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Chapter 52: Chapter 18: Ave Imperator pt 4

As the Emperor's declaration resonated across the globe, a wave of anticipation surged through the hearts and minds of Earth's inhabitants. The prospect of acquiring such advanced technologies was exhilarating, promising solutions to problems that had plagued humanity for centuries. Diseases could be eradicated, and the boundaries of scientific achievement pushed far beyond current human standards.

The allure was not limited to technology alone. The cultural riches of the Imperium captivated the imaginations of artists and visionaries alike. The intricate designs of their armor and weapons, the majestic architecture of their cities—all of it represented a pinnacle of artistic achievement that Earth had yet to attain. For those devoted to the pursuit of beauty and perfection, the Imperium offered a treasure trove of inspiration.

The revelation of the average lifespan of Imperial citizens sparked a flurry of sentiments among those who yearned for eternal life. Whether their desires were noble or sinister, the possibility of significantly extending human life was a tantalizing prospect.

For Earth's leaders, the Emperor's offer presented a pathway filled with both promise and peril. The potential to elevate their nations to unprecedented heights was counterbalanced by the risk of subjugation and loss of sovereignty. The historical precedent was clear: stronger powers invariably sought to dominate weaker ones, whether through military conquest, economic influence, or cultural assimilation.

The stark reality was that Earth's annexation by the Imperium seemed inevitable, given enough time. Yet, the allure of joining such a powerful entity was undeniably tempting. The alternative—defying the Imperium—was fraught with uncertainty and danger. The consequences of refusal could be catastrophic, with the specter of war and devastation looming large.

The Earth's leaders and their advisors understood that their decision would shape the destiny of humanity. To embrace the Imperium's offer was to gamble with their future, potentially securing unparalleled prosperity or courting complete subjugation. With the fate of their world hanging in the balance, they knew that their next steps must be taken with utmost caution and foresight.

Ross leaned forward, his gaze fixed on the imposing figure of the Emperor. "And by your proposal, Your Majesty, what is your first offer?" he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and caution, probing deeper into the ancient Perpetual's plan.

The Emperor regarded Ross with a measured look, a faint smile playing at the edges of his lips. "My first offer is quite simple," he began, his tone deliberate and calm. "I propose a cultural exchange between our peoples. I will send my officials to your world to share our knowledge and traditions. In return, I offer your brightest minds the opportunity to study under our tutelage."

The room fell silent as the significance of the Emperor's words sank in. The offer was both generous and strategic, promising an exchange that could profoundly benefit Earth while also subtly binding it closer to the Imperium. The prospect of learning from the Imperium's most esteemed scholars and scientists was an enticing one, a chance to leapfrog centuries of development in mere decades.

The tension in the room was palpable as skepticism hung thick in the air. The offer seemed too good to be true, and the gathered leaders were acutely aware of the potential for unforeseen consequences. Extremist ideologies could easily take root, sparking chaos and destabilizing nations if the exchange was not managed with the utmost care.

"If we may know the full schedule of this exchange, we, the People's Republic of China, will consider sending our scientists to study under your wing." The voice, firm and measured, came from another corner of the room. It was Dong Dechou, President of the People's Republic of China.

The Emperor turned his gaze to Dong, and with a glance, he seemed to peer into the very depths of the man's soul. Despite his outward ruthlessness, Dong's primary concern was the well-being of his people and the preservation of his nation. The Emperor's smile hinted at his deep understanding of the Chinese leader. China, after all, was one of his many experiments in nation-building, much like the USA centuries prior.

The People's Republic of China was unique in its tenacity and relentless spirit to protect and preserve its culture. Dong's determination to safeguard his country's heritage was mirrored by his people's collective will. Recognizing this, the Emperor knew that a different approach was necessary for China and the rest of Asia. China's aggressive stance in the Special Region stemmed from its overpopulation crisis, a challenge that differed significantly from those faced in the Emperor's reality.

"Very well, President Dong. Valdor, if you may," the Emperor addressed the first of the Ten Thousand.

A golden giant, resplendent in his armor, stepped forward. From behind his red cloak, he produced a long, golden piece of paper. It was an ornate document, its design reminiscent of fantastical aesthetics often seen in video games.

Valdor unfurled the paper with a ceremonial flourish, revealing a meticulously detailed schedule. "This document outlines the phases of our cultural exchange," he began, his voice resonant and commanding.

The golden transhuman carefully placed the paper on the altar. As it settled, a flash of golden light emanated from it, casting an ethereal glow that revealed the intricate details inscribed upon its surface. The terms of the proposed cultural exchange materialized, shimmering with an otherworldly brilliance.

Each leader scrutinized the document, their expressions a mixture of awe and caution. The deals and offers were meticulously crafted, seemingly perfect in their balance and transparency. Yet, to seasoned diplomats like President Dong Dechou, it was evident that this was more than a simple exchange; it was a strategic masterpiece.

"These terms are... extensively well-made, Your Majesty," Dong acknowledged, his voice tinged with genuine admiration. In all his years of climbing the political ladder, from the smallest village councils to the presidency, he had never encountered a plan so flawlessly constructed. It was a plan that, despite its transparency, left little room for maneuvering.

The implications of the Emperor's offer were vast and unpredictable. Dong's extensive experience in diplomacy and statecraft had taught him to recognize the subtleties of power dynamics. The Emperor's proposal was crafted with such precision that it was clear no ordinary human could have devised it. The document's perfection and complexity hinted at the immense intelligence and foresight of its creator.

Dong's mind raced as he analyzed the document. He knew that challenging the Imperium's dominance head-on was futile. The Imperium, with its vast resources and advanced technology, was a juggernaut that no nation on Earth could hope to match. Instead, he sought out potential loopholes, subtle openings that might allow for some degree of leverage or negotiation.

The terms covered a broad range of areas: scientific collaboration, cultural exchange, technological transfer, and economic partnerships. Each section was designed to foster cooperation and mutual benefit, yet Dong could see the underlying strategy. The exchange would bind Earth's nations closer to the Imperium, gradually integrating their societies and economies until resistance became impossible.

President Dirrel broke the silence, his voice steady but contemplative. "The terms are indeed impressive, Your Majesty. But we must ensure that our sovereignty and autonomy are preserved. How do you propose we maintain a balanced partnership?"

The Emperor's eyes gleamed with an ancient wisdom as he responded. "Balance is achieved through mutual respect and shared goals. This exchange is not about subjugation but about elevating both our civilizations. Our strength lies in our unity and our willingness to learn from one another."

Dong listened intently, aware that the Emperor's words, though reassuring, were also a reminder of the power disparity. The Imperium offered a path to unprecedented advancement, but it came with the risk of becoming overly dependent on their benefactors.

As the leaders continued to deliberate, Dong remained vigilant. He knew that navigating this alliance would require more than just diplomatic acumen; it would demand a deep understanding of the Imperium's motives and a careful balancing act to protect Earth's interests. The stakes were high, and the path ahead was fraught with challenges, but within those challenges lay the potential for a future of unparalleled progress and prosperity.

"We will discuss this agreement on our own, Your Majesty. But first, may you give us more insight about this agreement?" Ross asked carefully, his tone measured and respectful.

"The agreement is designed to be mutually beneficial," the Emperor began, his voice calm and authoritative. "At its core, it aims to foster a deep cultural and technological exchange between our civilizations. The Imperium will share its vast wealth of knowledge and advanced technologies, aiding in the development of your world. In return, we seek to learn from your unique perspectives and innovations, enriching our own understanding and capabilities."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. He understood their caution, their need for clarity. His eyes gleamed with an ancient wisdom, and he mentally reached out with his psychic senses, scanning the skies where his enemies watched from afar. The dice had been rolled, the game set in motion. With the impending cataclysm in Falmart, the Emperor knew he would soon face his archenemies once again, and this time, he would be prepared.

The majority of the Imperium's citizens were blessed with his light, a divine protection that shielded them from the full corruption of Chaos. This blessing extended beyond the borders of the Imperium, reaching every human on Old Earth, even those yet to be born. This touch of the Emperor provided a slight resistance to Chaos and acted as an early warning system, alerting him to the presence of any taint.

His psychic senses extended, perceiving the shifting tides of the Warp and the encroaching shadows of his enemies. The Emperor's connection to humanity was a beacon of hope and vigilance, a constant reminder of his commitment to protect and guide his people.

President Dirrel, breaking the silence, addressed the assembly. "We must weigh the potential benefits against the risks. This proposal offers us a path to unprecedented growth, but it also comes with significant challenges. Let us deliberate and reach a consensus that honors our commitment to our people and our future."

The Emperor inclined his head, a gesture of respect and understanding. "Take your time, leaders of Earth. The Imperium's offer stands, ready to guide your world towards a new era of prosperity and enlightenment."

As the leaders prepared to discuss the agreement among themselves, the Emperor withdrew, his mind already turning to the challenges ahead. 

The meeting unfolded as the Emperor had anticipated. After hours of intense deliberation, the leaders of Earth reached their conclusions. Some were ready to embrace the agreement, seeing the immense potential for technological and cultural advancement, while others rejected it outright, citing concerns over national security and sovereignty.

As expected, the reactions of the three superpowers varied. The United States, ever cautious of external influences, ultimately rejected the Emperor's offer. Their decision was rooted in a desire to protect their autonomy and avoid becoming overly dependent on an external power, no matter how benevolent it appeared.

China, on the other hand, saw the strategic advantages and potential for rapid advancement. President Dong Dechou, recognizing the unparalleled opportunity to elevate China's global standing and address its internal challenges, expressed a willingness to sign the agreement. The promise of technological and cultural exchange was too significant to pass up, despite the inherent risks.

Russia's stance remained ambiguous. Their representatives maintained a neutral expression throughout the discussions, neither fully embracing nor rejecting the proposal. They opted for a cautious approach, seeking more information and assurances before making a final decision. This neutrality provided them with a strategic advantage, allowing them to observe the outcomes of the agreement without fully committing.

All of those are open book to the Emperor's mighty psychic power.

"As we discussed, we will now proceed with the vote on whether to cooperate with the Imperium of Man," Ross declared, gesturing to the person near him to initiate the voting system.

The designated individual nodded slightly before activating the system. The display lit up, showing the names and flags of the 193 member nations. A brief period of anticipation ensued as representatives prepared to cast their votes. Each representative pressed their button, marking their decision.

The Emperor watched the process with an air of calm assurance. His psychic abilities had already given him insight into the likely outcome. After about ten minutes, the results were displayed on the large screen for all to see.

Out of 193 nations, 169 voted in favor of cooperating with the Imperium, 12 voted against, and the remaining nations abstained from voting. The overwhelming majority was a testament to the allure of the Imperium's technological and cultural promises.

The Emperor's expression remained composed, though inwardly, he noted the strategic implications of the vote, hiding his true motive.

Among the thirteen countries that rejected his offer, the United States was the most prominent, followed by much smaller nations that barely possessed power in the UN.

The situation reminded the Emperor of his own past. The parallels were striking: the United States standing against the entire world, and the emergence of a multipolar world order.

"By the moment these votes, we can say that we are accepting your proposal, Your Majesty," Ross announced. "But we must inform you that the final conclusion will be at the hands of the Security Council."

This was the most expected outcome the Emperor had encountered in his long political career. He was fully aware of the veto power held by the permanent members of the Security Council. Originally created with noble intentions, the veto power had often been abused by the superpowers, leading to the fragmentation and paralysis of the UN itself.

The Emperor's expression remained composed, though his mind raced with strategic calculations. The Security Council's dynamics were complex, but not insurmountable. His vast experience and understanding of political machinations would be critical in navigating this challenge.

"I understand the necessity of your procedures," the Emperor replied, his tone respectful yet firm. "The Imperium of Man is prepared to engage with the Security Council to address any concerns and provide the necessary assurances to secure a favorable outcome."

"As for this moment, we will continue our meeting in the next day," Ross said, smiling despite his heavy sweats. "With the authority given by the United Nations, I suspended this meeting for the next day."

At that moment, uncertainty reigned supreme across the entire world. Yet for the Emperor and the Imperium, it was an absolute win. The Emperor gave his guardians a psychic command to make their way out of the building.

As they exited, escorted by the building's guards, the Emperor was greeted not only by the rest of his honor guard but also by countless thousands of Old Earth humans who stared at him in awe. Their expressions ranged from disbelief to reverence, reflecting the profound impact of the day's events.

The Emperor returned their emotions with a warm smile. His presence exuded a calming, almost divine aura, soothing the fears and doubts of those around him. Using his immense psychic power, he subtly altered his form, reducing his size to a more approachable stature. This display of control over his own physical form was both a demonstration of his power and a gesture of humility.

Valdor and the other Custodes, ever vigilant, maintained their positions around him, their golden armor gleaming under the sunlight. The crowd's reaction was a mix of hushed whispers and spontaneous cheers, as the realization of what had transpired began to sink in.

They marched back to the Gate, moving in perfect formation. The rhythmic sound of their footsteps echoed through the area, a testament to their discipline and unity. The Emperor scanned his surroundings, his keen eyes and psychic senses taking in every detail. Suddenly, he paused, his gaze locking onto a particular direction. A smile spread across his face, a rare and genuine expression of warmth.

Breaking formation, the Emperor began to walk towards this new path, drawing the attention of onlookers and his honor guards alike. Even his Custodes, ever vigilant and disciplined, were momentarily taken aback by their master's unexpected action.

Curiosity and anticipation buzzed in the air as the Emperor approached a small figure standing somewhat apart from the crowd. A young girl, frail yet resolute, looked up at him with wide, wondering eyes. Her presence seemed almost ethereal, and despite her apparent weakness, there was a palpable strength in her gaze.

"I know what lies deep beneath you," the Emperor began, his voice gentle yet filled with profound empathy. "You seek salvation because you are dying. But what makes you truly remarkable is that you seek not only to save yourself but also anyone known and unknown to you. That is a noble purpose, Yuuki Konno."

The Emperor said with a smile as radiant as the sun itself. 


By the time she got her chance, the meeting had paused because the Earth leaders needed to discuss it among themselves. Seizing the opportunity, Yuuki dragged Asuka alongside her, determined to reach the place where the meeting was taking place.

Their journey was perilous, not only because of the sea of humans clamoring to meet the Emperor but also because Yuuki's body had severely weakened over the past week. Yesterday, she had received devastating news from the hospital: her disease was finally reaching its late stage. Time was running out, and every step she took was a battle against the encroaching weakness.

Asuka, noticing Yuuki's struggle, tightened her grip on her friend's hand, offering silent support and strength. "Yuuki, are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Yuuki nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "I have to do this, Asuka. I need to meet him, to understand... to seek hope not just for me, but for everyone like us."

They pressed on, navigating through the throng of people. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and tension, making their journey even more arduous. Yet, Yuuki's resolve was unwavering. She knew this might be her only chance to make a difference.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the building. The guards, recognizing the urgency and determination in Yuuki's eyes, hesitated for a moment before allowing them through. The air inside was heavy with the weight of monumental decisions being made, yet Yuuki felt a sense of purpose guiding her steps.

A moment later, the door opened, revealing the Emperor in his majestic glory. The sight of him was enough for Yuuki to be slowly captivated by his brilliance.

The Emperor and his honor guards reverted to their original towering height, their presence imposing and awe-inspiring. They walked again, marching like armies sent by heaven. Yuuki, filled with a newfound determination, tried to get closer, hoping to grab their attention.

But it was futile due to the massive crowds surrounding her. Just as hope seemed to vanish, she heard a giant yet gentle footstep coming closer. She raised her head to witness the smile of the Emperor of Mankind himself.

"Hello, Yuuki Konno. May I speak with you?" The Emperor said gently, like a grandfather talking to his granddaughter.

"Y-Your Majesty. It is an honor," Yuuki said, stuttering as she tried to comprehend the situation.

"You have a great purpose ahead of you, Yuuki Konno, and I know your greatest desire," the Emperor continued, his voice soothing and reassuring.

Yuuki's eyes widened with surprise and hope. "You... you do?"

The Emperor nodded. "Indeed. You seek not only to overcome your own suffering but to help others who share your plight. Your bravery and selflessness are commendable, and they resonate deeply with the values of the Imperium."

When she heard the echoing words of the Emperor, Yuuki's body froze in realization. The Emperor needed her to elevate the Imperium and mankind.

"B-But Your Majesty, I... I am not worthy. Moreover... I have not much time left," Yuuki said, her voice trembling with doubt.

The Emperor only smiled at her, extending his golden hand. "Even the most fragile flowers hold beauty that shapes many things in mankind's history, from arts to spiritual importance. Don't hold yourself that low, proud daughter of Old Earth."

Yuuki raised her head and saw the Emperor's genuine expression. It was a sentiment that eclipsed anything in her life. He was mankind's brightest hope, shining even in the darkest of nights—caring and benevolent beyond compare.

Flashes of visions appeared in her mind, showing her the most beautiful sights imaginable.

She saw herself walking and working alongside her colleagues, building humanity to its brightest form imaginable: everything possible and nothing beyond humanity's grasp. It was a future where she could venture without limitations.

"This... This is beautiful," Yuuki said as tears of gold dripped from her cheeks.

"Let me help you." The Emperor touched her forehead, and instantly her entire body shone with golden brilliance. Like the warmth of the sun giving life to its surroundings, Yuuki could feel energy slowly filling her very essence.

"You may walk, Yuuki Konno," the Emperor said with a fatherly smile.

Yuuki took a deep breath, and like a child learning to stand for the first time, she stood tall with all her willpower. It was the first time she had been able to walk in years. It was a miracle beyond words.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Yuuki sobbed, dropping to her knees. "Thank you."

"Make my gift reach its fullest potential, Yuuki Konno. That is my request for you."

Thus, the Emperor returned to his march, heading to the Gate. Yuuki watched the golden brilliance of the Emperor slowly fading, yet it was as bright as ever.

With a smile, the once hopeless woman opened her mouth. "Ave Imperator."


AN: Here I am. I will be answering questions you guys asked in the previous chapter.

To After_Wing: Yes, I have planned for that in the coming chapters. Humanity of the 21st century will witness the true might of the Imperium and I asssure you, it will be interesting

How do I put this straight? Imagine every 40k civilizations during their peak but in the form of sub-factions inside a faction. They are not only masters of the Immaterium but also the Materium. Now, imagine that Solar Guardian watched the Magistratus fight their battle like ancient gods clashed with other gods; this logic applies to how Magistratus saw the Astartes fight their wars. Apply this logic to how Astartes saw Logos fight their battles but replace ancient gods with eldritch ones. 

Spoiler alert: one of the Seven Logos is capable of speaking with Enuncia fluently.

TO AinzO0alGown on did the Emperor make the Primarch: Well... Kinda. You see, Astartes are actually the downgraded version of the Logos, intending to be mass-produced. Primarch, despite being only a title in this Au Imperium, still possessed some upgrades that were better than standard Astartes. 

To Jeffry_Razin ·: Slaanesh was born in this Au but was weaker than the rest of the Xenos. Well, That's another topic for another story. 

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