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The first store

It wasn't complicated at all to find the place, since it was the only store that was closed in the whole street. It was in a three-story building, between a broom store and a store selling Flu powder. Right in front of a branch of Honeydukes. The first floor and second floor were for shelving and window displays, while the top floor was a mix of office and warehouse.

-It looks like it will need a coat of paint," Soisen commented as he saw the dust inside through the glass.

-They entered with the key and Nagini verified that the structure had been preserved with magic using runes, but most of the furniture was rotten and some small creatures had formed nests in various parts.

-Yeah, I'm not going to go deeper until someone properly disinfects the whole place," Soisen nodded as he looked around, he almost expected to run into some Devil's Snares if he took a few more steps, "The positive part is that it looks pretty big, if after the cleaning and refurbishment it looks presentable, I can make it the first official store in my name.

-The initial investment won't be small, but that's not a problem for you," commented Nagini while she covered her nose with her hand, "Let's go out, the air is too stale and it's not good for our health.

When they came out and closed, some nearby owners looked at them curiously, as the premises had been abandoned even before they opened or took over the business of their stores. Several people over the years had been interested in taking over the premises, but no one knew who owned it.

-Although I know you want to find someone to clean the place now, your mothers should already be waiting for us at home to eat. We can come back tomorrow without haste, after all, one more day won't change anything.

Soisen stopped his steps and thought that what Nagini said made sense, so they left Diagon Alley. The next day, they returned and managed to find someone willing to take the job.The bad news? To get rid of the pests, clean, etc. all in a proper way would take all summer. Including fixing the minor flaws.

So he would not be able to open his store until at least the Christmas vacations, when he could leave Hogwarts Castle and inspect the work. Then he would need to decorate and furnish the shop in his own style, stock up on products, hire sales clerks, and so on.

Or instead, he could delegate the job to Nagini. They would only need to exchange letters by owl and she could still make the decisions without much work, but it wasn't the same as being present and seeing things for her own eyes.

-"I think instead, you could start thinking about the details now and then I could take care of most things with a clear direction of work when you start second year," Nagini opined when he brought it up to her, "After Fidelius is established, the house will be protected and I won't have much to do while you're at Hogwarts, it'll be very boring! So let me take care of the store for the time being, it'll be a good distraction and help me get acquainted with the administration.

Soisen smacked his forehead, it was clear he hadn't thought of that angle.

A week later, Nagini managed to get not only fit enough, but also used to her new wand and performed the Fidelius ritual. It was a peculiar feeling to forget for a moment the place where she grew up before Nagini made her remember. He also had to remind Rada and his owl of the place.

-It will take me a few days to get used to it," Ann commented as she looked around her house, the feeling inside was still the same but on the outside it was different.

-Don't worry, everyone finds it strange the first few days," Nagini soothed, downplaying the matter, "Over the next few days, I will also set up some additional protections, alarms and guards that I know of.

-Is it necessary to add more? -I mean, Fidelius is already an ancient and quite powerful magic as I recall.

-Maybe, but what can I do if your son insists on protecting his family so fiercely? -Nagini shrugged, making it clear that she also considered him somewhat paranoid. She would be entertained for a few days and Soisen would be calmer.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that their squib conditions prevented them from activating magical artifacts, Soisen would have ordered some additional protective accessories for their mothers.

Perhaps he should start researching something that acted as a magical battery.

Ann and Ingta could only exchange glances with a thinly veiled smile, it seemed their son couldn't help but care for them after studying the threats in the magical world. Soisen didn't care what they would think, he would rather have a stronghold of his own and have his mind at ease, than rely on the Ministry or the Order of the Phoenix.

The former proved to be quite useless over the next few years, preferring to have an illusion of peace rather than prepare for what was to come. The Order, on the other hand, had a philosophy of never causing casualties on the Death Eater side.

That was a tremendously childish and hypocritical thing to do.

Why on earth were Death Eaters not afraid to be vicious?

Because they knew that no one on Dumbledore's side dared to kill them!

They would lock them up and in a while, they could get out and go about their business.

Just to think of the number of lives that could have been saved if they had acted like responsible, mature people....

But no, they had to take heed of someone who surely knows as much or even more dark magic than Voldemort and Grindelwald, only he knows how to act better in the public eye.

He still remembered how Hermione had been used for Dumbledore's plan, due to the inaction of the "boy who survived", maybe she would have ended up being sacrificed "for the greater good" and then look for someone else to help Harry.

As if it would have been inevitable.

That's why she only used her memories as a reference and didn't rely on them as fact, she would act as she saw fit.

And if that bothered Dumbledore, he could eat his beard!

-Soisen, are you all right? -Ann asked worriedly when she saw her son frowning.

-It's nothing, Mum," Soisen put his thoughts away and smiled, "I was just thinking about where I could meet up with some friends over the summer, you know, for a few days of fun.

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