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Chapter 128: New Avengers 2

"It's good to see all of you gathered again. The last time we were together was right after the Battle of New York. We had won but didn't have much to celebrate since some people had died and many were injured," Jack said.

"But it's time for us to come together again, or else the world will forget that the Avengers exist. We have a mission that I think is worth the Avengers' time," Jack continued.

The Avengers had talked to Jack several times in the last few years. Only Clint didn't talk much to Jack, but he always talked to Natasha and knew that Jack had helped her in the battle against Hydra.

James Rhodes didn't understand why he had been called, but Tony said that the Avengers wanted to invite him to the team. This was what Rhodes wanted, and the government also agreed when he said he could be invited.

"Before we talk about the next mission, I think it's time to have new Avengers on our team, so we'll be stronger when new threats come. I've already talked to Thor, and he agrees with everything," Jack said.

"The first person I would like to recommend is Sam Wilson. He has been working with Captain America and has been very helpful in missions to take down the rest of Hydra. We have some footage that shows his abilities," Jack said.

He then showed some videos of Falcon on missions, showing how he was fast and agile while flying, and also a good shot. In addition, Falcon could help Captain America coordinate their efforts, so Steve also recommended him.

"Steve, Thor, and I agree. Does anyone else agree?" Jack asked.

Natasha also agreed, and seeing this, Clint also agreed. Tony and Peter agreed as well, and so Sam was approved. Sam was happy to see this and proud to be part of the Avengers.

"The next member who wants to join the Avengers is well known to everyone, my friend Human Torch. He is no longer with the Fantastic Four and said he wanted to participate in the Avengers. Everyone knows his powers, and Thor and I agree," said Jack.

The other members knew Johnny well and his acts of heroism in his years of work. The personal problems Johnny brought to the team were not important to the Avengers.

Everyone knew he was willing to sacrifice himself to save the Earth the last time he was presumed dead by the Fantastic Four, so everyone approved of Johnny joining the team. Jack opened a portal, and Johnny entered with his costume without the Fantastic Four logo, and everyone welcomed him.

"The next member is Colonel James Rhodes. Colonel Rhodes has armor similar to Iron Man's, given to him by Tony Stark, but his armor has different functions, and Rhodes is a trained soldier. I'll show you some videos," said Jack.

Jack showed the videos that the government provided to the Avengers when Maria Hill asked for War Machine's missions. Soon everyone approved of him, as he was similar to Iron Man. Rhodes was happy to finally be able to tell his friends that he was part of the Avengers.

"The next two people I wanted to recommend are not known to most of you. They are two twins who came from Sokovia. I trained their skills, and they are very powerful, and I believe they are suitable for the Avengers," said Jack.

"Pietro Maximoff has the ability to run at superhuman speed, resistance, reaction, and reflexes, and he can heal faster than a normal human. He can currently move for over an hour at speeds exceeding 2 Mach," said Jack.

Jack showed some videos he made using drones he created, showing Pietro's current speed. The Avengers were surprised by this ability, and from what Jack said, it seemed he could increase his speed even more in the future.

"As I recommended, Thor and I approve, now tell me what you think," said Jack.

"He's already very good with his current speed, if he can get faster, it's better," said Spider-Man.

"I approve of him," said Iron Man.

With four Avengers approving Pietro, the others soon approved as well and Pietro was in the Avengers. Jack felt like a politician who was manipulating votes, the democracy of the Avengers seemed so fake to him, but he knew that the people he recommended deserved to be in the Avengers.

Jack opened a portal and Pietro and Wanda appeared. Jack had already created superhero suits for both of them, similar to what was in the comics. Of course, Wanda's outfit was more like the one from the end of the WandaVision series and had more clothing than the comics.

Pietro greeted all the heroes happily and soon sat down because he knew it was his sister's turn. If he was approved, he knew his sister would be too, but Pietro was worried that the other Avengers would be afraid of Wanda.

"The next candidate is Pietro's sister, Wanda Maximoff. Her powers are telekinesis, telepathy, and manipulation/projection of energy, all of which are highly controlled," said Jack, without revealing Wanda's other powers.

He then showed videos that drones had recorded showing Wanda lifting several trucks weighing tons using telekinesis, and using energy attacks, and energy shields.

"Wanda can also use magic very well, just like me, only the type of magic she uses is different from mine, but they are powerful attacks," said Jack.

With the help of Peter and Tony, Wanda was easily approved, and so the Avengers had a much larger group of 12 people. Jack still had one more candidate to show everyone, but this one could be easy or difficult to approve of everyone.

"The last candidate is known to some of you. I helped him hide and train in the last few years and now he can almost completely control his transformation," said Jack.

The other Avengers were confused, and Jack opened the portal and Bruce Banner entered. Only Rhodes, Natasha, and Clint reacted and were scared of seeing Bruce. The others knew him only as Hulk.

Bruce then released his anger and soon transformed into the Hulk. Human Torch, Tony, and Spider-Man remembered him, but the others did not remember the Hulk who disappeared from America many years ago.

"This is the Hulk, most of you know him. He can now control his Hulk form well and can return to his human form," said Jack.

"It's true, I was able to control my Hulk form with Jack's help in recent years, now it's almost impossible for me to lose control," said Bruce.

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