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Maze Man Maze Man original

Maze Man

Author: Mogma

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Maze Man

It was the first time I had ever seen someone fight like that, my future friend, John Baker. He was a cool guy I can admit he was one of those people that felt like he just had to fight to show he was strong, he amazes me every time. His hair is dark brown with a fade on both sides, he has this weird streak in his hair, I always thought it dumb. His eyes are big and black and he has a strong upper body but weak legs, he skips leg day for some reason.

You don't know me yet, my name is Rory Gino. People just call me Gino sometimes though, I have another weird nickname; "Fish Face". They say it's because I always have this weird dull look on my face when something dumb happens, kinda like a fish. I don't look like a fish though, obviously. My hair is black but has a blonde patch in it, I don't really understand why but I was born like this, my mom has one too, genetics I guess. I have a pretty strong jawline but not something over the top, my eyes are golden brown; and I have small eye bags but nothing serious, people say it because of my lack of sleep.

Me and John didn't know each other before 'this' all happened he was kinda the popular guy, i wasn't a loner or anything just wasn't the popular kind. I was a transfer kid actually; but people forgot about me after a while, the school was a public school known for violence, so we kinda had a bad rep.

It was a normal day unlike the others, a bit too normal. The others were chaotic and loud but today was quiet for some odd reason....My hunch was right, the school started shaking, no the world was. Giant walls, they appeared out of nowhere. They were so high you couldn't see the end of them, screams were coming from other students and school staff.


"W-Where are we?!"

I was scared, I have to admit it was something I couldn't fathom. I wanted to cry for my mom or somebody.

"Wait, I have to find my mom s-she could be hurt!"

I started walking off, other students saw me walking off and decided to follow me for some reason. One of them being John baker, "HEY!" one of them shouted. "You're Just going to leave? Now!?" I'd turn around with that fish looking face. "Uh....Yeah?" I would keep walking, they would still follow me, Before long we realized soon enough that the walls were probably something never ending. It was like a whole new world. After maybe hours of walking we heard a loud noise.

"Wow, it's a whole group this time."

It was another person this time. but he was 'different', he had cuts and rips on his clothes, blood all on him and his hair was wet. Maybe sweat, he also had a weapon it was a metal pole; and it was extremely bloody. "HEHE~ lets take everything they got!" one of them exclaimed, they started to rush at us. John baker jumped in front of us and started to swing, he knocked one of them out with one punch. Everyone was surprised even me, I had never been in a fight but..I couldn't just sit by and watch him take them on by himself, so i just copied what he did and threw a straight right at the man's chin. He fell to his knees but wasn't out yet, so i kicked him with all my might directly to his face knocking him out.

There was only one more left so we just started to rush him and got him down pretty easily, he dropped the pole and I picked it up. He was out cold, we kept walking and pretty soon we seen light very bright light. We started to run toward the light, when we made it to the end of the light it was like some town where there were people everywhere in some old clothing. "What is this?" John said. "I-I don't know?" This one girl said, her name was like Sarah or something she was the kind of girl to always get scared of everything, but was kinda crazy to be honest. She always had this weird look on her face, well more like a nervous look, her hair was all over the place; and was really dark, she had some light green eyes and always using them to stare at some one.

We decided to keep walking "Hello!" we heard a voice. Are you the 'Maze Man' ? " I looked down, and to my surprise it was a child. "Um...who is the maze man?" I had that fish face look again "Oh so you aren't the 'Maze Man' I guess. Just follow me!" We all looked at each other, and shrugged. And so we followed.




Mogma Mogma

Hope you enjoyed, this idea came to me out of no where. It was really fun to write this, thanks for reading!

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