, she understood the problem.

She then placed her hand on his neck and slowly moved it to his mouth, just to catch a fly that flew out from there and immediately the man regained his senses.

"What…" he muttered, free from the control of the Nogitsune.

"A Nogitsune has got your family under control" said Chris and the man seemed to recognize the hunter from the Argent family.

"We were assaulted by tens of flies" he murmured, trying to remember his last memories.

"He is using these flies to control them. If you want you can try to also take them out manually by putting your hands in their throat, but you will have to go deep" said Ann.

"We need to go, the others will be here soon" We then proceeded toward the centre of the camp and the two guys we met on our way were freed and joined us.

"Welcome" greeted us the Nogitsune, which was covered in bends, but the strangest thing was the snow on the floor and the strange appearance of the place that didn't look nothing like what all of them expected.

"It is an illusion stay on guard" warned Ann.

"Let's end it here" said Noshiko and her Oni appeared behind the mummy-like Nogitsune, but before they could kill him some hunters that surrounded the Nogitsune tried to block them and one of them was killed.

"Miguel! Hijo de p**a! I'll kill you" screamed one of the Mexican hunters we freed.

During the moments gained by the sacrifice of some hunters, the void kitsune took out from his jacket the last of Noshiko tails and broke it. Immediately the Oni turned around and now acted as the Nogitsune soldiers.

"You didn't say they could do that" said Kira, grabbing the new sword she had repaired with her power earlier.

"I didn't know it could be done. Fuck. I'll take care of them, I can kill them with fox fire, but you need to hold them back" cursed Ann.

"Can't your mother help too?" asked Derek.

"She lost her last tail she can't use fox fire anymore".

On one side of the camp stood the controlled Calaveras, six Oni and the Nogitsune, while on the other there was Thomas and his pride, the Argent family and the werewolves, which consisted of Derek's pack and some omegas.

The numbers were on the side of Beacon Hills faction side, but the battle wasn't simple as only Ann had the ability to kill the Oni and they couldn't just murder the Calavera, which were also victims.

Especially since killing them would turn the other three Calavera they saved against them.

"Me, my wife and the other three will try to take care of the Calavera, someone else who plans to help" asked Chris.

"I'll help too. Boyd, Isaac, come with me! Erika you help the other with the Oni!" said Derek, giving instruction to his pack.

This group soon started to make its way toward the other side by hiding behind any obstacle they found and it gathered the attention of the Calavera, who didn't hesitate to shoot even against their own family members.

The others charged at the Oni trying to hold them back long enough for Ann to take them down, but it wasn't easy since they were quite skilled in martial arts.

"Just how strong are these guys?" asked Scott.

"They are spirits of the best Japanese warriors brought back to life with the sacrifice of one tail of a kitsune." Replied Ann, as she evaded a sword and thanks to Laura, who blocked one Oni, she was able to deal a fatal blow with her hand that emanated a dark glow.

Soon the Oni exploded, but the others were still fighting and Erika and Ethan had gotten injured.

On the other side of the battlefield a lion stood in front of a mummy with a jacket and sharp long teeth.

(I'm back. I passed my exams and finally I get holydays too. So I'll be able to dedicate more time to writing)

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