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91.66% Reborn As Dante / Chapter 55: Mortality

Chapter 55: Mortality

Dante's mission to take Yamato had distracted him from the real reason he visited Wano. To keep Doffy in line, crack down the whip so he doesn't try and set up another trap against him ever again.

Then again, he did arrive several days earlier than he was supposed to. That was mostly his fault, Doflamingo was probably knee deep in Marineford right now preparing for the Summit War. Hell, almost all of the Shichibukai had been called. What's left of them, at least.

Soon, when the Summit War ends, Dante would begin locking in his presence, his influence over the world. Announce his alliance with Kuja, his ownership of Germa, and soon Wano as well if all goes right.

Right now, the Red Devil was an annoyance, but he was solo. A second Mihawk, one that couldn't be bought or bargained with. So, basically a far more dangerous one. Dante wanted to change that. He wanted the name Dante to instantly cause shit to brew in the pants of the World Government, and taking territories would do just that.

The Gorosei hadn't yet moved on Kuja, even if they did they couldn't allocate too many troops to it with the Summit War coming. More than likely they would try attack it when Dante had his hands full, and with a small targeted strike force, preferably during the War so he had no way to avoid it.

That could all be avoided by a single phone call to Rayleigh, have him go to Kuja to keep an eye on the island for a few days and ensure the World Government didn't try anything nasty, keep them at bay.

Germa could handle themselves, by now Judge should have healed himself and Reiju should have informed her brothers that he doesn't appreciate disobedience, that they answered directly to him. Hopefully.

And Wano would soon come to be under his flag, be it through his aid to them with Yamato leaving them indebted permanently, or through them raising his flag as a necessity in their weakened state when Kaido was gone.

The only notable thing was the lack of movement from Big Mom. She'd been quiet, far far too quiet for someone of her status. Her children had all been called back to Whole Cake Island, the territories left unattended bar the Biscuit Soldiers she had stationed. Dante had a feeling what was going on there, just who had found Big Mom.

If there was one regret he had, it was not killing Vergil the first chance he got. All the man has ever been is a shackle, binding him to a man he never was. Vergil isn't his brother, never was, he doesn't have any reason to even care.

Dante didn't want to be a man struck with awe at the idea that he was living the feud of Dante and Vergil, he wanted to be his own person, have his own grudges. Leave behind the chains of Dante's legacy, forge his own. And for that, he'd need to kill him. He wouldn't lose any sleep over it. The only trouble was that it would be the fight of his life, one he could end up losing.

That was fine. He was already content with the life he'd lived in the New World. He should have died the first time around, anyway. His rebirth was pure luck, a random blessing given by a deity he doesn't know. If he is to die, he would die smiling.

Dante made this resolution to himself, then quickly changed subjects mentally. He didn't enjoy thinking that he may die soon, no matter how much he convinced himself he was okay with it. Instead, Dante shifted his thoughts to the present, to the Deadweight and the calming smell of saltwater.


"Captain, have you been up here before? It feels so amazing. Oh, the wind in your air, the smell of the ocean! This, this is true freedom!"

Yamato was currently exploring the ship, and had discovered the crow's nest. She was stood atop it like a giddy child, having climbed the ladder with trepidation beforehand. She had raised her arms in the air, and was holding them out like a bird.

"I'm sure it feels wonderful, Yamato, but there ain't space for the both of us up there."

She shifted her stance, crossing her arms as she looked down at him. Dante himself was lounging on a sunchair on the deck, in the shade cast by his sails.

"Oh? If you're worried about space I can always carry you on my shoulders."

"No thanks, I value my dignity."

"Pfft. Yeah right. You're just being chicken. A big old chicken. Bawk Bawk."

Not one to have his character challenged in such a way, Dante immediately rose from the chair and Tricked atop Yamato, momentarily causing her to stumble with the added weight before she corrected herself. He rested both arms against her head and looked out on the open sea.

"I'll admit, the view is nice, but I don't think it was worth getting off my chair for."

Yamato huffed.

"It isn't just about the view, Dante. It's what it represents. Everyone thinks differently of the ocean. But I've always seen it as a sign of freedom. Controlling your own destiny, just you and the ocean, nothing else."

Dante didn't respond for a moment.

"I understand where you're coming from. But freedom isn't just about a place, a feeling, or even a destination. It's something you gotta find yourself. It's whatever you decide it to be."

"I never thought of it like that. Okay then, I told you mine, what's your definition of freedom?"

Silence. For a brief moment, Dante didn't know what to answer.

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"I swear on my honour."

"...In my eyes, freedom is the ability to live life unimpeded. No chains, no boundaries, no blockades. Only a man and his ambition, and however far he can take it."

Yamato started giggling.

"You said you wouldn't laugh!"

"Oh come on, you can't tell me it isn't a little bit funny! That's just the normal definition of freedom! All this build up, for that?"

"For someone who swears on their honour so much, it seems to be compromised pretty damn easily."

Yamato didn't dignify Dante with a verbal response, instead looking up at him and sticking out her tongue. Dante just covered her face with his gloved hand and went back to watching the ocean.

She swatted his hand away, and went back to enjoying the atmosphere as well. Once more, Dante found something he would never admit to anyone else in this world, because if he were to be honest, it was quite comfy atop Yamato's shoulders.


A few hours ago, the Straw Hats had found a newspaper telling of the Marine's plans to execute Fire Fist Ace. They weren't happy. Rayleigh had been dealing with the fallout.

"Old man, please! We have to help him!"

"Dammit Luffy, I told you already. You're not ready! You'll just be a nuisance out there. This isn't a little skirmish like you're used to, this will be a war! People will die, anyone you care for could die. Could you cope with that?"

Rayleigh's tone had been as stern as he could manage, and while Luffy looked defeated at the moment, he had no doubt that the kid would somehow find his way to Marineford. He didn't appreciate being told what to do, after all. It was exhausting, but he wasn't the first guy like that Rayleigh ever dealt with.

"Are you sure there's nothing we can do? He's a good friend, if there's any way we can help, please let us know."

Sanji in this instance was being the voice of reason. He understood the boundaries, knew why it would be dangerous, and wanted to try offer small assistance, anything he could do. He'd seen the absurd levels of power some had reached on the open seas.

"I'll let you know. Right now, I've got Dante heading there now to spring him out. If you don't trust me, that's fine. But I'll be surprised if you don't trust Dante's capabilities."

Rayleigh lowered himself slightly, placing a hand on Luffy's shoulder.

"He'll be fine. Trust me."

Luffy simply nodded, and left with the rest of his crew when Rayleigh told them they were free from training for the day. It was understandable, their emotions were highly volatile right now.

Rayleigh stayed in the field for a few minutes after they were gone. He was proud. They'd gotten stronger, much stronger. But it wasn't enough yet. He didn't want them to go in unprepared, because as much as he'd tried, those kids had become something important to him. He couldn't handle them dying so soon in their journey.

Suddenly, Rayleigh heard his personal Mushi going off. Only a few people had his line, so chances were it was Dante. He answered.

"Rayleigh. I'm on the way to Marineford now. We'll be there for the war, I just got a bit sidetracked in Wano. Ended up getting something out of it though. You'll meet her soon... I need a favour."

Rayleigh had quite a few questions, especially about his visit to Wano given the news recently saying that Onigashima disappeared.

Many reporters had chalked it up to Kaido in a drunken stupor, but Rayleigh knew better. Kaido was stupid, but he was capable of coherent thought while drunk. No, now that Dante had mentioned his detour he had a pretty damn good idea what had happened. But, right now that wasn't important.

"Of course. Anything you need, just say the word."

"Kuja is in danger. Hancock and I had plans to annex the territory under my flag to keep it safe, but I hadn't had the time to announce it yet, and if I'm at Marineford it gives the World Government a perfect chance to strike while I'm out. I need you there, to make sure they're safe."

Rayleigh had decided he would do anything Dante asked in exchange for his help with Ace, but in this case Rayleigh would help even if he didn't owe Dante, even if it was a stranger asking. He cared about the Kuja.

"I'll get there as quick as possible."

"That's what I like to hear. I'll talk to you soon, Rayleigh."


Doflamingo had never felt terror quite like this in his life. Because there was never an instance where his actions caused such a fucked up line of dominoes to fall over.

"When you asked me to kill the Red Devil, I was willing to go along with it. Not out of loyalty to you, but to see if he was a worthy contender."

Kaido leaned forward, fingers curling around his mace.

"Now, what do I have to show for it? My men? Dead. My home? Destroyed. My son? Taken. All at the hands of the Red Devil."

The Beast was so close that Doffy could smell his breath, the potent fumes of alcohol on his lips. His glare was legendary.

"I should blame him. But I don't. Because were it not for you, he would never have come here. You, your petulant whining, your smug demeanor, your inability to handle any problem you're faced with. Your fear."

Kaido leaned back and pointed his Kanabo at Doflamingo.

"Any value that you held is now null and void, Doflamingo. You have 10 seconds to decide if you will fight, or run, but know that no matter what you choose, my face will be the last you ever see in this world."

The only reason Kaido was even offering Doflamingo the chance to run was because he knew that fighting him would be utterly boring. That, and he wanted to remind Doffy who was in charge.

Remind him that Kaido wasn't some attack dog to be called on whoever he didn't like. The Shichibukai had gotten too big for his boots and clearly didn't understand the chain of command. With this meeting, hopefully that would change.

He would either die pathetically, or come back an obedient dog. Either way, Kaido would win.

emonoc emonoc

another chapter of Dante and Yamato bonding. this is the last chapter before marineford. I kinda made this because I still haven't thought of everything I wanted to do with marineford, so I just made this to show how everything was going consequences wise, and update dantes foray into emperor status.

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