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94.93% MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic) / Chapter 150: Ch. 141 - Yggdrasil

Chapter 150: Ch. 141 - Yggdrasil

While in his Astral Form, Doflamingo could feel the power of the Rings even though he's not in his physical form.

"Weird...Truth, are you there?" Doflamingo noticed this and asked for confirmation.

[I'm here.]

"Huh, cool. Now, I could fight even in my Astral Form." Doflamingo chuckled as he looked around.

Just like what was shown in the movies, Astral Form makes everything slower.

"Either time is slowed or the perception and conciousness is much higher than the physical form. Which makes everything look very slow." Doflamingo contemplated as he noticed that unlike in his physical form, there are a bunch of weird things floating in the air.

At first, Doflamingo thought these were ghosts but when he looked closer, he noticed that it was actually a wisps of energy in the air.

"I swear I didn't see these things when I first entered the Astral Plane." Doflamingo said to himself as he tried touching one of the wisps and when his finger came in contact with one, it was suddenly absorbed inside his finger as if his finger had turned into a vacuum cleaner.

"Cool. Truth, why are these energies being absorbed by me and why am I seeing them just now?"

[Being partially Celestial is the reason for it. Celestials were known to be a form made with various energy, specifically Cosmic Energy. Because of this, you'll be able to absorb the energies in your surroundings, thus giving you opportunities to absorb several energies and use them to your liking.]

"So, does that mean I could absorb Dormammu's energy and use the dark energy that I absorbed?"

[Yes, however this will only work in your astral form. Physical form doesn't have the capabilities to absorb raw energies.]

"I see. It doesn't matter, maybe I'll take a visit to Dormammu soon, his dimension is a bit tempting to ignore." Doflamingo said before pushing all these thoughts aside and focused on his current situation.

He needs to find some kind of path that will lead him to Yggdrasill.

'Okay, Truth said I would be able to see some kind of pathway towards Yggdrasill. Considering how big the entire Astral Plane is, It would be very hard so I must open my eyes wide an-.' Just when Doflamingo was speaking to himself, he suddenly noticed a ripple in the sky outside his window.

'Huh?' Floating outside while passing through the physical walls, Doflamingo noticed that this ripple covers the entire Asgard, probably even bigger.

'What's that?' Doflamingo wondered to himself as he controlled his astral form to fly towards the ripple.

And when he's close enough, Doflamingo could hear something akin to a water droplet dropping on a vast ocean.


Driven by his natural nature of curiosity, Doflamingo slowly stretched out his hand and touched the ripple.

'It feels soft...Like Hela's tits.'


"Achoo!! Weird, since when did I start falling sick?" Hela said to herself as she scratched her nose and continued cuddling with Doflamingo's physical body.

'Hmm, now that he doesn't know what is happening to his body, maybe I could..." Hela's eyes glint in mischief as she slowly dragged her hand inside Doflamingo's pants.



"Weird, why does it feel like something is going on in my body?" Doflamingo touched his body, specifically his crotch and wondered in suspicion.

'it doesn't matter, Hela's the one protecting me, she'll make sure nothing bad happens to my body.' Doflamingo removed his suspicions as he continued to do whatever he was doing, which is inserting his hand inside the ripple.

As of now, he almost has his entire arm inside the ripple and so far, he didn't feel anything bad on the other side.

'I was expecting that I'd feel something inside, like sticky walls or something.' Doflamingo said to himself, this also gave him confidence that nothing will happen to him inside, so he pushed his arm more until half of his body was already inside.

'That was exhausting. Huh, even Astral Forms could feel exhaustion.' Doflamingo said in surprise while mentally wiping off his sweat.

Little by little, Doflamingo was finally entering the ripple and before he knew it, his pinky toe was the last body part to enter the ripple.


Inside the ripple, Doflamingo was left mesmerized by the sight in front of him.

'This, tree is so fucking huge! What the fuck! It's almost as big as the entire universe! Well, I don't know how big the universe is but it's still just an assumption because the tree is truly big!' Doflamingo can't help but grin to himself. He wonders how it would feel like to take Authority to the entire tree. Would that make him strong enough to kill the entire celestial race by himself?

That thought alone made him excited.

'Thank god I really chose the ring of authority back then!' Doflamingo happily said to himself as he floated out across the entire space.

Doflamingo noticed that unlike the shining tree in front of him, the rest is pitch black. It kinda looks similar to the galaxy except that there are shiny dots stars or planets. Only black.

'That's cool, now that I'm here, I wonder what Realms like Asgard looks like.' And just like that, Doflamingo turned around and saw the entirety of Asgard, except that there's a large marble in covering Asgard.

The marble looks shiny and reflects the realm inside. The size of the marble is even bigger than two earths combined.

'Is this the ripple?' Doflamingo wondered and touched the marble. Surprisingly, the marble feels similar to the ripple he felt earlier.

'Just by this, I could already take Authority over the Asgard but I'm afraid I won't be able to do so. If my memory serves me right, Asgard is the strongest realm, which means it is the hardest to take authority.' Doflamingo then removed his hand from the ripple and decided to look for Alfheim.

'It should be somewhere on the top, or bottom? I don't know. I should've searched where the realms are located in the Library of Asgard before coming here.' Doflamingo scolded himself as he decided to ask Truth for help. As much as he wanted to not rely too much on Truth however, he's in a tight spot right now and the time ratio of Yggdrasill and Earth makes him panic a bit.

'I should've brought the time stone with me. I'm sure Ancient One won't mind, right? After all, I'm doing this for the greater good of Midgard.' Doflamingo sighed in regret as Truth finally answered his long awaited question.

[Why do you even need me for this. It's just right in front of you, on the top.]

Hearing Truth's answer, Doflamingo looked in front of him and Truth's words were right. There is indeed a large land in front of him, covered in the same marble as the one on Asgard except that it is smaller, probably around the size of the earth.

'Fuck, sorry Truth. Next time, I'll ask you the hardest question.' Doflamingo tries to appease Truth.

[Like you should.]

'Geez, why does it feel like Truth is being more human? I don't know, It feels like I have a smartass brother or something.' Doflamingo then pushed these thoughts aside and focused on his main goal.

[A/N: Recommend some questions that Truth will answer! Make sure to make it hard! Not literally.]

'It looks very far but I'm sure I'll eventually get there.' Doflamingo then proceeded to fly towards the Alfheim Marble.

As he expected, Doflamingo's speed was slow, and he made an assumption that it would take him at least a few hours until he reached his destination.

Anyways, even if he stays here for only one day, nothing bad will happen to earth, right?


After a few gruesome hours, Doflamingo finally reached the Alfheim Marble.

Doflamingo tried to touch the marble but unlike the one in Asgard, the marble feels a bit strained or solid.

'Huh? That's weird. Is this only applicable on which Realm I didn't go outside in? After all, I went outside through the Asgard Marble, which is probably why it is softer than the others.' Doflamingo assumed.

'it doesn't matter, I'll just take its authority and todaloo out of here.' Doflamingo resolutely said to himself before harnessing the power of the Ring of Authority.

Similar to what he felt when he took over Tiamut or the Hel Dimension. Doflamingo could feel a sense of euphoria and not only that, he also felt like he could control whatever happened inside Alfheim. It seems weird but why does it feel like he has become a God in Alfheim?

'If this continues on, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and take over the other realms.' Doflamingo nervously chuckled to himself.

After a few minutes, Doflamingo took a heavy breath.

'It feels good.' Doflamingo said, he could feel several things that he could do in Alfheim, including the life and death of the people inside.

Just when Doflamingo was about to leave the Alfheim Marble. He suddenly felt a suction behind him.

Too late to react, Doflamingo's vision turned black.

'Where am I?'

Realizing that his vision was black because he was closing his eyes, Doflamingo slowly opened them and saw he was in a vast green scenery full of grass.

Unlike the other vast lands, this green land that he's stepping on is flat. Like there's not small mountains or such, just flat grounds.

Searching around in cautiousness, Doflamingo laid his eyes upon a small tree with a swing on its branch.

'A little girl?' Doflamingo noticed a little girl swinging on the swing, her hair is so long that it reached the ground.

Just when Doflamingo was about to approach the little girl, he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

"Why are you taking my toys?"






[Next Chapter: Ch. 142 - Yggdrasill is a little girl?]

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