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Waking up in a fright, Naruto rubbed his blurry eyes. Finding them still blurred, Naruto looked around. The events of last night coming back to him as he groaned from the experience. A hand moved to his face and covered his eyes.

"Guess it was just a dream." he said.

But then his sense of feeling returned to him and he felt a rather pleasant feeling on his crotch. Suddenly his senses were placed on alert and he pulled the bed covers off and found a sight he never thought possible. His eye sight returned and right by his cock, as it reappeared and disappeared into the mouth of a rather attractive woman, Naruto stared in shock at who it was. Kushina was right now servicing his morning wood as she moaned lewdly as she sucked him off.

"Or maybe not." said Naruto springing into action.

Shooting out of her hold on him, Naruto bolted to the wall as Kushina moaned at how she lost her treat.

"Oh come on. I was almost there." said Kushina as she slowly got up and walked to Naruto with a sway in her hips.

"Kaa-chan. This has gone too far. Please stop this." said Naruto with Kushina getting rather angry.

"Stop this? STOP THIS? Fuck no. You know how hard it was to keep myself in check? Fuck that. I'm gonna fuck you until I can't even walk." barked Kushina as she slowly walked to Naruto.

"Please. Don't ruin this relationship of mother and son." begged Naruto only for Kushina to laugh so hard.

"Oh please. The relationship of mother and son was already ruined when I stole away your virginity then sucked and fucked you." said Kushina as she stopped in front of Naruto.

"Besides, I feel dirty now that I've fucked you. Wanna help me wash off?" she cooed into his ear as she made a hand sign.

Instantly, Naruto's mind blacked out and his eyes dulled as Kushina grabbed hold of his cock and led him into the bathroom. Turning the water on she soon felt Naruto's cock enter her pussy from behind, causing her to gasp in pleasure from the feeling.

"Oh no not yet. Wait until we get into the shower first." she purred as Naruto slowly began to move inside her.

Kushina lowered her head as she placed a hand on the door of the shower. Minato never did this to her, feeling Naruto move inside her while she was trying to get the two of them into the shower, turned her on so much. Finally getting the water to its appropriate temperature, she pulled herself off Naruto and slammed him against the wall.

"Such a naughty boy you are. You need to be punished." she said as she slowly moved down to his raging hard on.

Giving the entire length a long strong lick, she smiled as she then took him into her mouth. But she was slightly upset that Naruto wasn't making any moans of pleasure. Rolling her eyes as she made a hand sign, she freed Naruto's mind but just a bit.

"Ah, Kaa-chan. Please stop. Don't do this. I'm begging you." cried Naruto as his mind was freed.

"Don't give me that. You know you like it. It turns you on so much. Your cock is already so hard." said Kushina as she pumped him a few times.

"That's because it gets hard everytime you're around." said Naruto.

"Oh you naughty boy. Getting hard from your own mother. That's double the punishment for you." she purred as she sandwiched his cock between her magnificent tits and proceeded to give him a titfuck.

Naruto threw his head back. He knew this was wrong, but his mind didn't allow him to stop her. His body stayed unresponsive and un cooperative as Kushina continued to servive him with her giant tits. Taking the head that was poking out from her melons, she began to blow him, swirling her tongue over the head and crown of his cock as she added in some rather lewd moans of pleasure as she began to bob her head back and forth.

Naruto soon scrunched his eyes closed as he fired his load into Kushina's hungry mouth. Moaning as the thick, hot waves flooded her mouth, she drank it all as she pulled her breasts off his cock and licked her lips from his taste.

"Delicious as always." she said as she got to her feet.

"Sit." she ordered.

Naruto instantly sat on the ledge in the shower as Kushina slowly turned around and sat on his lap, once again implaing herself with his cock. She moaned out in ecstasy as the feeling of being filled again came back to her. Naruto's hands soon moved on their own and lifted her legs off her ground. Supporting her entire weight on his lap.

Giving small thrusting motions, Naruto began to bounce his mother on his lap while Kushina slung an arm around Naruto neck and pulled her one breast up to Naruto's mouth.

"Drink up." she ordered.

Naruto's mouth moved in its own and instantly latched onto Kushina's nipple. Kushina moaned as she felt her son drink from her jug. This only added more spice to the sex they were having. Kushina soon felt Naruto's hand move down to her pussy and pinch her clit. She instantly lost it and came then and there as a powerful cry of pleasure ripped through the bathroom shower.

Naruto soon continued to play with Kushina's clit as she bounced on his lap. Kushina in heaven right now. The sheer feeling of how Naruto knew the right spots to hit was completely unexpected. But then again, it must've been from those books his perverted master wrote. Kushina soon felt her release coming up and so did Naruto. Giving a few more strong thrusts, Naruto came into Kushina as she cried out her own orgasm. Cumming all over his cock while his load shot deep into her womb.

Coming down from their high, Kushina climbed off Naruto the moment her feet touched the tiled floor. Placing her hands on the wall as she stuck out her ass, she looked behind her and made a hand sign.

"Fuck me." she ordered.

"Kaa-chan. Please. Enough." begged Naruto.

"Shut up. And get to fucking me. By the time I'm done with you. You'll be wanting to do it no matter what. Even without the control seals." assured Kushina with a wicked smile. "NOW FUCK ME!"

Naruto's body moved on its own and shot straight to Kushina. But his hands soon spun her around and slammed his cock deep inside her. Kushina threw her head back as she latched onto Naruto and threw her legs around his waist. Naruto's own hands moved to her round ass and held her there as he began to push deep inside her.

Kushina kept moaning as she buried her head into the crook of Naruto's neck as she moaned with passion and pleasure as Naruto moved inside her. Fucking her the best he could. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he defiled the relationship of mother and son. But Kushina was having different thoughts as Naruto nailed her with vigor and power. Her legs hitting his back as he thrusted up.

"Oh yeah. That's good. Keep doing that. Keep fucking me." she cried as Naruto continued to thrust into her against his will.

But he soon began to find that he was actually enjoying it. He wanted to keep his life pure and simple. But after what Kushina did to him, that was all thrown out the window when she stole his virginity. Soon Naruto began to quicken his pace. Causing his busty mother to make small bite marks on his neck as she felt him hit her in that perfect spot.

"Sochi, I'm so close. Keep going. I'm nearly there." she moaned as Naruto kept his pace.

"I'm...gonna..." he trailed, struggling to form any sentances.

"Are you? Well then. Cum inside me. Let me feel you inside." she moaned.

Giving a few more thrusts, Naruto unleashed his load into Kushina's womb as Kushina's orgasm ran wild as she fully bit down on Naruto's collar bone, drawing a bit of blood in the process.

Coming down from such a rush and high, Naruto pulled out of Kushina as he fell onto the ledge of the shower as Kushina breathed a wonderous sigh of relief as her honry nature died out. Thus releasing Naruto from her control.

"Excellent work sochi. You get better with every fuck." she purred as she switched off the water and headed out the bathroom, leaving the blond jinchuuriki to lament on what he just did yet again.

"Why did it turn out this way?" he questioned.

Meanwhile, Kushina was sitting on the bed as she held a pregnancy test in her hands. She used it before she and Naruto had sex in the shower, and now she was staring at the results. Clicking her tongue as she threw the test at the wall which resulted in it shattering, she held her head in her hands.

"Fuck sakes. I made a deal with Kami to bring back the Uzumaki clan in exchange for powerful children to retain the peace now made." she growled as she looked up. "If I don't fall pregnant soon. Kami with revoke the deal we made."

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