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I jumped and I saw

En'Oat. POV.

"We're landing on a hot zone. They'll be dozens of druids waiting. We'll pass by to eliminate as many as we can with the LAAT guns. Then we'll drop to eliminate the remaining amount." Plo Koon explained as we glided through the sky on the LAAT. I stood beside him and Commander Wolfe. Sinker, and Comet were on other LAAT's. "Sinker and Comet, do you understand the plan?" Plo Koon spoke into his vambrace.

"Yes Sir."


"Good, Sinker you have 3 ships under your command, you will provide covering fire from the sky. Take Green 2 and Green 3."

"Yes Sir."

"Comet, you will observe the surrounding area with your ship and Green 4. Do not engage if you see the enemy."

"Understood sir."

I could hear Master Plo sigh.

"May the Force be with you." He dropped his wrist and looked at me. "Are you prepared, padawan?" He leaned over a little to make our eye level somewhat similar.

"I have to be, master." I held my head high and my face was strong.

"You will stay at Commander Wolfe's side for this battle. Learn from him. He knows far more of war then you." I looked to Commander Wolfe who just nodded. I suppose he was informed of the plan before we boarded the LAAT's.

"Yes, Master." He patted me on my shoulder

"I have faith you in your survival, young En'Oat. Trust in the force. It will protect you."

"Master about that…" I was cut off shots firing and the ship lurching me forward into the wall.

"Brace yourself!" Commader Wolfe yelled. I felt a hand firmly pull me away from the wall.

"Are you alright?" Master Plo yelled over the sirens.

"Yes…" I barely managed to mumble before he grabbed my hand forces me to hold on to the overhead bar.

"I need a number on those AA guns!" Wolfe yelled; my head was still whirling from the wall.

"Five, Sir. We didn't see them from the scans. Their dated, we should be able to hit them from here, Sir." The pilot responded.

"I want those guns eliminated!"

"Green 1, 2, and 3 are on it, Sir. We'll keep you covered." I heard Sinker respond over the comms.

"ETA on drop. 30 seconds!" The light turned red, but the siren kept whirling. Suddenly I could see light coming from the outside.

"20 seconds!" I could now see a giant round metal building far into the distance.

"10 seconds."

"Prepare yourselves men." Plo Koon spoke, and everyone readied their guns. The sounds of blasters going off sounded silent in comparison to the ringing to the siren. I saw Plo Koon take out his lightsaber but didn't ignite it. The doors opened

"Ready." All the clones said at the exact same time. I took out my lightsaber. I was a little nervous. This would be my first battle.

"Clear your mind. En'Oat." I heard Plo Koon say over the mass amount of noise.

"Drop is green. Go! Go! Go! Go!" I could hear Wolfe say as he issued everyone out of the ship. Master Plo had already jumped when he heard Green. The rest of the men followed. "Now or never Commander!" I just nodded at him, and we jumped at the exact same time.

The air felt like a stale slap to my face. And the blaster fire that was followed burned my nose. I ignited my lightsaber and whirled in the air, blocking the shots that got to close to me. I landed on a super battle droid and drove my lightsaber into it. Using it as a surfboard I slid across the battle field for a few feet destroying any droids I saw. As my speed slowed down I saw a group of clones uses some rocks as cover. I jumped to them and landed behind cover.

"With you Commander." I almost jumped as I saw Wolfe land on the ground with his jetpack. "Not even a minute into the fight and you already got yourself a list of clankers killed." As he spoke he just kept shooting at every direction with those pistols of his. "Brothers. We hold this position and get into contact with the General. Then we regroup and finish these clankers off together." A super battle droid dropped from the mountain above us and aimed his wrist at us. A missile shot forward and I threw my hands forward to catching it with the force as it narrowly got closer. It stopped just a few inches from me and I threw it back with as much power I had. It shot past the droid and into another platoon of these scrap metal. The SBD (Super battle droid) was already shot by Wolfe.

"Good shot." I came out of cover and started blocking more shots and using the force to throw droids backs

"Good save." I could hear a clone yell as he got shot in the shoulder.

The rows of droids kept coming and coming, and soon it was Wolfe and I standing back-to-back. Eliminating them.

"For my first mission, I expected something a little easier." I slashed at a droid and then blocked a shot heading towards Wolfe.

"I'm running low on ammunition." Wolfe responded throwing a grenade at a group of SBD's. "Intel didn't tell us there was this many."

"Watch your right!" I switched places with him and forced pushed a missile, causing it to crash into the mountain, and some rocks to fall on a group of droids.

"Master where are you?" I yelled into my wrist, blocking a sniper shot that nearly got me.

"Heading to your position now." I heard his response and saw that he was true to his word. Droves of droids suddenly launched to the side, and I could see Master Plo and the rest of the Battalion to my right. Wolfe and I remained behind cover as shots fired from both sides, and more and more men came to our aid. "They are almost depleted! Forward!"

"You Jedi and the Force." I heard Wolfe Mummer to my right as we watched the remaining droid army get destroyed.

"I didn't even know he could do that." I mumbled back. We both ran to the side of Master Plo and worked to finish a Spider Droid together.

Every single piece of information in the Jedi Library stated that Master Plo was a powerful Jedi, but seeing it was something else. His master with both blade and the force was something out of a story of the Old Republic. The way he could effortlessly call upon the force to destroy droves of droids was mesmerizing. Every move had a reason. Every push every pull. Every step and every breath, I could feel. Like he was at utter peace on the battlefield.

It finally set in. The wide gap between our abilities.

Why I the Padawan and he the Master.

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