What do you think of when you hear the term 'perfect being' ?
Do you think of someone gorgeous beyond compare?
Or perhaps someone with no fear, insecurity, or self doubt.
An immovable force.
No matter what you think of, you probably imagine something desireable and thus dream to possess it for yourself.
For beings who are truly perfect and deserving of the title 'god' the truth is that they are anything but.
Their perfection means they are complete.
But complete in a sense that is not all benevolent and grand like the followers of the Christian god believe.
If any of them ever really understood what a truly perfect being is they would crucify it, and proclaim it to be an unholy and evil abomination.
A true perfect being means that it is complete as in it contains everything within itself and does not lack anything else, therefore it cannot acquire anything.
I think I’d last week festivities taught me anything it’s that I can not stand high school kids. my cousin says so much unnecessarily dumb shit that I had to step out of the room so I didn’t slap him