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14.28% The Moment (Harley Quinn FanFic) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

"Wake up sweetie." Mewtwo says trying to wake Harley who is out like a light. "Huh." He sighs under his breath.

"Not so loud." Harley groans rolling onto her other side.

"Harley wake up." He says gently shaking her.

"I'm getting up." She groans sitting up. "What time is it?"

"It is time for you to get dressed. I'm not taking you out in public in pajamas. I might like you in pajamas. But the people might not." He says giving her their early morning kiss.

"O.K, I'll get dressed. Are we going somewhere fancy or casual?" She asks walking over to the closest.

"Casual." He answers.

"O.K. I'll be out in a minute." She says walking into the bathroom.

"I bet it will be a minute, 20 probably but not one." He mumbles when she closes the door. "Might as well make breakfast."

I wonder where we are going to go. Harley wonders as the warm water sprays over her. Maybe we're going to the movies? Nah, he wouldn't wake me up so early for a movie. Maybe out to a restaurant? No, it's still breakfast time. Where could he be taking me? She backs out of the shower's spray and squirts some shampoo onto her hand and lathers her hair with the fruit-scented shampoo. At least when he gets close he can complement my hair. She thinks stepping back under the water and rinsing her hair out before proceeding to wash her body.

"One minute my booty. It's been half an hour. What can she be doing? All you do is get in, turn on the water, get wet, put on soap, wash off the soap, turn off the water, and then get out." Mewtwo says aloud to himself.

"I know how a shower works, love." Harley says walking into the kitchen. "I was thinking."

"Oh? Is that why something smells burnt?" Mewtwo jokes.

"No, it is probably your cooking." She jokes back.

"No. I do not burn my food. I take the utmost time in my cooking. That's why breakfast is still hot." He says telepathically checking the food.

"So breakfast is ready?" She asks.

"It was ready thirty-five minutes ago." He mumbles before saying. "Yep. It is steaming hot."

They eat breakfast mostly in peace because Harley kept trying to guess where they were going but he wouldn't tell so she gave up. After breakfast they did the dishes together He washes, and she dries. Then they make sure they aren't forgetting anything and they head out. They get in his Ford Raptor SUV and drive off.

"So where are we going?" She asks for the one-hundredth time.

"We are going to ride around the countryside, then have a romantic walk, get something to eat and then return home." He answers as they ride down the road.

"Awe. That is so thoughtful." Harley says thinking about them walking down the road hand in hand, talking, and kissing.

"Plus we can visit a Poke Center and you can see some Pokémon." He tells her and she gets excited about seeing more Pokémon.

Harley stops thinking about the Pokémon when the truck comes to a stop in a parking lot. "You ready?" He asks getting out. "Yep." She answers getting out.

"O.K. It's about a half-mile walk through the countryside from here. Think you can walk that far?" He asks as they begin the walk.

"I can walk any amount of miles." She answers as they walk done the road.

"Awesome." He says as she takes his hand. They walk and talk until they get to a three-way fork in the road.

"Hmm. Which way do you want to go sweetheart?" Mewtwo asks.

"How about the right? Can't go wrong, going right, right?" She says.

"True." He says and they head down the right most-side of the path and after about ten minutes of walking they become lost because they no longer have any buildings around. "Maybe we should go back?" Harley suggests.

"Yeah but what if the next path is wrong too? Then we would have to wait till tomorrow to go down it because it will get dark." Mewtwo says and they stop when they hear a female giggling. "We might not be lost after all." He says as they walk around the bend in the road and see two teenagers laying in the grass holding hands and pointing at the clouds and then begin giggling before finding a different cloud and giggling some more.

"Excuse good, sir. You wouldn't happen to know where the Poke Center would be would you." Mewtwo asks and the teens sit up.

"Yeah, go down the road for a few minutes, then take the left path, then walk straight until you see a giant Pokeball roof." The male teen says and the girl whispers into his ear and then he offers his hand to greet them. "I'm Ash Ketchum of Pallet town soon to be Pokémon Master by the way and this beautiful young lady here is my fiancée Misty Waterflower of Cerulean City soon to be Water Pokémon Master."

Mewtwo shakes his hand. "My name is Polaris and I am from the Seafoam Island 23, and this is my girlfriend Harley Quinn from Gotham City." He says not wanting to lie more than necessary.

"Gotham, huh? Where's that?" Misty asks.

"It's in um…"Harley trails off trying to think of how to explain.

"Another Universe?" Ash asks.

Mewtwo and Harley stare at him trying to figure out how he could know, then his name rings a bell in Mewtwo's mind. "Have we met before?" He asks.

"I don't think so." Ash says scratching the back of his head. "Misty baby, do you recognize him?"

"Not a clue dear." Misty says studying "Polaris".

"Would you mind me poking around in your mind? Just to see if I can find out for sure?" Mewtwo asks.

"Sure." Ash says after thinking a little. When Mewtwo enters his mind Ash feels a familiar feeling but ignores it. While searching his mind Mewtwo finds something, like a heavily secured vault, like whatever was in there Ash didn't want to come out. Mewtwo was going to leave it alone until a familiar feeling goes through him and curiosity takes over him and he forces open the vault and gets flooded with a terrible memory.

He sees himself and Mew and there are Pokémon everywhere in a battle against one another and then Mew fires a deadly bolt and then he sees Ash run right into it and then a sharp pain shoots through both of them and the memory ends.

"Mewtwo?" Ash asks quietly holding his head.

"You're the… chosen one. (I think that is what he was called. I don't remember.)" Mewtwo says staring at him.

"Wow, you have changed." Mewtwo says. "You more built and intelligent."

"You too Polaris. And thank you. I have a reason for being built and smart." Ash says pulling Misty to him and giving her a quick kiss and he uses Polaris because he senses Harley doesn't know anything about this. He also senses that Mewtwo isn't the Mewtwo he remembers he's different.

"Whoa, so you two do know each other?" Harley asks happily she gets to meet one of his friends.

"Yes." Mewtwo says.

"Hey. We got some catching to do. I and Misty live not far from here. Misty, is it O.K they stay?" He asks her and she nods.

"I would to get to know them too." Misty says.

"We can't. I left the truck at a Parking Lot so I and Harley could walk." Mewtwo says.

"It is O.K. I can deliver your truck to your home." Ash says.

"Really?" Mewtwo and Harley ask at the same time.

"Yep, it's there now." Ash answers.

"Well, I guess we can stay with you for the night." Mewtwo says after checking and seeing if Harley is O.K with it.

They walk and talk for about ten minutes before they get to a two-story house. Ash invites them in, while Misty goes and makes some tea.

They talk until it is dark and Mewtwo and Harley were prepared to leave but they were invited to stay, and not wanting to be rude they agree to spend the night.

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