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66.66% Swallowing The Starry Sky~#Fanfic / Chapter 6: Home Of Limits.

Chapter 6: Home Of Limits.

Two days passed since then.

Luo Feng's parents were called to sign the contract, and Luo Feng could still recall his father dazed face full of dismay as he signed his name on the contract, beside him, his mother with tears on her eyes full of pride and glee.

Even his little brother look at him full of hope and expectation.

Luo Feng could clearly feel that the change brought by his new status, had already started to affect his parents, as their bodies no longer bent full of humbleness but rather upright and beholden.

Whilst, he doesn't have any strong emotions towards them like the previous self, he was still happy for them.

If status and wealth could make them this joyful, They are destined to drown in this happiness, because his status will never stop growing.

He already started to see the earth as his own property.


Hong generously granted him an extravagant in the same district but on a wealthy and secure area.

According to Yao Rao, it's better to keep his situation confidential, so his assigned villa wasn't the same as in the plot, but rather in a civilian expensive area.

Coupled with Hong order and Yao Rao protection, no one would dare to pry on his secrets, or he will be miserable along with his organization.

You can offend any one of the five existing countries, because countries took the big picture as a standard, but Hong is only an individual and his personnel power is enough to destroy any country at will.

Their moving on didn't alarm anyone, and his father was still knowledgeable and know how to keep his children interests intact, so wether his colleagues or the neighbors all thought that old Luo met a nobleman and changed his fate against the sky.

The Villa was quite large in space and big with five floor and complete furnitures.

Wide gardens with exotic flowers and plants, vast outdoor and indoor swimming pools, 4/3D Cinema rooms, KTV rooms, Videogames room, Fitness room, recreation room...

Whatever come to your mind exists in this place.

All-encompassing, comfortable and luxurious.

Its configuration had already surpassed any luxury estate Luo Feng saw in his previous life.

Luo Feng let his family to explore their new home, as he took an indoor elevator towards his own private space, an underground floor that was remodeled according to his own request.

Yao Rao also accompanied him, after all Luo Feng isn't crazy enough to took her as a real bodyguard and order her everywhere, so he could only pretend that he wasn't bothered.

The underground was quite vast with the same size as the villa, with various doors, rooms, halls, assessements machines, display screens, and tablet-like computers.

The underground was quite entangled with a futuristic air, coupled with a smart voice control at his service.

Luo Feng felt accomplished.

Although the technology in earth is still shabby, this feeling of being Iron-Man is more fulfilling than pretending and slapping faces.

Yao Rao smiled at his current state, as she explained.

"This will be your own little base from now on. With the aid of the smart voice control, you won't need to do anything manually, and everything here can be manipulated with your own voice."

Luo Feng nodded in understanding.

According to his own memory, he spelt out the Dojo of Limits URL.

"Let's try then, 'Home Of Limits'"


The display screen in front of him lit up, accompanied with an elegant and relaxing music notes that resounded throughout the underground.

Afterwards, a fingerprint image suddenly appeared on the screen, Luo Feng smartly raised his index finger, as the screen shot a laser like scanning light.

[Fingerprint Confirmed.]

A profile-like image suddenly appeared, and Luo Feng was surprised by its contents.

Looking at Yao Rao in daze, she nodded to him in response.





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"This is Hong personnel account?"

Luo Feng asked in surprise.

Yao Rao nodded in response.

"Because only the Head has the full authority to explore any original content on this internal network, and basically he doesn't use it much, so it was reset and passed to you.

With this account, you can explore any kind of content, so your work would be easier right?

After you revise the techniques that you upgrade or modify, you transmit it to those old guys."

Luo Feng followed her finger point, There was an option:


"This R&D are the people that will verify my own works?"

Luo Feng asked her strangely.

Yao Rao nodded in embarassement.

After all, no matter how genius you are, there is still a need for a little supervision.

Luo Feng nodded in understanding.

In a nutshell, he is responsible theoretically, while the other party mission is to verify his own conjectures.

Luo Feng wasn't in hurry to explore his account. While Hong priority is to give him benefits without clashing with rules, Luo Feng will still give him face, and show his own worth.

"Start Recording."


Luo Feng stood not far from the screen, as he started demonstrating the basic fightning techniques that he learned, but this time he didn't keep any hand, and decided to go all out.

Yao Rao on the side watched with relish, but soon her eyes widened in shock, and even a little muttering could be heard.


The basic body technique shown by Luo Feng started simple, but soon some movements changed order, and new movements were added.

His speed was very slow, and the whole action was smooth and comfortable, however soon the whole movements started to change and become more unpredictable but full of nature charm.

"Earth Form"-"Fire Form"- "Water Form" - "Wood Form" - "Metal Form" - "Wind Form" - "Light Form" - "Lightning Form"

For someone who could already feel the fluctuations of laws, the so-called artistic conception and domain are simply child play.

The same for the blade technique, while he was exploring it, he was even able to discover body amplitude and pushed all the eight blade forms to ten times the strength amplitude in an all-around form, surpassing Thor's legendary technique with only seven times.

With this sixteen forms, it's already a top legacy for the current human race. After he modify guidance techniques later, the human all-around strength will definitely go to the next level.

He can still do more, but he still have to save some face for the elders.

As for the reason why Yao Rao was shocked? That's of course due to his reveal of 'Domain'. For Yao Rao this kind of state, she only felt from Hong, and even Thor only dream of.

Therefore, it's quite normal for her to doubt life, not to mention that the domain shown by Luo Feng already reached consummation ninth level.

Luo Feng sighed in relief, as he thought to himself that from now on, he will also say:

Money? it's a string of number in my eyes.

"Send the video for [R&D]"

The video was successfully transferred, only then he had time to see Yao Rao broken state.

He asked her with a teasing tone.

"Big sister, what's wrong with you?"

Yao Rao stuttered,

"What's that state?! I've only seen it in the founder!"

Luo Feng suddenly recalled that Hong would pretend from time to time by releasing his light domain, so it's no wonder she is shaken.

Domain is actually a normal skill for a domain master, but if it's put in planetary star level and below, it's already a god-like qualification.

"Hmm, how to say, when I was upgrading those basic techniques and integrating them with natural elements, I suddenly touched a higher field, feels like a domain, so I integrated it also in the basic technique."

Luo Feng pretended to be cute, and said innocently.

However, Yao Rao was deeply hit.

It took her decades to barely master water artistic conception, but this little guy already touched the founder field in a matter of minutes.

'I need to report this immediately. Those old guys aren't qualified enough to understand the greatness of those excercises.'

Seeing her conflicted expression, Luo Feng give her some leeway.

"Big sister, if you are uncomfortable, you can go, I also want some privacy."

Yao Rao nodded hurriedly, as she left the underground hurriedly.

Luo Feng smiled happily.

"No wonder those chinese like to pretend and slap faces everywhere. it's exhilarating!"

Shooking his head, he soon started browsing the shop, and read techniques at will, at the same time he would examine the level of armor and weapons craft, explore the discussions boards curiously and he was happy to find a section of scientists discussions.

But to be honest, he was really disappointed.

How to say, the technology tree of this earth is crooked, and the scientists aren't as enthusiastic and bright-minded as he thought.

With the help of his photographic memory, he was able to read through the discussion boards rapidly, and in a hour or so, he got a clear scheme of the current technological level.

Do you believe that while the whole world is drowned by unlimited cosmic energy, they are still studying nuclear power?!

Nobody thought of creating some Cosmic energy reactor?!

The most embarassing thing is that Hong advanced Jet Fighter model that looks like a UFO is actually using turbine engine and synthetic oil?!

While oil mutated under cosmic energy and it's more potent, it's still oil right.

Not to mention the so-called armor and weapons.

It's just using monsters body parts, throwing it in a stove, melting and then shape it as armors and weapons.

No one ever thought to explore other metals on this planet. He saw some metals on sale, and they seem very high in level, but those sellers just sell it because it's hard to melt, so it may be precious, but no one bother to buy.

No one really think that earth is a poor planet right? This is a planet refined by a Cosmos God!

It seems that after unearthing those ancient civilization, humans lost their exploring spirituality, and their whole mind is full of deciphering those technologies that aren't much in his eyes.

Even the so-called AI used by humans is just a defect and not even under their own control.

No wonder he always felt strange.

His brother legs were crushed by car... car with wheels on 2044 in a futuristic setting world?!

Luo Fen's eyes shined with indescribable light.

His hyper brain already come up with all kinds of direction researches. He thought that he will be bored for years, but now his whole spirit was raging with excitement.

How does it feel to be a genius scientist that can change the world?

it would be a pity to just fight and kill all day.


On the other side, Hong looked at the video, and his body shuddered in fright. even his all-encompassing state of mind was in disarray.

In front of his eyes, he saw the whole interpretation of the so-called domain.

Systematic, easy to understand, and efficient.

Luo Feng is different from other geniuses that only know how to do it by nature, but can't show you how.

His mind is very clear, so his techniques demonstartion aren't that hard to understand, and even the lowest human can achieve some success.

Hong felt enlightenned as he watched the light form technique, and his domain has a tendency to breakthrough.

"Incredible! I'm afraid even in the vast universe, this little guy is the pinnacle!"

Even Hong who has limited understanding and awe towards the universe could boldly state such sentence, clearly showed his current amount of shock.

He suddenly smiled bitterly. He always thought that he was a top-level genius, but afte seeing Luo Feng, he only felt that he was even lower than trash.

To achieve his current level, he got a lot of opportunities, lot of near-death encounters, lot of hardwork...

'Forget it, I owe you a lot of favors.'

However soon, he calmed his mind, as he smiled joyfully.

Finally, he found a way to advance. His road was broken with no idea how to keep on, but now after seeing this video, his mind was opened up.

After some instructions towards his subordinates, he soon decided to enter in seclusion.

The techniques was soon verified by him, and he decided to keep a hand, and hide the domain part.

After all, even if he have the world in mind, he is still a little bit selfish. Atleast until he is trong enough.

But the money need to be payed.

Although it's not enough to pay 0..01% of this excercise, he knew that the only way to show some favor for the current Luo Feng is to start from his closest people, and money is the only way he could think of.

Yao Rao looked at the founder in daze. It was her first time seeing him this 'flustered'.

Her eyes light up, as her heart beat rapidly.

Thinking of Luo Feng this strong thigh, this big sister is bound to hug.

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