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Chapter seven: Kerala

Still in the city of Creekwood, Karen was frozen in her spot, her body trembling with fear.

This voice.

This voice has been a pain in her ass for years ever since she got married to Donald but after some time, she stopped disturbing her family.

"Hello!" the voice on the phone yelled, which jolted her back to reality. Karen, after thinking of what to say to the person on the phone, decided to play dumb.

"P—please w-who is this?" She stuttered even though she was fully aware of who the person on the other line of the phone was.

" Hahaha" the voice on the phone laughed freely as if the question was a joke " oh poor Karen, your husband's death must have put a lot of trauma in your brain that you longer remember me"

 The woman on the other line of the phone scoffed and clicked her tongue before she continued " Well, for me not to play around with someone like you, let me go straight to the point. Well as you know, one of the members of the Stuart family is dead which is your husband and he needs to be buried properly as 

a dead member of our family"

Karen almost snorted at the word "member". Did the family remember that they had a member when her husband was passing through hell? did they remember that they had a son who was left aside to suffer all through the day? And now they come sputtering nonsense to her.

Let them not make her curse them with her husband's death.

Karen knew that this method was the method this woman wants to use and ruin her almost ruined life. She could only hope she didn't come for what she thought she came for. 

The woman on the other line of the phone was a devil descendant that came in the form of a human.

Karen could still remember the story her husband told her about this woman.

Her name is Kerala, she was the stepmother of her late husband, Donald. Karen remembers when Donald told her that Kerala before used to work as his father's loyal assistant in their company. But after, she started getting closer to his father.

From getting closer to his father, she started visiting their house frequently, but a week after her last visit, Donald's mother fell ill.

She died after a few weeks of pain and torture, and Kerala snuck into Donald's father's life, using the method that 'she wants to sympathize with her CEO'.

With this method, the relationship between her and Donald's father became stronger and later on, after a year, they got married.

Ever since Kerala came into Donald's father's life, his father never remained the same, he started acting like a puppet, doing whatever he was asked to do without his own opinion.

She was the reason Donald was cast out of his home for a little mistake he made because he was never in support of that woman, Kerala. And that woman never misses a chance to make their life a living hell.

Now she is back to continue from where she left off, to eliminate the remaining family members of her enemy.

The woman continued on the phone " We will be coming for his funeral next week and we wouldn't want any of our family to be buried as fowl, so this lead us to this"

Karen was still keeping silent all this while, she dropped her phone on the bed and lay down on the bed, putting the phone on loudspeaker while allowing the woman to do all the talking.

 The woman still talking " you will use all the remaining money and properties of your husband to bury him because WE, his family members won't be putting a dime into the burial and will not allow him to be buried as nothing "

" Then what do you want me to do since you guys won't be putting anything in?" Karen was quick to point out

" Sell and use every last drop of money in your house "

"What!" Karen felt confused as she sat from the bed, now sitting on it, no longer laying on it " But if I sell everything in the house, use all the money in the house for the funeral, then we will be left with nothing, nothing to train his children, the only hope he has?"

" That's right because I don't care!" the voice on the other line of the phone said nonchalantly and this rile up Karen the more.

With a clenched fist and a determined tone, Karen voiced out " no"

"What? ..Don't try me Karen or you will have to force me to pack you out of that house we manage to give you"  Kerala warned and ended the call there.

' Fuck you, is this even a house?'

As soon as the call ended, Karen burst into tears again 'Donald why? Why did you have to leave us at this point?' 

After asking herself those questions, she sniffled and tried to control her tears while cleaning her eyes with a cloth she picked out of the laundry.

She picked up her phone again to call the only person she hoped could help her at this crucial moment.

Her mother.

The phone rang for a few seconds before it was picked up from the other line.

" Hello" Karen's mother's voice was heard

"Hello mum"

"Oh, Karen. I heard your husband is dead, is that right?"

" Yes" replied Karen as she was growing impatient with this family talk. She kept on tapping her foot on the ground as she waited for her mom to finish her talking.

Her mother sympathized " Oh sorry dear…"

" So Mummy" Karen cut her off because she doesn't have time for a half-hearted sympathy " I called you because I need your help"

" But I told you that I am not interested in helping your family, you are on your own"

" But mom please " Karen begged with a pleading tone " this is very urgent"

" What?" Her mother half-heartedly questioned with a monotone

" Kerala is back again…"

" So?"  her mother interrupted her with that disheartening question " what do you want me to do? Go against that demon named Kerala? You know your foolish husband's father won't spare me if I go against his wife "

" But mom you have to try" Karen managed to say even though she was heartbroken by her mother's viper tongue.

" Try you say? Would you have been in this predicament if you were reasonable, you could have been somewhere by now chasing your dream of being an actress, but instead, you stupidly went and opened your legs for a stupid man, who won't offer you anything but suffer, pain, regret…"

Karen ended the call there. There goes the only person she hopes will help her.

She thought that her mother has gotten over this issue but it looks like her mother hasn't changed a bit, rather she has become worse especially since her other siblings are doing just fine while she is still stuck at a point.

Now she has to face the wrath of Kerala all by HERSELF!

But she isn't backing away from this battle, she is going to protect the only thing her husband cared about at this moment, which is their Children. And she won't stop protecting them even if it means killing herself in the process.


chiboss050 chiboss050

please, Karen is another important person, so you will be seeing her part after the part of Donald

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