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What Kai did not know, was that almost moments after he died on Earth, the Earth Alliance Government issued a Code Black Emergency, forcing everyone to remain within their homes. If they had basements or secured bunkers to stay in, that would be the best place to stay at.

The reason for this panic? Well, that was because an unprecedented attack was about to be launched against the Earth Alliance. An attack on the scale of planets and star systems.

After the feeling of dying, which was a feeling comparable to the feeling of losing all your senses, and having your thinking slowed down to the point you feel like your mind is stuck in the mud, a child around the same age as Kai suddenly felt a flood of various senses, as well as memories.

'Ah! It hurts! it hurts! Stop!'


[Establishing task]

[Time until completion: 0s]

[Task complete]

[Rearrangement of neural connections and synapses can be delayed or slowed]

'Huh? Do it! Whatever it is. Its hurts! Make it stop!' the child cried out in his mind.


[Establishing task]

[Time until completion: 0s]

[Task complete]

[Storage of neural connections and synapses complete]

The child was utterly baffled. He could feel his body, yet he could not move it. He could feel pain, yet he could not do anything about it.

[All memories and knowledge related to the previous host have been stored. All memories and knowledge related to the new host have been uploaded]

'New host? Previous host? What's going on? Where am I? Who am I?'

[You are the new host of the Bionic chip. The previous host was killed by electrocution. To prevent miscommunications, a small portion of neural connections changes will be introduced]

'Aaaargh!' A pain similar to what he had been feeling initially assaulted the young child of 6 years old as memories came trickling into his mind.

The memories entering his mind were not what was causing the pain, but rather how his mind was rejecting these memories since they did not coincide with anything he knew or understood, yet somehow he seemed to have experienced it all.

'Kai?' The child exclaimed in his mind as more and more memories of this child who was exactly the same age as himself entered his mind, overlapping with his own life up till now, each day, each event, each memory, slowly fusing into one.

A few hours passed and the child finally opened his eyes. However, instead of a resolute shine within them, there was a curious and confused light gleaming from the inside.

This child, was now not only the original child, but was also Kai; being separate yet together at the same time.

The first thing that registered in Kai's mind was the pain. It was a pain that seemed to come from all over his body as if he had been hit by a truck.

The second thing was the memories. They were memories that were not his own, yet he could remember them as if they were. The memories of the original child and his own memories were now both jumbled up in his head, and he could not tell which was which.

The third thing was the fact that he was now in a bedroom, with fancy gold-embroidered curtains and top-of-the-line furniture around him, and a doctor and nurse standing over him.

"Kai! You're awake!" The doctor exclaimed in relief.

"Wha… what happened?" Kai asked weakly. His voice sounded strange to his own ears.

"You were in an accident. You were- never-mind. Your uncle will explain everything to you when he arrives. Let me do a basic check-up on you in the meantime." the doctor said with a gentle smile on his face.

However, Kai could feel it. It was as if there were two consciousnesses now inhabiting his body. His own, and the child's original. Kai was now stuck with the memories of the child, as well as his own and he did not know how to deal with it.

The doctor proceeded to place his fingers on Kai's wrist, and count a pulse in his mind, before sighing in relief.

"All seems well"

However, Kai was holding back the formation of an utterly flabbergasted expression. Was this how medicine was here? Taking a single pulse was enough to check his condition? Well, even if it was, he was not fine! There were two of himself here! And to make things more confusing, the young child's name was also Kai!

However, he did not get to voice his issues as the thick wooden doors to the bedroom were flung open as a stout and fat man walked in. However, hidden under that fat was rather well-developed muscle. It was not difficult to see this middle-aged man as some competitor in a power-lifting tournament.

After all, real strength did not come from cutting your fat, but from increasing your muscle mass, and in most cases, fat would tend to be built up in the process.

"Kai, my boy! You are finally awake!" the stout man with a respectably sized bear opened his arms wide for Kai and embraced him.

Just before his face went past Kai's own, Kai noticed that there were tear droplets forming within the man's eyes as they had already turned a slight shade of crimson.

Shadow_Magus Shadow_Magus

Second chapter. Hope you like it.

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