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46.93% Blue lock: The God of the field / Chapter 115: Fragile ego (115)

Chapter 115: Fragile ego (115)

The ball flew toward the goal and with the keeper's vision blocked and limited by the players around him, he was unable to save the shot.

As he scored the goal he just raised his hands in the air before smiling and looking at the player It Baster Munchen saying" I'm back and better than ever"

On the area where the coach were sitting Lavinho had his thumbs up saying"Boooom"

Every one on the bench of Baster munchen were confused and stunned.

How the fuck was he able to perform like this at this level how far above them is he.

"Vamos" Otoya said jumping on his back and another player from The Barcha team jumped on his back saying" Golazo, Bachira!"

Nakada smiled brightly and just looked at Kaiser with his eyes seemingly spinning like a crazy man.

"Your owner is back so get ready to get pushed around Kaiser" Nakada said smiling.

"Tch" Kaiser said clearly annoyed his fragile Ego hurt a bit from what Nakada was saying.

Kaiser Ego was as fragile as glasses and there is no other way to put it.

He is picks on the weak and when he fights someone who can actually give him a challenge his ego gets hurt.

He has a very fragile ego, him and Sae could be friend with Sae broken Ego and Kaiser fragile Ego.


Isagi was analyzing Nakada and Bachira plays.

What he saw was basically they were doing whatever they wanted but at the same time they were waiting for their opponent to make a move and use it against them.

They were letting their originality bloom, letting them become the best version of them self.

Isagi also learned that Nakada found a way to get past a Meta vision user and it was simple how he got pass them.

He simply use his imagination and started to make move that usually wouldn't make sense to use.

He would confuse them with originality before getting past them.

He couldn't get past Kaiser no matter what he tried to do during the training session but look at Nakada first few minutes on the field and he was already devouring the best player on their team.

Isagi however did not continue to think about that, he had something in mind and it was the perfect time to use it.

He use each and every single information he knows about Nakada and mixed them together with what he knew about himself.

Although he wouldn't be able to do what Nakada does, the way Nakada play was his ticket to leveling up.

He just needs to see more of it.

Meanwhile with Bachira.

"I am scoring the next one, I want to test my Ginga against them," Bachira said looking very interested.

Meanwhile with Baster Munchen.

Some of the player were pissed that they got scored again, especially the one with eyes seemgling closed.

How could they concede first, this was supposed to be easy, they were supposed to show Nakada that he was outmacth but here was telling them their owner was back.

What a fucking bastard.

Ness however just politely followed behind Kaiser noticing the hatred in his eyes.

It look like he was ready to kill.

"Fragile ego..i will fucking showing you fucking Blasian" Kaiser said clearly pissed.

As kick off started.

Ness passed the ball to Kaiser while asking him.

"What are you gonna do now Kaiser?"

To which Kaiser coldly replies.

"Beat him"

Kaiser and Ness were in perfect harmony, their movements synchronized like a finely tuned orchestra. As they weaved through the field, bypassing Barcha defense effortlessly with their one-two passes, it was a display of sheer coordination and understanding.

But as they approached the final third, a familiar presence made itself known. Nakada, who had seemingly materialized out of thin air, appeared in their path. Kaiser couldn't help but smirk, his competitive spirit kicking into high gear.

"I thought you would just stalk me," Kaiser said coldly, his eyes locked onto Nakada. "You finally decided to show up."

Nakada's response was laced with a hint of playful sarcasm. "What, you miss me?"

"I didn't think you would miss your Owner so much" Nakada said smiling to which Kaiser looked mildly irritated at.

Kaiser was putting everything he had into this one-on-one duel with Nakada. He tried every trick in the book to get past him, using feints, quick changes in direction, and bursts of speed. But Nakada was relentless in his defense, always one step ahead, denying Kaiser even an inch of space to exploit.

Kaiser could see the goal in front of him, tantalizingly close, and he knew he had a chance to shoot. But passing the ball would mean admitting defeat in this personal battle. It would mean acknowledging that, in this moment, Nakada had outsmarted him, outplayed him.

And Kaiser wasn't willing to make that sacrifice. He wasn't willing to let Nakada get the best of him. So, he kept pushing, kept trying, determined to find that one opening, that one opportunity to prove himself against his formidable rival.

The tension on the field was palpable as the two players locked in this intense struggle, neither willing to give an inch.

A/N quick question, on a scale of 1 to 10 how mad do you think Nakada is getting Kaiser?

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