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Admist the celebration , Tsukiyo had sneaked away silently and Avyanna decided to watch his moves.

Kyra had decided to take a look around the the village for any unexpected Surprised and she concluded where the boys were or catching some fun.

Keeping to the shadows, she followed him to a weaponry station were he armed himself with various arrays of weapons ranging from daggers and shurikens to swords. As he was sharpening his blades , he spoke in a clear voice. "There is no need to hide yourself. I know you are there."

Avyanna grinned as she came into view. Tsukiyo turned to look at her and then continued what he was earlier doing.

"You've been following me , haven't you?"

"Was it that obvious?" Avyanna said as she examined his weapons.

"You didn't exactly try to conceal your presence." Tsukiyo smiled.

"So what's all the heavy metal for?" She asked.

"Today I was meant to die...Not until you interfered ." Tsukiyo said gravely as only Avyanna stood by his side.

"I don't quite catch your meaning ."

"My name is Tsukiyo Matasu and I am the Hundred and Forty-Fifth Danchou of the Zipangu Region. And Today I was to due to make way for the next successor after my sacrifice."

"Whoa! Look I know you are pretty hot and all but if you're looking for someone to sacrifice, I am DEFINITELY NOT on the table and neither are my friends."Avyanna took a few steps back.

Tsukiyo gave a bitter laugh. "Be at ease. I am now forever in your debt and as long as I breathe, no harm shall come to you.'

Now a little bit assured , Avyanna came closer to him. "So tell me , why were you supposed to die today?"

"I will offer myself as a sacrifice to The Ushi-oni" Tsukiyo said referring to the monster Avyanna had seen earlier.

"So you WANTED to be killed by that monster?" Avyanna scoffed. "I said it . The handsome ones are always crazy."

"That 'monster' as you call it is The Ushi-Oni. A myth in our legends that has surrounded this village since it's existence." Tsukiyo said as a cool moonlight breeze shuffled across his dark hair that merged with the black of the night.

"The Ushi-Oni translates to 'Ox Spider -Demon.' It is an esoteric creatures that inhabits the Zipangu Region . Normally they live deep in the mountains, but sometimes Ushi-Oni come down from the mountains and attack human settlements seeking men. They possess the upper body of a female with green skin and sharp upward curving horns , wicked fangs and slender tongue which spits poison and its lower body like that of a spider covered with black hair. It has attacked this village without end . Slaughtering our people and carting away the men for vile purposes."

"What vile thing could possibly happen to men?" John scoffed.

Eva passed him the Information sheet on the Monster, they were about to face.

Name : Ushi-Oni .

Type : Hemiptera/Bug.

Habitat : Zipangu Region {Mountainous regions, Caves.}

Disposition : Ferocious , Lustful.

Diet : Carnivorous , Wild animals , Preferred Delicacy : Men Essence.

"I retract my earlier statement." John pushed back the sheet.

"So I am going to finish what has been started." Tsukiyo continued as he kept his samurai blade in its scabbard. "If I die , I die but I would rather die with honour knowing that my people will have peace than live like a coward in constant fear."

"You can't go alone Tsukiyo ."

The evincing man nodded. "This is my battle to fight and I do not want you to get tangled in this. Pick up supplies and get as far away as possible from here. You seem like a good person and I don't want you and your friends to be killed for another's cause."

"Oh! Did you really think I was asking for permission?" Avyanna laughed. "Classic. C'mon , let's go and kill that thing."

Tsukiyo had a feeling that this woman wasnt one to be given commands. So he decided to let it be as the two embarked on a perilous journey into the enigmatic future ahead .


"Have you seen any of them?"Percival asked Conrad.

"No...Hold on. I think I hear her." He cupped his hand over his ears.

"Ah...Ah... Aahh...agh....". Conrad put his hands over his eyes as he saw Kyra pressed against one male with lips fused as she slightly bent over , with another sturdy man behind her.

"What are you doing?" He sighed.

"What does it look like I'm doing. Having S** , Duh? Aahh...Uhm ..."

"Why...Forget that , Have you seen Avyanna?"

"Is anything wrong ? Hell yes ..." Kyra continued moaned sensually.

"We haven't seen her. And there's something we need to tell you both about this place ..."

"Well , Mmmmhhh... she told me that she was, Aahhhhh ... Going to spy on that Strapping Guy, what was his name...? Aahhhhh ..."She continued her sexual moaning

"Could you at least complete one full sentence without AAAGHING through it ?!" Conrad yelled still closing his eyes.

"Alright." Kyra said pushing herself away from the strapping young man and facing Conrad. "You've ruined my fun. Are you happy?!"

Conrad peeked through his fingers and sighed. "Thank you . Now do you know where Avyanna is?"

"I saw her heading towards the mountain Side with Tsukiyo ."Kyra said.

"The Mountains of Shikoku?" The man that was zipping up his trousers enjoined, obviously wasted . "That's were the USHI-ONI resides." He slurred.

"Thanks." Conrad began moving away when he looked back at Kyra. "Aren't you coming?"

"Avyanna can handle herself. Give me three minutes and I'll be on my way." Kyra waved him off. "But , Just to be extra sure , Better make it five ." She nodded.

Conrad grinned and left.

The men was about to leave when Kyra drew them back. "Oh no, no , no...I still have plans for you boys." She bent over to her original position.

"Now get pounding!"

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