Batman POV
after around 10 minutes of fighting Batman and robin finally beat Deadshot after tying him up, Batman has robin go grab one of the 2 older ones in the house to bring Deadshot to blackwater penitentiary so he could interrogate their suspicious person.
Nightwing POV
"What is happing" that's all Nightwing could think as the young man in front of him rambled on about a group of openly gay guys going on a wacky adventure to defeat an ancient gay vampire who could stop time in Egypt. Every time they would try and get back on track he would interrupt them with something like hold on or the good parts coming up. Finally, after a while, someone busts through the door "robin what are you doing here I thought you were helping Batman" Nightwing says well staring at robin "well Batman needs someone to take Deadshot to prison well we talk to Chris here" robin says as he looks at Chris "I'll go" says Redhood " I can't take this guy's rants anymore" he says as he walks out of the building.
Chris POV
After giving a rough explanation of part 3 of JOJO'S bizarre adventure he watches Redhood leave to go bring Deadshot to prison he asks "and who are you, what is a child doing here" as soon as he says this robin starts giving him a death stare "don't call me a child you criminal" "don't call me a criminal, you child" as Chris and robin stare each other down, Batman approaches from behind robin "calm down robin, you can't go calling people who say your a child, criminals, we don't know that yet now do we" he says as he looks at Chris know then please tell me your name" asks Batman as he sits on a chair. Joining him sitting Chris asks "why should I tell you my name when you won't tell me yours" "well I suppose your right I don't really need yours as I already know it, I was just trying to be polite" batman says with a slight smirk "so not only do you guys break into my house but you also are stalking me huh" Chris asks "not stalking I just like to know what I'm walking into, anyway chris I need to ask you some questions about kiteman" Batman says. "What do you need to know about him," Chris asks with a confused face "well let's see yesterday around noon he was seen entering your apartment and not coming out do you know anything about his whereabouts," batman asks with a polite but deep voice "nope I don't know anything there was no one here when I got back from my bike ride yesterday" "well then why did you pull out a gun before entering the apartment," batman asks thinking he's got Chris trapped "what gun," Chris asks as Nightwing cuts in "he had a gun earlier but when we asked him to hand it over he didn't have it and he wouldn't let us search him or the house" "do you mind if I take a look around, "Batman says "ya but don't break anything if you do you will have to pay me for repairs," Chris says as Batman starts to stand up. Well Batman is searching the house Nightwing asks a question "so Chris where are your parents" " oh them they died when I was younger" chris says with a Spanish accent "woah what's with the change in accent earlier you had a brizzilian one now you have a Spanish one that's kinda cool" Nightwing says as he waits for Batman to come back " I don't know it's never happened before" Chris says in his normal voice. As Batman gets back he says "well I didn't find anything incriminating here but we will be watching you" he says as he grabs Nightwing and robin and leaves the house. "Well that was something," Chris thinks as he starts to pick up his room boarding back up his window putting his bowl of melted ice cream in the sink, vacuuming up the mud they dragged in, and going back to sleep. Waking up early the next morning for school Chris grabs his backpack and throws it on his bike leaving the house. On his way to school, Chris decided to go grab breakfast from a store nearby. Leaving the store with a muffin and milk he eats them real quick and then finishes his bike to school.
teacher POV
"Alright everyone sit down, we have a new student joining us today," the teacher says as the kids start to sit down "ok so I'll go get him now," says the teacher.
I tried to make Batman not a complete asshole to a young teen