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Chapter 40: A Double Event [II]

Word Count 1274


A few moments later, the final results of the fight were out.

The three ladies were currently kneeling with defeated, tired, and desperate expressions on their faces.

They couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe that one man was capable of handling all of them with just one finger. Yes, a finger, which was laughably another disrespectful and shame-inducing show of strength. The transition from one hand to a finger, it was just…

"Is his body made up of metal? Is he even human?"

"This man is a monster and a terrifying one at that!"

The same train of thoughts ran through the tired minds of the three ladies. The current atmosphere was truly despair-inducing.

Contrary to how the ladies were sweating buckets and taking deep, rapid breaths, Kal was normal, his breath was super steady and his back, straight and strong. One of his hands was still behind his back and his eyes were gently closed. Yeah, he had also fought them with his eyes closed. Truly a total demolition.

"A-Are you a human Kaiju or something? Or maybe some hidden Kung Fu grandpa?" Jenny Hale whined albeit while struggling to catch her breath. Her skin was shining with oil and sweat and even the tank top that she was currently wearing was already soaked. It was as if they had been worked to death.

"Ugh, you are truly a beast, and the fight was so unfair. How the hell were we supposed to land any hits on you?" Abby grumbled while allowing her petite body to fall languidly on the wooden floor. The way her damp tank gripped her narrow waist and exposed some smooth skin underneath was honestly a sight to behold.

"Aho," Mako muttered under her breath in Japanese, thinking that Kal couldn't hear her but how wrong could she get? Kal abruptly opened his eyes and turned his head toward her before smiling widely.

"Still not resigned, Mako." He then spoke in Japanese. His voice was fluent and his tonation was akin to that of a native.

"Do you want another round since maybe I wasn't thorough enough? How about this time I tie my hands and-"

"NO!" The ladies shouted in unison.

"And-" Kal jokingly tried to finish his sentence.

"NO!" They refused him blatantly. They cut him off before he could spread any more despair.

They felt angry and shivered at the prospect of continuing any more of that torture, both mentally and physically.

The situation was similar to that of a diligent teacher trying to nicely ask the students if there was a free period in the timetable for them to continue with their respective lessons. Most of the students didn't like the lecturers to extend their lessons. But Kal wasn't offering lessons like a lecturer, he was straight-up bullying them silly in a one-sided fight. Be it attrition, calmness, techniques, speed, or anything, he was simply a demon!

Kal laughed at their unsightly expressions and silent curses.



"Bravo, I enjoyed the show!" A thick voice came from the wide open space at the door.

It was Stacker Pentecost who had been silently watching the fight without announcing his presence.

"I never would have guessed that you were that overpowered in a physical sense apart from being a genius, Doctor El."

"Marshal, you look like someone with a lot to tell. Maybe some news?" Kal casually nodded at him in greeting.

The ladies immediately rose up and fixed their attires. They couldn't stay in such shameful states when the marshal was present. They felt unexplainably free and themselves when in the presence of Kal El compared to an authoritative and stiff persona like marshal Pentecost.

"Sir!" The Hale Sisters comically stood straight like disciplined marines.

As for Mako Mari, she courteously bowed her head in greeting.

They then excused themselves and rushed out to refreshen.

"You went hard on them like usual." Marshal Pentecost walked slowly toward Kal while chuckling.

It wasn't a secret that the three ladies liked to ask for some pointers from the Martial God, another title given to him by the rangers due to his combat invincibility that didn't differentiate between an individual opponent or even multiple ones.

"I didn't do anything," Kal replied.

"Of course, you always don't do anything." Stacker's lips twitched in slight annoyance. He had always got that answer for three straight months and the situation felt like a time loop of some kind.

"Ahem, anyway it's time. I have already gotten an alert about Kaiju activities in the Pacific. Two Category IVs. Their radiation levels are significantly stronger than the previous ones." Marshal Pentecost jumped straight to explaining the situation.

Kal nodded while thinking, 'This double event should definitely involve Otachi and Leatherback. I wonder if the Precursors will be thinking about immediately sending another one in case things don't go as planned.'

'And isn't this the best time for me to introduce Void Primus to the world?'

'If I fight and win, they will obviously be curious about her but their curiosity will surely be short-lived due to my current status.'

'It will no longer be annoying and I now can easily do things as I see fit.'

"Leave this one to me, marshal," Kal proposed with unshakable confidence in his voice.

Marshal's eyes widened in surprise and doubt for a second but when he saw the trademark look of confidence and utter nonchalance on his handsome face, he knew that the man wasn't joking as always.

He had no Jaeger and co-pilot yet as always he found himself blindly believing in the man like the divine.

"You have a Jaeger, I presume? And you can also solo pilot? I am no longer surprised, Dr. El." Marshal Pentecost deeply sighed with wisdom shining in his dark eyes.

After observing Kal El for three months, he had once considered such a crazy thought. And then his mind had wandered to the day Knifehead had attacked. Dr. El just had to be there at the perfect moment. The Hale Sisters had a vague recollection of the events and he couldn't pressurize them into giving an account that they couldn't remember. But now, all the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly. Dr. El had done something surprising and amazing as always during that time. The Hale sisters hadn't triumphed over Knifehead. Dr. El had always been the Prime suspect in his mind but he didn't have the energy to do anything with no evidence to back him up. That was the cold reality.

But the most confusing logic here was about the location of the Jaeger. If Dr. El had used a Jaeger, then wouldn't they have been able to trace it quite easily? How had his Jaeger moved so quickly out of the site?

Kal smiled amusedly. "You have finally realized, marshal. Took you long enough to figure it out. I knew that you would remain doubtful about the Hales' survival situation but with no evidence whatsoever, you simply chose to be ignorant."

"Why don't we talk later on after I have dealt with those pesky Kaijus? If we breach that subject right now, I don't think we would ever finish. Time is of essence and those bastards know how to move fast."

He then walked past him before looking back.

"Stacker, sit back and enjoy!" And then walked out.

'She's about to rise to fame!'

"Yelena, I need Void Primus asap at the miracle line. We have Kaijus to slay!" Kal El sent a mental command to his Super AI.

The Precursors were about to be enlightened on the limitless potential of humanity!


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