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Chapter 42 - Fight 2!

Earlier that day...

After sharing a bed for the first time ever, Melissa was too embarrassed to look at Leo. But Leo said nothing about it; he was aware of her shy personality, and teasing too much might make her hesitant in the future.

Fast forward to their brunch, Leo advised her. "To cement your place within the Academy, it's best to finish the fight overwhelmingly."

Raising a brow, "I can see a point, but can you tell me why? Your's might be different," she explained. 'Isn't beating the person enough? Or is it so those below the Iron rank don't try to go after me?'

Wiping his mouth with a cloth, Leo clarified. "Many would question and challenge you if you struggle against an Iron-ranked student. And a landslide win shuts up those above and below. Winning in that manner will also say that you aren't meant for that rank, making those above wary and avoid you."

Melissa nodded, understanding her situation better. "However..." Leo drawled, catching her attention. "Show too much the effect that we want won't happen. Which means..."

"...I have to win overwhelmingly while hiding my cards to fully sell the image that I won with ease?" She finished for him, "Bingo~!" He replied.

With everything explained to her, Melissa saw how SHIELD Academy could roll out exemplary Heroes constantly. Everything within the Academy is a simulation of the outside world. And what better form of training is there than scenarios close to reality? Of course, the real thing is different... but SHIELD Academy doesn't get attacked.

"What are the rules while fighting?"

"As long as you don't cause permanent bodily injuries or cause instant death, then everything is fair game. Of course... sexual assaults and perversion aren't allowed as well." Leo pointed out, though the last part caught her off-guard.

"Sexual... assault??" She slowly repeated, seeing if she heard Leo right. Humming to confirm, "Mhm."

"You're saying someone tried groping another person?" She asked, half-believing the words coming out of her mouth. But hearing her words, Leo chuckled at her assumption.

"What's so funny about that?" Slightly annoyed that Leo glossed over sexual assault. Not wanting a misunderstanding to fester, he explained. "The story goes about how a girl with whip-like fingers 'dominated' her opponent while smiling in pleasure. And the next day, that rule was established."

"Ahh... So, perversion was the culprit, but the Academy added sexual assault to cover all bases, am I right?" A thumbs up was all she received from Leo as he ate his meal.

Soon enough, they finished their meal and rested. When time ticked closer, the two made their way to the arena.



Inside a waiting room, Melissa could hear the chatter and uncountable steps that perforated the inside. 'Geez, talk about a show. It's like the entire Academy came to watch,' her anxious mind thought, never experienced fighting in front of a crowd.

Leo had already left to get a seat and wished her luck. This was the furthest he could help her with. *Breathe in!* *Breathe out~* 'I need to win. To show everyone that I didn't waste their time and effort! Especially my parents!' Hyping her psyche up.

"Participant Melissa, enter the arena." An announcement rang through the room, informing her. She closed her eyes and breathed in a large one... then breathed out~.

"Nanny, let's do this."

[New entity to eliminate. Nanites at your command.]


The moment Melissa and her opponent stepped out of their rooms and into the stage, a resounding roar of support was thundered at the Iron-ranked student while discouragement rained toward Melissa's side.




Studying in the Academy, learning everything from top professors in their field to being basked in its long history, it's inevitable to develop a sense of ego for the Academy.

"GET OUT!" Chanted one.

""GET OUT!"" Easy to remember and fitting, chanted a duo.

"""GET OUT!""" Feeding to the momentum, chanted the myriad of opposers.

This was bound to happen. When it's the first time in the Academy's history to accept a transfer, they're bound to be defensive. No one wants an uncertain variable.

When each year level of Hero Course students had 50 students that fought for an equal number of 50 seats, only ranks were switched. Now? Someone is going to be removed. 51 People fighting for 50 seats.

Maybe in the future, 50 people are now fighting for 40 seats, then 30... who knows?

The person being drenched in the animosity felt her heart grip her ribs hard. She didn't expect this kind of 'welcoming.' The intensity was overwhelming, her palms sweaty, her knees weak, arms are heavy.

She was nervous, but on the surface, she was calm and ready. Her vision starting to be blurry.

In the stands, Leo saw Melissa's condition and knew she got swept by the crowd's emotion. He didn't think she would receive this kind of greeting, but he knew how to adapt. He's Leo, after all.

Standing from his seat, it caught his friends' attention, but none spoke. Activating his quirk to strengthen himself, he bellowed hard to shout over the crowd.


A single thunderous shout that differed from the chant shut the mouths of everyone, all heads snapping at his position. Those around him were clutching their ears, pained from the volume of Leo's voice.

"DON'T LOSE YOURSELF!" He shouted again, others stepping away from the human-sized megaphone. At least he instantly got Melissa's attention, snapping back to reality.

"YOU ONLY GOT ONE SHOT! SO, OWN IT!" He supported in finality and slowly sat, features undeterred from the stares he received.

Hearing Leo's voice drown the crowd's voice uplifted her confidence. 'Leo's right! This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. I'll win!'

[Owner has calmed down significantly, mentally ready for battle.]

Looking against her opponent, she observed how he looked disinterested, but that was the furthest from the truth. Nanny's words made her cautious.

[Internal temperature of the target is rising. Probability of unleashing an attack once the battle starts: 90%. With a 10% Probability of backing away and observing.]

'Hmm, then let's make it 100%,' she thought and immediately formed a sizeable shield with her nanites that could cover her entire being, safe from the fire that would be unleashed onto her.

In games, enemies are drawn toward a tank that uses a taunt skill. It's the same subtle manipulation Melissa used. People who see a shield are more likely to attack it rather than back away for the sole reason they think the person is only blocking. However, if one were to bring out swords or guns, the aggressor would hesitate, increasing variability.

Richard Parrot(Iron-Ranked Student) POV

I stood before the girl that wanted to take my place. Honestly, why do I even have to entertain such a thing? I properly secured my spot, and this girl thinks she can just waltz in here and take anyone's place? Not on my watch!

I climbed from Bronze and made it to where I'm at, and now all my hard work might be stolen from me!? As if! With my boiling emotions, my breathing increased. The more I breathe, the more fuel I have in my lungs to unleash.

'I wonder what her quirk is? No signs are on her body that indicate anything.' In my thoughts, my lungs started heating up, about to fill up. During the vacation, I've been training the capacity of my lungs, and things are going well.

'Should I back away and observe?' I moved and thought of a strategy that could work well. But suddenly, she unleashed a shield out of nowhere; it looked metallic too.

When the shield came out, so did the referee for the match. He signaled to both of us to meet in the middle. When we did, he began to explain the usual rules and regulations.

"Go back to your sides," he ordered, and we both followed. During the explanation, I got a good look at the girl and her shield; it looked durable. 'But isn't she too casually dressed? Who wears casual clothing into a match?'

The thoughts were never answered when the referee started the match. "FIGHT!" he called and swiftly brought down his hand to chop the air to signal the start.

Immediately, I ran close, bellowed, and unleashed a torrent of flames at the girl, uncaring if she could be burned or permanently scarred. This Academy has taught me many things, but holding back is not one of them!


Still breathing fire at her position, I stopped when I heard movement and immediately stopped the offense and moved away. While breathing fire, my vision is obstructed by the flames, so I have to constantly make an effort to keep my distance from my opponent.

The moment I stopped, I analyzed the scene in front of me. A trail of blackened flooring was evident from my flames, an imprint of smoke rising. The girl and her shield were left unscathed. But this time, the girl was covered in some metallic-black hooded cloak.

But I know one thing, no one is left unharmed from heat. Unless your quirk is related to fire and has resistance, heat will always affect you.

Yet... I see no sweating or labored breathing; this is starting to make me worry. 'Is her quirk resistant to fire?'

Trusting in my abilities yet again, I moved around and breathed flames in intervals, this time at the ground, attempting to spread them and catch the person's legs.

But as if my moves were anticipated, the girl leaped away. The fires of my recent attack still burning on the floor. I'm here showing my hand, and the girl is only defending!

"HEY! Aren't you going to attack? You tryin' to enter by tiring me out!?" I hollered, taunting the person. And as if to answer my question, barrels formed on the shield!

I didn't need a teacher to tell me what those were, and I immediately unleashed a torrent, attempting to halt them since I was directly at the crossfire, caught off-guard!

Still unleashing my flames until suddenly gunfire rang out! Instinctively, I threw my body to the side, but before I could touch the ground, I felt my body spasm! "Arhhhhhh!"

When I rag-dolled on the ground, I looked at the wound with difficulty from the constant electrical current running through my body; I saw small bullet-like things clamped to my body!

Touching them was regrettably the wrong move; they shocked me even more! I couldn't even move properly! 'FUCK! NO! No, no, NO!'

Hearing clacks to the ground, I turned my head to the source and saw the person walking toward me cautiously, armed shield still raised and pointed at me.

"WHY DID YOU EVEN CHOOSE ME!?" I shouted! This was unfair; my quirk's simple use can't fight against that! I strived to make my simple quirk into something!

Not wanting to give up, I breathed another... or at least I tried before the barrel shot at my mouth and clamped around my mouth, preventing me from breathing fire! "MHRMMM!" I screamed at the person in indignation!

All throughout the fight, I didn't even see the person; I only saw this massive shield!

Every time I tried moving, the clamps stuck to me would electrocute me, hindering me from escaping! 'This is unfair! I worked hard! I didn't work hard only to meet a stronger quirk to mines!'

Next thing I knew from my clenched eyes, a shadow dawned over me. "Do you surrender?" A barrel and shield aimed at me... this is humiliating...

I tried moving again to get a drop on her to physically overpower her, but the bullets kept shocking me! "ARHMMMM!" I looked and screamed, still gagged, at her in anger and hatred.

I couldn't even announce my surrender; the referee did it for me.


Melissa POV

[Target immobilized while performing all conditions entity, Leo, has told us to perform.]

The temperature the nanites could sustain is far above what the student before me could dish out. Looking back at it now, I had no reason to be so nervous.

When the student realized he was losing, he became frantic and kept screaming at me... It was unfair, yes. But I have to steel my heart. If I crumble from situations like these, I might as well hang the cape while it's still a dream and not real.

In my musings, the referee called the match. With the match called, I celebrated even when the crowd was silent from having one of their own lose.

I recalled the nanites attached to the students, removing all bullets clamping, and gag from him. But it seems I still have much to learn since the next moment, Nanny spoke.

[Override. Emergency and Combat Mode, Activated.]

Suddenly, my body was covered in nanites instantly and moved on its own, away from its position! 'WOAH! What's happening!?'

Looking toward my previous location, I saw the student breathing down his flames on it before attempting to follow my path. But his range was only 5 meters, so it couldn't even graze the nanites armored on me.

When I landed, my body moved to attack, quickly appearing before the student. And with complex moves I watched from Heroes utilizing, my 'body' copied them and inflicted those same moves on the student!

The sudden turn of events stunned me. I got control once again when the student was completely knocked out.

[Target out of commission. Owner is safe. For reference, please do not celebrate beside a defeated opponent.]

With everything calming down, a referee came and announced my victory. But not many clapped, probably stunned? Although I only needed one of those claps, Leo's.

And without fail, turning toward him, he was clapping the loudest.

I'm already used to others not supporting me; what's wanted and needed are those from loved ones.






Off to the side, the unconscious student was being handled by staff, who were also deciding what disciplinary action to take.






Hey! Sorry for the late upload; I figured I'd rest during the weekend to determine the story's direction. Enjoy!

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