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42.1% In Naruto With Saitama's Power / Chapter 8: Taijutsu training Partner.

Chapter 8: Taijutsu training Partner.

"Fugaku, I will arrange for Tsundae to be the sensei of Itachi, you don't have to worry. Itachi after graduating would go under the wings of Tsundae" said sandaime.

"Thank you sandaime-sama," said Fugaku.

"Wait Fugaku after getting training from Tsunade I want Itachi to enter the Anbu under me so that he can use his powers for the better of Konoha," said sandiame.

"Ah, Sandaime-Sama Itachi we will be too young at that time, to enter the Anbu, first let Itachi get the experience of being a regular shinobi under Tsunade, and when he becomes Tokubetsu jounin let him enter the Anbu, he will get the experience of regular shinobi and will not have to see the dark side of it at a young age," said Fugaku.

"Fugaku are you refusing my offer, and what is bad about being Anbu directly under the Hokage," asked sandaime.

If you ask what is bad about being Anbu under you then don't you know that you will brainwash all of them with a 'will of fire'? I don't want my son to give up his life in the name of the 'will of fire' just to protect 4 old deadbeats. This thought was going in the mind of Fugaku. He snaps out of his thoughts and says " I am not refusing your offer sandaime-sama, I just want my child to have some time to grow like normal children".

"You know that your child is not normal and what about the other children who have to enter the Anbu at a young age, they are all patriots of Konoha, they all believe in the 'will of fire' and are ready to give up their life for Konoha," said sandaime.

"Sandaime sama it's not that. I just want my son to not enter that world of killing and dying so early. For my son I want to have some time I am willing to support the candidate whom you are supporting 3 times unconditionally" said Fugaku.

"Oh, there you have quite a proposal but it seems to have some mistake in it," said sandaime.

"What kind of mistake sandaime-sama?" asked Fugaku.

"You said you will support my successor rather than me who is accepting your request," said sandaime.

"Well sandaime-same it's not that I don't want to support you but it is that in just a few months you are going to abdicate the position of Hokage and the one whom you have selected will become the Hokage then all of the anbus will go under him and have to listen to his orders and if Itachi becomes Anbu then he will also work under your successor, and after retiring you will not have that much power, so by me supporting your successor, he will owe you and I will fulfill this condition to you. Sandaime-sama this is the best chance for you to make your successor owe to you" said Fugaku.

"Oh, Fugaku I never thought that you'd be a sly one, I had just thought of you as a stubborn shinobi but you have opened my eyes now" said sandiame.

"So will you pay attention to my request sandaime-sama? " asked Fugaku.

"Don't worry about it, think that your work is done the moment Itachi graduates from that moment he will come under the wings of Tsundae" said sandaime.

"Ah, Itachi come here child do you know what is 'will of fire' is? You see 'will of fire' is "

"Thank you sandaime-sama. Itachi come let's go and tell your mom the good news " said Fugaku abruptly ending the speech of sandaime-same.

"Sorry sandaime-sama it's just that now I will have to go to the Uchiha police force for work and Itachi would also like to tell his mom about this good news as early as possible, so I am taking Itachi and we will leave you to do your work and I don't want to stall the precious time of Hokage in this hectic time of post-war turmoil," said Fugaku.

"Ok, you can go now, I will talk with Itachi some other time," said sandaime.

"Ok, sandaime-sama we will take our leave now," said Fugaku.

Both the Itachi and Fugaku got away from the hokage office and went toward the Uchiha clan compound.

On the way.

"Father why were you rushing like that Hokage-sama wanted to tell me something," said Itachi.

"Itachi the thing Hokage was going to tell was not important it was just the talk of an old man. You have seen it and heard in the Uchiha compound also like how the old woman of the senbei shop and her friends keep talking about how the old shinobi were, how strong and how they had killed this many shinobi and rescued this many people etc Hokage-sama is also getting older nowadays and starts to tell the old boring stories to the young children" said Fugaku.

Haha, father made the 'will of fire' teaching a rambling of an old man. What accurate description he has given for the 'will of fire'.

" Ha ok, father I also don't like listening to the old people, most of the time they just keep boasting about themselves like how hard their life was but how they fought with their obstacles and cleared them and become successful, they put lots of spice in their talk. They exaggeratedly tell all the small things for that reason I don't like to listen to the old people" said Itachi.

"Good my boy, you don't have to waste your time listening to their boring old stories. I will tell you 4 old people in Konoha who will tell these old boring stories, in that 4 people there are 2 who will tell more exaggerated stories. One of them is Hokage-same and the other one is Danzo he will tell the opposite themed stories to that of sandaime-sama " said Fugaku.

"So what does this Danzo looks like, " asked Itachi.

"Danzo is an old frail looking man with black shaggy hair he walks with the help of a cane has bandages all over his right eye has a cross mark at his chin and wears a white shirt with a black or dark grey robe covering his feet to his right shoulder," said Fugaku.

You all will be wondering why is Itachi asking about the appearance of Danzo, he should have known his appearance from anime or manga. It was just so that he will not make the same mistake of saying he heard from here and there just like how he had to give an excuse for how he knows about Tsunade.

"Ok, father I will be wary of both sandaime-Sama and Danzo," said Itachi.

What indigenous way father had found to make me believe to stay away from Danzo and Hiruzen.

"Itachi be ready from today onwards I will teach you the basics of ninjutsu and for your taijutsu, I will arrange a partner for you to practice with him in some days," said Fugaku.

"Father who can become my taijutsu partner you also know of my unbelievable power. Who can take it on? " asked Itachi.

"Don't worry Itachi even if no one can take your power head on there are many ways to beat you down in taijutsu?" said Fugaku.

"Ok, father I understand what you are telling me but I want to ask who is going to be my partner for taijutsu?" asked Itachi.

"Well, in younger shinobi, Shisui is the only one who can face you and beat you in taijutsu. So I am thinking of making him your partner" said Fugaku.

Oh what a godsend opportunity it is Shisui is one of the most suitable candidates for my plan to work on 'The creation of a shinobi Empire' with his 'kotoamatsuki' Shisui is the most suitable man to become the right-hand man for my whole plan, without Shisui the plan won't be possible at all, he is a crucial key figure for my plan and his friendship with Itachi in the original was so good as they thought each other as brothers and I know in this life also my friendship with him will be no less than the original one. He is a character whom you can't hate. Ha, I think he was somewhat naive but that was because of his young age and trust for the higher-ups of Konoha.

"Father who is Shisui?" Asked Itachi, just to show that he does not know anything about him.

"Well, Shisui is also an Uchiha clan member , this year he graduated from the academy and went to the war where he performed well compared to his peers and right now he is the chunin of Uchiha. He has the talent to become the youngest Jounin of Konoha " said Fugaku.

"Well, he is an incredible shinobi, will he become my taijutsu partner? " asked Itachi.

"You don't have to worry about that he is very good-natured, devoted to his duties, and he listens well to all his elders. So you don't have to worry he will gladly accept you as a training partner after seeing you" said Fugaku.

Well, I also do know all of this but to make you think of me as a doubtful person I am asking all of these questions even though I know their answers very well. Ha, acting as if you know nothing when you know all things are tedious and boring.

We did not know when we reached the home. We were so busy talking that mother was standing in front of us at the front door but we did not see her and just entered the house you all know what happens when a man ignores a woman it was quiet for till then but from then on we were made to listen to the scolding of a mother for half an hour. After the anger of mother subsided down little we told her the good news of convincing the sandaiame to make Tsunade my sensei after graduation. She was very happy and we celebrated this happy occasion the 3 of us as a family in the evening when father came back from his work in the police force.

The next day

Father teaches me some of the basic ninjutsu taught in the academy like the 'Henge no Jutsu', 'Bunshin no Jutsu', and 'Kawarimi no Jutsu'. He shows me how the signs are to be made for the Jutsu and how the chakra must be knead for the Jutsu to happen.

I easily mastered the 3 Jutsu as they were quite easy and with the brains of Itachi is there a need to struggle with the basic ninjutsu, but to show my father that I had a hard time I took around an hour for each jutsu to master. Even then father was saying that I am a genius, and he praised me.

After that, he went to work and I helped my mother for some time in her work and went to the forest to do my routine of Saitama Exercises.

Owl2317wisdom Owl2317wisdom

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