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73.46% MHA: THE RISING ARMOR / Chapter 35: Chapter 34 - Okaeri

Chapter 35: Chapter 34 - Okaeri

Leo blasted off, cracking the pavement upon his lift, not wasting any more time. "First person I gotta save is in a life and death situation... no pressure, Leo. No pressure."

With his quirk's activation, his normal-looking mane of hair turned fiery gold. Flying through the air at break-neck speeds, his body punching through the open air! Gales of wind hammered passed his body with the velocity he was in.





His heart raced within his body, feeling the high of trying to save someone in danger. Bouts of adrenaline coursed through Leo's body, making him focus on the immediate task at hand.

'Teach hasn't thought us squat about rescue since we first-years aren't considered true hero course students yet. But I have enough common sense to know I can't catch a falling person immediately. The sudden deceleration would kill them... unless the person I'm saving has a strength quirk... though it'd be safer to not assume their quirk.' Leo speculated quickly.

Like a comet with its ethereal glow, Leo looked like one, too, with the spazz and speed of one in the air. Though every second passed, Leo had to adjust his angle since the person was falling rapidly. With the supposed person covered in an armored suit, they were quickly reaching passed the terminal velocity of a human body.

Soon enough, Leo reached the person barreling to the ground. His sudden appearance from the person's point of view startled them. Evident by the flinch of their body's already erratic flailing. 'Okay, we reached the person. Now the tricky part.' Leo thought as he gave a second glance at the seemingly fast-approaching floor.

"I NEED YOU TO CURL UP! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" With the power of his quirk, his voice amplified like a microphone, being easily understood with the raging winds making noise. Leo told the person to curl up, ensuring no loose joints get whiplash-like injuries.

With the ruckus going on, a small crowd of local scientists has formed, all chattering loudly amongst themselves.

"Aren't there safety measures in place around the island for aerial testings that could go wrong?" A scientist asked no one in particular, his face slowly forming a concerned look. Failed experiments like these rarely happen, but the safety measures installed are always there to save the user. And so far, it's almost 100% guaranteed to save the person without bodily harm!

"There are. But from the looks of it, the program stalled when the Hero approached. Probably a new guy on the island if they don't know that such things are in place." Someone within the crowd responded while eyeing the scene happening in front of them.

"At least this one knows their simple physics to not instantly grab and decelerate the person. The last one, during the Expo, a rookie Hero caused an accident like that before and fatally injured a person. Luckily it happened on the island with all our devices. Anywhere else, that person would be dead." Another chimed in on the conversation, highlighting that Leo's intervention wasn't needed.

Back to Leo, with the person in his arms, did he notice that they were smaller than him. But that was only a moment's thought. Slowly, he curved away into a downward arc. Easing up the gravitational force that the person might experience. Leo is fine experiencing more than 9gs, but most are only capable of 9gs and only a few seconds at most!


While making sure to descend and decelerate at a curve, only did Leo notice the crowd forming down below. How wouldn't he when they were approximately 90 meters above the ground!

'That was close!' Internally relieved, still believing the person would have died without his help. "Don't worry, I got you," he said calmly, trying to ease whatever fright the person was feeling.

Descending with the person in his arms, a bunch of drones suddenly scuttled towards them and doused them in some white foamy mixture. The drones, in particular, were colored red. Signifying their roles as automated firefighters.

Leo, with the person still in his arms covered in foam, sighed. Unnoticingly a brunette female scientist walked over to him. "You're new here." She said it as a fact, then continued, "If you weren't, you'd have known that there are proper safety measures for these sorts of accidents. This is I-Island, after all."

Hearing this, Leo couldn't help but groan internally. "I see. Well, you're right; I am new here, and I apologize for my ignorance, I guess. Anyway, where can I bring this person exactly?" Trying to swerve the topic. 'If they react like this, they better not find out I'm unlicensed. Principal Fury has just warned me.'

Not suspecting anything, nor did she wish to waste her time on a settled matter, she instructed Leo, "After washing the foam off," reminding him of his situation, "do bring her to the Biological Quirk Research Building. Once there, you can ask the receptionist for either the Head Researcher, Mr. David Shield, or his assistant, Ms. Lucy Morningstar." At that, she walked off, and so did the rest.

But Leo, hearing his mother's name, was elated to hear of her whereabouts. 'So, mom is actually an assistant for THE David Shield, neat.' In his elation, he got some heavy tappings from the person he was carrying.

Looking at the foaming mess with him, "You want to go down?" he asked. A noticeable nod was all he needed, and he placed the person gently down.

As the person got to their bearings, they moved their arms for their head, removing a form-fitting helmet. When the helmet was removed, Leo was looking at a girl. A beautiful one.

'Wow... she's pretty,' internally complimenting her. The teenage girl is an attractive pale-skinned young woman of slightly above average height, around Leo's ear level, with a round and cute face.

Her hair was slightly wavy from the ends and blonde; Leo liked blondes. Maybe why he didn't develop a crush on his female classmates back in the Academy. Hell, even the powerful but boyish Diana was a beauty. And yet Leo never thought of her as something more.

Being someone who has developed a relatively straightforward personality, he complimented her. "I didn't expect a beauty under all that suit of armor," he said with a smile, still covered in foam. Ended up looking like a giant foamy snowman who was smiling.

"Hahaha," she giggled, seeing his appearance, "let's get you cleaned up before you start throwing compliments~!" She gestured to follow her; however, the walk there was silent. For now, Melissa kept quiet since she didn't know whether Leo was an adult, and she felt embarrassed about her being saved and all.

"Sure, but do let me get my bags!" Leo said and walked away while leaving foam-covered tracks, making Melissa laugh internally.


Soon enough, they got cleaned and rinsed themselves of the foam. Leo exited the men's showers wearing a Hawaiin-styled shirt and plain cream-colored shorts.

It seemed tacky initially, but he felt that this clothing style fit him best.

Striding out of the shower area, Leo met with the unintroduced girl just outside, waiting for him. But this time, she was wearing a sky blue colored sundress, matching the color of her irises, aqua. The sundress highlighted her natural developing curves, hidden by the armor she wore previously. She may be young, the same age as Leo, but she showed why American gals were different! And Leo internally complimented her once again.

Melissa, watching Leo stride out as well, was stunned. "Wait!" she said aloud after observing his features, "You're the same age as me, aren't you!?" Melissa exclaimed while pointing at his face.

"Aren't you too young to be a licensed Hero? T-Then... you actually saved me unlicensed!" She concluded quickly. Although using quirks within the island is allowed, using them to save while unlicensed is strictly prohibited!

Since unlicensed quirk users had little experience using their quirks in high-pressure situations, it often leads to a riskier situation. However, there is a silver lining to this. If the person in question is able to handle the situation properly, then the matter is left at that.

At Melissa's outburst, Leo smirked in response. "Sure did! Didn't know the island had measures in place for situations like those. So, I took action quickly."

As he brought it up again, Melissa remembered she hadn't thanked her 'Hero' yet! "Where are my manners?" she started, "I hadn't thanked you yet for saving me!" Opening her arms wide, she innocently lunged at Leo's neck and hugged him tight.

With their bodies together and Melissa wearing a sundress, Leo felt two soft mounds squished on his chest. 'I may like this feeling... but mom raised me right.' Deciding to end the hug.

Laughing it off, "Haha, it's nothing to thank for, but thanks for the appreciation." Patting her back, an instinctive signal to show when to end the hug. He placed both hands on her slim figure and gently propped her down.

"You're strong. Like a certain Uncle, I have!" Melissa voiced, noticing how Leo effortlessly carried her. "And before I forget, I'm Melissa Shield. A first-year student of I-Island Academy." Holding out a hand to shake.

Remembering what the scientist earlier ago said, 'Huh, she's the daughter of the Head Researcher, David Shield. Then she must know, Mom. And a student of I-Island Academy too. If Hero Schools have SHIELD Academy, then Support schools have I-Island Academy as their peak to achieve.'

Reciprocating the gesture, he shook back. "Nice to meet ya. You can call me Leo. First-year Hero course student of SHIELD Academy." This time, fully introduced himself since Leo deemed her safe.

Hearing the name, Melissa couldn't help but think of it as familiar but still noted of his Academy. "SHIELD Academy? Never expected a student of that Academy around this time! How were you allowed access to the island? And your surname?"

"Well, my case is special, can't really say. As for my surname, you'd find out soon enough. But I can't say my surname out in public. Academy rules. Hope you understand." Leo explained.

"Ah, no worries, perfectly understood. We got some weird rules in my school, too~. Anyway, let's get to my papa; he's probably already checking on the suit and get you to your hotel and rest." Melissa stated, already taking on the role of his much-needed guide. Leo only nodded, and the two chatted along the way.


After reaching the building, they made their way to their designated lab. Along the way, Leo surveyed his surroundings, noting how clean everything was. SHIELD Academy was clean, but the building he was at was sparkling!

Melissa, seeing his eyes roaming around, knew that look. "It's a germaphobe's Heaven, isn't it?" she commented, though her eyes somewhat lingered on his golden irises; they were unique.

"Considering the building has a 'Biological' in its name, then I already understand why it's this clean. I watched enough zombie outbreak movies to know why," his comment made Melissa chuckle lightly.

"Yep, zombies~."

Eventually, they made it. A massive metal door was in front of them, but Melissa was granted access with a swipe of her key card.


With the door opening, a beautiful blonde straight-haired woman was seen chattering with a tall man of an average build with aqua eyes and light brown hair. He has light wrinkles on his face from age. His hair is short and messy, with two prominent tufts for bangs, and he has a short goatee.

The man was noticeably tinkering with the suit's thrusters that Leo had seen Melissa wearing earlier.

With the doors opening, the woman spoke. "Meli, what took you so long? I was getting worried!" the woman stated with concern, but one look to her side was all the reason she needed.

"Indeed, I was about to call you, but the suit arrived, and I received no emergency calls, so that calmed us down," David spoke and slowly placed his tools down.

"Well, Aunt Lucy, I was sa-!" Melissa wasn't given enough time to speak when Lucy blitzed towards Leo like a missile!

"Haha! Glad to see you, Mom! Miss me?" He accepted her tackle and hugged her when she smacked against him. If an ordinary person was between them, they'd be splattered watermelons.

"..." Lucy said nothing and hugged Leo, her son. Actions spoke louder in this case. Seeing his Mom so quiet struck Leo hard. Being alone must've tested her greatly. Patting his hand on her back, Leo calmed her, "I'm here now."

Off to the side, Melissa was stunned silly, and so was David. Well, Melissa was more! She was with her Aunt's son, and she didn't even notice! Well, maybe only a little... You can't blame her! Lucy's pictures of Leo didn't have this beefed-up version!

"S-should we give them some space, papa?" Melissa whispered to her Dad. And he didn't need to respond; they just tip-toed their way out awkwardly.

"I'm home..." Leo said in Japanese in a choked tone. The last time he said that was months ago. And it felt like forever.

"Welcome home!"

He'd protect his Mom to always hear that. He ain't back in Maine to truly call it home. But, wherever his Mom is, that's home.







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