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Chapter 143: Guardians of the Galaxy 4

Jack wasn't in a hurry and Ronan didn't even know who Jack was, nor that he planned to attack him, so Ronan left his ship along with Nebula, and the raiders also arrived to capture Peter Quill.

This time, Gamora didn't run away because she didn't know where the Power Stone was, but she knew that the Power Stone couldn't fall into Ronan's hands, so Peter Quill and Rocket didn't run away either, and more of Ronan's ships landed in Knowhere.

"Gamora, where is the orb you said you would get for me?" said Ronan.

"I don't know, what was inside the orb exploded and disappeared," said Gamora.

"You're lying to me, Gamora, you came to this place to sell the orb, you betrayed me," said Ronan, irritated.

"I didn't betray you, I was never loyal to you in the first place, I was only by your side because Thanos asked me to," said Gamora.

Gamora wasn't afraid of Ronan, she knew he was afraid of Thanos, and now that she couldn't get the money to escape anymore, she would have to go back to Thanos' side, at least the Power Stone wouldn't be on Ronan's hands.

"What was inside the orb that made this place explode like that?" said Ronan.

As Gamora said, Ronan knew he couldn't kill her because she was Thanos' daughter. With the Power Stone in his hands, Ronan had the courage to challenge Thanos, but without the Power Stone, he knew Thanos could destroy him and the Kree empire.

"That, I can answer, what was inside the orb, was a Power Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones, I almost managed to buy it, but unfortunately my assistant got her hands on it, so my assistant exploded along with part of my collection," said Taneleer Tivan.

Ronan was surprised to learn that it was a Power Stone. If he had known this from the beginning, he would have personally gone after the Power Stone, so he could personally destroy Xandar and be more powerful than Thanos.

"If it was a power stone, how could it have disappeared?" asked Ronan.

"I don't know either, but I'm sure nobody could have touched it while my assistant was exploding. Few people in the universe could resist the power of the power stone, and even those people would take a long time to get used to it," said Tivan.

"Maybe the explosion sent the power stone somewhere in space. I heard that when the power stone rejects someone, it goes out to find another owner," said Tivan.

Ronan knew he shouldn't argue with Tivan, especially now that there was nothing to gain from it. He also knew that Tivan would have no interest in lying to him, so it seemed like the power stone had really disappeared.

Ronan knew they could no longer have Thanos' help without the orb, and he couldn't punish Gamora either. Now he had to think about how to destroy Xandar and how he would escape Thanos' wrath, who would know that he failed in his mission.

When Ronan was thinking about leaving, Drax, who had been sent far away by the explosion (different from the movie), returned and looked at Ronan. Drax seemed angry and excited to finally have the chance to kill his enemy.

"Ronan, the Accuser, you killed my wife, you killed my daughter, now I will have my revenge," said Drax.

The other Guardians of the Galaxy, who didn't know how Ronan had found them, finally realized that it was Drax who had called him to tell him where they were to get his revenge.

Drax ran to Ronan with two swords in his hands. Nebula and Ronan's other servants didn't even try to stop him. Ronan easily dodged Drax's blows and punched him in the chest, sending Drax flying away and crushing an iron door.

The other Guardians of the Galaxy didn't know what to do. If they helped Drax, they would die with Ronan's entire army attacking them, but they didn't want to abandon Drax, even if it was his fault that Ronan had found them.

Yondu and the Ravagers were just watching in fear of being enemies with Ronan, and only when Drax attacked did Yondu approach Peter Quill. Natasha didn't know when the fight would happen and when Jack would intervene, but she was ready.

"Kid, what were you thinking when you decided to steal from me? Look at what you've gotten yourself into now, Ronan's got his eye on you. Did the orb really disappear?" Yondu asked.

"Yes, it was dangerous. The assistant to Tivan just touched it and caused that explosion. Do you think if it hadn't disappeared Ronan wouldn't have known?" Peter replied.

"Alright, I won't punish you anymore for betraying us because if you didn't take that orb, Ronan would be after us now and not you. But I hope you never try to deceive me again," Yondu said.

Jack, who was watching, just smiled. He knew that Yondu only wanted to appear serious, but in reality, he loved Peter Quill. He just couldn't forgive him without a warning not to provoke the anger of the other Ravagers on his team.

Rocket looked sad next to Groot. He lost the reward money for Peter Quill, lost the 4 billion from the orb, and lost the only friends he had who would now be separated. Meanwhile, Drax continued to take a beating from Ronan, who was taking out his anger on him.

Jack was thinking about the changes that had occurred. Without the Power Stone, Ronan would no longer try to destroy Xandar. After all, his army was not powerful enough. Surely Ronan deserved death for all the genocide he had committed.

If Ronan didn't die, he would kill millions of aliens from Xandar and other planets. Furthermore, Thanos could send Ronan to Earth to redeem himself and search for the Infinity Stones that had disappeared there and were with Jack.

Thinking about the changes that keeping Ronan alive would bring, Jack reaffirmed his decision to kill Ronan in Knowhere. The children and innocent people, afraid of Ronan, had already fled far away from where Ronan was.

"Natasha, let's start fighting now. I'll destroy Ronan's ships. Wait until I start fighting Ronan and you fight his other servants," Jack said.

Jack used his Vibranium suit to create a different suit. It wasn't the Battle Sage suit. It was a suit that looked like Black Panther's suit combined with the Daredevil suit. Jack wanted to make sure he wasn't recognized in case they went to Earth one day.

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