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7.69% Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Golden Girl

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Golden Girl

"This fight is not over till I say it's over" Yuki's voice sounded throughout the dark alley.

Was this really a fight, it was actually a one sided beat down.

The trio turned around and saw Yuki was standing, his bloody face still seemed handsome.

'How the hell is this guy still standing?' Tensu thought to himself.

Tensu's expression turned to a confused one. He had used the strength of his kizo to brutally beat up Yuki but he was still standing.

"Huh, still standing." Tensu's expression became arrogant once more.

"Shut up you idiot" Yuki said in what seemed to be a whisper.

There was no anger in Yuki's eyes, instead it was determination.

'What's with that determined look?' Tensu wondered why he was so determined.

'Maybe he's eager to go to the hospital.'

This was the conclusion Tensu came to.

Yuki felt that he could do anything, he had also completely forgotten about his kizo. He also thought it was time to stand up to these guys.

"Come on show me what you got" Yuki said once more.

The two boys beside Tensu began to walk towards Yuki. The two boys both punched towards Yuki.

Both their punches hit Yuki's stomach.

Yuki vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground once more.

They turned around to leave when they heard Yuki's voice once more.

"Are you deaf? I said this fight is not over till I say it's over" Yuki Kinatarou was filled with determination to beat these guys even if it seemed impossible.

The trio turned around in shock.

'This guy is a monster.'

'What the hell!!? He's still standing.'

'He is a monster.'

The trio's mind were thrown into chaos.

"Come on you morons!!" Yuki's voice sounded out.

This time it was Tensu who was walking towards Yuki.

He immediately punched towards Yuki.


Tensu froze in his tracks when he heard someone shout. It was Yuki who shouted.

"This fight is not over." Yuki spoke when he saw Tensu freeze. "But can we pause it, I have to save my strength for a duel I have tomorrow."

The trio was shocked to hear these words.

'Is he stupid?'

'He's talking as if this isn't a fight.'

'This guy is really stupid.'

The minds of the trio were thrown into chaos.

"Can we continue this tomorrow?" Yuki spoke once more.

"What the hell!!!?" Tensu couldn't help but shout. "We are here to beat and rob you, yet you're talking as if this is a game that can be paused and resumed anytime!!!" Tensu couldn't help but retort.

"We have already beaten you up so much and you still want us to continue tomorrow!!!" Tensu shouted at Yuki's face while holding him by the collar, while he was shouting spit repeatedly flew out of his mouth.

"Whoa!!!" Yuki shouted while pushing Tensu away. "Say it don't spray it." Yuki wiped his face using his sleeve.

Tensu didn't even feel like beating Yuki up anymore.

'Why don't I feel like beating him up anymore, did he cast a spell on me?' Tensu's mind was thrown into chaos.

"Why don't we make a bet?" Yuki smiled and asked.

Several question marks appeared on Tensu's head.

"We should have a duel. If I win you will no longer bother me, if you win I'll do whatever you say." Yuki's smile remained on his face.

'It's a pretty good bet, there's no way he won't accept. If he wins he'll have his own personal servant, there's no way he'll reject.'

Yuki thought as he looked at Tensu.

There was a period of silence, it was certain that Tensu was thinking about the offer.

'If I win he'll become my personal servant, plus while fighting I'll get to humiliate him.'

Tensu had come to a conclusion.

"I accept..... But I'll pick the time and place." He hurriedly accepted the challenge.

"I'm aware you have a duel tomorrow, so how about the day after tomorrow on the kizo mat." Tensu added.

Yuki was aware of why he chose the kizo mat for the duel. He had the same intention as Hiroto, which was to humiliate Yuki. If the students heard that there was a duel on the kizo mat they'd be sure to attend. A weakling like Yuki wouldn't stand a chance against any of them.

"Sure, that's okay." Yuki said and walked past them.

He was heading out the alley.

Tensu and his group didn't try to stop him, they were confused why they didn't. But they didn't think much about it. They came here to beat and rob him but he left like nothing happened, they had several questions in their minds.

Immediately Yuki stepped out the alley a girl wearing a hoodie and sweatpants walked past him. Although Yuki didn't see her face she felt familiar.

Her ki was worked up like she had been using it and Yuki could sense it.

It was normal for a kizo user to know another kizo user, because they could feel each other's ki.

Yuki stared at this girl until her figure faded away from his vision.

'Her ki is pretty strong, but there's something familiar about her.'

Yuki scrolled through his memory to find this girl, but couldn't make it out.

He walked home and silently entered his apartment.

He cleaned up and bandaged his wounds before changing into clean clothes.

Yuki stood infront of a mirror and gazed at his handsome face. There was now a bandage just above his right eye.

'Those guys really did a number on me, I can't believe I challenged Tensu to a fight. I am so dead.'

Yuki lay on his bed and thought. He also thought about the girl he saw, there was something familiar about her that he couldn't let go and why was her ki worked up.

Sensing ki was something only kizo users could do, by sensing a person's ki he could tell how strong they were. It was kind of a power detector.

The next morning.

Yuki was standing upside down on both hands, while pushing himself up and down, he also counted while doing this.





Immediately he got to 200 he stopped and lay flat on the floor.

He had been exercising since he was seven, so this was easy for him to do.

At school.

Tamiko and Derek saw Yuki's bruises and asked him what happened. He narrated the story to them.

"What!!? You idiot, how could you challenge Tensu to a duel! Do you want to live in the hospital!!? Tensu has the same level of power as Hiroto and yet you still challenged him!!!" Tamiko quickly scolded him.

"Calm down, I was shocked as well when I asked." Yuki felt incredibly helpless.

"It's been nice knowing you, Yuki Kinatarou." Derek said in a sad tone as he patted Yuki on the shoulder.

"Hey!! Don't talk like I'm going to die."

"Don't worry about your apartment, I'll take care of it and sell all your stuff." Derek said once again, this time he acted like he was a poet who had been heart broken.

"I'm not going to die!!!." Yuki forcefully retorted.

"Don't worry I'll organize your funeral." Derek pretended to cry.

"I'm not going to die!!!!!!"

They continued like this for a while, Tamiko who observed from the side found it amusing.

The mood became lighter and cool. Their jokes made Tamiko feel less tense.

During class Yuki was staring at a really beautiful girl, she had long black hair, a golden streak of hair that fell on her face, gold coloured eyes, she wore glasses and had a very beautiful face. She wasn't as beautiful as Genhana, but she was still beautiful.

Time passed so quickly that he didn't notice it was already their lunch break. Even in the courtyard where they ate he still stared at her.

"Hey, why are you staring at her?" Tamiko asked Yuki.

He looked at Tamiko and noticed an enormous amount of killing intent emitting from her.

'Shit, she wants to kill me, but why? Was I staring too much?'

"Nothing, I was just..."

"Do you like her?" Tamiko interrupted him while frowning.

"No no... I.. I just glanced at her. And I think I know her."

"Of course you know her, she's our classmate." Derek commented

"I think I saw her yesterday. Do you know her name?"

"She's Sophia Uzushi. The smartest student in class and also a kizo user. The Uzushi family is a really famous and powerful family, there's a rumor that her inner kizo will be gold."

A person had two types of kizo; primary kizo and inner kizo. When a person became strong enough they would unlock inner kizo which was more powerful than their primary. While base kizo could be unlocked at anytime.

Apart from Yuki's siblings he didn't personally know anyone who had unlocked their inner kizo.

"Gold? Doesn't that mean..." Yuki rubbed his chin before speaking. "... She'll be able to extract gold from anywhere in the ground?" He said, but wasn't sure.

"That's right." Derek answered. "It's pretty amazing."

"I'm going to talk to her." Yuki got up.

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